How long has it been now?
My feet just keep pressing forward.
Hunger is what drives me.
I have a vague memory of a book, where the main character manages to find himself in a situation that is slightly similar to my own.
Stranded and without food.
Forced to forge his own way just to survive.
I can't remember who wrote it, or what it was called. I don't even have any memories of reading the book, I just recall the plot for some reason.
Is it because of how I have managed to find myself in a similar predicament?
However, I have something that other protagonist could have only dreamed about.
That's right.
My trusty companion, who is actually real and relatively useful.
Why sometimes? Let's see.
"Temi, how long has it been since I was reincarnated?"
'28 hours, 59 minutes and 24 seconds.'
Super helpful, right.
I know.
Then there are other times, like just a moment ago.
I asked Temi if she knew why my mana was still not rising.
That's right after checking my status again, whilst still following the eerily empty 'Tunnel of Abyss' as I have named it, I confirmed that my mana is not rising any higher.
After putting all my additional attribute points into it as well, I'm supposed to have a mana pool of 78.
So why the hell am I stuck at 6 mana then, I asked myself.
Oh, and very manlike I might add, nothing at all like a little bitch.
Anyway, I turned to my trusty partner in crime, my faithful accomplice, the Bonnie to my Clyde if you will, as one would do when faced with a situation like this. We even bonded a little not too long ago, so I had high hopes she would be able to shine some light on my problem.
Unfortunately for me, the answer I received was nothing how I have previously described her.
'I'm sorry Erin. I don't know.'
She's as stumped as I am.
Temi even apologised, so I can't hold it against her. I doubt she's keeping anything from me.
So yes, relatively useful is how I am choosing to describe her.
According to Temi's internal clock, I've been here longer than a full day. In that time I should have restored way more mana than 6, right?
Not that I know what my regeneration rate is. I'll have to conduct another experiment soon.
Skill: Night Vision Level 5 has reached Level 6
Awesome, I love the fact that my skills level up passively without me actually needing to do anything.
It was right when I needed something to lift my spirits a little too.
Thank you oh kind bestower of skills and magic.
With my level increased once again, my field of view expands a bit further than before revealing the expected.
I let out another sigh and continue down the ever uneventful, Tunnel of Abyss.
Damn this thing's long. I don't even want to ask Temi how much of my time here I've spent on just walking.
It will be too depressing to hear.
If this wasn't still the second tunnel I have come across, then I might start to worry about losing my way. However having only made a single turn throughout my whole journey so far, even with the length of time I have been trudging along, it would be ridiculous to considered myself lost.
I suppose I shouldn't really put it off.
Knowledge is what I need after all.
Experiment time.
I'm going to use Fire Wall and see how much mana it costs. Then I can work out how long my mana takes to regenerate.
This is nothing like my previous attempts at magic, I didn't know when using my imagination. I still can't believe Temi had me try it her way, but upon succeeding and earning 2 spells, who am I to complain. This time I will be casting a spell that's actually written on my status. I feel confident when thinking about how I'm going to do this, it's as though the spell is already in my mind, ready to be unleashed. It's hard to put into the right words.
I cast the spell with ease, it was as simple as thinking the word.
I want to know how long my spell will last as well so I bring out the status window and begin counting the moment my magic starts to take shape.
A crackling light starts to erupt into life, spluttering at a lightning-fast speed and forming a wall almost instantly. The fire dances before my eyes threatening to blind me if I don't shield myself from its harmful glow. I throw my arms up in front of my face to protect my eyes, also trying not to let the tremendous sight obstruct my count. It takes a few seconds before I finally adjust to the difference in light, I even managed to keep track of the seconds passing by and now I'm able to carefully observe my surroundings at the same time.
The brightness of the flames lights up the passage as I have never seen. Long looming orange and brown shadows, dance the macabre down the rough tunnel walls and staggered ceilings, as far it will permit whilst the fire sings a song in front of them. The stone floor is grey with its only noticeable features being a few cracks scattered here and there and my own shadow flickering along with it. My body, clearly visible now, unfortunately, looks smooth and hairless reminding me of earlier misfortune. My hands slowly glide over my scalp and I start to feel sorry for myself.
I liked the way my hair felt, but it was short-lived.
Not a single strand remains, anywhere.
I check my status and see that I'm down to 3 mana.
As I hit 58 seconds my magic starts to disappear.
The Fire Wall flickers out of existence like it was never there in the first place and the usual eerie darkness creeps its ugly head back out of each crevice and crack. It consumes the light, and once more the Tunnel of Abyss is assaulted by darkness.
At the same time, my mana rises up to 4.
I'm going to say that it was a full minute and assume that my time keeping skills are only 95% effective. I'm pretty sure it's difficult for anyone to keep count without a clock so overall I don't think I did too bad.
Go me.
Regardless of my time keeping skills, my experiment shows that I earn 1 mana per minute which is great news! The bad news, however, is that must mean I really am capped at 6 mana for some reason? Since Temi said there was a problem when I chose to bring her with me, I'm wondering if more than one problem arose and this is the result of one of those?
It sounds plausible, right?
I have a theory but I can't be sure until I find another monster and... you know, kill it.
I'm not going to start complaining about the logic of magic again so I keep my eyes on my status whilst continuing to count, also trying my best to avoid thinking about the fact that I still have no hair.
I know I'm hung up on it, but you would be too if you were me!
Another minute brings another point of mana back.
I wonder how it works, absorbing mana from the atmosphere? I didn't feel anything significant happen other than the everlasting hunger pain.
Every time I start to wonder about 'anything' in this world I'm automatically full of questions.
I don't want to keep bothering Temi, especially not with trivial questions that aren't relevant to our situation. I don't want her to think of herself as only my bank of knowledge or as my possession either. Even though there's nothing else she can do, I still feel bad continuously relying on her.
'Your mana has stopped regenerating Erin.'
"What do you mean? It's full, or, it's just not working anymore?"
'It is definitely not full, the regeneration process has stopped at 6 again because of...... something unknown.'
There seems to be a lot of unknown in my life now.
Skill: Starvation Level 2 has reached level 3
I wonder when starvation will stop working for me and leave me to die?
That's a question I would rather not have an answer for. The thought of putting a timer on my new life?
I shiver.
Until then, I'll keep on keeping on, so that I can find something edible and not starve to death.
Finally, I come across another tunnel, this passageway is much smaller than the previous two and is carved directly into the wall of the Tunnel of Abyss. I know my logic before dictated that smaller tunnels are better because they reduce the risk of large monster attacks. However, on the opening of this tunnel, are what I can only describe as gash marks. They are carved into each side of the wall that creates the opening. Multiple gouges further inside, leave chunks of the wall to litter the floor, leading all the way on until darkness obstructs my sight.
Ultimatum time.
Stay in the 'easy-going, safe as can be' Tunnel of Abyss for now, or, enter the 'potentially more than likely to have an encounter' new half-sized tunnel with heart-crushing gash marks on the entrance?
Decisions, decisions.
And not a good choice insight.
I hate both of these.
Why isn't one of my choices take an all-inclusive paid vacation, to a brand new Villa and Spa? A relaxing secluded getaway, free from stress or worry, with the finest food and drink one could ask for.
No monsters.
No worries.
That would be my idea of heaven.
I bring my head back out of the clouds.
"Temi, if we go down this new 'not ominous at all' passageway, what do you reckon our chances of getting lost increase too?"
I think that was a rather good question myself, especially because I want to try and avoid being slashed to death, if for any reason I have to run for my life because the monster is way too tough for me I don't want to get lost in a maze of tunnels. Oh, I should have asked if there are any maze-like structures in this dungeon.
'We have no possible chance of getting lost in here as the map feature updates as you move. Also once I have enough data on the layout of this particular section of the dungeon, I will be able to tell you what floor we are on.'
Well if I thought I brought a good question, then Temi knocked it out of the park with a home run answer.
Everything I needed and more.
I'm going to have to up Temi's description to 'Quite Useful' if she keeps on using answers like that.
"I can use a map? Is it a system feature?"
'Yes, just ask the system to display it for you. I can currently use the map as we are connected through a direct link. I can also see your status, attributes, skills, magic and inventory. I can not access any of the other features until you unlock them through further level ups.'
You are shitting me.
System, open inventory.
Inventory 1/15 Oran Matt
My emotions well up as the systems familiar star-filled frame appears, revealing where my loot went.
How did I forget about inventories? Sometimes it's a spacial dimension or a pocket dimension, but where there's magic then an inventory isn't far behind.
How did I not remember that until now?
"Temi, do you know what an Oran Matt is?"
'Just a matt for sitting on, it provides some form of comfort.'
That's all I got from a mana draining plant monster!
Obtaining any type of food in this place seems like a fool's errand.
However if I don't at least try, then it isn't just a possibility anymore. Death becomes a certainty.
Steeling my resolve once again, this time not with anger but with determination.
I will find some food here, I will.
Seeing as how I'm not going to get lost because apparently, I have a map that I was never told about, I leave Temi in charge of navigating in case things go awry and decide to take the smaller, more evil looking, gashed out passageway.
Upon entering I can tell that this tunnel definitely has some type of danger in it. Not far in I notice that there's a putrid smell here that, hasn't been present in the first two tunnels I explored.
Carefully and slowly I make my way down what seems to be another straight forward tunnel, apart from having to avoid the pieces of wall that have been scored out and scattered across the floor.
There are three differences in this tunnel compared to the last two. First was the claw marks, present before I even entered. Second is the smell, which came after I had made a slight bit of progress passed the entrance. Now even further in, the third noticeable difference, is that the ceiling is higher and the pathway in front of me is opening up into what I'm going to assume is a room.
For the first time since coming to Tironia, I can sense death.
I can feel it.
I can smell it.
I can almost reach out and touch it, not that I would or even want to.
Right now I am shitting my metaphorical pants, again.
If I had any hair left, it would all be stood on end. Goosebumps prickle up all over my body. I'm shaking and sweating but above all else, I have the sudden need to go to the bathroom. I've been putting it off, worried it may attract large monsters that I wouldn't have been able to handle in the first tunnels.
But now, with the smell of death in the air, I can't keep hold of it.
Piss trickles out of me and my body relaxes at the euphoric feeling of relieving oneself, after holding it for too long, washes over me.
Hot steam rises up and the moment fades away, back into fear and I begin to panic again.
Hoping my fears are misguided and preying this whole floor is empty, I shake off and try to move away from the newly formed puddle.
I'm sorry dungeon.
Uncaring for my apology, the dungeon makes its first noise that I've heard, which didn't come from myself or my spring.
It was a scraping a noise, followed by what sounded like a grunt.
What if this is some creatures home and I've just barged in and pissed on his floor.
My eyes dart around the room scanning all over, searching for anything that might be furious at the degradation I have just caused, but I end up with nothing.
Where the room starts to narrow back into a tunnel on the other side to rejoin the darkness, I hear another grunt followed by what sounds like metal and stone. A short horrible scratching noise that hurts my ears.
Skill: Night Vision Level 6 has reached Level 7
My number one skill that has helped me navigate the dark tunnels of this floor shows its worth by pushing back the unending darkness once again.
I have to admit it's amazing watching Night Vision force back the pitch black that constantly surrounds us, or at least it was amazing, until it revealed a large Lizard Man, brandishing an equally large sword, looking like a final boss.
I stare into his eyes and find myself paralysed by fear.
This is my first time seeing a true monster.
I'm not counting the Oran.
He's glaring straight back at me with his sinister reptilian eyes, probably super pissed off that I took a leak all over his home and wondering how delicious I'll taste, as food is next to non-existent down here.
His body, which is easy twice the size of my own, seems to be propped up by his sword which looks to be a large scimitar. It's stained with a dark grey liquid that I am going to assume is another monster's blood. At this point my heart is pounding in my chest, my back is drenched in so much sweat, it feels as though I've just taken a shower and my shaking is becoming erratic. The 'what I assume to be blood' doesn't stop at his sword, the large arm he is using to lean on the deathly scimitar is coated in it too, the creature appears to have multiple large gashes running around the extremely tough-looking muscle just above its elbow. His other arm, which is cradled cross his chest, seems to be missing a sizable amount just beneath the shoulder and is spilling, not one but two, different shades of grey substances out. His large head bares equally as large teeth but it looks at though a few are missing. He looks like he's already been in a fight or multiple fights.
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. One wrong move and he might slice me to pieces with that sword of his. Or just straight-up eat me whole.
Seeing as how he isn't charging at me to feast on my corpse I take this opportunity to re-examine my foe again to see if he may have any weaknesses I can exploit. I have no doubt he's sizing me up in exactly the same way.
Geez, get some self-respect guy, I don't have any clothes on. Avert your eyes from the awesomeness that is my manly, hairless body.
Of course, I'm joking around. What else can I do in this situation? The only logical outcome, if we fight, is that I die horribly, right?
Unfortunately, even if I could find his weak points it still wouldn't help me as I'm unable to move my feet.
Under my breath, I ask my ever loyal companion for help.
"Temi, help, what do I do?"
"What? Wrong time for jokes Temi, help me please!"
'I am. Just wait Erin.'
Well, it's not like I can move anyway. My body is blatantly refusing to follow my commands.
Time for trust.
Please don't let me die Temi, please, please, please.
I don't wanna die naked and next to a puddle of my own piss.
My Night Vision makes the Lizard mans sword shine just a touch in places where the blood doesn't hide its beauty.
Damn, that's a cool blade. This guy must be a super boss to carry that thing around.
Skill Acquired: Fear Resistance Level 1
Skill Acquired: Paralysis Resistance Level 1
Too little, too late System. I'll see you in the next life hopefully.
I shift my gaze from the stained scimitar, back to the lizard man's own eyes once more. A black centre surrounded by what I would guess is yellow? Maybe I should have taken the colour upgrade for Night Vision, after all, everything being grey is quite confusing, not that it matters now.
After locking eyes, for what I assume will be the last time, the lizard man lets out one more groan.....
.. and then collapses. Facedown on the floor.
I scan the tunnel once more looking for the T.V crew that is set to jump out with some crazy dude screaming 'Bruh, you just got pranked!'.
Some part of me wants to laugh at how anti-climactic that was. My other, more rational side is wondering if the lizard man is playing possum.
A big ass creature like that playing possum? Don't be daft. He would have no need for tactics like that.
Laid face down on the floor, I can easily see his large frame slowly rising and then collapsing back down sporadically, he's clearly struggling just to breathe, which means he isn't dead yet.
"Temi, how did you know to wait?"
'I checked his status and saw that he was under the effects of paralysis, poison and bleeding debuffs.'
"We can check the status of a monster? How do I do that? Is it like magic? Does it work on all monsters?"
'Hehe, sometimes you are very childlike Erin, you always have multiple questions. I'll answer them though.'
I can feel Temi's happiness and even though she just insulted me, again, I can sense that it was done with joy, not malice or anger and definitely not with the intention to hurt my feelings.
'Yes we can check a monster's status but no it isn't magic, it was one of my skills. You, however, should have the ability to learn the magic spell Identify and no, you can not check the status of every monster. Some are too strong and will resist your magic with there own.'
"Cooool! So how do I do it!"
'Seeing how well you learned the first two spells, I see no problem with attempting to learn the identification spell the same way. Imagine a status screen, but not yours. It needs to be the monsters, once you have it in your mind you must then create it with your mana and the system will fill in the details. Hopefully, it should work based on past experiences.'
"Hopefully? I'm starting to suspect that this isn't how people from Tironia learn magic, is it?"
'No, it is how the system creates and uses magic. The people of Tironia learn through practice, teachers, hard work and studying. There are also magic tomes but even if you found one down here, with your mana, it's unlikely you would be able to cast what is contained inside as almost all dungeon tomes have strong magic spell sealed within. Most races have many schools about magic and skills but they do not comprehend them fully and there is much they still do not know. However, now is not the time for this lesson.'
She's right.
Now isn't lesson time.
It's magic time.
Imagine a status screen with the lizard man in mind.
Feel the mana within me, swirling and twisting around.
"Identify" I call out as I bring imagination to life with my mana. The systems light blue star-filled interface appears before me showing exactly what I wanted.
Magic is so sweet.
Name: Eto Health: 3/150 Race: Lizard Kin Magic: 1/108 Level: 24 Stamina: 0/154 Title: Shrine Guardian Class: Paladin Level 14 Ailments Poison: Paralysis: Bleeding
'If you finish off the monster then there is a chance you may acquire a class, that would be a great benefit to you right now, as well as taking all the XP from his death. It should be simple in his weakened state.'
I don't move. Not because of the fear but...
"Temi, I..."
I struggle for a moment to even choke up my words.
"I don't really wanna kill this guy, I mean, he has a name. Eto. I concede on the fact that he is a big scary looking monster, but still... Look at that title. How kick ass is that! Shrine Guardian. Doesn't this guy sound like a hero and arent nearly all Paladins heroes? He has to be a good guy, right? There's no way he can be an evil monster. I honestly don't think I can kill this dude."
He sounds so righteous.
It sounds like a name I would have chosen for myself.
Eto the Shrine Guardian. Defender of Justice. Conquerer of Evil. Champion of the People.
Fuck it, I'm going to help this guy.
Come on feet move.
Skill: Fear Resistance Level 1 has reached Level 2
Skill: Paralysis Resistance Level 1 has reached Level 2
Skill Acquired: Overpower Level 1
My right foot lifts slowly off the ground.
My leg shakes as though I'm on a tight rope.
Come on, and again.
This time my left foot rises up and moves forward.
I can't control my shakes, but I am now making progress.
One foot after the other is all it will take.
Halfway through the room, the Lizard Man Eto opens his eyes at my approach.
"I.....I...I'm going t..to help you."
I call out weakly.
A few more steps, each one getting harder and harder to raise back up and move forward again. The reason... Eto is glaring at me, with what seems to be a furious expression. He must think I intend to finish him off.
I am now less than 5 foot away from what I had first perceived to be my inevitable death. All I want to do right now is help this guy, he's at his limit and he knows it. Death is creeping all around him, ready to pull him away and steal his majestic title. Not today bastard!
My plan is to try and roll him over and heal his wounds by using magic I have minimal knowledge about.
I know it's a stupid plan but time is not on my side.
I'm going to imagine using the spell 'cure' from one of those old RPGs and I'll give him the full 6 mana too. I am still shitting myself but for completely different reasons this time.
I check his status once again and he's still on 3 health.
Good, it's not draining as fast as I thought it was. I estimate I have at least a few minutes to attempt my risky experiment.
I attempt to move around to his right-hand side as it seemed to be the most injured before he collapsed. He notices my sudden change of direction and opens his mouth.
Did he understand before, when I stuttered a weak offer of help?
Acting as though he doesn't understand that I'm trying to save his life, he spits a large grey ball of phlegm at me.
It comes fast and I have no chance of evading at such a close distance.
Mother Fucker.
Tears streak down my face as unimaginable pain erupts to life just like my Fire Wall had done previously.
My skin starts to sizzle, pieces turn black and start to melt instantly, yellow blisters and boils appear on top of each other multiplying rapidly, as I collapse to the ground in agony.
It wasn't phlegm as I had originally thought. It turned out to be acid and he hit me right in my...... in my........
He hit me in my......
It doesn't matter where he hit me!
What matters, is that this ungrateful bastard is lucky that I'm such a good guy, or I'd chop his fucking head off, with his own fucking sword.
God damn that hurts so much.
Somehow I manage to crawl to the side in agony.
All effects of paralysis seem to have been removed from me now, replaced by an indescribable feeling of agony.
Quick experiment!
Imagine my injury, feel my magic.
The soft white light of healing, delicately envelopes itself around my wounded skin. Almost instantly I feel the sensation of pain washing away and I breathe a sigh of relief. It took only a few seconds from start to finish, that must be the fastest and shortest spell I've cast since coming to Tironia.
Happy once again with my physical state I focus my attention back towards the elephant in the room, or lizard in my case.
Magic Acquired: Cure
Ignore that for now.
Eto appears to be fully unconscious now and upon checking his status, he only has a single point of health left. His acid spit must cause a little recoil damage.
I almost don't feel like saving his life after what he just did to me, I still feel like he could be a good guy if given a chance though, what if we're both just misunderstanding the situation?
'I suggest that you kill the monster before any others find this area.'
Temi is all for it. How heartless can one sentient computer system be?
"I'm going to heal him."
"He....... has a cool name and title?"
Shit. I think I just lost that argument before it even started.
Whatever, first things first, I need to somehow roll his heavy ass body over.
Still on my knees after my brief run-in with excruciating pain, I slowly crawl to Eto's side.
I see his scimitar caught underneath him and decide to move it so that it doesn't cause harm when I roll him over accidentally taking his last digit of health.
I gently try to ease the heavy sword out from beneath him but it feels obstructed, maybe caught on a crack in the floor. A little wiggle is all it takes before it gives and starts to come out. I hear a slop, followed by the sound of flowing liquid and I panic once more believing the sword may have been stuck in Eto himself and I may have just finished him off accidentally by removing it. I need to heal him quickly. Hastily I pull on the scimitar with more strength than I should possibly possess, which is now on a worse angle since my panic made me flinch, trying to get it out fast so I can roll this guy over and cast cure on what I can see. However using my unexpected new might, I end up slicing straight through Eto's throat, most certainly ending his life instead.
You have levelled up.
- In Serial392 Chapters
Transdimensional Marketing
I am merely a reviewer, albeit the products I review are slightly different. For example, I review quantum computers, artificial intelligence, anti-gravity mech armor, planetary engines, sublight colonial ships, stellar detonators, etc… Chen Yu: “The technological product I bring to everyone for today’s episode is—a dual-vector foil! W-Wait! Everyone, please calm down! Let me explain…”
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Come gentle mortals and hear our tale!Tis a story of two pairs of lovers and the duality they share in love and hate. Our heroes are but the marvelous masters of murderous spectacle, the perfidious performers of the Laughing God of the ancient Aeldari race: Cegorach. More precisely the paramours are Odyn and Meiel of the Masque of the Last Laugh. Their villainous reflections come in the forms of Tzeentch's sorcery and witchcraft by the names Xavier Androssian and Bella Hex. Bound by their love and hate, the hearts and spades do battle across space and time all in the pursuit of a shared goal: For all the darkness and despair of the end times, the truth that all the world is but a stage and he who will claim victory is he who shall have the Last Laugh...
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Earth is on the tail end of its recovery after suffering near-apocalyptic events. Catastrophic storms and sudden, dramatic shifts of the tectonic plates almost destroyed modern society. And to make matters worse, a mysterious disease that would later become known as the Deep Sleep Syndrome swept through the population. Penthus Argyris is one such person affected by this illness. Abandoned by his mother—his last living relative—he wastes away in a hospital ward. It was lonely, but Pent had grown used to it. He no longer dreamed of traveling across the earth to explore the ruins of the fallen nations; the world outside his sterile white cage was all but a distant fantasy. Pent had all but come to terms with his lot in life—that is until his adopted cousin showed up out of the blue with some surprising news… News that would shake the tentative foundation that Humanity had only just managed to piece together.
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Jiro and the Bathhouse of Desire
Jiro has a problem. His grandfather has run off and left him in charge of an ancient Japanese bathhouse. The bathhouse is falling apart, guests have disappeared, and, to top it all off, the business is bankrupt. Now it's up to Jiro to save the day: rebuild the bathhouse, please the guests, and restore the fallen establishment to its former glory. But there's one more monster-sized problem: this is no ordinary bathhouse. The guests may be beautiful, but, Jiro soon learns, they are also not entirely human ... [WARNING: This is A NOVEL FOR MALE READERS. There will be breasts, thighs, tongues, feet, abs, butts, armpits, plus clefts and cracks of all kinds. People will lick and get licked. There will be lots of hot interactions, flirting, innuendo. There will be monster girls. There will be human girls. Big girls and small girls. Green girls and yellow girls. Girls with many hands who know how to use them. But, most important of all, there will also be a real plot & real complex characters, with real weaknesses, who change and grow over time. BUT THERE WILL BE NO EXPLICIT SEX SCENES ... Because we all know deep inside that it's the buildup to sex that's the best part of all ...]
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As a small child my whole perception of the world changed. I was surrounded by liars and fakes. Humans are such a cruel species, if someone doesn't fit they are cast out. People turn a blind eye to cruelty I've faced, people don't care about the quirkless. Except I'm not quirkless. Far from it. All I can say is my treatment in this world made me strong but cold, bitter and apathetic. I was the only human I could trust, I and I alone. Here is the story of how I ended up in my version of hell, UA. Surrounded by, well you know, just about every single person I couldn't get far enough away from. And an overkill quirk just about everyone wanted a piece of. Yeah I was dealt some pretty shitty cards, now you'll see how I play them.Uploads depend on my schedule but I'll try weekly also error will be made cuz I dotn proof read, when I've finished I'll go over it 😅 The story follows Izuku but if there's a change in povs there will be a indication ⚠️ warning swearing and violence⚠️
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Brother of Wind (ninjago au)
Morro's not a ghost!! yay!and he's on the ninja's sideit's literally just the of series but with Morro in it.(lol) (Art cover is mine)#1 - morro May 23 2020#2 - legoninjago May 26 2020#1 - ninjagoau Dec 21 2020#3 - ninjagofanfiction July 28 2020
8 101