《Deliverance》The Reaper has Arrived



Everything I smell here? Smoke and dust.

Dust, smoke, dirt...


What else?

Oh right, blood, sounds of fighting, shouts of people around, the coldness of the ice, the heat of the fire, cracks of electricity, the masked presence void, and corrosion of flesh and various material...

Bloodied, bruised, weakened, destroyed, incapacitated.

All forms of beaten crowds around, and the few remaining are either backing off from him, staying the hell away from him, or trying to find another way to escape this madness.

Fear, awe, amazed, cautious, guarded, anger, and relief were all on the faces of the children in the place. Some of them were injured in the fight, others seemed to be confidently fine.

But, it was mostly fear they were releasing.

He had nothing to resolve what is done by his hand now.

What he sees right now, is an unjust act of damnation of hatred. Crime by these bastards daring to even hurt people badly.

The act of justice should be delivered upon them!

"You bastard! You cheating bastard!" A pained, distorted voice shouted directed to him. The source of the voice was coming from a man with a strange armor of hands, although there was something awfully dry on his hands. "Why the hell did you mess up the plans!?"

'Plans? What plans? To hurt people? That was the plan?' He clenched his hand hard. 'This bastard...'

"...Thy will be done on earth, thy wicked shall perish within thee blade of mineth."

He slowly raised his unformed hand towards the injured weird handy-man. "Cometh and perish as a wicked sinner."

YGGDRASIL - Final moments


It was a quiet walk in the plains of Midgard.

No ambushes set up, no PK groups patrolling around, no humans and self-righteous damn hypocrites chasing him around.

No one is here. Barely no one, since he kinda PKed a couple of idiot human players who tried to PK him.

Fools, they forgot to never ever underestimate a lone player walking around. Consequences be damned if such a simple yet effective method not be obvious to the idiots, who are on the same level as him, will be easily tempted to PK him down.

Heh, learned the best from best, after all, his former clan master.

He was Pked by some cheeky ambushers some weeks ago and decided to quit for a few days from the salty rage he had induced from it. So his levels were decreased from his original level. He would be able to regain them easily by farming those Dark Guardians back in Helheim, but it would be too late by then.

He had heard from the announcements that this day is the last of the best game he had ever had and enjoyed... He didn't know what to feel other than sadness and disappointment.

It matters not, when he has got a presentation tomorrow, whether he has a promotion examination from that shitty company he works in is around this week as well, it matters not.

He will enjoy YGGDRASIL, one last time.

At least he's not the only one.

All former clanmates are also online, on this last day of YGGDRASIL. He had PMed them, and all have their own reasons to enjoy the last of this game's day.

He'll do the same too...

"..." He looked outward, seeing the insane graphic style designs of this server world Midgard. A virtual world full of text and code. It's better than living in the dirty, ruined world anyways.

"I question wherefore God hath very much let us doth this..."


He is a religious man, a man full with the beliefs of the one true God. Christianity is his way. But he sometimes questions the flaws and the nature of the works of the Word...

But he answered those doubts with: "We art just humans, we cannot condescend completely to the understanding of God's worketh...". For some reason it worked, his own words calmed his heart of doubt down.

He cannot let himself astray from the true works of his Lord. But that doesn't mean he cannot let himself do nothing.

In the eyes of Man; Good is good, and evil is evil... But that philosophy had died long ago.

Now it is Wicked Men who judge who is innocent and who is guilty. This world is full of guilt. And it disgusts him.

"Only ones who is't hath't a membership can doth this? Only the ones with certain passes can wend through? Only the ones can liveth in a comfortable and ingraft life?" He quietly muttered...

"WHO IS'T DECIDES YOND FUCKING DID SHIT!?" His voice, amplified by the vox caster (lol), could be heard almost across the plains. That is if there had been anyone around the area.

"WHY, DAMN IT!? WHY CAN'T WE JUST HAVE PEACE AND PROSPERITY!? HOW SIMPLE CAN WE NOT ACHIEVE THAT!?" Breaking off his Shakespearean language, he shouted throughout the virtual heavens of Midgard.

He continued shouting nonsense for almost half an hour, he felt his throat sour from the shouting. He took a glance to the clock and it was just a few minutes before the countdown had finished.

He immediately sat down. There's no system that will let anyone feel, smell, touch, or taste in this game. Besides, if there are any of the 4, then getting killed would let you feel pain. And everyone's damn sure that you cannot enjoy a game that will let you feel pain.

The mere gracious benefits of not being able to feel human ingame...


What is a human?

What in a sense, would being Human be good to all? Humans are a flaw, a pest that needs to be cleaned up. But then again, it's also a pesticide at the same time.

Ironic in a sense that humans can have both concepts of Destruction and Creation. To have War and Peace. To be Full, yet at the same time Empty...

"Why has God even made humans?" He questioned no one, yet hoping to let at least someone hear his voice... "Why all this? God, if you can hear me, why let us...? Why did you let us destroy ourselves? Are you not the God of Mankind? Are you not the God of our oldest ancestors of the past? Why did you let us? Why... Have you forsaken us...? If not, then please... Give me a sign..." He closed his eyes and held up his hands in silent prayer.

Almost after the countdown ticked to the last number, the whole game vanished immediately.

And with only the numbers in the silent darkness appearing:




It is done...



Unknown World


Transportation: Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia!

He felt it, it was almost sudden but he felt the world around him changed.

He was supposed to be back in his dead, dirty, room. Back to the damn dirty world of reality where he has to work on that project for the fucking stupid company after the game had finished its count down.

Fuck the old world and humanity for ruining the once beautiful world they lived in.


But now? He had yet to complain about what had just happened.

He could smell, when there isn't supposed to be a smell.

He could feel when there isn't supposed to be felt.

He could taste when there isn't supposed to be a taste.

He would have thought to himself that the shitty devs either canceled the countdown, this either was an update, or YGGDRASIL 2.0.

He would have thought any of those, but those choices didn't come into his thoughts.

This was either a dream or shit actually went real. He would prefer the latter, he doesn't want to spend his life on that wretched world filled with pollution.

For the first time, he truly opened his eyes. And it was wonderful compared to the old world.

The green. The world of green around him. Trees, plants, flowers, and all those he saw in the pictures; never able to even see them up close and personal. But now? He had done it.

'The air... It's more clear.' He took a deep breath before exhaling. To breath without the need for gas masks, rebreathers, and recycled oxygen.

This was paradise.


This is paradise.

Wait! He shot his gaze upwards, and what he saw was beautiful...

The sky, it was clear and blue! There was no sight of smoke, no grey clouds of pollution, nothing! Clear white clouds, a clear crystalline blue sky!

"Beautiful..." He muttered under his breath.

He gazed upon the skies for who knows how long (about an hour... like seriously, a person hasn't seen fking any form of nature in the old world) before realizing where he was.

Taking a good look around him, he is surrounded by plants, trees. A forest. However, he heard no sounds of people nearby so he would assume that he is dead, and is in paradise...?

NO! It cannot be that simple, Judgement day has not cometh at that moment. Weeks and days before, none has happened that had not been relayed from the news!

No... This has to be it... A sign of G-


...It seems that he is wrong to think that there are no people nearby.

There are no explosions in the land of paradise, so he must be on someplace else. And the sound... It sounded like an engine exploding.

"This cannot be thy Purgatory as those zealots imagine it would be..." He hissed at the thought of the teachings of one of the many major religions, so many flaws, made up philosophies, and human attributes self-placed into the works of the Word. Such blasphemy that they would alter the teachings of the Lord...

But that is just his own opinion on that.

Perishing that stupid thought, his mind immediately went on the case of him being on another world. And being transferred to another world would mean-

"Hath't I been isekai'ed?...?" It would seem so. Remembering the novels and fanfictions he read of the same genre, it would most likely be so.

"And if 't be true this true, then I nay longer can wend back..." He went quiet before scoffing the thought on even wanting to return to that wicked world.

"Like I would returneth to yond shitty ordinary. I needeth to knoweth whither am I, what is going on, and I shalt doth thither's few or none will entertain it after this." Without caring about anything, not even checking himself, he immediately went to the source of the explosion as he felt worried and concerned about whatever was going on and caused it.

"If thy wicked are here, then I shall perish them!" Without knowing his capacity, he went through dozens of trees, breaking and destroying them in his path. Stopping to see his cause of destruction, he panicked on what he had done before giving a quick muttering of "sorry" before heading to the source of the explosion in a more...

Careful manner.

Heading to the direction where he heard the sound of an engine exploding, he saw a dome-like structure and for some reason, he began to feel negativity surrounding it. It was small, but it was there.

But looking at the structure, it doesn't look as grand as the Cyber Coliseum Stadium or rather the C.C.S back on the polluted world. It would seem that he was transferred to a world that is not exposed as much to the industry and the population hasn't reached the limit.


Pushing the thoughts away, he went towards the building and began to feel a change in emotions. A burst of hope, awe, joy, and excitement. A mixture of fear and admiration is there, but the pure emotions were mixed with the wicked.

For some reason he can taste emotions. ''t wilt beest the changeth in me... Mine avatar is one with me.'

'But now is not the time to think, now is the time to act!' He'd immediately tap on his menu, equip his weapon, break the door and rescue the ones needed help.

...Or rather that was how it was supposed to happen.

Our OC didn't know and was just swiping air.

"What!? How the hell am I supposed to check my inventory!?" Almost immediately the moment he thrust his hand forward, his hand was engulfed in a black-purple void.

He was surprised by that, half his mind feared that he was being attacked by something unknown, but half of his mind told him to calm down and this is his inventory.

Reluctantly, he thought about his weapon and felt something touch his palm. He grabbed it and pulled it out of his void inventory and brandished it. Examining his weapon in all its glory.

[Undying Ice] with its name, and with it; the name held its change. A long, deadly looking weapon embedded with dark spikes and chains. It would seem impractical on its design, but it's how it was designed in the game. Impractical looking, but deadly in true combat.

A swordstaff (Yes this weapon also exists in real life) with a unique design similar to a mix of a halberd and a spear.

(Search up battlemage swordstaff, should give you a close idea. But with spikes and chains around it, giving it a corrupt look to it)

"..." He examined the dark, chaotic beauty of his blade. Never once every time he drew the weapon out, he never felt tired from seeing it.

He shook those simple thoughts out of the way and focused on what was in front of him. With a change of his whole body, he felt a need to smite the wicked and install justice upon thee deeds of evil.

Stepping forward, he examined the door which looked to be broken from the outside. So it seems that someone forced their way in.

His eyes narrowed in deep suspicion and in silent contempt, while that it seemed that the entire place seemed to be on a "lockdown" to which he assumes, then that sound of an engine exploding appeared that someone managed to get out of the building before...

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Explosion*

"!" The loud sounds caused him to regain his thoughts and concentrate on what is going on... Again.

Without thinking, he walked through the broken door and unconsciously turned on his passive; {Aura of Dread}.

The heroes-in-training were scattered and outnumbered. True they were able to deal a decent amount of damage and hold out against the villain invaders, and most are nothing but thugs that can easily be dealt with.

They were doing well, but almost suddenly the tables have turned. Thirteen was injured due to the villain using her own Quirk against her, thus making her out of commission. The students weren't able to land a hit on a Warp-Gate villain, lacking the weapon or quirk to do so.

With only one way was to call reinforcements back at the U.A. High School. They managed to hold down the villain just for Iida to escape and call for the pro heroes.

More reinforcements...

That would be a problem for the villains. A huge problem.

Their goal here was to kill All Might just as scheduled for the class term! Why wasn't he here!?

Argh, to hell with that! At least they'll just kill one of the students to subside their annoyance... If it weren't for Eraserhead's Quirk aimed at Tomura, then Asui would have died by an instant.

Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta had witnessed the brutal beatdown of Aizawa. That scene will forever be burned into their memories, unable to do anything, only to observe the monstrous-looking villain beating down Aizawa without any effort.

And with the creepy villain took notice of them, they were unable to escape, thus putting the effort on 'trying' to... Time slows down, all seems lost.

Yet a loud bang on the entrance building, all sounds of fighting ceased and all eyes turned towards the door... A large figure walking through the thick cloud of dust.

All Might has arrived!

Putting out Aizawa and the students out of the way, he was able to fight, but after being tricked and almost got killed by the warp-gate villain he was saved by Midoriya; Bakugo; Eijiro; and Shoto.

But the villain wasn't finished. Nomu was able to get out of the situation and regained control, surprising the ones in present that he has multiple Quirks. Midoriya and the others are unable to help out All Might, but it doesn't look like their help was needed.

It may seem that to be the truth, but it was because All Might wants to finish this fight as soon as possible due to limited transformation time.


All Might has given his all, and delivered a monstrous blow on Nomu, making him fly through the roof, breaking the sounds and causing a shockwave around the building, making everyone feel it.

Now, it was a standoff. All Might taunting his enemies into attacking him, was actually hoping for them to leave and not attack him in his vulnerable state. He literally couldn't do anything.

"...I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible." All Might said firmly with his smile unwavering, hiding the panic in his voice.

The villains, nervous and scared, they were given info about All Might being weaker than before. But it doesn't seem to be the case, he managed to defeat Nomu; who was modified to kill All Might and was supposed to be on par with him!

Were they betrayed? What the hell happened?

'Did that guy lie to me!?' Tomura thought as he nervously/anxiously scratched his neck.

"What's wrong?" The words were filled with venom. "You're not coming? You said you'd "clear" this or something, right?" His eyes would be able to pierce through the villain's skull if it can. "Come and get me if you can."

All Might's words made Tomura falter for a moment.

On the surface, this would seem that All Might is still able to beat them down. But All Might was bluffing, his transformation was at its limit. Midoriya knows this, no one but him in this building knows about this.

All Might is exhausted, unable to continue fighting. All he could do was hope that they won't attack him.

But sadly, hopes for no more fighting were pushed away.

Tomura came charging right at him, while All Might could barely move at all, let alone standing!

'Jeez, holy shit!' The Symbol of Peace inwardly shouted. Willing his limbs to move, on which he barely had the energy to do so.

'Hurry!' All Might tried on putting up an incoming brace while hoping for reinforcements to reach him before it's too late anymore. 'Everyone, hurry!'

Midoriya jumped in to save All Might from a deadly fate. It would seem heroic, but that action caused Deku to recklessly let himself get killed...

That is when everything suddenly seemed to stop for just a moment. A very small, brief moment.

"...What?" Tomura felt his hand to be light. He tried moving his hand but felt none. So he pulled it back from Kurogiri and he saw nothing but a bloody stump from his late hand...

"...Eh? Ehhhh!? ARGHHH!?" His mind had reacted to what his nerves had just sent through his brain. He fell to his knees, grasping his hand in agony.


"Tomura!" Kurogiri didn't know what happened. Nothing happened! There was no attack, there was nothing within his range! It was as if it just happened out of nowhere! The Warp Gate villain immediately took Tomura and gave a little distance from All Might and the student Midoriya.

Deku crashed onto the ground painfully, grunting from the impact before looking at the Villains, watching them if they did something. He immediately turned to All Might to see if he was alright, but All Might's expression changed.

It was disbelief.

Midoriya was confused why he was making that face, but that was when they immediately felt dread, fear, despair, all at the same time. Most of the people within range suddenly collapsed, something had put them out of commission. However, it only affected most of the Villains and none of the heroes nor the students. But they do feel a shiver in the back of their spines.

Midoriya slowly turned to see what All Might was looking at, and he was speechless. Actually, that would be an understatement. He was fearful...

Standing there was a figure wearing a heavy ragged cloak, it seemed to almost cover the figure's personal space. Mist seemed to be coming out from the person, it was slow as ice. He could feel a chill despite a fairly good distance from the figure.

He couldn't tell if this person was either a Villain or a Hero. Definitely not a Hero, because he knew none of the heroes he had researched to have this appearance! This person seems to look like a Villain, but they attacked Tomura, so what could that mean? A Villain attacking a Villain? They would argue, but not up until to the point of killing each other!

The other students within range couldn't move. Out of fear, and out of despair.

No one could move an inch due to our OC's passive; {Aura of Dread}. A similar ability to {Despair Auras} but much stronger in versatility and effectiveness, but this is only coming from a passive ability on the Revenant Wraith's race. Its effect would repel low level mobs from the player, but if mobs are high-level then it would only put a decrease in their status but not much.

It was scary. The person wouldn't even look like a person with a mutant-quirk, they almost looked like-

"-a monster...?"

"What the fuck...?"

"What... The... Hell... Is... That...?" Kirishima managed to sputter out. His legs were shaking, almost looking unable to stand any longer.

It would look like a person, it would definitely look like someone with a mutant-type Quirk or some other Quirk.

"Is this... A fear-type Quirk?" Shoto tried to fight off the urge of trembling, which he was barely able to do. His instincts keep on telling, no, screaming him to run and hide in the deepest hole so that he won't be found.

'Like hell I would run like a coward!'

"You bastard... You cheating bastard!" Tomura rambled and shouted to the unknown figure like a mad man, not witnessing or experiencing the sudden wave of fear due to him focused on his hand and screaming in agony.

"You... You messed up all the plans!" He shouted in anger while holding off his pain.

"..." The Dark Figure looked at Tomura who was guarded closely by the Warp-Gate villain. Unknownst to Tomura, the Warp-Gate had been standing in shivers.

"...Thy will be done on earth, thy wicked shall perish within thee blade of mineth." The Figure spoke, he spoke in a weird way his voice brought all in present shivers. He slowly raised his strangely long blade towards them.

"Cometh and perish as a wicked sinner."

"Tomura!" He turned to him. "We need to leave now!"

"Tch, fine!" Letting Kurogiri swallow him up and retreating back to the Hideout. Tomura turned to All Might, who was looking over them with his trademark smile. "I may have failed this time, but the next time we meet I will kill you, Symbol of Peace, All Might!"

And with that, they disappeared... Only silence was upon the group, but that lasted for a moment when the sounds of gunshots were fired.

The bullets disappeared the moment they struck at the reaper, who just turned to look to who fired those shots at it. If they were close enough they would have heard it growled in annoyance.

From the entrance. . .

"What the!?" Snipe exclaimed. "Didn't I just hit him?"

"What do you mean? You clearly homed it at him didn't ya?"

"Yes, but it seems to just... vanish." The gunslinger said in confusion as he felt his bullets homed in right towards the villain, yet the moment they struck at him they suddenly disappeared.

"Damn, we need someone with long-range capabilities to capture them all..."


Back to the scene. . .

'Those fools, cant they realize I just saved a kid? Unless... They don't matter to them.' He shook his head from that thought. 'No, don't think so. Get your head together Leon, you can't be that bloody dumb in assuming that quick.'

As he took a few steps forward, he felt himself being pulled and the wind was forcefully being pulled as well. Glancing at what is doing that, his eyes saw a white large figure.

'Hmmmm, similar to {Force Pull}, yet it feels more like a vacuum... A {Black Hole}?' Curious to think that there is something similar to a {Black Hole} spell.

Ignoring their reactions to their useless haltings at him, he walked towards the wounded child who jumped to even try to rescue the man who was standing still. He knew why, because the man was too beaten to even move. While it seemed like the muscled smiling man can still move, the wounds that were inflicted upon him were too great.

The other children walked away, leaving the man to his demise. But this one green-haired child, he applauded his actions. Throwing himself into action, knowing there was great danger just to protect someone.

A hero...

"Art thee two valorous anon?"

The man and child looked at him confused, knowing the reason why.

"Ah, forgive my transgressions." He bowed his head before turning to the man who seemed to be trying to move even for a bit. "Thy healing is required on thee wounded, I seek."

He draws out a [Minor Healing Potion] from his inventory, which surprised both people. Without letting them get a chance to speak, he moved closer to the injured man and popped out the top cover of the potion.

"D-Don't you touch him!" The child cried out, holding his hand out while clenching the other into a fist. As if preparing to throw a punch.

Ignoring the child student's musings, he poured the potion over the man's head, letting the liquid flow. After letting the liquid soak the man, it immediately healed him with a green glow.

Feeling that the potion had worked because the man seemed to be looking around his body, bruises are now gone and his skin seems to shine once more. But for some reason, steam still keeps on coming off from him.

'How odd...' He would wonder more if it weren't for the interference of the green-haired child who keeps on bothering him with cried out words.

"Boy..." The kid stopped shouting. He turned to look down at the boy, who was still on the ground. Noticing his legs were positioned weirdly, it seems his legs were broken. "...I see thee are injured." He held out his hand and hovered over the boy who misunderstood his intentions and made a panic expression.

"{Regenerate}" He casted a simple 4th Tier spell that would accommodate healing in all ways. Being to his race, karma and build, he is unable to use light-based spells. But fortunately, he managed to learn some neutral-type spells that would apply both to himself and to others despite the race and karma.

The boy felt pain but immediately dispersed as he could feel his legs again. He was amazed, he slowly touched his legs in case they are painful to touch, but oddly enough they were fine! To be exact, he felt better than ever!

"Do you feel fine now?" His words made the boy snapped out from whatever he was thinking and looked up to the reaper, he swallowed nervously before nodding.

He then noticed the muscled man's appearance to become weird. Half of his body looks like a dried up skeleton while his other half remains normal. Was this man's condition a curse? He felt no dark-base magic from the man.

"You," He called out to him, making him flinch at being called. He seemed to be sweating much, the healing potion not enough? "What happened to you? Are you cursed? Half of your body does not do much to your other half."

The man looked dumbfounded and yet extremely surprised. "W-Wha...? You... You dont know me?"

"...Should I?"

The blonde man went quiet before speaking in a careful manner. "I am All Might, a hero; everyone knows who I am. No one in this place shouldn't know me."

'Hero? Wait, so this is a hero-based society...? Huh, interesting world.'

"I see." He nodded. "Forgive my words but may I know, what cause you to become this appearance of yours?" He motioned to his steaming body.

"...My Quirk is the reason why." His words spoke hesitance and letting his head hung low, with this person knowing his secret, then his identity will be revealed-

"If such a topic is sensitive to you, then I will retract such a statement." He said firmly, making the two to become surprised. "Your words and soul alone spoke hesitance in speaking this topic, and it is your privacy to let anyone know about it; or none."

The two were speechless. His true identity behind the alias of "All Might" was seen by this... man.

"Then please... Keep this a secret." He bowed his head.

"I will, out of respect for your privacy." He nodded respectfully. Some secrets should be kept secret after all, and that he understood. Even if it wasn't obvious.

With that settled, he noticed a group of people approaching them. He could feel mixed emotions and some with hostile yet guarded intent. The group has a weird-looking set up. Hell, there is one dressing up as a fking dominatrix! What the fk?! Holy sht, does she not feel embarrassed about what she wears!?

Turning back to the man named "All Might", he asked whether they are friendly or not, which they are.

He noticed clusters of people gathered around with several figures laying down. He could sense relief yet concern from them. It didn't take long for him to realize that they were injured over there. So without paying attention, he immediately casted {Fly} on himself and flew towards the gathered cluster.

He heard shouts and cries from the hero teachers which were directed at him, but he tuned them out and went on.

Talking would be later, lives are at stake and he would heal them before their condition gets worse or they will die.

"Come mon! We're almost at the top!"

Mineta and Tsuyu were currently carrying their sensei Aizawa, heavily injured in being beaten down by the hulk-like villain. Beaten would be an understatement, the correct term was that Aizawa was toyed with.

Mineta called the others from the top for help, with a couple of them going down to help carry the unconscious Aizawa.

After walking through hundreds of steps from the stairs and going from up to down, then back to up, they gently lay down Aizawa on the ground with a couple of teachers immediately putting medical treatment to Eraser Head and Thirteen.

Since most of the teachers were spread out to help out the other students who were scattered around the USJ building. Taking down most of the stray villain thugs with less effort due to the experience of pro heroes. So it's just only Nezu, Snipe and Vlad King staying behind to guard the gathered students.

However, with Thirteen's Quirk, she needed to be cared for with a special kind of treatment that would help her out. But they did all they could to patch her up.

(Thirteen's gender is unknown, so I'm basing her voice to be a female one. Gamble here, but meh, who cares)

So they can only put improvised medical care on Aizawa. They cannot do much other than ensure them that they would not die and keep them alive as much as possible.

Tsuyu and Mineta began to explain what happened to Aizawa and how it turned out to cause him to become so injured that his wounds are too extreme. The fellow students, excluding the teachers, grimaced on the detail on how he was beaten by a villain named Nomu.

With their explanation finished, the teachers comforted the two for a brief moment that they did well in holding out just enough for All Might to arrive in time, but also scolding them for getting so close to danger that they were about to get killed.

But then that's the risk of being a hero. There are no happy endings in a world like this.

"H-Hey, there's something coming towards us!" Ochaco pointed upwards and let everyone around notice what she was directing at as well.

The teachers and several other students were prepared for a fight against a possible threat that was coming at them. With several other students with support-type quirks surrounded both Thirteen and Aizawa to protect them.

"W-W-What the hell is that!?" Mineta shouted in panic. "A villain!?"

"Shit!" Midnight cursed with a "tch". She is not able to use her Quirk due to an area of effect and will affect her allies around her. Plus there is only 1 potential enemy and many allies around. So if she uses it then she would risk the students to be knocked out as well.

Only her, Snipe and Principal Nezu were left to comfort the gathered students, and yet this caused them to be at disadvantage.

They never knew that this person has multiple Quirks that enable him mobility!

"Peace," The reaper villain spoke. His voice sounded powerful, it almost said that it had the authority to demand respect! "I am no villain of such cause, I am here to assist in healing the wounded over there." He gestured to the unconscious Aizawa and the limping Thirteen.

"Oh yeah!? How can we possibly believe you!?" The class representative exclaimed nervously as he was sweating bullets.

"Iida-!" Midnight was about to reprimand the student for possibly provoking the reaper in attacking them. Worse, they could die from this... whoever this is. Or what.

"Because I can end each of your miserable, faulty lives without a waste of effort so easily that you all are just a speck of an almost non-existent dust." His tone was threatening enough that it surprised them all and made the weak-willed students tremble and fall on their knees, while some were able to stand tall; but only barely.

That also goes the same to the pro-hero teachers, but they were extremely nervous.

'Is this... a power of a fear-type quirk!?' One of the teachers gulped in deep anxiety.

But truthfully, he didn't even activate {Aura of Dread} when he arrived within their presence.

"But no," The reaper said. "I support the cause of justice, and despise injustice." He walked, no, strode with such authority that none of them had the bone to retort even a word. "Now, stand aside."

With all in their minds screaming to move a hand, a limb, just enough to stop the reaper from going near the two injured people. Aizawa is unconscious and Thirteen still up but heavily injured so that she cannot move a muscle without any assistance, she is unable to do anything.

Nearing the two, he knelt down and examined them each. Nodding to himself; he held his hand over the two which made the others in present misunderstood it that the reaper had come to claim their souls, some of them cried out in despair.

"{Regenerate}." His hand glowed, and at the same time the two teachers glowed green briefly. Their wounds seemingly closing in, mending to each other. Aizawa's wounds suddenly closed themselves and breathing easily now; and Thirteen felt herself being closed up and the pain was fading away. She felt her torn up suit was suddenly fixing itself up, closing the torn open from her back. She was able to breathe easy.

The people in present were now dumbfounded. Agape in disbelief at the incredible sight. The scary-looking man that would look like to be the Death Reaper, healed their fellow teacher.

"Now, with that done..." The reaper stood up, making some of them snap to attention. "I wish to have questions to be answered."

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