《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 24- "Proud and Pompous"
"What do you want?" Liliana asked, her tone clipped as a result of the limited amount of air intake, due to the suffocating tension which held her lungs captive, beneath her non-expanding chest.
"Nothing much, just want what rightfully belongs to me." Carlos explained, his tone making Liliana's skin crawl with unwelcomed goosebumps, as she felt the bile rise up her throat, while a an uncomfortable slither crawled over her spine, which caused her to shudder uncomfortably from head to toe.
"I don't have anything that belongs to you." Liliana stated confused, as she tried to breathe, in hope the effort would slow her racing heart.
"Oh but you do," Carlos confirmed, then he added, "yeah, I had marked my territory, and there's no way I'm letting another dog slobber all over what belongs to me." Carlos declared, his tone sadistic, if not insane.
"You're a disgusting pig Carlos. A pervert." Liliana fired before she could stop herself. She belonged to no one, and she wanted to make that clear.
"Oh keep the insults coming sweetheart, just don't forget who's at my mercy." Carlos reminded Liliana, making a notion about her parents, and once again her blood ran cold, and her bravado cracked away quicker than dry ice in water, as she gulped, her throat feeling cold with fear while she pleaded meekly "don't hurt them. Please."
"I don't think you're in the position to ask me for any favors Liliana." Carlos stated, his light tone quickly morphing and shifting to a dark and dangerous octave.
"What do you want from me Carlos? What do you want me to do?" Liliana hated that she begged, but her parents had more worth than her pride ever would. All she cared about was saving them. It's all that mattered right now, she could nurse her pride another time.
"How about you meet me in that fancy hotel, Luxury, thirty minutes away from your parents' home, let's say, in two hours?" Carlos instructed, and Liliana blinked quickly shaking her head as she said "H-how am I supposed to make it there so quickly? I live in another state!"
"Well you've got the smarts, figure it out!" Carlos suddenly boomed, urging Liliana to pull the phone away from her ear as she winced, then he ended the call without another word.
"Hello? Hello? CARLOS!" Liliana yelled into the empty phone, knowing quite well her efforts were futile. Liliana smashed the phone into the cushion next to her with a grunt, then she groaned and screamed. Liliana found herself surrounded by a blanket of worry, anger, fear, and dread. She had two hours to make it to the hotel Carlos had instructed, and she had no idea what to do. Lost in a sea of confusion, with a sweaty forehead, a heavy mind, and a racing heart, it never came to Lili's mind to contact the one man who could actually get her there that quickly.
And when Mr. Cavalier eventually did come to mind, Liliana couldn't bring herself to pick up the phone and dial his number. She was trying to swallow her pride, but she began to doubt that he would ever want to help her. Why would he? She hasn't been the nicest person towards Frantz, even though he's tolerated her mood swings and constant changes in behavior. But another doubt that held Lili back was the idea that he would want something in return after helping her. Liliana didn't want to owe Frantz anything. He already had such an effect on her that she feared what would happen if she ended up owing him a favor. The idea of being indebted to Frantz did not sit well with her either.
Liliana absentmindedly began to pace her living room floor, trying to keep a clear head, even though she felt seconds away from running out of her house like a madwoman, and head to the nearest airport, demanding to jump on the next flight to Atlanta Georgia. Living just outside of Orlando Florida, the airport wasn't too far, but even then, there was no guarantee that she would be on a flight within the next two hours.
Liliana found herself between a wall and a hard place. She ran her fingers through her hair, hoping the unintentional scalp massage would help clear her mind, but when she couldn't think of any feasible solutions, she rushed to her bedroom where she filled her purse with her passport, and necessary documents, then she threw on the closest pair of jeans she could find, as well as a long sleeve cotton top, then she tied her hair up into a ponytail, and headed for the door. The best plan she had thought of would be to head to the airport and buy a last minute seat for a flight.
Just as Liliana opened her front door, her eyes widened when she noticed Frantz with his fist raised, seconds from knocking on the door. Liliana blinked confused for a moment as she realized that she had forgotten just how well sculpted his face was. But the moment was cut short because Lili was instantly reminded her parents being held captive by the maniac named Carlos, and in a haste she said "not right now Mr. Cavalier. Excuse me." With those words Liliana tried to sidestep Frantz, but setting his lips in a straight line, he grabbed her arm and directed her back into her house, making sure to block the door in order to stop her from going anywhere.
"What are you doing? Get out of my way!" Liliana snapped, as she tried to push Frantz away from the door. She didn't need this right now. Of all the times Frantz could make an appearance in all his handsome glory, now was not that time.
Liliana wasn't sure what caused her sudden upset, in addition to Carlos holing her parents captive, but seeing Frantz, she hated that she had a moment of weakness where all she wanted to do was seek comfort in his arms. She had missed him more than she thought. And she hated the idea that he was suddenly here, coming to her rescue. She hated the circumstances in which they were brought together, and now here they stood, both silent yet breathing heavily.
Liliana looked into Frantz's dark eyes, his pink lips set in a straight line, with a stern gaze set on his facial features. It was definitely not the time or place, but she had definitely hoped he would do that thing where he kissed her out of nowhere, catching her by surprise, only to leave her breathless. Then came the shame. Liliana wondered what the was she thinking? And why was she still standing there like a lost puppy. Her parents were in danger, and now was definitely not the time to fantasize about the adventures she could embark on with Mr. Cavalier inside her home.
"I need to go." Liliana stated, as she tried to bypass Frantz and open the door again, but just like before he barely budged, as he simply kept her from reaching the door. After a third and failed attempt, Liliana had lost her patience.
"I said let me go!" She growled, and began acting aggressive, as she punched and slapped her hands into his torso and shoulders. Frantz was quick to pin restrain her arms as he ordered "calm down, I'm here to help."
"I don't need your help." Liliana declared in a loud rage, feeling close to tears. This was all too much. The tension and the pressure were cracking down on Lili's mind, and she wouldn't hold out for long, but she did not want to let Frantz see her cry. She was stronger than this. She had to be. She had allowed herself to be vulnerable around Frantz once before, and the fear that followed, pushed her to jump out of his car, and distance herself from him, for an entire month. Lili did not want to go through that again.
"Well I'm going to help you anyway." Frantz pushed back, and Liliana shook her head and frowned as she asked, "why won't you leave me alone? How many times do I have to turn you down, for you to get the message that I don't want anything to do with you?"
"As many times as it takes for you to stop saying one thing with your mouth, and another with your eyes and body. I am taken by you Liliana, and I would never forgive myself if I let anything happen to you, knowing that I walked away, when I could've helped. Just allow me to help." Frantz replied, his tone begging, and convincing, as he admitted his feelings for her without realizing.
"Frantz, he has my parents, and the more time I waste here with you, the less time I have to make it to my destination, so please just let me go. I have a flight to catch." Liliana stated, needing to get away from him. His arms were still restraining hers, and the more she breathed in his cologne, the more intoxicated her mind became with images that were not appropriate for the current situation they were in.
"Forget the flight, I'll take you there on the Jet." Frantz offered, and Liliana's eyes widened out of shock before she shook her head and declined "Frantz that's really not necessary. I don't-"
"Need my help, I know. But I'm offering it anyways. Lets go." Frantz replied in a final tone, then grabbing Liliana's hand, he led her out of her home, and walked her to the limo which had been waiting outside. Liliana thought to protest before entering the car, but one sharp glare from Frantz, and she swallowed her pride, and sat in the limousine.
Frantz entered after her, but made sure to keep as much distance between their bodies as possible. During the car ride, Frantz made a phone call to ensure that Paul had arrived at the airport and getting the jet ready to travel. Meanwhile, his eyes remained on Liliana, who made great efforts to avoid looking his way. He had forgotten just how much he loved studying her.
A month without seeing her, and she appeared more beautiful than before. Her lips were still pouty and inviting, her skin flushed in accordance with the rage that burned behind her eyes.
Frantz just couldn't understand it. How did Liliana keep resisting him? The days he spent at his mother's were a blur because all he thought about was Liliana. He missed her fire, her spunk. He missed her pride, and the fact that she was resilient. He missed that she made him work for her attention, and he missed that she kept him on his toes, and did not give into him so easily. But now his patience was running thin.
When he came face to face with her at the door, it took all his resistance and willpower to not kiss her right then and there. Frantz spent day and night fantasizing about his romance with Liliana. There was always this ocean like struggle between them, where she would pull him in, just to push him back out again. Frantz had warned her, he didn't want to be the bad guy. He didn't want to force her to love him. He didn't want to blackmail her or manipulate her into falling in love with him, but now that she was once again in his presence, he didn't think he'd be able to let her go.
The tense and silent car ride soon ended when they reached the airport. Armagio opened the door of the limousine, and Frantz stepped out first. He turned and offered Liliana a hand, but she simply ignored it, and got out of the car without his help. She walked passed him and headed straight for the jet without a word, with her head held high, and Frantz shook his head. It was going to be a long ride. Armagio brought the car to a private parking area, then joined the couple on the plane.
Liliana sat down silently, and buckled up. She had to admit, it felt strange being on the jet as a passenger rather than the hostess, and she didn't think she'd ever get used to having Mr. Cavalier sit in the same area as she. When Mr. Cavalier sat down, he turned to Liliana and asked "where to?" and with a sigh, Liliana replied "Atlanta." With a nod of Mr. Cavalier's head, Armagio headed to the cockpit to tell Paul of their destination, and assist with the flight, leaving Frantz and Liliana alone for the next hour and a half.
As the couple waited for the plane to take off, Liliana began feeling the usual nerves that would overtake her system, and send her into a flustered state. Frantz watched her carefully, as she held tightly on to the armrests, and began muttering a soft prayer on her lips, while her eyes were shut tight. He found her reaction to be adorable in a sense, and he smiled to himself, enjoying the current vulnerability that vented from Liliana.
When they were finally settled in the air, and Liliana could breathe normally again, she decided to address the fact that Frantz had not stop staring at her since they got on the plane.
"You know staring at me for so long makes you a creep right?" Liliana fired, unable to stop herself from sounding mean and snarky. There was just something about Frantz Cavalier that brought her guard up.
"I've asked you this once before, and I'll ask again, what makes you repulse me so much? What about me that makes you want to steer clear of me?" Frantz asked, his ego unable to heal from Liliana's constant rejection.
"How about the fact that you're so arrogant, you can't accept the idea that I don't want to sleep or be with you?" Liliana pointed, and Frantz nodded, then frowned as he asked "anything else?"
"Guys like you Frantz are known womanizers. Never settle with a girl for more than just a one night stand. I don't want that. I want something real, something strong, something that should definitely last longer than one night stand." Liliana admitted, then she shook her head, as if tired of the redundant conversations.
"Right," Frantz nodded, then his frown deepened as he questioned after a pensive moment "so what makes you think that you couldn't get what you wanted with me?"
"Because I just know that you're not one to settle down, so I don't see the reason why I should waste any effort or energy on a relationship that wouldn't last." Liliana determined, and Frantz shook his head in disbelief as he demanded, "so what, you're basing this decision all on the fact that I fit a specific stereotype? Billionaire living the bachelor's life?" Frantz had to admit, he was offended. He was human, he was able to love. Heck he had fallen in love before. Yet Liliana made it seem as though he was a heartless robot, simply humping anything in a skirt for the sole purpose of an orgasm.
"Trust me Mr. Cavalier, I've seen men go to great lengths just to have a one night stand with a woman they're interested in, so don't blame me if I question your every move and intention." Liliana argued, holding her chin high and proud. She had to set the record straight with Frantz once and for all. She had to make sure that he understood that even though she accepted his help, it didn't change anything.
"So you believe that everything I've done lately, was solely based on the intention of sleeping with you?" Frantz asked, not believing his ears. Just how thick and proud could this woman be?
"Yes, actually, I do." Liliana declared, and Frantz released a dry chuckle then shook his head and drew in a deep breath as he said "glad we cleared that up," then he unbuckled his seat belt and stood to his feet. He made a show of stepping away, only to return and declare, "Liliana babe, you may be a pretty face, but with that stuck up attitude of yours, you should never expect a man to chase after you for so long. No amount of sex or pleasure is worth a man getting his ego destroyed by a pompous princess like you."
"Oh?" Liliana questioned with a raised eyebrow, her suddenly feelings hurt, and needing a form of consolation, she took a bite at Frantz's pride, "and yet you keep coming back like a lost puppy looking for a treat."
At her words, Frantz's eyes widened in shock, right before he settled on his usual cold mask.
"No Liliana. I came back because I cared, but I can see that you're willing to fare on your own, so after I help save your parents, you need not worry about me coming back. It's obvious you were never willing to give me a chance, but you only kept it interesting enough to entertain the idea that you could have a Billionaire chasing after you. Trust me Ms. Chavez, I finally get the message." With those words, Frantz headed to the kitchenette, and poured himself a drink, then he headed to the small bedroom, leaving Liliana speechless, hurt, and dumbfounded.
She had never expected Frantz to lash out the way he just did. He spoke the harsh reality of her actions into existence, making the tension that often surrounded them and the chase, seem toxic. Liliana frowned and wondered whether her actions had really put out that energy towards Frantz. Or maybe his ego was so damaged by her rejection that he wanted to project his hurt towards her.
Oh well, Lili thought, at least they had reached an understanding, and though she wasn't sure why he decided to stick around and help her save her parents, she was still grateful to not be alone in this.
As the time went by, Liliana became more and more bothered as Frantz's words echoed in her mind. She sucked her teeth and pouted her lips, as she engaged in an internal argument with herself. This argument was solely focused on convincing herself that she had not been acting proud, or pompous, but instead, she was justifying her actions with the reasoning that she was protecting herself, and holding out, instead of giving into the seductions of a man who most likely would have evaded her the morning after.
It was obvious that Mr. Cavalier was that sort of man... right?
With a sharp tsk, and a shake of her head, Liliana told herself to stop doubting her earlier actions. She tried to convince herself that Mr. Cavalier lashing out was a form of tantrum because he didn't get his way, which means that she in fact, succeeded in her mission, and did not give into Mr. Cavalier.
A few feet away from where Liliana sat, separated by a thin wall, Frantz laid on his back, and began scolding himself for attacking Liliana. She didn't deserve him lashing out, but in the heat of the moment, where she had taken a bite of his ego, chewed it, and spit it back in his face, he couldn't help but to resort to immature bickering, almost as if he was back in high school. And while a part of him wanted to rush out there and apologize for what he had said, a small part of him told him that if he returned with an apology, he would definitely satisfy her description of a lost puppy always coming back for a treat. Frantz had to admit, Liliana had a colorful imagination, and it made him wonder why he kept coming back to her, even after the countless times she had rejected him and insulted him.
Frantz even wondered why he wasn't aborting this mission of saving her parents, then he remembered his mother had made him promise to at least try to win over Lili's heart by saving her parents. This came right after he received the phone call from the deputy, and while he rushed out, his mother stopped him and made him promise that he would try his best to win Lili's favor. But that hope had now flown out the door. Liliana made it obvious that she couldn't picture Mr. Cavalier as anything other than a man stuck in the bachelor phase. And as much as he longed to prove her wrong, Frantz didn't think he could handle another harsh rejection or insult from Liliana, because after all those times spent studying her, arguing with her, kissing her, and just having her in his sights, he had managed to fall in love with her, and the thought that she couldn't imagine building a potential future with him broke his heart. Frantz figured it best if he pumped the brakes on his feelings, before he got his heart broken once again.
Hey guys!
Here is the update for this week. I know it's earlier than usual, but It was wither now... or waay later.
So, the struggle between our couple continues, and we officially hear Frantz admit that he has fallen in love with Liliana.
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