《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 25- "Psalms 23"
Liliana didn't see Mr. Cavalier again, until it was time for them to land. When the pilot prompted that they had landed safely, and could now exit the plane, Frantz return to the sitting area quietly, where he found Liliana already standing with her purse in hand. Armagio entered the cabin from the cockpit, and headed straight for the door. Once Armagio opened the door, Frantz allowed Liliana to head out first, and he followed a few steps after. Another driver was already waiting for them on the tarmac.
Just as Liliana prepared to enter the car, her phone rang. Seeing the unknown caller ID, Liliana answered the call, and cautiously pressed the phone to her ear with trembling fingers.
"Hello?" Liliana answered carefully, her voice meek and unsure.
"Lili darling!" Carlos greeted, and with an unfriendly tone, Liliana replied, "yes Carlos?"
At the mention of Carlos's name, Frantz signaled for Liliana to place the phone on speaker, which she did, just as Carlos spoke "time's ticking love."
"I know, I just landed, I'm heading to the Luxury Hotel as we speak." Liliana explained, and with a silent signal from Frantz, Armagio and the driver hopped into the car, as he and Lili entered as well.
"Well that was quick, should I assume that your boss, who's hot for you, will be joining us?" Carlos asked, and Liliana looked up at Frantz, hoping that he'd give her a clue what to say, but Frantz simply remained silent, letting Liliana handle it herself.
"And if he was?" Liliana decided to stall.
"It doesn't change anything. I'm still going to get what I want, but he's welcome to watch... or join in." Carlos invited, and Liliana looked away from Frantz's hard eyes, feeling embarrassment to the third degree.
"Can I speak to my mom?" Liliana asked, as she wiped a silent tear which had fallen onto her cheek without her control.
"Alright." Carlos surprisingly agreed, and Liliana chanced a quick glance at Frantz before she looked away again.
"Lili?" Her mom's shaking voice ran through the phone, causing Lili to draw in a relieved gasp.
"Mommy." Liliana sobbed, and Frantz felt her cry tug at his heartstrings, as he looked out the window for a second, before his eyes returned to her.
"I'm okay baby, it's okay." Her mom cooed, but Lili could feel her voice quavering over the phone.
"How's dad?" Liliana asked, and she heard her mom sniffle as she replied, "he's doing okay, we're fine Lili, really." Her mom tried to reassure, and Liliana nodded, releasing a soft smile as she said "I know ma, I know."
"Remember psalms 23?" Her mother questioned, and Liliana giggled then sniffled as she wiped another tear and replied "I do."
Meanwhile Frantz continued to study her, his heart melting with every raw emotion that Liliana displayed. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, but he wasn't sure if Liliana would appreciate his actions.
"Good, you hold on to that." Her mother advised, and Liliana prepared to say something else, but her heart tremored when Carlos's voice came back on the phone as he said "well that's just sweet, but my patience is running thin."
"I'm less than fifteen minutes away, please don't hurt them." Liliana begged, her tears pouring unending, and that caused Frantz to ball his fists. He didn't like the idea of Liliana begging someone like Carlos.
"No promises." And with that Carlos hung up the phone. Liliana placed her face in her palms as she tried to calm herself. She sniffled, and attempted to wipe her tears with her hands, but when her tears refused to relent, Frantz pulled a handkerchief from his front pant pocket, and handed it to her.
"No, it's fine-"
"Just take the damn handkerchief Liliana." Frantz cut her off, not giving her the chance to argue. He was over her turning hi down at every corner.
Speechless, and slightly on edge due to Frantz's tone, Liliana grabbed the piece of cloth with a soft "thanks", and proceeded to wipe her eyes, then blow her nose.
Somewhat pleased her compliance, Frantz pulled out his phone, and dialed the Deputy's number. Once Frantz reached the deputy, Frantz gave him an update, which the deputy welcomed, and instantly alerted the nearest Sherriff who agreed to meet the couple at the hotel.
Just as the car arrived at the hotel, Liliana's phone rang.
"I am outside." Liliana wasted no time in saying as she answered the phone.
"Alright. Come to the fourth floor, room 415. Alone. No police, and leave your boyfriend in the lobby. Your parents are in a grave danger as we speak. If your boyfriend decides to be a hero, I will kill them." Carlos declared and with a firm "I understand." Liliana ended the call.
She turned to the Sherriff, and Frantz as she said "He said to meet him on the fourth floor, but I have to go alone." Liliana explained, her eyes shifting between Frantz's intense gaze, and the sheriff's eyes.
"Like hell you are-" Frantz started, but Liliana cut him off as she added firmly "he says that he will kill my parents if I don't show up alone. I'm doing this." Liliana added firmly.
"Alright, It's okay. we're going to have officers at each exit, and at the elevators. There's no way he's leaving this building without getting caught." The Sherriff reassured, and with a firm nod, Liliana began heading towards the elevators, not sparing Frantz another glance.
With every step Liliana took, she felt the distance grow between her and Mr. Cavalier. And the further she got from him, the more she hoped that he would stop her, and maybe, just maybe, proclaim his love for her. She hated the fact that they had a fight. She hated the fact that she toyed with him, because she was so indecisive. She hated the fact that she had pushed him too far, and now she may never have a chance to tell him just how hard she had fallen for him. She hated that she couldn't put her fears aside, and risk trusting him, because maybe, just maybe, he was being honest about having true feelings for her.
By the time Liliana had pressed the button to call the elevator, she had lost all hope. Maybe it was truly over.
Liliana watched the numbers count backwards, as the elevator got closer and closer to the lobby floor. As the numbers decreased, Liliana felt the pace of her heart increase. With every second that passed her by, Liliana began feeling the weight of her demise pressing on her mind, which caused her nerves to go into overdrive as her palms became sweaty, and her heart trembled in her ribcage.
When the elevator dinged, Liliana swallowed a dry gulp, as her heart plummeted to the lowest pit of her stomach. With a shaky and uncertain breath, Liliana prepared herself to step into the silver elevator, as the doors began to part. Just as Liliana placed her right foot into the elevator, she heard the one voice which caused her heart to skip a beat.
"Liliana!" Frantz called out, as he rushed towards her. She looked back just as he grabbed onto her upper arm, and turned her around, his lips landing on hers in the blink of an eye. Using his body, he pushed her into the elevator, making sure to press "hold" button along the way, and he didn't stop guiding her until her back was against the cool metal wall. The moment she had the wall and his body for support, Liliana's fingers found his hair, and his left hand cupped her neck and cheek, while his right hand held her waist to his.
Frantz kissed her mouth, and pecked her lips, and nicked them, drawing Lili's breath from her lungs with his actions. Liliana in that moment forgot about the monster she would face a few floors up. He didn't stop kissing her until they both ran out of air. And when they pulled away, it was only far enough that he could comfortably rest his forehead against hers.
Breathing heavily, Liliana pressed her hands against his chest, and Frantz slid her right hand until it was positioned on his heart.
He looked into her eyes as he said "I never thought I'd ever feel this way about a woman again, but here I am. Liliana Chavez, whether you like it or not, I have fallen madly in love with you. And I know you asked for time, but because I don't know for how long that 'time' will last, I just wanted to make sure you knew how I truly felt about you."
Liliana closed her eyes, gulping back her tears. She didn't want to lie to him, but she wasn't sure what would happen up there with Carlos.
"Frantz," Liliana sighed, her tears already falling. She didn't want to make any promises, so instead, she leaned her face upwards, and kissed him deeply. Frantz closed his eyes, his own tears spilling, and ironically meeting with hers as both their tears dripped onto the soft breathing skin of her chest. Frantz had no idea what her kiss meant, but he could only assume that it wasn't to reciprocate his feelings, and that broke his heart. It almost felt as if his heart was being ripped into pieces.
When Liliana pulled away, she pecked his lips softly, then she took a deep breath, though she shuddered as she said "I-I can't-".
"I know you can't. But I'll wait anyways." Frantz whispered. Then he pulled away, and wiped his face of any tears, as he pressed the button to open the doors. He stepped out without a word, then pressed the fourth floor button, then he walked away silently, sending her one last glance.
The moment she was alone in the elevators, Liliana sighed and tried to compose herself.
She looked up at the increasing numbers, and began reciting psalms 23 quietly. While her lips moved, she absentmindedly touched them, and smiled. When the elevator dinged, indicating that she had reached her floor, Liliana stepped out, and began heading towards room 415, while continuing to recite the passage on her lips.
When Liliana found the room, she stood facing the door and tried to breathe. She wasn't sure what would happen once she opened the door, but as long as her parents came out safe and sound, that's all that mattered at this point.
Inhaling through her nostrils, Liliana lifted her wrist, and knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before the door opened, to reveal Carlos, who was grinning from ear to ear, while he clutched a gun in his left hand. Liliana watched him carefully, but made no move to enter.
"Come in." Carlos invited, his kind and friendly, and had Liliana been blind to his true colors, she could have seen his actions as genuine.
The moment Liliana entered the suite, she noticed her parents standing in the sitting area. Liliana attempted to run their way, but Carlos's strong and unwelcomed grip fell onto her arm, as he pulled her backwards in a harsh manner, and said "ah, ah, ah. You're not here for them, you're here for me. Now, Mr. and Mrs. Chavez, I thank you for keeping me company while I awaited your daughter's arrival, but now if you don't mind, I'd like a moment in private with her please."
With a firm glare from Carlos, Liliana's mother looked into her daughter's eyes, and nodded sadly. She intertwined her fingers with her husband's fingers, and they began heading towards the door. As they got closer to Liliana, her mother began to sob, and Liliana simply shook her head as she reassured, "it's okay, I'll be okay."
Nodding, her parents passed her by, then exited the room. The moment they stepped into the hall, Carlos closed the door, and locked it as he shoved Liliana away. With an angered sob, Liliana turned around harshly, aiming to fight Carlos, only to come face to face with the barrel of his gun, as she froze and raised her hands above her head.
Back in the hallway, Liliana's parents rushed to the elevator, and to their luck, Liliana's elevator was still on the fourth floor. They rushed to the lobby as soon as the elevator doors opened. Frantz didn't have to guess that they were Lili's parents. Liliana was a spitting image of her mother.
"Mrs. Chavez, my name is Mr. Cavalier, we spoke on the phone once before." Frantz introduced himself, and Lili's mother shook his hand firmly, followed by her father.
"That maniac has my daughter." Lili's mother wasted no time in saying as the Sherriff approached them.
"We understand ma'am, but we're making sure that he will not be able to leave the building." The Sherriff spoke up, as he puffed his chest, and looped his fingers through his belt, taking what Frantz believed to be an authoritative stance.
"Oh he doesn't plan on leaving with her, he's going to rape her in that hotel room, then kill her." Mrs. Chavez declared without mincing her words, causing Frantz's blood to run cold.
"Well ma'am we don't know that for sure." The Sherriff explained, and in turn Mrs. Chavez replied, "so what, you're going to wait until you hear gunshots go off before you decide to go up there and save her?"
"I will follow protocol," the Sherriff spoke, his tone curt, as he added "and I can assure you that no harm will come to your daughter." The Sherriff brushed, then he snapped his fingers towards an officer, who attempted to remove Lili's protesting parents from the scene. Seeing this, Frantz signaled Armagio, who stealthily handed him a gun, and casually, Frantz slipped away from the band of officers, and headed to the fourth floor.
"Bedroom, go." Carlos ordered, as he shoved Liliana in the direction of the bedroom, using his gun.
Wincing at the hard metal's sting against her skin, Liliana began making her way towards the bedroom, with her hands still above her head. As she crossed the suite, Liliana's eyes darted around cautiously as she tried looking for a potential weapon. When her eyes landed on a clear vase, sitting on a brown console table against the wall, it's as if Carlos read her mind, and he pressed the gun into her back, earning a painful hiss from Liliana as he threatened "Don't even think about it."
With one last shove, Liliana stumbled into the bedroom. As she straightened herself and regained her balance, Carlos was quick to close the door and lock it, while keeping his gun aimed at Liliana. Once he was sure the door was secure, he approached Liliana, who had begun shaking.
She didn't want to accept the reality that she was here, about to be forced into having sex with a man who made her skin crawl. A man she absentmindedly trusted, yet he easily violated that trust. Running out of options for an escape, Liliana retorted to begging.
"Carlos- P-please," she began to sob, "pu-please don't- d- don't do this- AH!" Liliana grunted, when Carlos slapped her with a harsh backhand, her cheek instantly reddening with a bloody bruise.
"Didn't tell you to speak." Carlos stated coolly, as he walked passed Liliana who was now nursing her burning cheek.
Carlos reached the bed, and he sat down, opening his legs as he looked at a sobbing Liliana. The girl who thought she was too good for him. Now at his mercy. He seem to become aroused at her miserable tears, and red cheek. He would teach her a lesson about being too proud and self-centered.
Carlos smiled, as Liliana sucked in a deep breath and faced him.
Unzipping his pants, Carlos leaned back onto his arms as he directed, "now how about you be a good girl, and get over here."
"Ah, ah," Carlos cut her off as he made a show of cocking his gun as he said "I have a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it. Now, I'll only repeat myself once. Get over here Liliana." Carlos ordered, all smiles gone.
Meanwhile, Frantz had just step into the hallway on the fourth floor. He wasted no time in finding room 415, and to his luck, a maid was working a few doors down. After a small debate and an exchange of a hundred dollars on his part, she gave him the key. Frantz opened the door and slipped in quietly. He heard Liliana scream, and hurried towards the bedroom. He wasted no time and threw the door open, only to find Carlos holding Liliana in a choke hold with his gun pressed against her temple.
"Well, well, I was wondering when you'd show up. Are you here to see Liliana put that sassy mouth of hers to work?" Carlos spoke, as if he and Frantz had been long time companions.
"No." Frantz simply replied, his eyes flashing between Liliana, and Carlos, while his gun remained trained at Carlos's head.
"Oh too bad, I think you would've enjoyed it." Carlos continued with his casual tone, as he turned his face towards Liliana, licking his tongue over the skin of her neck, and in turn, Liliana pulled away disgustedly, her stomach churning with a nauseating feeling.
Frantz watched as Carlos kissed Liliana's skin, and he was no longer in the mood to talk.
"Liliana, when I give you the signal, you lean your head to the left okay?" Frantz stated, and with a quick nod, Liliana replied, wanting to get as far away from Carlos as possible.
Carlos chuckled, as he pressed the gun harder into Lili's skin while saying "don't try to be the hero man. I'll make you a deal. Let me have my fill of what she's always hiding under her skirt, and then I'll let her go."
"Psalms 23." Frantz said, and sinking her teeth into Carlos's arm, Carlos's hold loosened, and Liliana leaned away from Carlos's face, just as Mr. Cavalier took a shot, landing directly between Carlos's eyes.
His body fell backwards onto the bed, and Liliana rushed into Frantz's arms, sobbing into his chest, as his arms enveloped her form, keeping her flushed against his body. A few moments later, the Sheriff and his men bombarded the suite, and Frantz held onto Lili's shoulders as he directed them, "you'll find him in the bedroom."
"But-" The Sheriff began to argue, "anything you would like to know, you can speak to my lawyer about it." Frantz threw over his shoulder as he led Liliana to the elevators, then quietly escorted her to her parents.
The minute Liliana saw her mother, she ran from Frantz's hold, and into her mother's opened arms. Her father sandwiched her in, as they all sobbed and giggled all at once. Liliana's mother pet her hair, and chanced a look at the handsome man who stood a few steps away. His eyes remained on Liliana the entire time, and her mother smiled. She knew that look all too well.
When the sniffling family pulled away, Liliana's mother wiped he tears and Liliana giggled once again, then Mrs. Chavez stepped away, and walked right up to Frantz as she pulled him down into a thankful embrace.
Shocked, Frantz shyly hugged her back, and he chanced a looked towards Liliana who looked back at him with a soft smile.
"Thank you." Mrs. Chavez stated as she pulled away, then Lili's father shared a handshake with Frantz as he said "thank you."
With a nod, Frantz smiled and shook his hand.
After the sharing of thanks and embrace, Liliana's mother faced her as she said sadly, "I'm guessing you'll have to go back now." Liliana shook her head as she began, "no, I don't have to go back right away."
"You can stay at my hotel for as long as you need." Frantz jumped in, catching both Lili and her parents off guard.
"I don't think that's necessary-" Liliana cut in with a tight smile.
"Actually," her mother cut her off, "We have been wanting to go to vacation, so it would be a pleasure." Her mother intervened, before Liliana could finish turning down Frantz's offer.
With a "wonderful" from Frantz, he directed them towards his car, and Armagio drove them to Frantz's hotel.
The entire car ride, no one spoke a word. Besides a few shared glances between Liliana and Frantz, which did not go unnoticed by her mother, there was no other form of conversation.
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