《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 22-"Take me to Church"
"Well do you?" Frantz asked his voice still low but very hypnotizing.
"I don't know..." Liliana admitted, feeling as if things were moving too fast with Frantz. She needed time to think, to face what she had been going through for the past few weeks, and to also come to terms that what happened with Carlos was real.
"What do you want from me Lili? Be honest. What do you want from me?" Frantz asked, as he placed his hands on both sides of Liliana's body, while he leaned his head on her right shoulder. His tone desperate, as if unsure of the signals Liliana has been sending his way.
Liliana closed her eyes and sighed, then she kissed her lips against his soft skin, and admitted, "I just need some time Frantz, please. I-I can't just get into a relationship with you, I mean, I need a minute to breathe, please, don't take me the wrong way. I don't mean to send you on a goose chase, but really, I just need a little time."
"And until then? Will it be strictly business?" Frantz asked, his tone making the situation even more intimate, while his eyes remained closed, as he simply enjoyed the warmth of her skin, and the scent of her body entering his nostrils.
"Yes Mr. Cavalier," Liliana relied, knowing very well there was nothing 'strictly business' between them, and she didn't even bother to stop herself from saying "but for now, let's just stay here." Liliana suggested, not wanting him to move away just yet, because, while being there, encaged in his arms, his warmth covering her from head to toe, Lili felt safe. Safer than she had ever felt in a while.
"You can't tease me with 'Mr. Cavalier' then expect to stay unaffected Liliana." Frantz groaned, as he drew in a long but careful breath.
"It wasn't meant to be teasing Frantz." Liliana giggled, especially when Frantz place a hand on her hip, and landed a kiss against her neck.
Liliana felt a tremor run through her body from her head to her toes, and back to that special spot in her lower abdomen. She drew in a longing breath, and leaned against Frantz, as if wanting him to repeat the action. Frantz understood her body language, but he needed to hear it from her lips, the same lips which had been haunting his dreams since the day he kissed them.
"In this house, we use our words Liliana." Frantz spoke in a dominant tone, catching Liliana off guard, and she felt a tightening in her lower abdomen and private, causing her to squeeze her thighs together, while a sudden heat enveloped her body, making her mind victim of some very dangerous thoughts.
Frantz could feel the tension building between them, so he used it to his advantage. He trace his lips over the skin of her shoulder, then her neck, until he reached her ear, and he whispered, "what do you want Ms. Chavez?"
"I-I" Liliana whimpered, then trailed off with a gasp when he bit her ear lobe, "Frantz I- Mmh..." She moaned softly when his lips caressed the burn away, "just kiss me again!" Liliana pushed in one breath, as she suddenly felt a dizzying wave strike her body.
"Where?" Frantz demanded, keeping his tone well paced. They were playing his game. They were playing by his rule. And as much as Liliana enjoyed the fact that he took control, his pace was tormenting and slow, she felt every nerve in her body pushing for her to do something risky, but Liliana was still trying to be logical. And she kept telling herself that she couldn't give in to Frantz, at least not yet.
"Surprise me." Liliana declared before she could stop herself. In response, Frantz chuckled darkly, as if hoping she would say that, then, he slowly ran his other hand through her hair, before making a fist and pulling her head back. Liliana hissed, but that sound soon turned into a gasp followed by a groan when Frantz's warm tongue ran it's way over the skin of her neck, while his lips kissed the hollow chamber of her throat. He kissed her chin, then jumped to her nose, and when he was ready, his lips found hers. Liliana leaned against him and kissed her with all her might, but Frantz was the one in control, and pulling her head back, he encased her throat with his other palm, causing Liliana's heart to jump out of her chest.
Frantz aimed to control the pacing of the kiss, his tongue leisurely licking her lips, and waltzing with her tongue. Lost in a sea of lust, Frantz's hand wanted to wander, he wanted to squeeze the flesh of her thighs, and fill his palm with her bottom and breasts, but he pumped the brakes, knowing that Lili was still fragile, and with one final swipe of his tongue in her mouth, he pulled away, and whispered against her lips, "whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting." And with those words, he walked away, leaving Liliana a heaving, hot and bothered mess.
When Frantz disappeared up the stairs, Liliana leaned her head against the door, and ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to figure out what just happened between her and Frantz. It seemed he was full of surprises, and Liliana just couldn't seem to keep up with what was going on through Frantz's mind.
With wobbly knees, and still uneven breaths, Liliana made her way to the sitting area, and sunk onto one of the couches as she pondered what her next step would be. Where would she go from here? For one, she didn't want to go back home. In fact, if she could never see that place again, she would be happy. She couldn't go back to her hometown because her job was here, and she was sure that Chamille had her hands full with the twins, so Lili couldn't crash at her place.
Liliana just wanted to be in a place where she could heal. She had to accept that she suffered at Carlos's hands, and she had to move on from that. She had to go to church. Just to pray. Even if it was for a little while.
Upstairs in the bedroom, Frantz was a pacing mess. He was a man. A man with needs. Needs specific to the woman that was just a flight of stairs below the very spot where he stood. He ran a hand through his hair, and breathed out in frustration. He was trying his best to not scare Liliana away, and he knew that the things he wanted to do with her and to her, she was not ready for them.
So what could he do?
Frantz did not want to even think about an option where he'd have to be away from her. In fact, he didn't want Liliana leaving his sight. It seemed the more time he tried to spend away, and the more distance he tried to place between them, the more he wanted to have her all to himself. Frantz groaned, then remembered her sultry voice and lips that could taint a saint, and he looked down at his twitching pants and he cursed in Italian. He was screwed. Frantz knew that much.
Frantz heard Liliana's footsteps on the stairs, and he reached for the closest object to block the bulge in his pants from her view, just as Lili opened the door.
Liliana looked at Frantz's eyes before she automatically looked down at his hands which squeezed a book against his private area. The moment she realized what he was hiding, her cheeks flushed, and she cleared her throat as she asked "is this a bad time?"
"No, not at all." Frantz shook his head, though he was dying on the inside, while his hands continued to push the book against his excitement.
"Well, I um I need to step out for a moment." Liliana spoke, trying to keep her eyes on his face instead of having the curious pair linger back to the book in his hands.
"And where are you going?" Frantz asked, hoping this wouldn't be a repeat of their earlier conversation.
"I need to go to church." Liliana declared, and Frantz's hands slipped, causing the book to topple to the floor. Liliana's eyes snapped to the pointing bulge in Frantz's joggers, before he bent down in a quick manner to pull the book back up against his pants.
Frantz felt the heat of embarrassment climb up his neck and onto his cheeks as he cleared his throat and said "church?"
"Yes, I need to pray." Liliana explained, now completely avoiding Frantz's eyes, as she looked at everywhere else, but him.
"Alright, I'll um, I'll accompany you." Frantz replied.
"Are you sure you should come-"
"Yes!" Frantz cut her off, "I definitely should come." He added, then mentally facepalmed himself when he felt as though he sounded like a teenage boy speaking to the cutest girl in school.
"Alright, well I'll at least need a proper attire." Liliana stated, feeling hot in the face.
"I'll have Armagio bring something up right away." Frantz confirmed, and with a stiff nod, Liliana stepped backwards, pulling the door shut. The moment she did so, Frantz released a breath he didn't know he was holding, and Liliana did the same as she headed back down the stairs.
Frantz looked down at himself and whispered "relax." Then he cleared his throat, and decided to change into a pair of jeans and a long sleeve dress shirt. He called Armagio who was quick to deliver a short sleeve knee length blue dress for Liliana, and once they were both ready, Frantz led Lili out of his suite.
In the back of the Limo, Liliana sat on the opposite side of Frantz. She played with her fingers awkwardly, feeling hot from head to toe, while Frantz leaned against his arm on the car door, and looked out the window, but not failing to send side glances at Liliana every once in a while.
The silence in the back of the limo was only filled by the humming sound of the tires on the road, which was somewhat comforting to the couple, especially when their minds were in very similar places. Liliana felt her sweaty fingers didn't help ease her mind when it came to Frantz, and her curious eyes kept flashing to the one area in his pants, though she wasn't sure why she was suddenly so interested in his male anatomy.
Frantz on the other hand, felt Liliana's curious gaze in his body, and it did not help his pain. The straining of his private against his jeans was very uncomfortable, and he began to pray silently, that they'd reach the church soon.
When Armagio pulled up to the church, the relief that washed over the tense couple could be felt. Frantz didn't even wait for Armagio to open the door, he opened it himself, then lent a hand to Lili just to help her step out. The moment she was steady on her feet, they released their hands simultaneously.
Frantz cleared his throat again then said "right, after you Ms. Chavez." And with a nod, Liliana passed Frantz and began walking towards the cathedral. Frantz's curious eyes chanced a look at her swaying hips in the blue dress, and he almost feared being hit by lightning due to his sinful thoughts. Shaking his head, Frantz followed after Liliana. When they entered, Liliana turned to him and said, "I just need to take a moment to myself." And in response Frantz said "I'm going to head to the confessional. Just let me know whenever you're ready to go."
With a nod, Liliana and Frantz separated. Lili found a secluded area near a window, and decided to take a seat there. She allowed the silence of the environment to fill her mind, and bring peace to the daunting memories that tormented her mind. Before she realized it, tears began streaming down her face, as her lips began to mutter a silent prayer. First she thanked the Lord for another day, then she asked for forgiveness, then she began retracing the events of her assault at the hands of Carlos. She cried and asked for help, in hope she would not lose herself to self hate and a heavy darkness, and when she was done with that, she took a moment for silent meditation, hoping that while her tears flowed, she would be free of the anxiety which now held her soul captive.
Across the church, Frantz carefully entered the confessional. Though he wasn't the most religious of men, his mother taught him well enough to know when to seek guidance, and right now he needed guidance.
"Forgive me father for I have sinned," He began, and after hearing a prompt from the other side, Frantz sighed and plainly stated, "I find myself lusting after a woman who has been a victim of sexual assault. I have pursued her for months, and have finally gotten the chance to take her home with me. I know that she is not yet ready to be with me, but I often find it hard to stop myself from taking the next step. A part of me initially wanted nothing more than to have her for one night, but now, it seems I am hoping to wake up to her smiling face every day. I feel the need for both a physical and an intimate relationship with her, but the more time I wait, the harder it gets for me to stay away, or keep my hands off her body."
"I see, and is this woman aware of your thoughts and wants?"
"She believes that I only want her for one night, but the truth father, I want her for more than that." Frantz admitted.
"Then you are aware that you are on a road that will demand patience and resistance my son?"
"Yes." Frantz confirmed with his head lowered while he nodded.
"Well then go my son, and sin no more." The priest concluded, and with another nod, Frantz exited the confessional, feeling somewhat better, but not entirely sure of how he would survive the next few days with Liliana.
Back to where Lili sat, eventually her tears had run dry, and she now found herself praying for strength, because while she initially hoped she would remain a virgin until her wedding night, she felt that every time her eyes landed on Frantz, she forgot about her wedding night, and wanted nothing more to be with him physically right then and there. She asked for resistance, and prayed for forgiveness in advance for any mistake she might just make along the way. Then she finished her prayer with another thanks, then an Amen.
Lili and Frantz met up at the doors, then they exited the church together.
Armagio opened the car door, and both individuals slipped in quietly. Armagio closed the door with a smile on his face, and when he climbed into the driver's seat, he made sure that the privacy window was rolled all the way up.
As the car drove on the highway, Liliana once again began to play with her fingers, and Frantz was leaning against his hand once again, his index finger tapping his lips. Liliana looked over at Frantz's fingers, and imagine his hand running up her leg, over her knee, under skirt, and higher, and higher...
"Did you say something?" Frantz asked, and Liliana blinked back to reality, her face flushing as she shook her head, not trusting her voice.
"Did you want anything before we head back home?" Frantz offered, hoping to create conversation.
"Actually yeah," Liliana replied when something came to mind, then she added "Can we stop for ice cream?"
"Ice cream?" Frantz asked, and Liliana nodded eagerly, "yeah, definitely." Frantz replied, then he signaled Armagio to pull up to the nearest ice cream parlor.
The couple fell back into a tense silence. Liliana felt her temptation whispering in her ear to pull off a very risky move, which included straddling Frantz and letting him have his way with her, but she mentally shook her head in defiance. Frantz on the other hand was trying to not reminisce on the last time they were in the back of a limo together, where his hand had ridden up her skirt and over her warm skin. Oh how his finger tingled to feel her skin again.
Frantz shook his head, clearing his throat, and trying to think about something, anything, other than Liliana, and the fact that he was going to need a very cold shower when he got home. Frantz tried to remember what the priest said, a road of patience and resistance. Patience and Resistance Frantz muttered to himself.
"What was that?" Liliana asked, and Frantz shook his head saying "nothing, just thinking out loud."
"Oh..." Liliana said, but added nothing more.
When Armagio stopped at the ice cream parlor, it felt like a blessing. Once again Frantz opened the door himself, then helped Liliana out. He also opened the shop's door for her, and with a shy "thank you" and rosy cheeks, Liliana entered the shop. The sweet scent of ice cream and cookies and waffle cones filled Lili's nostrils, and her smiled widened as her mouth began to water at the thought of the delicacy she would soon enjoy.
Liliana walked with a pep in her step towards the counter, where a very nice looking gentleman with light blue eyes and short blond hair greeted her with a "good afternoon, what can I get you today beautiful?"
Liliana giggled and rolled her eyes as she said "let me get a large waffle bowl, a scoop of strawberry, vanilla, rum raisin, pistachio, pecan, and um a scoop of coconut." Liliana spelled out, catching both Frantz and the employee by surprise, then she turned to Frantz and asked "did you want anything?"
"A small waffle bowl with three scoops of strawberry." Frantz spoke as if uninterested, but his eyes were staring dead at the employee, who shamelessly winked at Liliana as he prepared her ice cream bowl.
When the employee brought their treats up to the counter, Liliana turned to Frantz and asked "wait, did Armagio want anything?"
"No." Frantz denied, wanting to get Liliana away from the smiling blond, but Liliana simply rolled her eyes and asked "can I get another small waffle bowl with three scoops of strawberry please?"
"Anything for you sweet cheeks." The man flirted, and Liliana shook her head, while Frantz felt himself of seconds away from jumping across the counter and stuffing the man's head into a tub of ice cream. When the ice cream was ready, Frantz paid for the treats silently, then led Liliana out of the parlor before the blond could say anything else.
Liliana handed Armagio his ice cream, who seemed pleasantly surprised, then she entered the vehicle, followed by Frantz.
Liliana didn't wait for the car to start moving, she dug into her ice cream and hummed in pleasure when the cold treat landed against her tongue. She had almost forgotten where she was, and when she opened her eyes, Frantz was staring her way intensively.
Liliana gulped, and looked away from his intense gaze, but when she couldn't bare it anymore, she asked "What?"
"Nothing." Frantz replied, but Liliana could tell that something was up, but she wasn't going to pry. Liliana prepared to shove another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, when Frantz suddenly sat up, and grabbed her face, bringing her lips against his. Liliana didn't have a chance to respond, but instead gasped when Frantz's hand landed around her neck again. He didn't squeeze but the message of dominance was there.
Frantz kissed her until Lili felt as though she was running out of air, then when he was satisfied with the kiss and her response, he pulled away suddenly, and sat back in his seat coolly, then he began eating his ice strawberry cream as if everything was well and dandy, while he left Liliana speechless and breathless.
Hey guys!
So here is the update! I know I'm late, but a second chapter will be updated this week.
So what did you think of the chapter? And the way it ended? Do you think this is a step forward in their relationship?
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!
Lots of
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