I've always hated hindsight.
It's one of those words you can do nothing about and its definition can be used with almost every decision we make.
I could have handled that differently.
I should have tried harder.
I could have put more effort in.
These are just a few of the phrases that seem to be floating around inside my mind as I stare at the lifeless corpse of, what may have been, one of this worlds heroes.
I'm only speculating he was a hero based on his title, class and physique but I feel as though I'm right and its causing turmoil inside my mind.
Although he was an acid-spitting monster in a dungeon, I felt a duty of care for some strange reason. Finding another injured being and then seeing his status made me feel a responsibility to help.
But then he spat acid at me! I will never forget that shit, even if I had managed to save him, we would have had an explicit conversation about what happened.
It's a tug of war in my brain, with both sides arguing for dominancy and the justification team is losing.
"I just killed a hero, does that make me a villain?"
'He wasn't a hero, just a monster.'
Insightful news but how does she know that?
"Are you sure? He seemed pretty heroic to me, facing off against another opponent in the state he was in is definitely heroic in my book?"
'What book?'
"It's an expression, nevermind that. How do you know he wasn't a hero?"
'Simple, it would state it on his title. Also, he was paralysed if you have forgotten, so he was not facing off with you, he just couldn't move and was slowly dying from blood loss and poison.'
So my inner crisis is pointless?
I'm not a bad guy?
"But he had a name. Do all monsters have names?"
'Certain monsters are named by the dungeon. They perform specific jobs or given to them by the dungeon and obtain XP, titles and classes from such roles.'
Didn't see that one coming.
Although it does make sense, it would be an unfair handicap if monsters were unable to obtain XP.
And what was that about the dungeon giving them jobs?
What is this place, a recruitment agency?
"So is the dungeon another monster?"
'No, the dungeon has a core which is essentially the beating heart. You can consider that as the monster. If the destroy the dungeon the core can remake it but if you destroy the core, the dungeon will no longer function. The core has the abilities to alter the layout and terrain of any room or tunnel inside of itself, as well as the ability to create more if it is trying to grow. It can also add monsters, create traps and perform many other random phenomena, in whichever part of itself it deems necessary.'
Wow, this dungeon seems to have more skills than I do.
Talk about emasculation.
'Also unless the dungeon has changed her layout, then I believe that if we keep heading down this passageway, we will arrive at the entrance to the next floor.'
"Really? How can you tell?
'Dungeon Morte has many floors that have large tunnels but only a few floors which contain lizard kin monsters and even less containing a shrine.'
"Awesome, that means if your right we'll know where we are."
Ok, my guilt has died down a fraction, not completely but enough to let my mind start moving in straight lines again and I'm feeling a bit more positive now that I know Eto wasn't a hero. Even more so after finding out that we might know our current floor number soon.
Temi is really pulling through for me recently. She seems to have adjusted to being dragged here by yours truly. I still feel bad about bringing but I'd be lying if I said I would change my choice.
I suppose it's time to loot the body?
I hope I get food. That's all I want.
I don't care about the sword.
I don't care about clothes.
I doubt I will last much longer without some type of sustenance. It's been more than 24 hours since I drank from my poison spring. My dehydration is now almost as bad as my hunger.
Please, oh god or system who controls the loot, please don't let me die.
Placing my hand on Eto the system answers my call.
Loot Acquired:
Lizard Skewer x5
Steel Scimitar
Nom nom nom.
I demolished my way through the first skewer, choking slightly whilst trying to eat too much at once, before slowly savouring every bite of the second and third. I couldn't contain myself, not that anyone could blame me. Should I shed a tear for the thought for my fallen foe, his remains where being reclaimed by the dungeon right in front of me whilst I ate? Not phased at the event happening before my eyes, I was already in my inventory pulling out skewers, all cohesive thoughts gone, like Eto's remains..... I know he wasn't a hero thanks to professor Temi's wisdom on titles, however, thank you, Eto. Your delicious skewers will serve to keep me going for a while longer.
Wondering if a good meal was all it may have taken to refill my mana, I decide to call up my status and have a look. I also levelled up quite a few more times after killing Eto by mistake. I had forgotten all about it as soon as I saw something edible.
I was having a crisis, so I suppose I'll cut myself some slack.
Name: Erin Health: 122/122+ Race: Divine Being Mana: 7/98+ Level: 13 Stamina: 69/69+ Title: None Class: Dark Knight Level 5 (NEW) STR 86+ WIS 70+ MAG 68+ VIT 81+ AGI 78+ INT 69+ LUCK 2 DEX 69+ Skills Spells
Night Vision Level 7
Starvation Level 3
Pain Resistance Level 3 (UP 1)
Poison Resistance Level 3
Fear Resistance Level 4 (UP 2)
Paralysis Resistance Level 4 (UP2)
Overpower Level 3 (UP 2)
Dark Slash Level 1 (NEW)
Sphere of Illuminating Light
Fire Wall
Cure (NEW)
Gravity Ball (NEW)
"Oh shit."
I'm a Dark Knight!
I'm actually a Dark Knight it says so on my status.
I'm not just going through another chuuni moment. I am bonafide, swear to god, Dark Knight!
And it's even level 5 already!
How fucking cool am I.
'I guess you are checking over your status correct?'
"Yeah! I didn't become a Paladin like you said I might do, but this sounds even sweeter."
The Dark Knight who inspires terror into his foes.
Maybe when I'm level 100.
Still, a man can dream.
'I never said you could gain his class, Erin.'
'I said there was a chance you could obtain 'a' class. The Dark Knight class can be awarded to those that kill a Paladin.'
"So it's an evil class?"
'Classes are not evil, people are. It's what they do that makes them bad, not what they are.'
Again. What!?
"So you're saying that I'm evil, then? Not the class and does that mean Eto was a good guy then?"
'You are not evil Erin, if you want to put a name to it, yours was a mercy kill. Eto on the other hand, that would be hard to determine without knowing more about the individual himself.'
So I have now received a class that one obtains from killing a Paladin.
Another fine accident.
I let out a long-drawn sigh.
Fine, whatever. I'll be the friendliest Dark Knight you've ever met! I'll make sure that everyone knows that 'this guy' is kind, approachable and the nicest person you will ever meet. My courtesies and pleasantries will have no bounds. I will even help them out with all their monster problems too, once I become much stronger and get out of this dungeon. Hopefully, people won't question the origins of my class. They might not believe I killed a Paladin lizard man, in the middle of a dungeon with his own weapon, whilst naked.
Putting my new conundrum aside, I focus back on my status.
My mana is clearly noticeable, as rising another point is a really big deal for me. It almost confirms a theory I had a while ago after I killed the Oran. Upon my arrival here, Temi first told me I had 5 mana. She was a little insufferable back then, to put it nicely, so she may have neglected to mention my total mana at the time. Then after incinerating the Oran I went up to 6, fast forward to now and I'm at currently at 7 after accidentally killing Eto. 2 monsters and 2 points of mana.
In a way I hope so, otherwise, that would mean I have to kill 95 more dungeon monsters before reaching my total mana pool. That doesn't even include extra level ups I might earn in the process or if it has to be 95 different types of monsters!
If my theory is incorrect, however, then I'm at a loss and I suppose I'll have to see if Temi can fill me in the rest.
For now, let's see what else my unfortunate accident has granted me.
I'm amassing a nice set of skills now. I have a new skill and a new spell, both from what appears to be the Dark knight class already. If this was a game, that would be one for earning the class and another for reaching rank five probably. I will have to put in some actual combat practice soon to learn how to use my spells and in a fight if I really want to survive here.
Which I totally do!
Back to the boss characters status.
Look at those attributes and again, I've got more to add.
I haven't really fought anything yet either, how lucky am I?
Or is it 'unlucky' to be in those situations in the first place?
Probably the latter seeing at how my Luck is stuck at a measly 2.
Either way, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth. I need to get strong, I'm tired of shitting myself every time something happens now so I need to start putting some serious effort into accustoming myself to this world. Before now, I was just wandering around trying to find some food to not starve to death. I would have potentially run from almost any monster that would have crossed my path, except for any really small ones that may have seemed manageable, not that I saw any other than Eto, the lone lizard man.
Inventory 3/15 Oran Matt Lizard Skewer x2 Steel Scimitar
I now possess Eto's weapon, which I hope I'm capable of using. I also have a few skewers left, hopefully, they will make me able to last another day or 2 without starvation popping up. After distributing my new points I'll be ready to continue onwards. Although I'm still trying to anticipate where my next piece of food may come from, it is not the only thought dominating my now clearer mind.
I've decided to put the most of my allocatable attribute points into strength this time. It seems like the most logical choice to make now that I have a weapon and also considering I can run out of mana after 2 spells. I'm going to perform another experiment first though by putting one point into each category first, one by one, to see if my status shows any changes whilst doing so.
I bring my status back up and manage to locate an extra information bar which shows special attribute points awaiting distribution.
Name: Erin Health: 122/122+ Race: Divine Being Mana: 7/98+ Level: 13 Stamina: 69/69+ Title: None Class: Dark Knight Level 5 Attribute Points: 24 Class Attribute points: 10 STR 86+ WIS 70+ MAG 68+ VIT 81+ AGI 78+ INT 69+ LUCK 2 DEX 69+ Apparently, I have 34 attribute points to distribute in total. 24 from me levelling up and 10 more from my the Dark Knight class levelling up. The last time I did this my mana also rose by 24 so in theory, if I break that down it means I earned 4 special attribute points per level and then an additional 2 each time my class levels up. That what I call sweet. I start with a point in strength and work through the list one by one adding a point into each category. No differences appear of my health, magic or agility like I thought they might do after raising vitality, agility or magic, I also place a point each into the former three categories. 10 points down and luck is the only attribute I seem to be unable to access or raise. My last 24 points go straight into strength, I need to make sure I can wield the scimitar with no problems. This also marks two of my attributes hitting the triple digits. Hehe, what a boss I'm becoming. I call up my inventory and remove Eto's scimitar. The magnificent curved blade feels foreign as I clench it by the hilt, in my right hand. It doesn't look as imposing now as it once did when being brandished by Eto. The features are unchanged, the blade is roughly 30 inches in length and 3 inches in width. It has a slight curve, originating at the centre, arching all the way to the tip. The metal handle feels cold and the carved guard wraps around protecting the hand that wields it. Since entering and exiting my inventory, the blade has been cleaned of everything that had been coating it. In the future, I could potentially see myself with a shorter sword, however, all that matters right now is that I have the strength to wield this weapon unburdened. I swing the scimitar a few times, to try and accustom myself with it, unsure if I am doing it correctly. The blade isn't as heavy as I originally assumed it to be and handling it doesn't seem too difficult either. I am able to move it how I desire and I keep trying different sword manoeuvres. I continue to practice, hoping for results, while I ask Temi a sorrowful question. "Temi, is there any chance that I'll find some clothes in this dungeon?" That is all I am missing at the moment I believe. It would be nice to not feel so vulnerable all the time. It's quite the freeing experience being naked, to be honest. The downside is when you come across a monster and your junk is hanging loose, it makes the situation incredibly daunting before combat has even begun. I only have 3 goals on my list at this moment in time. Anything is secondary Number 1, acquire 'more' food. Number 2, find 'anything' to wear. And number 3, escape the dungeon. 'There is a chance you will obtain armour or under gear from the dungeon monsters.' That is what I needed to hear, way to lift my spirits Temi. "Well then, I still have hundreds of questions but, I suppose it's time we keep moving to see if you can find out where we are. Sound good do you, partner?" Skill Acquired: Sword Mastery Level 1 'Sounds perfect.' I chuckle merrily. "You just took the words right out of my mouth, Temi." 'I don't understand.' "It's just another phrase from where I'm from...I think. It doesn't matter though. I also think it sounds perfect." 'Hehe, good then let's go.' I stop swinging the scimitar, which was beginning to feel easier to handle, storing it back in my inventory. How did I do that you ask? Simple. I 'literally' just thought about it. Gotta love an inventory with easy access. Now let's see what awaits further down this path.
- In Serial15 Chapters
A high-school freshman navigates a twisted reality where people fight monsters to level up. Is he trapped in a game? As the mystery unravels, the characters grow stronger and realize that all is not what it seems.
8 76 - In Serial19 Chapters
A Warrior's Love (BL)
"Your mind is dark, your eyes are dull, your life is bleaker than feces, and your heart is covered in ash." She removed one hand to keep her veils on her head as the topmost shawl slipped down her neck. She continued to speak, "Your blood is cold. If you remain this way, you will die before you can find your love." The Krasean lowered his veil, revealing his face to us. He tipped his head upward so I can see his honey coloured eyes that were duller than his peoples'. Black eyeliner outlined the rim of his eyes, drawing attention to his enchanting eyes. "Whoever your lover is, they are your other half. You will endure hardships and pain because of them. You will also make them feel the same." She looked conflicted like she did not know whether to tell me this was good or bad. "In their eyes, you are the evilest and the godliest. How contradicting this is!" "Did you slap me?" I held the helmet between the pit of my elbow and my waist. One hand slowly reached up to rub my numb cheek. It has been forever since someone last slapped me. Now, no one who knew my identity would dare to hit me directly. "The blood coursing through your veins, it's hot and dangerous. You cannot be tamed easily and this may be the cause of your downfall." A strange grimace graced her wrinkled face. I swear to the gods she is ageing each second! "I see your fall. Someone with too much power automatically becomes a threat. You're no longer seen as an ally, but a monster."
8 182 - In Serial6 Chapters
Broken Kaleidoscopes
What if someone told you that there were dimensions alongside ours? Innumerable and impossible to even fathom. That no normal man could ever hope to understand, or even find a way to peer across the everdistant parallels that pervade the multiverse? Now, what if that same person told you that there existed a race that lived outside all dimensions? A race so powerful that, instead of being forced to play along with the rules of your own dimension, they could rewrite all aspects of reality with only a thought. Of course, you would laugh at them. I did too. Then I broke reality the next day. Pictures are not mine. Man Silhouette: https://clipground.com/male-silhouette-clipart.html Universe: https://www.gazeta.ru/science/2017/03/28_a_10598741.shtml
8 216 - In Serial21 Chapters
A Villains Bright Side (IzukuxOchaco)
"I've never met someone like you, but i'm glad I did""Pray you'll have a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof." And so Izuku did, but instead of dying he got saved by the villains. Izuku is now known to the public as Deku. And for the past 2 years Deku has been the worlds most dangerous and violent villain. But will one little kidnapping of a certain gravity quirk girl change his mind?---------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first story and it is a izuocha story and for some reason I like Villain deku x hero ochako sorry if there is some spelling mistakes or errors in the story ooorrrrrrrr if the story is trash, please give meh feed back
8 214 - In Serial13 Chapters
Myths from Garsuna: The Rise of Zilliad
This story follows the mythos of Garsuna. Within Garsuna there are fourteen deities who created humans to help them battle against the Makers of Garsuna. The deities often copulated with their human creations and the result of one of these relationships is Zilliad, daughter to Haboo, deity of the winds. Zilliad makes a name for herself as a soldier in the War of the Makers and gains renown amongst the humans by following the deeds set out for her by Isaa, deity of the seas and King of the deities.
8 130 - In Serial34 Chapters
Tear It Apart⇸Finnick Odair [2]
❝Sometimes I wish I had died in the arena.❞❝It's all in your head. It's all in your head.❞❝Love is enduring. Everyday. Always. Because you know it's all for them. I would endure this forever if it meant he didn't have to.❞❝Sometimes I feel as though you should have just left me there to die.❞❝Ah, but you're so good at games, Terra, you always win.❞[Mockingjay][Finnick Odair][Started: 2019-02-13][Finished: 2020-01-18][Unedited]
8 135