《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 23- "No Commitment"
As the car drove on, and the couple continued to enjoy their sweet icy treat, Liliana's phone rang. Picking it up, she noticed the caller idea and paled. Her eyes performed a quick flash towards Frantz, who had a curious glint in his eyes when he noticed her change in demeanor, then with a gulp and a silent prayer, Liliana picked up the phone.
"Hey mom!" Lili greeted, as she tried to sound normal, though she was far from it.
"Liliana Meredith Chavez!" Her mother belted through the phone, and Liliana winced at the middle name. Oh she was in trouble. Again.
"Hi mommy." Liliana stated, her tone a few octaves higher, hoping to appeal to her mother's sensitive side.
"Oh don't 'hi mommy' me. Like seriously? When you moved away to another state, all I asked for were daily phone calls, that's all I asked for, and now I can't even get that. I-"
"Mom, mom," Liliana called out, cutting her mom's ranting off, "what?" Her mother snapped, and Liliana sighed as she said "I'm sorry, I've just been caught up with work and I haven't gotten the chance to be on my phone until now." Liliana stated, as Frantz raised in eyebrow at her words, and she shrugged. It was just a fib.
"Oh sure, but don't say you were caught up with work, I am not an idiot Liliana. You've been getting comfy with your boss." Her mom pointed, her tone teasing, and Liliana felt the blood drain from her face as her eyes widened.
Liliana's mouth dropped, her face then quickly heating up with a red blush as she said "Mom come on!" Then she groaned and face palmed herself, Frantz still watching her attentively, getting more and more interested in what Liliana had to say, especially since her blush darkened with every passing second.
"What? Honey there's nothing wrong with taking a risk, and having some fun. Obviously always remember to wear protection, and remember, No means No." Her mother encouraged and advised, and Liliana wanted to die of embarrassment. Getting encouragement from her mother to be with her boss did not help the situation Liliana was trying so hard to figure out.
"Mom please, stop. Nothing has happened between me and my boss." Liliana lowered her voice to a harsh whisper, but it didn't change the fact that Frantz heard her response, and he couldn't keep the mischievous glint from his eyes, or the suspicious smile that now lingered on his lips. He suddenly had a plan.
"Oh my God! You guys are together right now aren't you?" The mom guessed with a dramatic gasp, "I'm so sorry honey, go ahead and have fun. Call me tomorrow." The mom rushed.
"No mom you don't have to go-"
"Love you!" Her mom cut off before Liliana could stop her, and then she hung up the phone.
Liliana groaned internally and closed her eyes tight as she tried to breathe, and muster up the courage to look her boss in the eyes. She was a bad person. She was a really bad person.
"So," Frantz sighed, suddenly in the mood to play around, as he leaned back against his seat, crossing his arms, then he continued, "nothing has happened between us right?" He questioned, as if genuinely curious.
Liliana groaned out loud as she covered her face with her hands and she said "You are not helping."
"No I just want to clarify, that everything," Frantz began as he leaned forward so he could get closer to Liliana, "every touch," he continued, his tone softer, as he caressed his hand down the length of her arm, starting at her wrist to her elbow, "every look," Frantz said as he pried her hands away and looked into her eyes, "every kiss," he whispered, his tone sultry, his lips brushing against hers in a very romantic manner, "was nothing?" He finished, just as Liliana was ready to lean in and kiss him, then he backed away, leaving her speechless.
Shocked and bewildered, Liliana tried to wrap her mind around what just occurred. She blinked, and blinked again, meanwhile, Frantz simply smiled at her silence and confused facial expression. Liliana shook her head, and smiled softly. Frantz knew how to play. He knew how to push her buttons and he knew how to get a reaction out of her. It was almost scary that he had managed to figure her out inside and out in such a short period of time.
Liliana leaned back against her chair, and scoffed rolling her eyes. She decided to not reply, because at her new realization, she suddenly felt scared. He knew her too well. Which meant she absentmindedly allowed herself to be vulnerable and known to him. And now that he knew her so well, if he wanted to break her, he could do it in a heartbeat.
Liliana wasn't ready for that. She wasn't ready for Frantz to know her that well. It was too soon. And she wasn't ready.
Frantz noticed her change in demeanor, and feared that he may have crossed the line. This is what he feared. He didn't want to scare Liliana away. He felt as if he needed to handle her with care, or else, she would break under the pressures of being with and around him, and that pressure would eventually drive her away. Frantz didn't want that. He wanted her with him, at all times.
"Are you alright? Was it something I said?" He asked carefully hoping he didn't cross the line.
"No, it's nothing... I- Frantz I want to go home." Liliana admitted, feeling the need to run far away from him.
"We are heading home." Frantz said confused.
"No Frantz, we're heading to your home, I want to go to my own home." Liliana clarified, suddenly feeling so excited, she could just throw up, and not in a good way.
"What? Liliana come on, we've already been through this-"
"No Frantz, No. I don't- I just, I can't do this okay? I can't be with you. I don't want to be close to you, and I don't want you to know me, and I don't want you to have the power to break my heart. This, whatever that's between us, It's over." Liliana declared, and suddenly feeling suffocated, she knocked against the privacy window, startling Armagio, who in turn pressed the button to lower the screen, just to hear Liliana demand "STOP THE CAR!"
Armagio flashed a look in the rear view mirror, and with a nod of confirmation from Frantz, Armagio pulled over and Liliana all but jumped out of the car. Frantz jumped out after her, but Liliana was already making her way down the street.
"Liliana! Liliana!" He called after her, but she didn't pay him any mind. She was quick to duck in between the pedestrian traffic, and soon enough, she vanished from Frantz's sight.
Shaking his head dejected and confused, Frantz entered his car and closed the door silently.
It was over.
"Where to sir?" Armagio asked, his tone low, as if trying to not rouse the silently raging man.
"You know where Armagio." Frantz declared, and with a nod, Armagio brought the privacy screen back up, letting Mr. Cavalier have a moment to himself.
Liliana found her way home with teary eyes. She grunted and took her anger out on the door because it didn't 'open fast enough, and when she crashed into her house, she all but ripped the blue dress off her skin, feeling as if it was a painful memory of something that never was. Liliana raged and cried and wailed.
She couldn't do it. She couldn't allow herself to be vulnerable to Frantz.
Why? Because she was scared that he would break her heart. That no matter how nice he acted, no matter how chivalrous, or how much of a gentleman he was, the moment he got what he wanted from her, he would leave her high and dry.
Of course, was she absolutely and completely sure that he would do that? Of course she wasn't, but she didn't want to risk it.
Sniffling and caching a glimpse of her snotty face, puffy red eyes, and now messy hair in a small mirror on the wall, Liliana groaned and dragged her body to her bedroom, trudging all the way to her closet. There, she pulled on her most comfortable set of pajamas, then she dropped into her bed, and brought the sheets over her head. There in her soft cocoon, Liliana wanted to convince herself that she could stay there forever, she didn't need to step outside, and if she stayed in bed, she would never see Frantz again. Except of course in her mind. Because now the only thing she could think about was him.
Mariella was having her afternoon tea under the gazebo that faced the small pond across her lawn, when her son made an appearance. The moment she saw his face, she knew something had happened. His eyes were red as if he had angry tears to spill, but because he was trying to keep his composure, they simply bunched around his eyes, making his face hot and red.
"Ciao mamma." Frantz greeted, and with a sigh Mariella placed down her tea cup, and stood to her feet. She grabbed her son's face, and brought his forehead down to her lips, blessing his once again shattered heart, before she pulled him to sit down as she said "come, tell me everything."
Two weeks later, and Liliana had gotten into a routine, which included traveling to four main places in her house. Her bed, her bathroom, her kitchen, and her trusty couch, she'd had since her very first break up. When she ran out of food and groceries, she ordered them online and had them delivered at her door. She kept her phone calls with her parents short and sweet, and her social life was nonexistent. Since her last conversation with Chamille in Quebec, she hadn't heard from her, well, Liliana decided to ignore her calls and texts, but Liliana was fine with the silence and lack of social interaction.
She loved being lonely. And sad. And forgotten.
For the past two weeks, she had not heard from or of Mr. Cavalier, and Liliana could only guess that she had pushed him away so many times before that he had finally realized that he didn't want to waste his time. And why would he? Liliana had been sending him mixed signals from the very beginning, and every time they got too close, she couldn't commit, and simply pushed him away. Now, it seemed he was gone forever. Maybe it was for the best.
A month later, and still nothing, Liliana decided it was time to move on. She couldn't face Mr. Cavalier again. She didn't want to face him again. Liliana felt she made a fool of herself whenever she allowed herself to be intimate with him. And she would cringe at the thought that once, she believed that he was every attracted to her. Coming to a resolutionthat she needed a fresh start, Liliana sent in her resignation letter, having used up all her sick days, and after no longer wanting to bother anyone elsewith covering her shifts. She had a fair amount of funds in her savings to help her get by for at least six months, which allowed her plenty of time for her to find a new job. Now all she had to do was get out of bed, and pep talk herself into stepping out of her house and finding a new job.
Two days later, and Liliana still hadn't mustered up the courage to step out of her door. For some reason she feared that if she stepped out into the outside world again, everyone and everything would turn and point and laugh at her for thinking she actually had a chance with the hot shot billionaire. She would be the laughing stock of the state. At least that's what Liliana believed. What Liliana didn't expect was for her doorbell to ring one afternoon, and on the other side, was Chamille.
"Wow, you look like you haven't been in the sun for years." Chamille greeted her, then passed her by and entered without an invitation.
"Please, come in." Liliana stated dryly, then she closed the door, her head already hurting at the thought of having to entertain a guest.
"What is going on with you? I've called and texted, and I got nothing in return." Chamille explained, and Liliana shrugged as she simply passed Chamille by, and sat down on the couch with a tired sigh.
Chamille looked at Liliana, trying to figure out what was going on, but when Liliana sat with a bad posture and sagging shoulders, Chamille shook her head and said "Liliana, I'm not going anywhere, so you might as well just talk to me."
"What are you doing here Chamille? Huh? We aren't friends. What do you want from me?" Liliana asked, not caring that she sounded bitchy and mean.
"If this is your way of trying to push me away, it's not going to happen. Now," Chamille debated as she looked around then she said "I know exactly how to get you to talk to me." Then as if on a mission, Chamille began walking around Liliana's home, pulling back the curtains, and opening the blinds, allowing the bright and glowing sunlight into her previously dark home.
Liliana winced and hissed as if the sunlight irritated her. Liliana had spent so much time indoors, she had practically turned into a sun fearing creature.
"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" Liliana groaned, and Chamille simply ignored her whining and continued with her task of lighting up the place.
Once she was done with that, Chamille headed to the kitchen, and whipped up a quick breakfast, while cleaning around the kitchen. When the meal was ready, Chamille marched right up to Liliana and said "Now you listen to me young lady, you have less than three seconds to move your ass to that kitchen, sit down and eat, and stop sulking, or else I'll drag you there myself." Liliana blinked up at Chamille confused, as if she couldn't comprehend where the assertiveness was coming from, then she was reminded that Chamille had a set of twins back home, and that gave her plenty of practice.
"One." Chamille began counting, and Liliana actually had a moment of defiance, wanting to see just how far Chamille was willing to go.
"Two." Chamille continued, and the glare that began settling in her eyes had Liliana feeling a bit nervous. Chamille raised an eyebrow as if asking Liliana is she really wanted to challenge her, then Chamille opened her mouth to say 'three' but Liliana quickly jumped to her feet as she said "alright, alright, I'm going."
Shaking her head, Liliana headed to the kitchen table, and chose one of the set places and sat down, and Chamille joined her. They ate in silence, and when both their plates were clear, Chamille turned to Liliana and said "talk."
Liliana rolled her eyes, but decided that it was better to let it out instead of bottling everything in, and since Chamille was lending a penny for her thoughts, Liliana figured that it couldn't hurt.
"Mr. Cavalier and I kissed. We had a few moments on the plane and in Rome, but Mr. Cavalier made it clear that all he wanted from me was a one night stand, all this before my date with Carlos. When I went on my date with Carlos, everything was going well until he drove me home and asked for a goodnight kiss. He forced the kiss and touched me inappropriately. I had never felt so violated or disgusted in my life. I was so shocked that I became scared of what Carlos would do if I ever said no again. After I spoke to you in Quebec, when we returned home, Carlos picked me up and drove me home. When we got here, he asked to come inside. I had a moment of bravery and said no, then things took a bad turn. He tried to rape me outside on the street. Mr. Cavalier arrived just in time to help me, and he took me back to his place. He asked me to give him a chance, I asked him for time, then we shared a moment where I realized that he knew exactly how to read me and how to get me to react, and I panicked. I told him that it was over, then I left, and I haven't seen him since." Liliana blurted out, and Chamille listened attentively without cutting in, until Liliana was done.
"Alright, and how have you been since you left?" Chamille asked, as if she was a therapist, trying to get her patient to open up.
"I've been just dandy. My bed is comfortable, and so is my couch. My bills are still paid, and I'm fine." Liliana replied, trying to make her misery appear more presentable, but she knew that she wasn't fooling anyone.
"Right. Alright, well I have to head home now, whenever you're ready to dig yourself out of that sorry hole, and start living again, give me a call. Good talk." Chamille stated as she stood up and grabbed her purse heading out.
Liliana looked at the closed door where Chamille had exited, and she blinked and shook her head in confusion. That had to be by far, the weirdest visit she'd ever have from anyone. Not even her parents could top that weird visit. After laughing and shaking her head, Liliana realized that she could suddenly breathe easier. Liliana stood to her feet and decided to clean up the kitchen, as well as her home. As she did so, she turned on her music to the loudest volume, and began to feel her spirits lift up. Without realizing it, Liliana had gone five minutes without thinking about Mr. Cavalier, and that five minutes turned to ten, and ten to thirty, and then more. Liliana was silently grateful for Chamille's unexpected visit, because it somehow managed to wake her up from her sad trance. Even if it was just for a little while.
Meanwhile across town, Mariella was once again fussing at her son for lazing around the house for too long.
"When are you going back to work? I need you out of my house." Mariella complained as she slapped Frantz's arm with her magazine, while they both lounged by the pool.
"Ma, you say that now, but as soon as I walk out that door, you're going to miss me and want me to come back." Frantz pointed and Mariella made a show of sighing out loud as she said "Frantz, I am tired of seeing your face. You need to put your big boy pants on and go find that girl, since she's the only one that can get out of this mood."
"Mamma..." Frantz groaned, he didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about her. She had lured him in with her innocence, and spunk, and feisty attitude, and tempting lips, just to leave him broken and abandoned on the side of the road.
"Frantz, unlike Christina, this girl hasn't betrayed you. Don't you see? She needs you to confirm that if she allows herself to fall in love with you, you will not break her heart. That's all she wants. Commitment, and a promise that she can trust you with her heart." Mariella revealed, and Frantz sent her side glance as he said, "you're just saying that to get me to leave."
"Is it working?" Mariella asked, and Frantz shook his head and laughed, and eventually his mom joined him.
"Come on Frantz, stop sulking, either you get up and decide to make that woman yours, or just get up and get out of my house, either way, I just want you to do something and leave my house." Mariella pushed after their laughter had died down,
"Nice pep talk mamma." Frantz pointed, and Mariella simply stood to her feet and kiss his head as she said "ti amo figlio mio." Then she walked away, hoping her son would recover from this as soon as possible.
After his mom departed, Frantz found his mind drifting, for the hundredth time that day, to Liliana. He didn't think a woman could ever be on his mind for so long. It had been a month since he last seen her, and the more days that went by, the more Frantz feared that Liliana was easily moving on and forgetting about him. But what could he do? Liliana confused him. At first Frantz wanted to believe that she enjoyed the chase, but after telling him no countless of times, he began to wonder whether he had been the one forcing her to deal with him. And though that was his original plan, he wanted Liliana falling for him to be her own choice. And in the end, it wasn't her choice, or else she wouldn't have left... right?
Shaking his head and groaning, Frantz felt his brain become heavy as he tried to decipher every sign that Liliana ever sent his way. Frantz was so caught up in his mind that he didn't realize Armagio had approached him with a phone call.
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