《Savior (BWWM)》Twenty Three


I paste back and forth as I didn't know what to do. Roman still hasn't made it to the bunker with the rest of us and it's been an hour. I was worried about him, and my heart ached without him in my presence. Maybe before I couldn't admit it, but I care about Roman.

I was stuck with his family and Verona but stayed far away. The bunker was wide enough for everyone to have their own space. There were about six bunkers in all around the empire for everyone to fit in, in case of emergencies, which I was quite impressed by. But only Roman's main people we're in this one.

Nora was by my side as I stressed if Roman was okay or not. Everyone else we're either on their phones or talking to one another. Nobody looked as stressed as I did in this moment. Was this normal for them? Of course, it was.

"Sit before you stress yourself to death." Nora said grabbing my arm.

I sat as I put my face into my hands. "Why is it taking him so long."

Nora shrugged. "I'm sure he's fine, don't worry."

I looked at her, running my hand through my hair. How could she be so sure. What if he wasn't. What if he was hurt? Or something tragic happened to him. Or... okay maybe I need to stop thinking like this. He should be fine.

"Why is everyone so calm right now?" I questioned looking around the room. His mom and dad were having a normal conversation. His grandparents were playing board games with his cousins, while Verona was being the bitch she was arguing with another girl and other people I didn't recognize talked among themselves.

"Because Roman knows how to protect himself. And he'd do whatever to protect everyone in this empire, so we're safe." She reassured me.

But was he safe? I felt uneasy by her response. He'd put his life on the line for all the people who lived here, his people. Maybe he wasn't as selfish as I thought.

Tara approached us, giving me a small smile but ignoring Nora. "Hey girl. How are you feeling?" She directed her attention toward me.

Nora rolled her eyes. "Bitch." She mumbled.

I gave a weak smile. "Trying to stay sane."

"Roman's tough. I'm sure he's okay." She responded. "He knows how to stay safe. If you need anything just let me know."

I gave her slow unsure nod as she touched my shoulder before walking away.

Nora chuckled as she crossed her arms. "Don't think she's serious with her sympathy."

"What do you mean?"

"She's trying to get on your good side. She's sneaky. Her and her brother have hotels all around the country, but there tragically failing. They hate that our side of the family is successful. So, they try to sabotage us any chance they get."

"That's terrible." I said shaking my head. No wonder Roman dislike this side of the family so much. And of course, I could name a few more things.

The door opened as I quickly stood. Roman walked in with three other men by his side. All the stress I had vanished once his beautiful green eyes met mine. I practically started running toward him, but I was cut off by Verona. She reached him before I did, giving him a hug. I bit tongue hard trying to keep myself calm. I knew she was trying to piss me off by doing that. Roman's eyes didn't leave mine as he didn't attempt to hug her back. As she pulled back from him, he made his way in front of me. I wrapped my arms around him as I buried my head in his chest. I relaxed as he wrapped his muscular arms around me.


"Thank god you're okay." I mumbled into his shirt. "I was so worried about you." I looked up at him.

He looked puzzled by my concern about his wellbeing. Has nobody ever been concerned about him when things like this happens?

He kissed my forehead. "I'm fine princess. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm more than fine now. What happened?" I asked.

"That's what I'm about to explain."

I pulled back from our hug. Everyone's attention turned toward him.

"There was a breach at the front gates. Somehow Luis's men were able to overpower my men." He paused as he tucked his hands in his pockets. "I have no idea how, but I'm going to figure out."

I could tell Roman was angry, but he hid it well.

"So, what now, do you have a plan? Are you going to do something about it?" Mr. Ferrari asked crossing his arms, challenging his son's authority.

There was a moment of silence. A very long moment. I was almost afraid by how silent it was.

"We'll continue to fight back."


I laughed as I rolled my eyes. Roman was busy with planning so I haven't seen him in hours. The whole empire has been on lock down, so I've been stuck in Roman's room all day. But I didn't mind it. Being on the phone with Rae was relaxing, I could tell her anything without judgement. And I indeed did tell her basically everything that's happened since we last talked.

"I don't know how I feel about it honestly."

"People have been saying Verona is known for lying about these things, but I don't know. If it really is his I don't know what I'd do."

I shrugged even though I knew she couldn't see me through the phone. I never really thought about that. I mean I know our engagement and relationship is fake, but if he actually had a kid on the way, I don't think I'd want to stick around to see that. Was it because I was jealous... no, that can't, be it?

"I don't think I would."

"Rae! No, that is not why." I laid back onto the pillow.

"I mean, I don't know." I rubbed my neck. "The sex is great though." More than great.

"Well, he is an asshole at times."

"That's not a yes or no Blake. Do you hate him?"

It didn't take a genius to know the answer to that. "No, I don't."

I hesitated before I answered. I mean how couldn't I think about him. I zoned out just thinking about his features, the way his lips pressed against mine, how he didn't hesitate to make sure I was safe, standing up for me when he didn't have to. Roman was beyond different from any other man I've ever been with and there's not many, but he was on top of my small list, even though our relationship wasn't real.

Thinking about it, I don't know much about Roman or his life. We've never gotten to that point. I'm sure he knows things about me, but I didn't know small to any about him.

Roman burst through the door with just sweatpants on. I jumped up as we made eye contact.

"Rae, I'll call you later." I mumbled staring at his naked torso.

"Mr. hottie must've walked in." She whispered even though she knew he couldn't hear her. "Have fun, I'll call you tomorrow." She giggled as she ended the call.


He raised a brow at me as he walked into the bathroom. "Who were you talking to?"

"Rae." I moved to the edge of the bed. "Where have you been?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Training and planning for tonight. And I need to ask you something." He said from the bathroom.


"We've gotten intel that Luis is going to be at a charity event tonight, my charity event. Something that my allies host every year. I figured he's trying to seek me out." He paused as he walked back into the room. "I never cared to go, but tonight I will, and I want you by my side."

I crossed my arms. "To get Luis's attention?"

"To show off my fiancé." He approached me. "And maybe have a word or two with him with my gun." He placed a kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry, I will have security covering the entire building, nobody will place a finger on you."

"Are you sure it's safe for me to be in the same building as him?" I asked worried. I didn't quite know what Luis was capable of, but if he could get his men to break into Roman's gated empire and follow me in the mall, how couldn't he get to me while in the same building.

"I promise you; he won't get near you. You'll stay by my side the entire time."

I nodded. "Okay, I trust you."

His eyes raised up from my words. He nodded as he looked away. It's like he didn't want me to see his face expression.

"We should start getting ready for the event. You know how long it takes you women to get ready." He joked with a grin.

I giggled.


After my long, relaxing shower, I looked in my closet for a dress. I don't think I have any that could fit the look for a charity event. Something classy mixed with sass is what I wanted to go for. My eye caught an all-black dress with a hint of sparkle to it that showed cleavage, but not as much. It was a strapless dress that flowed to the ground. I started doing my makeup, putting on a full face this time. I actually wanted to look good for this event. I wore my hair down and made sure my curls popped.

After about three hours I was finally ready. I made my way to the main entrance of the house where I heard Roman and his father talking. I admired Roman from a distance, and I couldn't lie, he looked sexy. I don't even remember when he got dressed, I guess he did whiIe I was in the shower.

His hair was curly, and some small curls fell over his forehead. Even though he practically looked like this every day, I would never get over how good he looked in an all-black suit.

I walked toward him as his attention turned toward me.

"You look beautiful." He said as he eyed me up and down. He smelt so good; his scent was everything. Even with my heels on, he was still taller than me.

"How about we skip this event and take it to my bedroom." He winked rubbing his hand down my back.

"Roman." I eyed him seriously as his father stood two feet away from us. "I didn't spend hours getting dressed for nothing."

He smirked, "It was worth a try."

"My, my, my, Blake you look so amazing!" Nora yelled from across the room.

"And so do you! You look amazing." I complimented. "Are you coming to the event tonight?"

"I wouldn't look this good if I wasn't." She joked.

I had no idea that Nora and his parents were attending the event. It made me more relaxed knowing more people I knew were going to be there.

Mrs. Ferrari approached me, "You look lovely dear." She came, giving me a hug.

"And so do you!" She sure did know how to dress up. She had on a red dress that showed more cleavage than mine did. Tons of jewelry and her face was chalked up with makeup. Mr. Ferrari wore a basic suit and looked unhappy to be tagging along.

Roman crossed his arms. "Let's go, we don't have any more time to waste."

We all nodded, heading toward the door. We got into different cars, so we could throw off anyone if necessary. Roman and I got into one and his parents and Nora got into another, and cars followed behind and in front of us. The ride was long and boring to say the least. I was texting Rae and watching the trees as we drove.

I jumped as I felt Roman pulled my dress up, sticking his cold hand go up my leg. I turned to face him with a confused expression.

"What are you doing." I whispered.

He didn't answer as he continued to move his hand up further. I didn't have any panties on, because I didn't find it necessary to wear any in this dress. He moved his hand up till he made it to my sensitive spot.

"Naughty." He grinned as he rubbed his hand against it.

"Be quite." I rolled my eyes, quietly enjoying what his hand was doing to me.

"Are you trying to turn me on? Why don't you have on any panties?" He titled his head at me.

I felt embarrassed. I knew the driver and the bodyguard in the front seats heard him.

"Roman! They can hear you." I whispered giving him an unpleased look.

He gave me an evil smirk as he spoke louder. "And I'm going to be fucking the shit out of you later too."

I knew he only said that to so they could hear and to tease me. I put my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"Princess, did you forget who the hell I am? I don't give a fuck who hears me. I'm in charge." He reached over placing a kiss on my neck. "And don't you forget that."

My body trembled just from that small kiss. This man is going to drive me insane.

I was relieved when we finally arrived at the plaza. A lot of people with cameras surrounded the entrance into the building. I bit my lip from all the flashing cameras. I didn't think this all the way through. I didn't imagine paparazzi being here.

Roman opened the door for me as he held my hand. "Relax." He mumbled against my ear, something he says to me a million times a day to me. But it's so hard too with everything that's going on in my life. I could be face to face with my father at any moment now.

"I didn't expect all of this."

"Well, they did get memo I was going to be here. Just smile and walk."

I nodded as I cleared my throat.

As we walked forward, Colton came from inside and beside us.

"How are you, Blake?" He said as he gave me a smile.

"Oh hi? I'm doing fine, and you? Colton, right?" I remember this guy's face, but I don't know his name.

"The one and only. Roman's best friend and more. I'm actually the one who started his whole empire and-."

Roman cut him off while rolling his eyes. "Enough of your bullshit."

Colton and I laughed. I never knew Roman had actual friends.

"Weird to know Roman has friends."

He looked at me. "I have friends."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

Colton chuckled, but his face turned serious quickly.

Roman raised a brow. "What's wrong?"

"Luis is here."

Roman's face turned stone cold.


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