《Beach Baby》chapter 7 | fight




Hearing what Kai says about me was very detrimental to my feelings.

I was walking to come back to the couch when I was done dancing I see Kai and Greyson together.

"I see you hang out a lot with my sister and her baby," Greyson says to Kai.

"Yeah," he says looking annoyed.

"What are your intentions?," he says and Kai rolls his eyes.

"I'm just gonna get close to her baby so I can get close to her and then I'm gonna fuck her and dump her," he says bluntly and I feel like my breath gets knocked out of my throat.

Does he really mean that?

Tears start to blur my vision.

"If that's your intentions then stay away from them," he says to Kai and I'm grateful he's sticking up for me and Laila.

"I'm good," he says and he gets up.

As he goes to walk away Greyson punches him in the face.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

Kai quickly throws a punch back at him.

I just stand there shocked as I watch them throw punches at eachother.

I'm frozen in both fear and shock.

Greyson is now on the floor as Kai straddles him and punches him over and over.

It would be stupid of me to get in between two men who are significantly bigger then me so I find Lorenzo.

I see him sitting on the floor and I run to him.

"Can you help me separate Kai off Greyson?," I ask rushed and out of breath.

His eyes widen before he nods and gets up.

We both run back and he goes in between them and gets Kai off of him and Kai turns around and walks upstairs to a bathroom.

I walk up to Greyson and see a few cuts on his face.

"Are you okay?," I ask him and he nods.

"I need to go talk to him please stay with Lorenzo until I come back," I tell him and he nods again.

I run up the stairs and search the rooms before walking into a bathroom and see kai looking at his face in the mirror.

I walk inside the bathroom and he glanced at me.

"Why did you say that about me and my baby?," I ask him as I cross my arms over my chest.

"I wanted to make him mad," he says to me and I roll my eyes.

"So you decide to make a joke like that and talk about me like I'm a object infront of my brother?," I ask him annoyed.

"I was being sarcastic. He pissed me off with being to close to Oliver when he could see that Lorenzo and him have something going on," he says.

He's not wrong.

"I understand where your coming from but I don't like to be talked about like that whether it's a lie or not," I say to him trying to set my boundaries.

"Okay. I'm sorry," he says as he wets a paper towel and puts it onto his busted lip.

He winces when he pressed down to hard on his lip.

"Lemme help you even though your a idiot," I say to him and he lets out a breathy chuckle.


"Sit on the toilet," I say to him and he closes the toilet lid and sits on it.

I open the cabinet and get the first aid kit.

I open the first aid kit and get a alcohol wipe before I walk over to him.

I stand in between his legs and grab a firm hold on his jaw and tilt his head up.

His eyes dart across my face.

"I don't know why I seem to dislike your brother but him telling me what to do is going to make me mad everytime," he says to me and I feel his breath fan my face at our close proximity.

"I know but I just wanted everyone to get along," I say as I dab the wipe against his bottom lip.

I start to shift on my feet as my back and legs cramp from being slightly bent over.

What happens next has me shocked.

He grabs my hips and pulls me so my legs are on either side of his left leg before he sits me down.

I gasp at the contact.

He moves his hand down and grabs a handful of my ass to keep me in place and I exhale a shaky breath.

"You looked like you needed to sit, sunshine," he says to me.

Our faces are so close I can't function.

"Sunshine?," I ask referring to the nickname he gave me.

"Your like sunshine. Bright and happy so therefore your my sunshine," he says as he tucks my hair behind my ear.

I grab another wipe and clean the cut on his cheek.

"I want you to know your stupid. Like let that sink in your so stupid," I say to him as I roll my eyes.

"Hmm?," he questions.

He is stupid but maybe I shouldn't have said it that mean.

"Nothing," I say.

"No tell me again what you said," he says to me.

I shake my head.

I jolt forward as his hand comes down hard on my ass making my hips jerk forward grinding my core against his thigh.

I gasp again at the contact.

"Want to repeat what you said now, sunshine?," he ask me.

"I said you were a idiot," I rush out.

He brushes my hair out of my face before his hand goes to the back of my head.

He grabs a hand full of my hair and yanks it back tilting my head to look up at the ceiling.

My panties dampen and I feel myself start to throb.

He moves his head to whisper in my ear.

"Mhm that's what I thought," he says before he pulls his head back and lets go of my hair.

He grabs my hips and lifts me before setting me on the floor.

"Thanks for the help," he says before walking out.

What just happened?

My hair aches a little but it's a good ache. I like it and I don't know why.

I smooth out my dress and make sure I look fine before putting away the first aid kit.

I walk back out and downstairs.

I see my brother sitting on the couch with Oliver.

Oliver is sitting next to him and and cleaning up his cuts.

Why Oliver?

I walk up to them and stand infront if the couch.


"Kai wasn't being serious with what he said," I say to him and he stares at me.

"I don't care I don't like him talk about you like that," he says to me and I nod.

"Me either but I already told him about my boundaries and he accepted them so don't be mean to him anymore he was just trying to rile you up," I say to him and he nods.

"Do you want to go home now?," I ask him.

"Yes. Thank you for helping me Olly," he says to Oliver and Oliver smiles at him.

"No problem," he says before walking away.

I thought only Enzo called him that.

I grab my stuff and let Greyson get into the driver side because he didn't drink and I did.

He starts to drive home and I have so many questions.

"What's going on between you and Oliver?" I ask him.

"Nothing. He's a nice guy and he's cute I was just talking to him," he says and I narrow my eyes at him.

I ship Olirenzo.

"It's a little fucked up to me that you know Lorenzo likes him and you seen them together but you go and flirt with him," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"If he truly was into Lorenzo he wouldn't have entertained me. He would be with Lorenzo," he says.

"Fair point, but I hate seeing Lorenzo sad and I don't know how to fix it so-," I say cutting myself off.

"I'll back off of him unless he comes up to me," he says and I nod my head.

"Yeah, sure," I say to him and look down to my phone.

Enzo 🧸:


Are you okay? :(

Enzo 🧸:



I talked to Greyson he said he would back off if Oliver doesn't come up to him.

Enzo 🧸:

If Oliver wants him then ig it doesn't really matter.


I'm sorry your night was bad :(

Enzo 🧸:

It's not your fault. You can't force people to talk to you if they don't want to.


Ik I just don't want you to be upset.

Enzo 🧸:

I'm not good with emotions so I don't know what I feel. I appreciate you though.


Of course! Not to make you more upset but Greyson called Oliver "Olly" so idk if you want to find a new nickname for him.

Enzo 🧸:



I'm sorry. :,(

Enzo 🧸:

It's perfectly fine. Have a good night! <3


You too. <3

I lock my phone and put it in my pocket.

My mom is bringing Laila back too so I can fall asleep next to her.

I missed her so much.

We quickly make it back to my apartment and my parents are there.

I walk inside and see my mom holding Laila.

When she see's me she starts to kick her legs excitedly.

"My sweet girl," I coo at her and pick her up from my parents.

I give her kisses all over her face and she just opens her mouth as her way to kiss back.

I put her on my hip and look up to my parents.

"You want to talk?," I ask them.

Even thought it's like 11pm I don't even think they care.

"Yeah," my mom says before walking to the couch where we all sit.

"So what did you want to talk about?," I ask them nervously as I sit Laila on my lap.

"Can you get me a bottle of some of my milk in the freezer and heat it up?," I ask Greyson and he nods.

She can't drink my milk straight from me because I drank a lot tonight.

"We just wanted to make sure your keeping up with your studies and taking care of Laila," my mom says and I instantly get annoyed.

"Laila is alive so clearly I'm taking care of her and my grades are good mom," I say to her and she nods.

"Any boy your seeing?," she asks me.

My mind flicks to Kai even though we aren't dating.

"Nope," I say and Greyson walks in with the bottle.

I test the temperature on my wrist before seeing it's good.

I rub the bottle against the seem of her lips and she opens her mouth and starts eating as I cradle her.

"Are you sure you can watch her over night?," my mom asks me.

"I know how to take care of my baby, mom," I say to her slightly annoyed.

"I'm sure she's just trying to be safe," my dad says and smile at me.

I was always closer with my dad.

"I know it just makes it seem like you guys think I'm a bad mom. I'm not and I love my baby I would never put her in danger," I say as I look down to Laila and push her hairs out of her face.

"We know that we're just making sure," my mom says and I just nod my head.

"What have you been up to Greyson?," my dad asks eyeing his bruises.

"Nothing just got in a stupid fight," he says dismissively.

"Over what? A girl or boy?," my mom asks curiously.

"Over your daughter," he says back.

"What do you mean?" My dad asks.

"A boy said something gross about Lora and I punched him and we started fighting," he says.

"He wasn't being serious I already talked to him," I defend.

"I'm glad you did that, Son. Just be careful Aulora," my dad says and I nod my head.

Laila quickly finishes her bottle and is fast asleep.

"Well I'm going to bed with Laila, goodnight I love you guys," I say before making my way into my room.

I put Laila in her crib with her Paci and then I go to the bathroom.

I change, brush my teeth, wash my face.

I then get into bed and put on my fan.

Before drifting to sleep my thoughts drift off to Kai.

How am I supposed to see him after what happened?


Here's chapter 7! Didn't want to leave y'all on a cliffhanger.

I'm on a roll with these updates.

Idk why I'm making everyone hate Greyson he wasn't supposed to be like this but I need to spice things up. 🏃‍♀️

Me being so tired because I stay up late writing LMFAOO.

Anyways I feel bad for Lorenzo and think that Kai is extremely hot and i want to be Aulora.

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