《Savior (BWWM)》Twenty Two


"You have the wrong person if you think you can talk about me like that!" I stood directing my words toward the older man across from me. I was mad, more than mad.

"Oh, shut the hell up." I turned to see Verona in a long sleeve hoodie and short skirt that should be for a teenage girl.

Not this bitch again.

"Do you want your ass beat again?" I asked crossing my arms. My body was trembling. I've never felt this angry before, only when around Luis. I wanted to wrap someone's neck in my hands.

"Are all black people this rude." Verona shook her head with a laugh.

"I can show you how rude I can be." I started walking toward her but felt Roman's hand grab my arm.

"Let me go." I yelled at him.


"How can I fucking relax." I faced him angrier than ever.

"Dear god. Everyone please just calm down." Mrs. Ferrari said as she stood up from her chair. "I think you owe Blake an apology." She looked toward the older woman and man.

"Like hell we do." The older woman huffed.

Mrs. Ferrari turned toward her husband as they got into an argument, but I zoned them out as Roman started talking.

"Who the hell invited you." His voice deepened as he stared toward Verona.

"Patty and Charles." She smiled at the two older people across from me. So that's their names.

"We like her. You should've stayed with her Roman." Patty said smiling.

I bit my cheek by their comment. Roman and I were faked engaged, but what they said bothered me. The only person he should be with is... me. Okay maybe, it's the sex we just had a while ago making me think this way about him.

"Oh, and I have some important news." Verona started. "I'm pregnant." She bluntly blurted out.

My body froze and from the looks of everyone else around the table they were as shocked as I was. Roman's parents stopped arguing and faced Roman.

Roman instantly shook his head. "It's not mine."

"It is. I have proof." She pulled out pieces of papers from her bag. "Here." She handed the papers toward Roman, but I grabbed them.

It was serval papers about DNA test and child support. Was she actually about to put him on child support? Looking at the papers they looked pretty damn real.

"How far along are you?" I questioned scanning through the papers.

"Almost 4months." She rubbed her belly.

Did I really just beat up a pregnant woman. Hell, she deserved it, but I still felt bad. "Look I'm sorry about the other day. I hope the baby is okay-."

"Save it bitch. You better be glad I didn't have my father kill you!" She yelled while pointing her finger at me.

Now I don't feel bad. Fuck her.

"That's not my fucking baby." Roman's face stayed blank.

"DNA says otherwise." Verona smirked crossing her arms.

"You fucked up bro." Nora whispered.

His cousins looked more excited by this news than shocked. It's like they liked seeing Roman in tough situations.

"How the hell did you even get any of my DNA?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Don't you worry about that. Just know you have a child on the way." She smirked while rubbing her small, too perfectly round belly.

Roman's parents looked like they were about to puke. Nora silently laughed. But his grandparents and cousins looked happy about the news.


"Well, I hope you guys enjoy your meal." Verona grinned as she walked out. That bitch.

My body felt limp. Roman could possibly have a baby on the way and I couldn't really process it all in my head. I was lost for words.

"I'll have Harley and the team look over this tomorrow." I weakly said. Hopefully we can find something off about this paperwork. There's no way this is real, or could it be? I didn't say anything as I walked away from the table. I felt stupid and humiliated.

"Blake." I heard Roman's voice, but I kept walking. I didn't want to talk to him. I just wanted to go home at this point. I wanted to get away from this life. But I knew I'd never be able to survive on my own with Luis after me.

How worse can life get right now.


I was looking at myself in the mirror as I got ready for work. I slept in one of the guest rooms, because I didn't want to sleep next to Roman. I just couldn't. I'm glad he got the memo that I wanted to be left alone. It wasn't questioned on why we slept in different rooms, because everyone sensed the tension from last night.

I really wished Rae could come over today, but she was out of town with her parents.

I had my hair slicked back into a ponytail, I wanted to try something new. I put on red lipstick and wore black slacks and a nude turtleneck, with a black pea coat.

I'm glad everyone in the house was still sleeping. I didn't have the time or patience to get into it with one of Roman's family members. I grabbed an apple from the kitchen and headed toward the law firm.


"How are you feeling?" Harley asked as she flipped through the documents.

"I don't know honestly."

"Please don't tell me you guys are splitting up! This can be fake documents. Verona has a reputation of trying to trap him with kids, but she's never had proof of DNA test, until now...." Rain shook her head. "But you never know! You can't leave him, because of this." Rain sounded more upset than I was.

I didn't answer her. I didn't know exactly what to say to her.

"She can leave him if she wants." Scott walked over with his arms crossed. "It's her choice."

"For you to swoop in and get her?" Jen joked.

I raised my head toward Scott. He was staring at me intensely, not denying Jen's joke.

He shrugged.

I took a minute to admire his features. He was white, had rough dark brown hair and tall, but not as tall as Roman. His lips were smaller than usual, and he was skinny. But he didn't spark my interest.

"I can't believe Roman could possibly be a father soon." Jen spoke but bit her lip as she seen my face expression. "Sorry."

"Don't be. It's fine. There's no way this can be true, right?" I asked Harley.

"I'm not sure." She continued reading. "She's trying to make him pay child support and these DNA test look pretty damn real, but I'm sure there's something off about it somewhere. I'm surprised she went through with an DNA test while still pregnant, those can cause complications sometimes."

Harley's response didn't answer my question. Was he going to be a father or not? This was eating me alive.

"Did the baby bump look real?" Jen asked.


I nodded. "It did. A little bit too round, but it looked real enough."

"All the other times she accused him of being the father of her unborn child, she's never had a baby bump, that's how we knew she was lying. We've told Roman serval times to stay away from her so he wouldn't continue being in this situation, but he doesn't listen." Harley sighed shaking her head.

"He doesn't listen, because he's a stubborn son of a bitch." I let my anger takeover of me.

Everyone looked at me surprised by my choice of words. I guess they've never heard anyone talk badly about Roman before.

I truly don't know why I'm mad at Roman anyways. It's not like we were together when he fucked her and got her pregnant. We're not even in a real relationship now.

"Speaking of the devil." Rain whispered as she eyed the door.

I turned to see Roman walking toward me. No, no, no. I don't want to talk to you.

"Hello." He said to everyone.

"Hello sir." They all said in sync.

I crossed my arms looking at the ground.

"Blake, a word." He spoke in a demanding tone.

"No thanks, we're working on the DNA test of your unborn child, remember?" I shot back sarcastically.

He tilted his head at me with an annoyed look. "I won't ask again."

"And I won't say no again."

"We'll leave you two alone." Harley said as she motioned Rain, Scott and Jen to walk to another table.

"Look at what you did." I rolled my eyes at him. "Why can't you just leave me the hell alone!"

"I know you're mad at me."

"I'm not." I shrugged. I still had built up anger from last night. From his racist family to Verona and her bullshit.

"Why didn't you come to bed last night?" He asked concerned.

Like you care.

"I slept somewhere else."

He slowly nodded. "I swear that baby isn't mine. I wear condoms with every woman I'm with."

"Yeah, you can tell the court that when you're stuck paying child support." I mumbled.

"What?" His eyes lit up. "Child support? Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Everyone looked toward us as he raised his voice. Something in me knew this couldn't be Roman's baby. He's a cold-hearted bastard, but not an idiot. But who knows?

"Can we forget about all of this?" He sighed.

"I don't know how we can. Soon everyone will know you have a child on the way if Verona says anything."

"I know. I've talked to her father. He said he'll make sure she doesn't."

"Like she'll actually listen."

He chuckled, then his face turned serious. "Can we talk somewhere private?"

I didn't question him on why. I just followed him into one of the empty offices. He turned the lights on as he shut the door behind him.

"Roman what are you doing?"

He didn't answer as he closed the blinds. He approached me slowly looking me up and down.

"Just, be quiet."


His lips pressed against mine as I felt his hand slide against my cheek. Butterflies flew through my body from the sudden rush. Our kisses started slow, but quickly turned longer and deeper.

I wanted to push him off and tell him to stop. But I think I wanted this more than I thought I would. I was still angry about everything. And maybe this was my chance to release it all.

I wanted to take control. I'm sure he was used to taking control, but I was going to show him otherwise. I saw a chair near us and pushed him towards it. "Sit." I demanded.

He raised a brow at me but listened by sitting.

I slowly started taking off each piece of my clothing as I did little seductive dances approaching him. He smirked as I inched closer to him. I was only in my panties now and his eyes stayed on mine. I got on my knees as I started unbuckling his belt. My fingers slid over the button on his pants, unbuttoning them. He looked at me shockingly as I playfully bit my lip. He was rock hard, and I still couldn't get over how big he was.

I looked up at him as I swirled my tongue on his tip and he tensed, closing his eyes. I went on for a couple minutes of doing my thing and I knew he liked it from his quiet moans and gripping of the chair.

We went on for an hour of me riding him and him bending me over the table. He didn't like me in charge for the most part, but we kept fighting over dominance.

I really did need this more than I thought.


"I'm so sorry about my in laws." Mrs. Ferrari hugged me. "I didn't think they'd be that bad. Ruein told me they've changed, I guess not."

Of course, she was the one to apologize for them. I'm sure they'd never apologize for their own actions.

"Thank you." I hugged her back.

Roman's mom called us asking if we'd come down to plan our wedding. For a good hour I forgot all about Luis, a wedding, and Roman's assumed unborn child. All I could think about was him inside of me.

She had books with different titles laid on the table.

"I'm glad you continued with the wedding after the whole Verona situation. That girl does anything to cause problems."

I smiled at her. Only if she knew this wedding was my ticket out of here. Even though working at the law firm here hasn't been bad so far.

"We can start by looking at wedding venues first or dresses." She looked at me for a response. "Oh, or we can create a guest list."

I didn't have a lot of people I'd invite personally, but Rae. Maybe Teddy and some people from the club. But it wouldn't be a whole list of people.

"Oh, I only have about 4 or 5 people I'd invite." I said rubbing my neck. "I'm not a big fan on having friends." I joked.

She smiled while giggling. "That's fine sweetheart, just give me those names and phone numbers and I'll do the rest."

I'm glad she was basically planning the entire thing instead of me. She continued showing me pictures of dresses and flowers for almost two hours. Roman was constantly on his phone and not paying attention to anything, it was literally two hours of hell.

As I closed my eyes for two quick seconds to relax my mind, a loud siren started going off. I opened my eyes looking around. "What's that?" I asked concerned.

"Fuck. Get to the bunker." Roman quickly said scanning his phone.

"What?" I stood the same time he did.

"Go to the bunker." He spoke as he started calling someone. "NOW! There's been a breach in the empire. I'll meet you two down there as soon as everything is under control." He ran out the door.

Nervousness filled my body. Oh no.


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