《Tironia》The Next Step
My current situation finds me sat on my Oran mat, a stream of crystal clear water slowly flows beside me whilst I snack on one of my remaining skewers, dressed in comfortable clothes. The sunshine permeating all around causes a beautiful view of the field and woodlands, the sound of water flowing downstream only adds to the serene atmosphere, while I merrily savour the taste of flavourful lizard meat.
Ah, life is great right now.
The only thing that would make my scenario better, is if I wasn't daydreaming.
Oh how far I've come, to think that this is my idea of contentment.
In reality, I am slowly maintaining a fatigued marching speed as I continue down the tunnel from my earlier encounter. I haven't slept properly since arriving on Tironia, I've passed out twice but that doesn't count, what my body needs at the moment is a well-deserved rest.
With Temi on the verge of establishing our position in the dungeon, I have to keep going. I don't want to slow our pace down by stopping in an unsafe location, especially not when she may be able to find us somewhere more secure to rest.
I have not eaten any more food since earlier, however, my imaginary self might have the right idea, it's chow time.
I pull out one my skewers out and my mouth waters. Not literally, as I am quite dehydrated.
'It has only been 5 hours since you set off, I recommend that you should wait a while longer before eating again just in case I'm incorrect.'
I place delicious looking meat, back into my inventory before I even had the chance to begin enjoying it.
Only, 5 hours!
Pfffft. Systems don't eat, do they? I doubt it. How could she possibly understand what my digestive system Is feeling at this very moment?
I'm starting to worry again and in this state, I seem to be aiming my frustration at my partner, who doesn't actually deserve it this time. She only seems to want to help me live longer, so waiting a few more hours to eat some succulent meat will have to do, if not then starvation will surely remind me when to eat.
My worry is not because of an impending monster approach, or at Temi's dismissal of my lizard kebab, but instead at the risk of death by dehydration. I can picture myself crawling through the tunnel, too weak to stand, when assaulted and brutally murdered by multiple monsters. Even if the monsters don't kill me, dehydration sounds like a super painful and incredibly sad way to die.
Maybe I might be a fantasist. Who knows, moving on.
'Temi, what are the chances of there being water where we're going?'
'If I am correct, then the next floor will be a rest area making it floor 25, marking this at floor 24 which marks this as one of the shrine levels. So yes, there will be water there, however, if you are need of refreshment then why not create water with your mana?"
I created an unforgettable Wall of Fire, not once but twice. So, how the hell did I forget about it. Not only did I create fire from nothing, but I also created light too. Regrettably, I ended up unconscious on 2 out of the 3 occasions but still, they're not easily forgotten memories.
What a Door Knob.
It might be a good job I reincarnated in a dungeon actually, I would feel incredibly foolish if I were surrounded by others whilst hearing this revelation. Thankfully, it's just me and Temi and our teamwork builds with each passing trial. I can't hold anything against her for not revealing this sooner, I have not yet mentioned water myself until just this moment. In honesty I thank the gods she's with me, otherwise, I would have probably been devoured by the Oran.
"What spell do you suggest boss?"
'You want me to choose one?'
"Sure, in a way the Fire Wall was really effective, not that I like revisiting that moment. I'm pretty sure you have a good water spell in that large collection of knowledge you possess, right?"
Shit, I hope I haven't offended her by asking for personal knowledge like I originally intended her for. I didn't mean too, I could imagine my own water spell quite easily but if Temi chooses one from Tironia, it will be more relatable to help me blend in once I leave this dungeon.
'The Water Fountain!' She declares giddily.
Phew, it doesn't feel as though my partner has taken offence to my poor choice of words, she may have been taking her time to consider a practical spell, her emotions that emanate through our connection are quite strong and they appear to be wondrous. Perhaps it's one of her favourite spells and she wants to see it performed for her own pleasure? I won't complain if it makes her happy, plus if I get to quench my first at the same time, it's a win-win situation for both of us. Here we go.
I can certainly imagine a water fountain, we're both going to benefit from this.
I picture a stone column holding a basin, with an angel kneeling on top to circulate the water. Simple, easy and in a straightforward kind of way, elegant. It's nothing too dramatic, I don't know if more size or detail, means more mana. Hopefully, this keeps Temi happy and should also keep costs low for me. It shouldn't take me more than 7 mana that's for sure. Fire Wall only had a cost of 3 points to cast, so in theory, this should be equal or less.
I presume.
I pull my mana from inside and force it in being once again. This time, however, magic does not burst into existence from anywhere. Instead, rising out from inside the dungeon itself, marbled stone shines a pure white even through my Night Visions usual grey spectrum. It looks way better then it did in my imagination, how is that possible? Hundreds of shapes now decorate the column, adding to the beauty. Clouds, harps, wings and other various carved designs, bring a perfect symmetry to my fountain. The water that is being held in the basin, appears as though it came straight from my daydream earlier. Crystal clear, not a single drop of dirt is present anywhere on the entire fountain, even though it has just risen from the dungeon itself. My centrepiece, the water spouting angel, is just ridiculous. She is absolutely shining, knelt on top of the basin illuminating the surroundings, her details are more vivid than I could ever create. Without a doubt, she is the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Her arms are held across her plentiful bosom, both palms facing each other in a prayer-like manner. The robe she has on elegantly cascades around her beautiful figure, wings spread in full glory and magnificence, for all to see.
Did I cast that? I'm not boasting this time but damn, go me.
'Woah, that is amazing Erin.'
Suddenly, I feel another blackout headache charging my way.
"Hahaha. Do you like it? It wasn't too hard to cast but why am I suffering for it again?"
'It's so pretty, I've never seen anything like this before.'
With my headache bordering on the level of tolerance, I'm caught off guard by Temi's declaration.
"You told me to cast it? How have you never seen this before when 'you' told 'me' the spell!?"
'I .. don't know what a...a fountain is.'
"Why are you being so quiet?"
'I don't know what a fountain is OK, nobody does, don't be angry me. I could never cast that spell because I didn't know what to create so, I wondered if you might know and you wanted water so I just thought... '
Temi stops her explanation, feeling sad and I feel a twitch of guilt to couple the pain in my head.
"I'm not angry, it's just......."
I cancel the magic, releasing the strain on my mind. Upon its execution, the marbled pillar slowly returns back to the earth, at the same time I open my status to see that I used 6 mana on that spell! That's the most expensive spell I've cast since arriving here and it's not even an offensive spell. I could never use in it combat unless my enemies were thirsty and in of refreshment. My burden subsides and the pain slowly eases, each minute will bring back another point and upon checking my status again, I'm already back on 2 mana.
"What the hell was that and why did that spell cost twice as much as Fire Wall? It wasn't even half the size?"
Was it because of all those details?
Special Magic Acquired: Angelic Fountain of Everlasting Water
Beating Temi to the punch, the World System answers first.
Wow, that's a mouthful. Why not just the simple 'water fountain' as I imagined?
'That was because you combined 2 different elements into a single spell, it's only logical that it would cost twice as much. But still, that was amazing Erin I've never seen a fountain before, in fact, nobody has. It was so beautiful, you have to cast it again when your stronger so we can admire it'
"Oh, ok. So not the detail then, in that case, elemental explanation understood! It makes more sense than some of the other events that have happened, thank you. However the general information about fountains you're giving me, no way Temi. No has ever seen a fountain? No one, really? How can people not have created a fountain in the history of this planet?"
'Fountains might have existed at some time in the past, otherwise, there shouldn't be spells about them, but knowledge of them could have been erased leaving only the word fountain remaining in forgotten spells.'
Forgotten spells?
"Why is the water fountain a special magic, with an incredibly 'over the top' name?"
'Over the top?'
"Another phrase, it means to exaggerate, to make it sound better than it is."
'But it truly was an Angelic fountain though, with eternal water.'
She got me there.
'It is classed as a special magic because it one of the forgotten spells.'
I'm not going to bother asking the question you know I'm thinking.
Instead, I'm going to ask a different question which I hope leads me to a better answer.
"Temi, you are being pretty vague, why does it sound as though you're skipping important details.'
'I.... don't know all the details. '
Oh. Well, that didn't work.
"But you were part of the system, right?"
'The main system is in charge of all the contributing systems. I was in charge of the Soul Sphere ever since the last system was removed.'
Always questions. Even answers lead to questions. Maybe that should be my last name, Erin Questions, I have still yet to choose one. Concentrate.
"Removed? Like, killed?"
'It is hard to put into words, I do not know where they have ended up as I was not privy to that knowledge. I know the main system is in charge and I should follow it's orders, but right now I feel....'
I feel sorrow coming from her this time once again followed by a lot of confusion and a trace of anger.
This direct link is starting to push more and more feelings my way recently, is it because we are getting along more than we use to?
I really want to ask more questions, about the system and our connection, but I'll let her brood for now.
It's not as though we will separate any time soon.
To sum up what I learned about my new special magic spell. Not a lot, other than no one else knows how to cast it.
So even though it's still classified as special, it has absolutely no offensive or defensive capabilities and although it's practical and drinkable from for recovery, it's totally unreasonable on the mana cost.
For now.
No fountains?
That's my moneymaker right there. As long as I can change the design on the fountain, whenever I do get out of this dungeon, I'm going into the sculpting business. All it will take is for one foolish king to view a fountain of my making. Recognising its beauty, he will be overcome with greed as many such nobles are, purchasing it from me instantly for a great sum. Once he has revealed his luxurious purchase, flaunting it at whatever parties or balls they partake, the King will then be the envy of his peers and they will flock to see what other designs one may purchase from a humble peddler of his wares, one such as myself.
This Dark Knight's going to be rich!
Ok moving on from my money-making scheme, I never had the chance to drink from the fountain before I released it. I may try to summon another one soon when I get more desperate, for now, the dehydration isn't as bad as the headache brought on from going into low mana points.
In fact.
If I wait a few more minutes I can cast a water ball or a water sphere. I suppose what I call it, isn't really important. What is crucial though, is that I don't conjure any earth at all, just using water will definitely be more mana efficient.
I decide to continue on down the tunnel, as I wait for the natural energies around me to fill my still, low pool of mana. Not a few feet from where I started, I notice another opening further down the tunnel, just inside of my range of vision. It isn't like the start of the Tunnel of Abyss, which just opened up into a large crossroads, nor is it a gouged out like the entrance of my current tunnel.
Upon getting closer I notice it's an actual doorway, just without a door. I know that sounds weird, but that is exactly what it looks like. A solid wooden frame lines the stone wall perfectly. Its seems so bizarre.
My heart starts to beats harder as I approach the entrance and peer inside.
Beyond the door is what appears to be a treasure chest. I don't claim to be an expert on dungeon related topics, but I have played my fair share of my games. To the best of my knowledge, which I'm sure isn't winning any medals at the moment, the metallic gold chest in front of me should hold some goods rewards.
After my recent series of events, I'm trying not to place to much hope in the thought of obtaining anything beneficial. My luck has a way of doing what it wants and knowing how things have gone recently, I wouldn't be surprised if I found another monster inside this chest. Or even worse, what if the chest is the monster? That was an actual thing, wasn't it!?
That was one of those red flag moments.
Please don't be a monster.
I can't even ask Temi if its an actual creature here now, I feel it will cement the chances of it occurring. Damn.
A certain part of me really wants to open the chest regardless of the outcome, however, I'm going to leave it. I have decided! Unless I know 100%, that I am going getting some type of food or clothing, then I'm not risking it.
"Loot, be damned!"
I shout to the dungeon and no one in particular.
'Erin, you must open the chest to reveal the doorway to the next floor.'
What? Right after I made my declaration.
Seriously Temi?
"But I just steeled my resolve to leave it, just in case something 'bad' came out of it. Now you're saying I actually have to open it, otherwise, I can't continue and I'll be stuck here?"
'Correct. It should not contain anything you would call 'bad' though.'
You have no idea what I could consider bad right now Temi.
I decided to give calling out another shot.
"Can't you just make the loot optional?"
'I cannot, I'm sorry Erin.'
"I was talking to the dungeon Temi. Nevermind, I doubt it would listen to me anyway."
I approach the chest and wearily stick out my hand, before quickly returning it back to my side.
Just in case. I decide to call out to the dungeon once more, in the nicest way I can muster. I mean, it's free to ask, even if I do look stupid doing so.
"Erm, Miss Dungeon, I would 'really' appreciate some underwear, please. Just so you know, I would be in your debt."
With my piece being said I try not to let my hopes rise. Once more I reach out to the golden chest, My fingers trace delicately over the design on the buckles, before releasing them and opening the chest. Inside, the chest itself seems to be empty, other than a blue light that floats just above the rim before me.
Loot Acquired: Cotton Underwear
No way.
My eyes go wide at the sight of my reward.
Did the dungeon understand me? If so, then did it grant my request purposely?
Not that I will turn down my prize for completing this floor.
The chest disappears just as both monsters did before. The dungeon doesn't seem to waste anything.
Once it has been fully absorbed, the wall behind where the chest was once located, starts to disappear. It reveals a newly formed, metal doorway this time. Another surreal sight, however, this time a welcoming one as behind it are stairs leading down.
I almost miss this event happening before me as I'm face deep in cotton, inhaling the fresh fabric, the most pleasant smelling item I have experienced since reincarnating. As I begin to wonder if my Oran Matt also has such a sweet fragrance, I slip on my new cotton underwear and comfort surrounds me.
Oh, how I've missed this little luxury.
There is going to be a lot of new firsts for me in this new life, so many that I may not remember them all, I need to get used to that fact. This, however, is one of those moments that, I doubt I will ever forget.
'After descending to the next floor, I will be able to determine if my theory was correct.'
"Well, what are we waiting for then? Let's make tracks.'
I enter the stairwell but stop as quick as I started before placing my foot on the next step. I lean back into the now empty and call out for the last time on this level.
"Thank you, Dungeon, see you on the next floor,"
With my appreciation shown, I swagger down the stairs with a new air of confidence, brought on by my equally new underwear.
I'm ready for anything now.
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