《Deliverance》Unwanted Notice


It took frigging hours, HOURS to convince them that he wasn't a 'villain' as they called the ones who invaded this place, which is called USJ. A gym of some kind. But with all the distrust and suspicion around him, it was understandable.

He could swear, the man, the one that looked like a DJ kept mumbling something about "the Reaper has come for our souls" or something. True he dressed like a Reaper of death coming to reap souls and stuff, but that's for roleplaying.

But in the end he ignored them all and there incessant babbling. He was still curious to see if any of them could even hurt him.

All in all, it was a bit sad to see that none of them would come near him despite helping them out… Healing their wounded backup lessened their suspicions kinda, even if it was just a little bit.

The police took the remaining and beaten villains into custody. Despite their actions on wanting to kill, or basically assassinate All Might using their modified, weaponized human quirk user against him. But it all failed with said modified-human being defeated, but somehow it became "harmless" the moment the police took it into custody.

Aizawa, Thirteen, and All Might were taken back to the clinic at U.A. High School to rest and have a short check up to see if any injuries persisted. Even if their bodies were miraculously healed, their bodies had gone through immense stress from the massive fight they took place in. They still couldn't believe that they were healed in just under a minute. It was almost like the Quirk of Recovery Girl.

'This would take a while for me to adjust...' Leon thought to himself.

"U-Um, excuse me R-Reaper Sir." He heard a voice behind him. Turning to see a nervous Midoriya with his head slightly down trying to avoid direct eye contact.

"Hmmmm..." He looked at the boy for a good second or so. His behavior was like a timid, shy person. And yet his actions betray that for being a selfless, good-hearted person.

Meanwhile, in Midoriya's mind, he was inwardly getting uncomfortable as the Reaper's stare lingered on him. Almost as if he was judging his soul!

"You ask of me... What is it?" He broke out of his trance, snapping him back to reality.

"Um... I just want to say... T-Thank you." He bowed. He could hear several gasps from a good distance behind him.

"...Is this for me saving you both?" Curious, the boy is somewhat decent in mannerisms. The rest he deemed them to be suspicious of him, understandable, but pitiful.

"Yes, if you weren't there on time, I... All Might and I would have..."

"..." Leo placed his hand over the boy's shoulder, patting it several times.

"Say no more, and find yourself for being brave, young one." He was inwardly surprised by how soft his voice was. "What you think of me, what you say of me, and what you wish of me to happen... Think none of it. I am merely doing my duty, and you doing yours."

The green-haired boy seemed to look at him in another way. Before any of them could do a thing, a cheery yet polite voice called out to them.

"Hello there Reaper-san!" Nezu, followed by Midnight and Snipe cautiously gazed upon Leo. "My name is Nezu, Principal of U.A. High School. I would like to express my thanks on helping to protect the children from the villains during their attack on the USJ building."



Leo said nothing but stared at them for a seemingly long time. The teachers accompanying him were uneased by how he looked at them as if he was judging their souls. Nezu would have looked like such a thing didn't bother him, but he was extremely nervous. His instincts kept screaming to him NOT to provoke or anger this person. And his instincts had never failed him before.

'...Dear heavens above is that a frigging mouse!? So damn adorable, although I wonder what gave him that scar on his eye though...'

The Reaper hummed before giving a slight bow to the head. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Principal. No need to give thanks, I was merely doing my duty."

"Oh? Are you a hero, Reaper-san? I apologize, but we have never heard of anyone like you before." The mouse-person's voice was polite. Almost like the behavior is childish yet professional at the same time.

"...Hero?" His voice suddenly became venomous, surprising them at the change of atmosphere. "Do not compare me to you lot, I am no hero."

"Ah, my apologies. I don't mean to offend you Reaper-san." Nezu quickly said, not wanting to cause a mishap. Not when his instincts were still screaming at him not to provoke the person whom he thinks cannot be handled in any possible way.

The Reaper sighed, shaking his head. "No, it is my fault. I don't mean to make any of you nervous. It is simply just that... what the meaning of the term "hero" is drifted far from the term that I am used to."

"Oh? And what do you mean by that?" Nezu asked for clarification, genuinely curious about what he meant as did the others listening into their conversation.

"A hero is someone who performs extraordinary and generous acts of courage, which would no doubt put themselves in the conscious sacrifice to defend the good of others. And yet in my eyes, most that I see before me don't have what it takes to be a true hero." He looked towards the group of children who no doubt are scared of him despite him helping them out moments earlier.

His words did not go unheard as almost everyone heard his statement and flinched. They would retort back, but his presence and his appearance alone halted their tongues. Even several hard-headed students felt anger towards his words, but they wisely held back, not wanting to risk his attention on them.

'I cannot show favor of who can be a true hero, but it's going to be this way I guess...' He glanced at the green-haired boy, who gulped in nervousness.

"Now, aside from that, may I ask where is All Might now?"

"Oh! He went back to the main U.A. building to recover. According to him, you've given him some kind of medicine that made him recover very quickly, but unfortunately, it didn't recover most of his injuries. May I ask where do you get such a thing?"

"I see... And to your last question, I'm afraid I cannot say."

'It's not like you can recreate healing potions using science, I doubt you can achieve it without the use of magic.'

"Understandable, but it would definitely help out our hospitals if we were to acquire such a thing."

"...May I make a deal with you, Nezu?"

This made the teachers stand at attention, and basically everyone around them began to shout in protest. But they limited themselves so as not to provoke someone that looked like could reap their souls out.


"What sort of deal might I ask?" The mouse's voice visibly reflected his trembling body, thinking about the kind of deal that was being offered.

Making a deal with a frigging Reaper? Now that could get your soul taken.

"It is nothing major." Leo waved dismissively. "I wish to ask questions. However, I'd rather take our conversation somewhere... private. Only you and I shall converse."

The principal looked around, noticing some of the people were looking towards them with expressions that seemed to yell “Don't do it!”. Most were directed towards the mouseman...

"Of course." He nodded, much to his companions' disagreement.

"Nezu, what are you doing!?" Nezumi exclaimed in anxiety and surprise.

"Now now, we will only talk. Nothing will happen, isn't that right Reaper-san? Forgive me for being blunt; but can I guarantee your word on this?"

He simply nodded, not sure on what the big deal was for them to get so worried about. True that they are really damn suspicious of him then again it was his fault for not going in with a disguise plan. But what was he supposed to do was the building was being attacked and if he was a minute too slow, then Midoriya and All Might could have died and that would make his reputation sink in the eyes of others if that did happen.

He checked all the levels of everyone in the vicinity, discarding All Might who was by far the strongest at level fifty, everyone was in the mid to low twenties which spoke to the strength of this world in general. Wandering back to his conversation with principal he spoke again.

"...I doubt we should start our talks here." Leo stated as looked around. Spotting buildings in the distance he began to walk towards them to the surprise of the U.A staff.

Nezu caught up to him. "Certainly not Reaper-san. It's proper to entertain guests in one's office is it not?"

Leo nodded and gestured for him to lead the way. Which Nezu took in stride as he had hopped onto a nearby vehicle and hitched a ride on. Leo notices his weapon would not fit inside the vehicle, lest it will damage it. He puts it into his cloak, which causes everyone nearby to gauge their eyes into the size of dinner plates. It was like a magician's work!

He has to be careful around now. He certainly doesn't want anyone to know most of his abilities.

True that there is none that can stand up to him, not if they have 9th tier or higher magic items or spells that can harm him, then there's nothing to worry about. However, being targeted is not what he is worried about.

Attracting the attention of the world is what worries him. If he shows to the world just what he can truly do, then it could cause the world to fear him and either fight him or worship him as some kind of deity. Something that he would like not to happen.

'Lest Alcatraz-sama's wrath would stand upon them.' Remembering his religious beliefs. He respects his clan master's thoughts, but he has to tolerate his antics from time to time.

After a few minutes of seeing the Reaper gone, the people sighed in relief. Not knowing that they had been holding their breaths in for the longest time that they hadn't noticed it.

"Oi, Midoriya!" The Students of A-1 came close to him. "What the hell was that about?"

"Did you strike a deal with him of some kind?" Tsuyu asked, making some of his classmates look at him with bewilderment at that statement.

"Wha-!? N-No!" He shook his head frantically. "I-I just thanked him for saving me!"

That surprised them. "He saved you?" Mineta exclaimed. "That person who looked like death incarnate itself saved you!?"

"It's true," Todoroki spoke up, surprising his classmates. His voice was hinting a bit of tremor but he hid it carefully. "Mr. Explosive here and Kirishima also saw what happened before we were led out by one of the teachers to gather up at the stairs on where you guys at."

"But he healed Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen! Multiple Quirks?"

"No, it was magic!" Midoriya said, getting their attention. "What he used was magic. Not a quirk, but magic!" His friends looked at him with wide eyes. "He suddenly appeared in front of me, saving me from getting grabbed on to that villain." He still trembled at the sight of seeing that villain's hand, crumbling anything it touches.

"You sure about that? Because I don't think that's possible." Iida said slowly. "Other than that, I'm glad it's on our side. I am horrified to think if they were a villain..."

He didn't need to finish that sentence to make his classmates get what he meant.

"Alright, that's enough of that." Ectoplasm walked by them. "You kids should go home for the day. The rest of classes are canceled on the account of the villain attack."

And with that, they followed the pro hero's words. Not that they wanted to continue their classes, but due to what they have experienced, they probably deserved some rest.

However, Midoriya was still worried for his mentor; All Might. Even if he was healed by that weird liquid potion that the Reaper had poured over him, it still might not be enough to heal his scar.

"Please take a seat, Reaper-san."

He chuckled. "I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself, my mistake. I am Mors, Mors Darkem."

"Ah well, please take a seat Darkem-san."

Satisfied, he nodded before taking a seat. They were currently in Principal Nezu's office as they just arrived some minutes ago. It would look like a normal style office-theme room if it weren't for the decors around. But it reminds him of his old boss interview...

'Push that thought away, the past is the past. They won't come back to you again.'

"Now, to our deal. You have some questions of us yes?"

Leo, or now called by his alias Mors, asked some questions to Nezu who somehow answered his questions without any reaction. But then, the mouse mutant might have already had experiences like this before and this is just his attitude. So calm and polite.

'Definitely a professional.' He thought mindlessly.

So far what he had learned of this world is that he is definitely on Earth, but it seems to be a parallel one. The technology is advanced in its own way, but primitive when compared to his homeworld. But the technology is decent, but not advanced enough.

So far the birth of 'Quirks', how people got powers and weird appearances that would make them look like comic book heroes he would see online from the past. Having heard what he needed to, he let Nezu ask his questions. They were not that hard. They were simply "Where do you come from?", "What is your purpose here?", "Who are you?" He had to bullshit his way on questions that would give out a confusing answer and no doubt complicate the situation.

"I came from a place far away. I was set on this land without my consent. To who I am, it is strictly none of your business."

Simple questions that he could answer, but the last one he was definitely not prepared.

"I would like to offer you a job in the U.A. High School." The principal smiled.



"And what benefits would that give me? Other than resources and shelter?" 'If you are doing this for something selfish, I would personally-'

"If I can be honest, it is to keep an eye on you sir Mors." That surprised him. If he accepted his offer, he would no doubt be given privileges on being a 'pro hero' but also additional benefits in being a U.A. attendant? But to keep an eye on him?

"Ah, is it come to the point I am a threat has it?"

"As expected of someone like you, sir Mors." The mouse nodded respectfully. "Forgive me for being such a selfish person, but I would highly recommend you accept the offer."

"Yes, I've already anticipated the consequences." He smiled. "However, it is not like one could ever harm me in any way for instance." He admitted casually. Nothing harmful to tell something truthful at the moment.

Nezu swallowed his words. The confidence of this person, is he not afraid of taking on the world? Nezu found no lies, nor ignorance in his words. No boastful tone, and no arrogance.

He has to make sure that this person... or rather this being not go on a rampage throughout the world.

"Alright, but may I ask what is it you can do?"

'Shit, how do I explain this? I doubt they'd believe magic... Wait.'

"Are you certain, principal Nezu? You know, sometimes ignorance is bliss."

"No, I'm certain I wish to know what you are capable of. It is to determine what category you shall be registered once you accept the job offer of being an instructor in U.A. High School."

Leo shrugged. "Oh well, do not be shocked by what I am capable of then."

He could not cast any spells since none of them were good for showing off. Other than buffing and debuff specialties, but that won't be enough at first hand. He held his open palm out, before willing his mana to pour slowly onto his hand.

A dark grey energy circulated around his palm, floating into a sphere-like shape with a light blue rainbow like aura surrounding it.

"If you wish to know what this is, this is a tiny ball of energy that can rip through anything. A tiny, little thing that can effortlessly destroy a city." Nezu looked warily at the ball.

"Don't be concerned, this is harmless unless I want it to harm something." He clenched his hand, withdrawing the ball of mana back. "Other than that, I want to make a condition of my own."

"And that is?" Nezu was very concerned about what this condition may be n. Anything he might say could compromise the lives of many, he might even want people to-

"I wish to have the freedom and authority to roam around and punish 'villain's' as you call them."

The Mouse-principal slowly blinked. "You wish to be a hero?"

Mors glared, making Nezu flinch from his gaze. "I wish to be something similar to a hero but to be exact. If there are villains and heroes around, then there should be vigilantes around, are there? What are the benefits of a vigilante? Are they not under any laws and act on their own terms."

"B-But without any restrictions or discipline, they would no doubt create chaos! That is why the Hero Association establishment exists!" Nezu reaffirmed.

Mors snapped his fingers. "True, but it would also mean that only they could do justice on their own. When all can do good deeds, conducting justice among the wicked. True that if there are no restrictions on people with quirks as you call these powers, there would be chaos. But, when something you don't want to happen happens right in front of your eyes, would you take up the mantle and fight them off? Or will you stand back and watch, doing nothing just letting it happen?"


"Justice used by the people here has a minuscule understanding of what it truly means. I would love to argue the flaws of this realm's society and how they manage Quirks. But such arguments would lead us off-topic."

'Effectively, it would be a weak argument.' He sighed inwardly.

"But, I’ll abide by your conditions."

'For now...' Those words echoed throughout the mind of Nezu, it didn't need to be said, because the words are already there.

"Then as of this moment, you shall be a substitute teacher for the hero course." And with that, the two shook hands formally.

The day went on as Leo, or right now as he was called by the alias of "Mors" now. The paperwork he has been doing to this day will be finished somewhere in the evening, so he will be able to attend his new job by tomorrow.

The world he found himself in was really out of the norm for him. A world full of heroes and villains, it seemed to look like something from out of a comic book, but this reality was indeed real.

'Yet they’re all weak...' He thought as he stood on the highest building in the city of Musutafu, it was night time. Back in his original world, there wasn't a place called Musutafu, supporting the claims that he definitely was in another parallel world. Even though it had already been decided, it still shook him.

Going back doesn't seem like an option. It's not like he would want to go back, there isn't any way of going back that he knew of.

This world just suddenly gave birth to people possessing various powers and abilities. There is barely, BARELY any magic around. But with the surprising revelation at hand, this would give him an advantage.

With the use of magic, he can cover up most of his true abilities from any unwanted attention.

'Although my appearance needs a change...' His current equipment definitely gave a vibe of a "death reaper coming for you souls!" kinda feeling.

"Hmmmm, this look does fit me... But the quality although..."

It gives a villain-like vibe.

"*sigh* I guess I'll have to tone it down."

Twenty minutes later. . .

"I guess this is decent enough." he said to himself as he looked over his ‘new’ design, he had changed to a somewhat modernist style but still retained the design of his old gear.

He had to remove most of his set and wear low-leveled gear that he had still managed to keep in his Prestige Inventory. A backup inventory that was given to Players who had anticipated the "World Invasion" event, along with some bonus items and high-rewards, but that's that.

He still kept his black tattered cloak, still in its 'ruined' form, it was a Legendary-Class Item that can reduce almost all damage and negate spells below its set stat count. Chain-linked armor combined with leather to give both protection and mobility. A black mask that would cover up his face and keep it concealed.

However, the mask gave several advantages to Leo like the ability to cast {Fear} along with its low-tier [Instant Death] negation enchantment, and [Immune to Blindness] bonus. Wearing low-tier gear meant that his stats have been reduced somewhat to equal that of level 70 player. But that was good enough.

'As much as I hate this, I'm really glad I didn't sell these items in the end.' He said inturnaly to himself.

To top things off, he added a bloodied skull in front of his armor, and worn-out wings on his back.

To fight lethally, giving no mercy, yet acting like an angel seeking penance. Forgotten, but never wavering.

The Forsaken One would be his calling.

Suddenly, he heard an explosion and saw a column of smoke rising from a good distance. Screaming of panic and shouting could be heard from where he stood.

'It's almost like fate has given me an opportunity to dish out some punishment... Thy heavens calling onto me, and thy will be done.'

"For thy Lord of All." He muttered before flying over towards the rising smoke. "Punishment awaits for the wicked."

He didn't notice, but his eyes glowed red as hell fire for a moment.

. . .

"What the hell!?"

"Run man, run!"

"Someone call the authorities, call in the heroes!"


People were running away from a large figure causing destruction and mayhem. Fortunately, a lot of people got out, unfortunately...

"Hahahahahah! Run peasants, run!" A hulking behemoth of a man shouted in excitement, he looked like a man-made out of various kinds of metal glued to him, almost like scrap armor. He threw balls of junk metal around him, sometimes within them were gas canisters that he inserted into his metal balls to cause more large scale destruction.

"H-Hey!, you dumb metal head!" Those words ticked him off, he looked and saw who taunted him and saw a boy wearing an All Might hoodie.

"Don't you dare mock me you little brat!" Fueled with anger, he threw another metal ball towards the boy, who just ducked low to avoid the hertaling object.

"Whoah!" The boy dodged, or rather slid through his attacks and dodged them as he moved. He held a stone within his palm and used the repelling side of his quirk to shoot the stone at almost the speed of a bullet.

But it didn't have enough power and the stone was too weak against the layered metal, even if it was made of rusted scrap.

"Hahahah! Like that puny stone can penetrate through my Junk Armor!"

"Shit! Not enough power? Is the Armor too strong? I can't handle someone like him straight on." The villain threw more balls than usual, and at a much faster rate too, but at such speed the balls sometimes missed by a meter. Before he could slide away and stall time for someone to deal with the villain, someone appeared within his vision.

'Eh?' He just blinked and immediately someone was in front of him.

"H-He-!" Before he could try to tell the man to get away, the figure slashed towards the incoming metal balls. Destroying them with much ease.

'A-Ah~! A pro-hero! Finally, I'm saved!'

"Eh? Who the hell are you? You don't look like a hero!" The villain said, confused. "Are you a villain? Why the hell did you save that brat!?"

The boy looked closely at his savior, the villain was correct. Now, up close, the person who saved him didn't look like a hero at all! He's too scary to be a hero!

'A vigilante?' There are only two current vigilantes he could know of, and they were his friends in a way, but more like acquaintances .

"...Do you care about life?" the mysterious vigilante asked.

"Eh?" "Huh?" The two of them looked at him, confused at what he said. Before they could ask what he meant, he continued.

"Tell me, wicked one, do you care about the living?" He said darkly. The boy gulped, sensing an abrupt change in temperature.

'Did the air turn cold for a second...?'

"G-Get the hell away from me!" The villain then grabbed several metal scraps around and generated a dozen more metal balls before flinging towards the new target at a high speed, far faster than what had been sent against him.

A speed at which a person would be blown to bits in an explosion of gore.

"Enough." Those were the words, the person said. And at the moment he said that the metal balls were suddenly on the ground. And without warning, the Villain was brought down. His metal armor suddenly rendered pieces of scrap on the ground, heavily wounded with what seems to be like slashes from some kind of blade.

Definitely from this figure's weapon.

"Eh...EHHHHH!?" The boy's jaw would have slackened all the way down to the ground if it were to actually happen, but it looked funny and quite comical.

"Boy, are you alright?" Mors asked as he turned to see the boy who was trembling abnormally.

'Pity, the boy was scared to death from the wicked one was he?' His smile turned bitter. Thinking on the mistake that he had arrived a bit too late to save someone from such a horrible scenario.

Before he could move to comfort the boy, he sensed two figures coming from behind him. One of them appeared from above and was closing in. He dodged to the side, able to see the assailant's appearance.

A towering man, with muscles seen even behind the tight-fitting dark shirt, jeans and a long trench coat. His head was covered with a wrap-around mask on top of his head. And on his hands that were about to hit him were a pair of brass knuckles fitted with a pair of gloves.

"Hey hey hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?" His voice was filled with unwavering determination, a sense of justice. And yet, his emotions seemed to be contained with heavy burden.

'What happened to this man, to endure something so horrible?'

"Are you a villain?"

"Huh!? Who the hell do you think I am? I am Knuckleduster, and I am a cleaner who specializes in scum like you!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with a sense of justice.

"Ah, a vigilante then," Mors said, he then lowered his weapon, causing the man wearing brass knuckles to look at him confused. "But I am not the scum to which you refer, I rather despise those... creatures." He emphasized the last word venomously.

"Oh yeah? Then what are you?"

"I am the one who will present this world with the fact that everyone can be heroes. Not heroes that warrant fame, attention, or money, not for the will of self-desires; NONE OF THEM!" He shouted.

"I am the one who keeps balance, to uphold what is wrong and right. The sense of justice is being used in the wrong way, to be used by the humanized concept of Justice. To save someone and believe what you are doing is right; is that not the true sense of justice? But to be kept back by the laws created so that they cannot fully help people out? Foolishness!"

"And as a result, you might see me as a vigilante as well. But I am no hero, nor villain in my cause."

"Not a hero, yet not a villain... What would you see yourself as then?" The man known as Knuckleduster lowered his fists but kept them up in guard. This didn't mean he was relaxed in his presence. But his words felt like they echoed with him somehow. It was true that he was a fellow believer of Justice, but once his Quirk was stolen...

At first he didn't know what to do, but later on, he did not let something like that stop him. And so he trained, trained, trained all day to become stronger, to overcome that lingering sense of uselessness.

...And to find her daughter of which was taken from a long time ago...

"That depends, but I see myself as a... balancer of things, bringing balance to all as all things should be. Like for example, what is the point of saving others if you weren't even a hero?"

Those words broke through steel walls smoothly.

"To explain what happened, I arrived just in time to save that boy over there," He pointed at Koichi who was hiding behind him as a shield. "but it seems you two know each other. And I'm sorry that I arrived a little too late." He bowed in apology.

"A-Ah! No worries!" Koichi timidly responded, but he was too fearful and shy. But he was glad that the cloaked man dealt with the Villain... even if it happened all in an instant.

"Then, I'll be leaving." He nodded his head before he suddenly disappeared right before their eyes.

Koichi looked around, trying to see where he went. "Damn, that guy moves fast. It's almost like time stopped." And with that, he didn't know just how right he was . "And Mast- Mister Knuckleduster-san, I'm surprised you didn't even try to punch him."

"...I didn't, plus that guy gives a really dangerous vibe." The old man Knuckleduster said firmly, with a hint of fear in his tone.He managed to hide it, but only barely.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Koichi blinked, confused. True the air got cold for some reason, but he suspected that it was that man's Quirk. But that doesn't explain how the person moved so fast as if time had stopped for them, he assumed that in mind.

"If we are to see him again in the future, I think it's better we make friends with that guy, not to provoke him or simply avoid him." As much as he liked it, he felt that they were definitely going to see each other in the future.

But oh, only time will tell, Iwao Oguro-san.

Only time will tell...

And besides, he felt like that guy isn't what he thinks he is.

The day after. . .

Mors was given a vacant room to sleep in. He didn't really need a bed to sleep, but having a place to stuff things that weren't needed in his void-inventory was quite helpful.

Plus if he didn't put anything in his room, then it would make things obviously suspicious to those who would see his room not being used and perfectly clean.

And since he is assigned as teaching Class 1-A students, and several other different classes, it would be better to take on a form that would seem... not so intimidating for them. He had taken notice as to who made up Class 1-A, and they have been assigned to Hero courses mostly. And that he can do. It also surprised him a bit to see that the familiar green-haired boy was also in Class 1-A.

And as stated, he was given a fake profile one he repeated over and over in his mind so could remember it off by heart.

Name: Mors Darkem

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+

Age: 27

Quirk: Fear, Speed

Occupation: Teacher; Combat Instructor and Philosophy Teacher

“Or that's how it goes in an abridged way..."

'Hmmmm, it looks like that principal is observant. I can teach those kids on how to fight, even with different powers. And he did say that people with multiple Quirks are rare, almost like a needle in a haystack.' He smiled before looking at the "Philosophy Teacher, ha!"

'But me being a Philosophy Teacher... That is benefitting, to guide the minds and hearts of young children, to see what the world really is like, and what it truly means to be a hero... A true hero.'

"But it's at the same time problematic..." No doubt he can spread his mindset and the knowledge of which he stores and reference them with common sense and institute, but he is NOT a people's person.

Hell, that is the reason why he had fewer friends in school, even less in the workplace!

But ironically, he had people he can call friends in the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, the group full of idiots that he would certainly miss; the Hateful Eight.

'They could be somewhere in this world, they stayed online as the game was shutting down...' There is a possibility that they also may have come into this world. But that is only a chance. And with the Internet, he can keep tabs on things going on in the world, in that way he can recognize things from YGGDRASIL and anything that may have come into this world other than him only.

He clenched his fist so hard that his fingers started to dig deep into his necrotic, false flesh.

'Calm down, you are in a new world now. God or whatever out there has decided to put me in this place, blessed me with the power of my avatar... Whatever I should do, I will do so in this world.'

"To do His Will..." He muttered.

. . .

"Jeez, U.A. has a big property. Almost as big as several Universities back in that shit world, but with only nature as part of it." Mors said as he walked through the hallway, glancing outside the window and witnessing the sight of nature's scenery.

"Class 1-A... Class 1-A... Class 1- Ah, found it."

Seeing a label Class 1-A above a door leading to a classroom makes it certain that it was definitely the room he was looking for.

'Ok Leo, calm yourself now. What you are about to do is to introduce yourself to a bunch of kids with superpowers that are from the comic books. They are childish in nature and do not know anything realistic about nature.' He tried to smile, but it ended up being a wild grin.

As he was about to move to the room and open the door, he realized that he was still in his main appearance. Hell, his tattered cloak and his fearsome appearance might reactivate whatever trauma they felt all over again.

And he would be the one responsible for their condition this time!

"Right, I need to restrain myself a bit, no fear aura this time." He wouldn't lie when he said those words disappointed him by the slightest margin.

He quickly minimized his (awesome) "Fear" and made himself look like a...

A priest... Except without the crosses and stuff, but somewhat distinguishing himself as a priestly appearance. But he didn't look like a normal priest would.

His new appearance was a black trench coat with white trimmings, black padded pants, and somewhat giving an aura of "Unwavering Faith". Rustic yet dark shining chains wrapped around his shoulders. He wore Futara-type glasses (like the one Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate wears to look like a magnificent badass) with a very dark-tinted frame on its glass. He also wore a black mask to keep his face covered, and a tri-cone hat with a leather belt strapped on its top.

(Basically Alexander Anderson but give it a more dark feeling of him version.)

"This seems good enough." And taking in a few breaths, he opened the door and noticed the familiar students that he had seen at the USJ building.

He had remembered some of their appearances, while some he did not. Like that kid with a seemingly large tail, and that boy with a bird head.

'Different world, different common sense. . .’

"..." Silently walking up towards the front desk, where the teacher usually conducted lessons for the students.

It was a weird feeling, but he somehow knew it. Apparently he had seen too many anime and manga because the teaching style that his old world taught in their young moments were kind of... Out of touch and not very personal it was all in the virtual with assistance Ai.

'Lazy asses...' He pushed that thought aside before scanning the students around the room and giving his introduction.

"Hello, all. I will be your teacher in several courses such as Combat Training and Philosophies class."

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