《Beach Baby》chapter 5 | brother




Crying is what me and everyone else's wakes up to this morning.

The crying of Laila.

She's probably hungry but I'm so tired.

I sit up and see that Kai is hugging my legs to him as he lays there asleep with Laila in between him and the couch.

I quickly pick her up before grabbing one strap of my tank top.

I pull it down and let Laila latch on and sit against the back of the couch as I rest my eyes.

She suckles loudly and I rest my eyes.

Kai groans and wakes up and I hear something along the lines of a great way to wake up.

"Are you okay?," I hear him ask me.

"Mhm I am very tired," I say in a small voice as I fight sleep.

"Oh did you stay up all night," he asks me.

"Yup, Laila wouldn't settle and I tried not to wake you," I say to him but I can't see his reaction as I try not to sleep.

The good thing about having a kid with a big head is they don't show your breasts if you feed them.

So, I don't need a cover because nothing is on display I just like them.

"I'm sorry you could have told me to move," he says to me and I just open my eyes to look at him.

He's sitting against the couch and his hair is all tousled.

I suddenly can feel two heartbeats.

Lemme stop.

"It's fine, it's my baby you shouldn't have to be woken up because of her," I say to him and he smiles.

After a while every wakes up and decided to go to there houses to relax and rest before school tomorrow.

That just leaves me and my brother.

As we clean up the house he keeps side glancing me.

"What?," I ask him as I set stuff down that's in my hands.

"You keep looking at me all weekend like I did something wrong," I say to him and he looks up at me.

"You and Kai are getting close are you trying to date him or something?," he questions me.


"No we're just friends, even if we aren't it doesn't matter," I say to him.

"It does matter because it's not just you that you have to worry about, it Laila too," he says.

"Laila adores him," I say back with a little smile thinking about their bond.

"I just think you need to focus on her and school," he says to me and I roll my eyes.

"I love you but you don't know what your talking about. MY baby is taken care of she's fed, she's happy, she's loved and my grades are good. I'm not even dating this boy we are just friends. So, please stop trying to pin me like I'm a bad mom if I wanted to date someone," I say to him annoyed.

"I'm trying to say you don't need to focus on a boy," he says to me and I roll my eyes again.


"Oh my god I'm literally not," I say to him getting more annoyed at the minute.

"Well you don't even barely know who he is. Who's to say what happened last time won't happen again?," he asks me.


I feel like I've been punched in the gut.

"I never would have thought you of all people would use that against me," I say and walk away from him.

I pick Laila up off the couch and cradle her to me before walking into my room and shutting the door and locking it.

I sit on my bed with her.

I make sure she's asleep before I cry because I don't want her to see.

Tear after tear comes down my face like rain and my eyes were the sky.

I sit criss cross and put Laila in front of me on her back on the bed.

"I love you," I whisper to her as I stroke her little check with my finger.

I pull out my phone to text Delilah if I can stay at her house since Greyson is sleeping the night and I don't want to be here.

Delilah 🌼


can I sleep over with Laila?

Delilah 🌼:

Of course! What happened?


I'll tell you when I get there. Thank you, I love you!

Delilah 🌼:

I love you too and your welcome anytime.

I put my phone down and grab a bag for me.

I put in pajamas, my charger, my toothbrush and face wash.

Now for Laila.

I grab her Paci, blanket, a few diapers, and a change of clothing for her.

I put it into the bag before grabbing both my bags and my phone.

I put the bags on my shoulder and slowly pick up Laila and cradle her.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen to grab my keys.

"Where are you going?," I hear Greyson ask from the couch.

"Delilah's," I tell him and he nods.

"I'm so-," he starts to say but is cut off by me.

"Don't worry about it," I rush out before walking out of my apartment and locking the door.

I walk to my car and open the back to strap Laila in to her seat.

I close the door and get in the front.

I take the twenty minute drive to Delilah's house and grab all my stuff before going to the backseat and getting Laila.

When I get back there she is awake and has her toes in her mouth.

"What are you doing my sweet girl?," I ask her and she smiles.

"Does it taste yummy," I ask her and she squeals before dropping her foot.

I unstrap her and her her out before putting her back against my chest with my arm around her middle to hold her up.

I walk up to the door and knock on the door.

She answers quickly and let's me in.

"Lemme have my baby," she says and I hand her Laila.

When Laila looks at her face she puts both her chubby little hands on her face.


She's so cute I can't.

"Do you want to go into my room so we can talk or stay in the living room?," she asks me

"The living room," I say to her.

"The ground is carpet so you can put Laila on her tummy so she can move around," I say to her and she nods before putting Laila down.

I put the Paci on the ground next to her so she can play with it.

"So what happened?," she asks me.

"So you know how Kai was laying on me on the couch at my apartment?," I ask her.

"Yes it was very cute. Continue," she says.

"So my brother saw that he was laying on me and got all mad for no reason," I say.

"He was telling me to focus on Laila and that I don't need to focus on a boy. He even tried to tell me that I barely know Kai so I don't know if he will do what he who shall not be named did," I say to her and she stares at me.

"He's definitely wrong. Your such a good mom and you focus on school. If you want to date him then that's your business and not his your allowed to date people," she says to me.

"It's not like he would even want me?," I say to her staring at the ground.

"Well he looks like it at times," She says.

"No one wants to date a single mother," I say to her.

"He looks like he flirts with you. If he wants to date you then good for him if he doesn't then their is always someone else. You will find someone just give it time," she says to me and I get up.

I walk over to her and hug her.

"Your such a great friend," I say to her and smack a big kiss on her cheek.

"Eeeee," is all I hear from Laila as she squeals on the floor and kicks her legs.

I unattached myself from Delilah and go and sit on the floor next to her.

"Hi pretty girl," I say to her and she looks at me and smiles.

My heart is in shambles, she's to cute for her own good.

"Sometimes I get so shocked that I made her, she's so pretty," I say to Delilah and she laughs.

"She's very pretty and I wouldn't know how to feel being pregnant like you just sat there with a whole human inside you and didn't get grossed out," she asks me.

"No I didn't really think about it," I tell her and laugh.

"I just couldn't sit there with a human inside me at all times. And it moves around and hits you," she says to me and shudders in disgust.

"The pregnancy was hard but it's worth it," I tell her and she laughs.

"So is there anyone on your mind?," I ask her and she laughs.

"I think that uhm Elias is cute. We have only talked a few times and he's so sweet too," i hear her say.

"Yes he's very sweet and I thought it was funny that his body count was zero when he's very attractive and I think anyone would want him like you," I say to tease her.

"Sure do," she says and starts laughing.

"Laila how would you feel if kai and your mommy dated?," she asks Laila and Laila starts smiling and squealing.

"What if Kai didn't date her?," she ask and Laila starts to whimper as her bottom lip trembles.

Not long after she starts crying loudly.

"Delilah oh my god," I say as I pick up Laila as she cries right into my ear.

I rock her back and fourth and not long after she calms down.

She stops crying and just whines now every once in a while.

"What if kai is gay," she says.

And just like that Laila starts screaming again.

"Shhhh," I try to coo at her to stop her from crying and she just fists my shirt in her hand tightly as she clings to me.

"Your banned from saying his name," I say over Laila's crying.

She laughs at that.

It takes a few minutes before Laila quiets down again and I sit her back down onto my lap with a paci in her mouth.

"Your done. Why would you do that?," I ask her as I try not to laugh.

"I didn't think it would make her cry, she just wants him to be her dad," she says and I look down to Laila as she lays on her back and looks up at me.

"How could you say no to that face," she says in a amused voice.

"On a real note the way she looks at you with so much love is making me want to cry," she says to me and I smile down at my little baby.

I kiss her face over and over as she starts to laugh.

The best sound in the world.

I stop kissing her and turn back and look at Delilah.

"I know we have done a lot of group activities together but I think we should do another one because they're fun," I say to her and she nods.

"Where would we even go?," she asks.

"We should go to a party I haven't went to one in years and I could get my brother to watch Laila," I say to her and she nods.

"Okay, a party," she confirms and I smile.


Here is chapter 5!

Thank you for all the love on this books and 4K reads!! I appreciate it greatly.

I would have updated yesterday but I was at the mall and the movies so I skipped updating and did it today.

I hope you enjoy the chapter, thank you for reading.

I love you all -addyson <33

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