《Beach Baby》chapter 6 | party




I utterly hate parties.

A place where there is so many people and they crowd around you.

Chant you to do stupid shit.

Women not being able to go to the bathroom because creepy ass men exist.

That goes for men not being able to either.

It's safe to say I hate parties and always will.

I hate people close to me and parties are like the one excuse for people to be close because the houses are small as shit.

At least I get to hang out with friends.

I'm in my apartment with all the boys in our friend group and we're getting ready.

It's been 2 days since the sleepover so I haven't seen the girls since then.

I walk into my room.

Going straight to my closet and finding something to wear.

His outfit:

(Choose what you want!

I decide on a crew neck and black jeans that are bigger on me.

They go down to my ankles but aren't skinny jeans. They're ruffled because the access material.

(A/N: I had to add that little detail because men wearing pants that don't go down to their ankles is never gonna do it for me. )

I go down stairs and see the boys sitting on the couch.

Most of them are except for Oliver laying sprawled out on the floor like a weirdo.

"What are you doing?," I ask him and he shoots up.

"Laying on the floor," he says to me and I nod.

"Why?," I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"Lorenzo is being an ass and I don't want to be near him," he says and I roll my eyes.

"He barely talks," I say to him dismissively.

"He didn't let me sit on his lap," he says while rolling over onto his stomach and punching and kicking the floor.

"B-because it's hot I-in here. I n-n-need some s-space," he says struggling with his stutter.

I hate seeing him struggle.

"All I'm hearing is you hate me and your cheating on me," he says and rolls onto his back.

"Never," Lorenzo says and he smiles.

"Are you guys ready to go or what?," I ask them and they nod.

"Is Delilah going to be there?," Elias asks and I nod.

"Aulora said all the girls are coming. Except for Laila," I say to them.

"Laila should have come we could have given her shots," Oliver says and I stare at him in disbelief.

"What they're small like her I'm sure she'll be fine," he says.

"Shhh Olly," Lorenzo says coming from behind him and putting his hand over his mouth before walking him out the door.

"Eww d-did you l-l-lick me?," Lorenzo asks Oliver.

"Sure did," he says before running to the car.

"Your the only mature one," I say to Elias.

"I try to be. Are you getting drunk?," he asks me and I get lost in thought.

"Maybe. Someone has to watch out for the girls to make sure they're safe," I say to him and he nods.

"I will because I don't like to drink," he says and I nod.


We all get into the car and start to drive.

Once we pull up to the house everyone gets out and walk inside.

I pull out my phone to see if the girls are here.


Sunshine We're here. In the kitchen.


Alright we're coming.

We all walk into the kitchen and see the girls by the counter.

All three of them are standing there and Aulora is sitting on the counter.

When my eyes scan her figure the breath gets knocked out of my throat.

Her dress:

(Choose what you want!

She looks so good. Her curves are accentuated in this dress and I feel myself getting a hard-on just looking at her.


I walk into the kitchen and stand beside her legs as everyone else walks in.

I see Greyson is here too.

"You look gorgeous. Who's watching Laila?," I ask her and she looks at me.

Her eyes scan my body and I feel nerves rack through my body as I watch her take in my figure.

"She is with my parents. You look good too," she says as she bites her lips.

It draws my attention down to her rosy lips and she bites onto them.

I move my thumb up and pull her lip out from her teeth and smooth my thumb over it.

Her breathing picks up and she blushes.


"Don't do that," I say to her and adjust my pants as the growing bulge is visible.

She nods her head as she squirms a little on the counter before she crosses her legs.

Lorenzo comes and stands in front of Aulora and turns to us.

"Hello Lorenzo where's Oliver?," she asks him and he rolls his eyes.

"Hi baby's mom," he says and she laughs.

"It's Aulora but baby's mom will do. You didn't answer my question," she says and he drops his head.

"D-don't want t-to t-talk about i-it," he says and I look up and see Greyson and Oliver sitting close together as they laugh.

I feel bad for him.

"I'm sure they aren't interested in eachother. Is your brother gay?," I ask Aulora and she winces.

"This probably won't make you feel any better but he is bisexual," she says and Lorenzo shakes his head.

He walks away and grabs a bottle of vodka and chugs it.

"Whatever," he says and walks away to go sit on a couch and drink.

"I feel bad," she says and I look at her.

"Me too but they will work it out," I say to her and she nods her head.

Nalani walks up to Aulora.

"Hey bitch, you want to do a body shot off me?," she asks and Aulora nods her head.

Nalani moves to the island on the kitchen counters and lays on it.

Aulora grabs a lime and puts it between Nalani's teeth.

She grabs salt and puts it on Nalani's stomach.

She takes a shit of vodka and holds it into her hands.

"Go," I hear Nalani muffle around the lime.

Aulora moves her head and licks the salt off of Nalani's abdomen.

She then takes the shot before lowering her face to Nalani and taking the lime out of her mouth with her own mouth.


That's the hottest thing I've seen in my life.

These pants are doing nothing to hide the hard-on I have in my pants.

Everyone starts cheering as they finish and Aulora raises her eyes to me.

I smile a little at her and she bites her lip again.

She walks back to the kitchen and sits on the counter next to me.

"Didn't know you had it in you," I say to her.

"There is a lot you don't know about me," she says as she sucks on the Lime.

Fuck me, she doesn't know the affect she has on me.

I decide I'm not gonna drink because I don't want to deal with the hangover.

"Wanna go dance?," Amelia asks coming up to Aulora.

"Sure let go," she says and grabs her hand as they run to the dance floor.

I watch them as they start to dance.

It starts off innocent before it turns into Aulora grinding on Amelia.

She's gonna leave me permanently hard.

I've never gotten hard by just looking at someone until her.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a girl walking and standing in front of me.

"Hi your very handsome," she says to me and I just stare at her.

"Thanks," I say and she stands next to me against the counter.

"We should get to know eachother," she says.

I look over to Aulora and see her laughing with Amelia.

Why do I keep looking at her?

Her laugh is so pretty.


"The only think you need to know is I don't like talking to people," I say to her trying to give her the hint to leave.

"I'm sure I can change that," she says and puts her hand on my arm.

"No you can't," I say to her and push her arm off.

She moves and stand in front of me.

"You should come somewhere private with me," she says as she walks her pointer finger and middle finger up my chest.

"No thanks," I say and push her hand off.

She goes to talk again but Aulora walks up to me.

"Hey baby, you ready to go see our friends," she says to me and I look shocked at her.

She makes a face telling me to play along.

"Yeah let's go," I say and she grabs my hand and we walk away to the couches.

Once we get there she let's go.

"I'm sorry you just looked uncomfortable with her touching you," she says and I smile a little.

"I was thank you," I say to her.

She smiles before she walks away back to dance with Amelia.

Did I watch her ass as she walks away? Yes.

Was it worth it? Also yes.

I snap out of it and sit on the couch next to Oliver and Greyson.

Lorenzo is on the floor drinking straight from the bottle still.

Nalani and Delilah and Elias are dancing with Aulora and Amelia.

"Oh my god I love Harry styles too," Oliver says and Greyson laughs.

"Yes he's very hot and he's a very talented singer," he says to Oliver and they both laugh.

Another thing about Lorenzo is he doesn't understand his emotions.

So it's hard for him to express them so when I look down at his face and I see a tear falling down it I'm shocked.

I scoot down on the floor and sit next to him.

"Are you okay," I ask him and he looks to me.

His eyes are bloodshot and red.

"I-I am n-n-not g-good e-enough for h-h-h-," he lets out a frustrated sigh as he can't get the words out.

His stutter gets worse when he gets overwhelmed by emotions.

"You are though and if he can't see that then that not your fault it's his," I say to him.

I turn over and grab a tissue and hand it to him and he wipes his eyes as tears continue to fall.

"Have s-stutter, w-won't want m-me," he says trying to minimize his words so he doesn't stutter on them.

"Your stutter doesn't make you any less likable. Your perfect the way you are. If he doesn't see that then their are many boys or girls who you can date," I say to him and give him a reassuring should squeeze.

I get up and walk over to Oliver.

"I need to talk to you for a second," I say to him and he nods.

"What now fucker?," he ask me.

"Now is not that time for jokes. If you want to date Greyson cool but don't string Lorenzo along. He's crying because he thinks he's not good enough for you and you didn't even see that because you've been to busy riding Greyson's dick," I say to him.

He looks over at Lorenzo and his eyes fill with sadness and guilt.

"I'm sorry I didn't know," he says to me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not the one you should be saying that to," I say to him before walking away and sitting back on the couch where Greyson is.

"I see you hang out a lot with my sister and her baby," he says to me.

I'm not in the mood don't be stupid with me.

"Yeah," I say to him as I look around the room.

"What are your intentions?," he asks me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm just gonna get close to her baby so I can get close to her and then I'm gonna fuck her and dump her," I say sarcastically and his faces turns to anger so quickly.

I'm lying can he not see that.

"If that's your intentions then stay away from them," he says to me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm good," I say and get up.

As I go to walk away I feel myself being turned around before someone punches me in the face.

To be continued...


Here's chapter 6!

I wasn't going to upload today since I did yesterday and I'm so tired but I decided to spoil you guys.

Me when you guys comment:

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading I love you! -addyson <33

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