《Savior (BWWM)》Twenty One


"This is so exciting sweetie. I'm glad y'all have decided to go ahead and get married." My mom said as she pulled out thick books of photos from her bag. She pulled out so many they almost filled the dining room table, and the table was pretty big. Each book was different. Some were all about flowers, others wedding dresses, and some venues.

"Mom, this is unnecessary." I didn't think she'd go all out, but what did I expect. She loved planning events.

She glanced at me while rolling her eyes. "Stop talking back to your mother and go get Blake, we need to get this planning started. We don't need to waste any more time."

"She's working."

My mom's face lit up. "And a hard-working woman. What else can I love about her?"

There's probably a couple I could name that I loved-, correction, liked. I didn't love anything or anyone, but my family and empire. It was all I cared about. Even though I couldn't get Blake out of my head, I'd never admit to her how I feel. I couldn't form it into words, that wasn't the kind of person I was.

"Well, we can get things ready later." She started flipping through a few more photos before she paused. "Oh, did I tell you that your dad's side of the family is coming to town?" She bit her lip.

I stood, crossing my arms. "No."

"No?" She looked up at me concerned.

"They're not allowed here, you know that."

She sighed. "Honey."

"Mom, you know how they are."

Racist. They were racist as hell. When my father was ruling the empire way before I did, his family stayed here and still lived in the past. They couldn't get over the fact the world had changed and believed black and white mixed.

When I took over, they we're kicked out immediately because of their racist ways. I'd never tolerate people like that. My father was pissed, but I was in charge, so it was my decision.

"Who authorized that, because I sure as hell didn't."

"I did." I heard my father's voice behind me.

I turned, facing him. That bastard. "You had no right. You can't just overthrow my authority."

"This was my empire once too son, I have every right." He responded putting his hands in his pocket.

"This is my empire now, not yours." I stepped in his face. "What I say goes and I say no."

My father didn't back down looking me straight in the eyes. "They've changed." He said firmly.

I laughed shaking my head. "You're full of shit if you think that's true."

"Excuse me?" He got in my face.

"You two stop it! Roman go sit down and look through those pictures! And Ruein, a word." My mother spoke seriously eyeing us down.

I didn't have the time to get into it with her, so I looked my father up and down one last time before walking toward the table. He had some nerve thinking he could override my power. This was my fucking empire, not his anymore.


After half an hour of staring at meaningless photos I heard the door opening and closing. At first I thought it was our chef and personal maids, but when I heard the older country sounding voices, my veins started popping.

You have to be kidding me. I stood up gunning toward the door. My father's family stood in front of me with suitcases. I clenched my fist. It was his mother and father, his two siblings and my two older cousins.

"Well, hello to you Roman." Patty, his mother spoke.

I didn't change my face expression at all, it stayed blank. Don't get me wrong his whole family wasn't racist, his parents were.

I couldn't sit here and act like I was okay with this. I started heading to my room until I heard the door open and a whisper from my grandmother. From her racist slur I knew it was Blake. I bit my tongue hard trying not to cuss her out for calling Blake that.

"Blake." I called out as I approached the door. She stared at me confused as she met me halfway in the entrance.

"Who are these people." She whispered.

"My dad's family." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as I kissed her forehead. She looked taken back from my kiss, but she played along.

But by my grandparent's expression, I knew they were in a mix of shocked and being pissed, and I didn't give a fuck.

"Why didn't you give me a heads up?"

"I didn't know about this until an hour ago." I sighed.

"Why are they looking at me like I just killed their dog." She looked at me uncomfortable.

"Long story, but here's a short one, their racist."

Her eyes shot up to me as I felt her body tense. I didn't want her afraid to walk around because they were here. She didn't have to fear them.

"As long as I'm with you if they even try to say something to you or lay a finger on you, they're dead."

"Roman! It's your family." She quickly said.

She has such a good heart, for the wrong people. Like she does for me.

"Come on." I had my hand on her lower back guiding her toward the hall that led to my room.

"Wait! You have to come to dinner." My mom stopped us.

"No." I said pissed. "I won't be around those people."

"Roman." She sighed. "I know how hard this is for you, it's the same for me! I don't like them as much as you don't, but can you two just join us for dinner? That's all I ask."

My mom already knew I was final with my answer. I didn't know why she continued to ask. She knew how much I disliked them. My cousins were assholes who thought they were better than us, before we built this whole empire from scratch. My Uncles are lazy fucks who ask for money every other week. I wanted nothing to do with them.

"We'll be there." Blake spoke as she smiled at my mom.


I glanced down at her. Who the hell did she think she was? Here's another person overriding my authority.

"Thank you so much Blake." My mom smiled helplessly at the both of us as she walked away.

"Why did you say that? I said no."

"Well, I said yes. How bad could it be? It's just dinner." She shrugged.

"They're terrible people, with no respect."

"And so are you, but you don't see me complaining." She smirked.

"It's like you're begging to be punished."

"Maybe I am." She licked her lips seductively.

My eyebrows raised. I needed to calm my nerves and maybe she was my solution.

I smacked her ass as I pushed her into my room. The whole house was about to hear my name.


After what Blake and I just did, I didn't want to get up from bed, but she insisted on being there. Only because she told my mother she would.

I didn't attempt to impress any of them. I wore slacks and a button up long sleeves, which was basic attire to me. But Blake actually put effort into her look. She had on a yellow dress that went over her knee and hair was up in a bun. She had on heels on, but still didn't reach my height. I've never seen her with makeup on, but she actually attempted it and looked good. But regardless of what she wore or how she looked, she looked beautiful to me.

"Ready?" She asked.

I nodded.

We all stood in the kitchen waiting for Genny our chef to finish cooking our meal.

I had Blake's arm wrapped inside of mine as I talked to my older cousins, Tara and Chris. Which I didn't want to do, but they approached us.

"I heard Luis was in town." Chris said as he kept pulling his hand through his hair.

I nodded. "He is."

"And what are you doing to do about it?" Tara questioned. Was she testing me? Tara was always testing my ability to run this empire.

I should've just told them not to worry about it, but it wouldn't hurt to tell them. It was a list of things I was going to do about it. But I gave them a simple, short version. "Take everything he owns, and he won't see it coming."

They nodded surprised by my answer.

"He deserves everything coming for him." Chris said directing his attention toward to Blake. "And you must be the fiancé." He held his hand out. "Chris Ferrari."

"Blake Myers." She smiled shaking his hand.

"You look really beautiful tonight." He kissed her hand.

I pulled her closer to me. "Fuck off Chris."

He held his hands up in surrender. "I can't speak to the pretty lady in front of me?"

I gave him a serious look as he backed off. He always tried getting my leftovers. Every woman I had he went after once I was done. But that wouldn't be Blake and he better understand that.

"So how did you guys meet?" Tara looked at Blake.

"At a club." She responded rubbing her neck.

"Typical Roman." Chris joked shaking his head. "He had a thing for girls in clubs at one point, I guess he still does. Have you seen how many girls he's brought in and out of my hotels?"

Blake hesitated as she looked at me. I cocked my head at him. What was he aiming for, I hope he didn't think he could make Blake feel bad about being with me. "And how has your business been? Failing as usual?" I smirked.

"My business is doing great actually. Maybe not as great as yours, but it's succeeding." He crossed his arms defensively.

"I'll lend you some clients, it won't be a big deal." I shrugged. "I know you struggle at times."

He shifted his feet. I could tell he was getting pissed by my teasing.

Blake pinched my arm. "Don't be an ass." She whispered.

"I'm not." I grinned at her.

She gave me a questionable look as if she knew I was lying. I heard my sisters loud voice approaching us.

"Blake! Oh my god you look so good." Nora rushed over hugging Blake.

Blake smiled. "Nora, hi, and you look gorgeous."

"Yellow is most definitely your color, like I said."

Tara crossed her arms. "And hello to you to cousin. About time you showed up."

Nora faced her and Chris giving them an unpleased look. "Well, isn't it my least favorite family members."

I chuckled. Me nor Nora were fans of this side of the family. I knew she was either hiding in her room or out somewhere, not to be seen by them.

"Dinners ready." Genny said from across the kitchen.


Blake sat on my left as Nora said on my right. I felt comfortable with them by my side, I wouldn't allow anyone else beside me but them and my mother.

"So, I hear you're a lawyer." Patty said as she bit into a piece of her steak but chewing it like something was wrong with it.

"I am." Blake said confidently not breaking eye contact with her.

"And what made you want my grandson? Are you after his money?" She asked raising a questionable brow.

It's like she wanted to intimidate her. But I wouldn't let that happen. I placed my hand on her thigh giving it a squeeze. I wanted her to relax. Her eyes flew up to me, I didn't know if it was because of my cold hands, or if I turned her on. Probably both.

"I could care less about his money. I went for his personality." She shot back. "Money means nothing to me."

"But you worked in a strip club." My grandfather Charles pitched in. "Why would a lawyer do such a thing." He shook his head in disappointment.

My mouth flew open by his words. Who the hell told him what she did before moving here? I looked toward my father and mother. Before Blake or anyone else could say anything the person who we all didn't need to see right now walked in.


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