《Deliverance》Let the games Begin


Midoriya looked down, thinking deeply about what had happened during the USJ incident.

He couldn't help but think about that Reaper, no, man. His speaking was weird, but his words held value. Despite his looks, he was able to heal him of his injuries, even All Might! But...

"Was his scar also fixed from that liquid he poured on his head...? His wounds healed up, so was his injury healed up as well?" He muttered. "Other than that, what kind of medicine was that though? Was it Quirk-based? Is it possible to transfer healing-based Quirk and transform it into a medicine? Or was it nanotechnology? But is there a technology that instantly heals wounds that bad? It might be done in secret so there's no information about that. Does it have side effects?"

"...You're mumbling again Midoriya-san."

"Eh, EH!?" He noticed literally his classmates looking at him with various expressions on their faces.

"What's that thing you mentioned about All Might being healed by some medicine?" Mineta asked. "Wasn't he healed up by Recovery Girl?"

"I think we were told that he went back to the clinic to check himself up." Mashirao offered. "So he may have taken another chance to recover."

"And what do you mean medicine, Midoriya?" Iida spoke up, rapidly making chopping gestures in the air. "Are you meaning to say that All Might recovered through medicine!? I find that hard to believe!"

"It might be some kind of a healing-type Quirk like Midoriya-san said." Momo piped into the conversation.

"Yes, but I haven't heard anyone having a Quirk that heals in the form of medicine, has you guys?" He asked them.


"Never heard anyone."


All the class replied negatively, even Kacchan slightly shook his head from that. Its the first time that he heard someone having a Quirk that heals in a form of medicine.

"Perhaps it's something similar to Momo-san's Creation Quirk?" Tsuyu added. "But Midoriya-san, you said medicine, what kind is it?"

"A-Ah! It's some kind of a liquid, but its colored red. It's also encased in a bottle that looks like a flask."



"Huh, that sounds like something straight out from a videogame-"

And suddenly, the door opens. A figure revealed to be someone they haven't seen before but has the aura of authority.

His build was slim, yet visibly muscular despite the clothing covering it. He was also wearing an outfit similar to a priest, yet almost not. A chain was wrapped around his arm completely as if it were armor. A circular, red-tinted glasses on his face, a black mask that literally covered his whole face, and a triangular-shaped hat.


In his opinion, he looked like an underworld Hero like their senpai Eraserhead, except...

'I don't know anything about someone like him!'

"Hello all," His voice was deep, intimidating yet warm. "I will be your teacher in several courses such as Combat Training and Philosophies class."

The class murmured around, they voiced out their thoughts and opinions on their new teacher assigned to their subjects. But one is for sure, their minds were on one thing;

'Who is this guy?'

"Ah, forgive my transgressions." He briefly bowed his head. "My name is Mors Darken. Have any of you been told about this event?"

Midoryia shook his head, he glanced around and saw his other classmates shaking their heads and some others voicing "no".

"Ah, well then. A surprise I suppose." The man said plainly. "Oh well, then... Since this is an introductory, I'll let you children gain questions for me to answer."

And a hand was raised.


"My name is Mina Ashido, Mors Sensei. One thing bothers me; are you a priest?" The one thing that was dwelling in the mind of her friends; finally asked. Ever since the world has given birth to Quirk, not many people have been settled in religion.

Mors shook his head in denial. "No, I am no figure of faith. Merely a person who has taken the belief of faith. Unless you wish to clarify and ask about religion, you may."

"Ah, no need sensei!" She shook her hands frantically. "I think I'll pass."

He nodded before looking at others. "Any others?"

"Sensei!" Toru 'raised' her hand. "Is your name a hero name?"

The teacher hummed. "And you are miss...?"

"Toru Hagakure, sensei!"

"Well, miss Hagakure, the answer to that question is not wrong, but not correct either."

If her face could literally be seen, she was pouting, as well with a raised brow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Mors chuckled. "I apologize, but that question will be answered another time. That, or you will know soon enough."

"Why not now?" Sero asked.

"You all are students are you not? Then students learn. I cannot give you the answer directly or else you won't learn." He answered politely. "Any more?"

"..." Seeing none, their new assigned teacher nodded his head once before he asked them one simple, familiar question.

"Well then, I'll ask something from you all. You may answer in any way possible, be it frankly; formal or casual. It does not matter as long as you make an answer."

Midoriya unconsciously gulped. For while it may seem normal, he could feel the intensity that their teacher is giving. 'Almost like Aizawa sensei...'


"This will be a question I expect one or all of you shall answer... What is the difference between Good and Evil?"

'...Huh?' They thought dumbly. They didn't really expect this kind of a simple question.

"What kind of question is that!?" Kaminari answered. "It's obvious! The Good are the Heroes, and the Evil are the Villains!" He proudly smiled, thinking that he made the right answer.

"..." The teacher went quiet, intensely quiet. The class was silently nervous, they had thought that Kaminari had made a mistake in his answer or something-

"Anyone else?" He asked, looking randomly at others. "Because that answer I hear, is not enough." And with that, the electric-quirk user slumped down to his seat with an aura of despair around him.

'So blunt!'

"U-Um... Sensei, question?" Uraraka meekly raised her hand.


"Ochacho Uraraka sensei; is this a trick question sir?"

"I'll give you the answer if you give me the answer to your question." If his face could be seen, he smiled.

"Then my answer to your question is that: Like what Kaminari-san said; The Good is the Heroes and the Evil are the Villains. Heroes are the ones that always or can help others in need, and the Villains are the ones doing bad things to other people like killing, stealing, crimes."

"..." Mors did the same from what he did to Kaminari, he stared at her silently. To him, he was thinking about what to answer on that, but for the students; they see him as judging her answer.

'They are really blinded...'

"Not a good answer, but not bad either." He said. "A textbook answer, but not enough. But nonetheless, thank you for your opinion Ms. Uraraka."

"Sir!" A loud voice spoke up. "Tenya Iida, Class Representative of Class 1-A!"

'Ah, a loud one. But he doesn't seem to be rude at some point.' "Yes, you have an answer?"

"Yes!" He stood up. "The difference is that both are the opposite of each other! They are not the same in any other way, but they are destined to be together forever at all times!"

"..." The same action he did to the other two, he went quiet. Iida felt a sweat behind his neck, the waiting felt like an eternity.

"Still the same, unfortunately." He shook his head. "But thank you for your opinion."


"..." The students looked at one another, they were nervous about what their answers would not satisfy their new teacher's question. Feeling and thinking that they'll get depressed from his blunt answers.

"If none, then I shalt bring anth answer."

Midoriya widens his eyes at the familiar wording. 'Could it be...?!'

"They are the same. Good and Evil, are the same." He said in a way like it was a fact.



"But sensei, that doesn't make sense!" Mineta exclaimed. "How can Good and Evil be the same when the other does bad things!?"

"...There is a story, an old one on which I doubt if any of you have heard of this." He said. "There is a fight between two wolves; One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."

That seems to get a reaction to several students. Namely, one that has a dual-color red and white on his hair, and the one with harsh eyes. 'Looks like I have their attention now...'

He continued on... "The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too."

"...Which one will win?" Midoriya spoke up. He was curious, but also wanting to know what happened to the fight. It was a story that he has not heard about.

"The one that you feed." He said. "You see, light and shadow cannot exist without the other. There cannot be a shadow without the light, nor there cannot be light without the shadow. This story is a reminder, an important reminder of the power we have over our emotions and experiences.

You live in a world of repetition. There will always be both Light and Dark, both Good and Evil, both Chaos and Disorder.

And for you children to strive to survive the harsh realities of the world, it is not a simple task." He said firmly. "Whatever the people want you to see, whatever they want you to be, whatever they want you to become; deny them or accept them, it is but your own choice."

And in an ominous voice he says; "But do take this in mind; Villains and Heroes are not different from what you normally see..."

. . .

The introductory orientation with their newly-assigned teacher was finished. Their real class on the subject would start on about tomorrow. It went normal as usual, but it changed when their new teacher had given them something to think upon.

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