《Beach Baby》chapter 4 | sleepover




Noun: A feeling of being pleased or satisfied.

The dictionary definition seems to perfectly describe how I feel in life.

Contentment is associated with the word happiness.

I don't use that word because you always strive for change to be more happy.

As if their is a leaderboard of who the happiest person in the world and it sits in the back of your head haunting you and trying to find how to be more happier.

I would describe myself as content.

I'm utterly pleased with the person I am today and the way my life is going.

I may not portray it on the outside but it's what I feel on the inside.

Today is the day of the sleepover and I feel content.

I'm satisfied with the plans and am quite excited to go.

I feel like a kid.

It's at Aulora's house because of Laila.

I really like to hang out with Laila over my friends because she's mellow and cute.

I'm currently changing into grey sweatpants and a white shirt so I have this to sleep in.

It's only 3 pm and I'm making my way over there.

I grab my charger my keys and my phone and make my way to the car.

I unlock the door and get in.

I drive to the address she sent me and see everyone is here already.

I quickly knock on the door and Aulora opens it with Laila sitting on her hip.

My mood instantly perks up when I see Laila.

"Come in," Aulora says and smiles at me.

I give her a close lipped smile before going inside.

Everyone is sitting on her couch and a new guy I've never seen is here.

Must be her brother.

I sit down next to Lorenzo on my left and no one on my right.

Maybe Aulora was sitting there.

"I'm Greyson, Auloras brother," he says and I nod.

"I know that," I say to him and he nods his head.

Aulora comes and sits next to me. She holds Laila on her lap.

Laila starts to play with my hand in my lap and reaches it up and into her mouth.

I smile down at her and see her looking at me with my pointer finger in her mouth.

She's drooling everywhere...

Anyways. I pick Laila up from her lap and set her on mine.

"You should probably give her back before she starts to cry," Greyson says.


I think he's being genuine but I don't really care.

"She's fine," I say to him and look down at Laila.

She looks at me and smiles with her gums showing.

"Please be nice to him," I hear Aulora whisper in my ear.

"What do I get in return?," I ask her.

Am I teasing her right now? Yes.

"You get unlimited time with Laila so be nice to him he doesn't know she likes you," she says to me.

Well my dick likes you.


"Okay I'll try but I don't like people," I say and then to my side.

Lorenzo's head is laid on Oliver's shoulder.

How cute.

"Enzo, do you want to hold Laila?," I question him.

"No," he says and grabs Oliver's hand.

He's so whipped for this boy.

"Why?," I ask him.

"With Oliver," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Your so god damn whipped for him," I say to him.

He looks at Oliver and then back to me.

"Yes," he says and I see Oliver smile from the corner of my eye.

"So, Oliver is off the market?," I question them.

I love fucking with people.

"Mine," he says and scoots closer to Oliver.

"That's a bummer I was in love with him," I say faking sadness.

"Not sorry," he says and I laugh.

"I'm fucking with you, Enzo," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Are they dating?," I hear Aulora asks from beside me.

I turn to look at her and answer her.

She's so pretty.

"I don't know, I think so," I say to her and she smiles to herself.

"Do you want to come with me to get snacks from my kitchen?," she asks and I nod my head.

I move Laila and put her on my hip before walking with her to the kitchen.

She grabs chips.

And candy and drinks also.

"Do you want me to take Laila back?," she asks me and I shake my head.

"She's my bestfriend," I say to her and she smiles.

"She's smiling at you and she doesn't do that to people ever," she says to me and I look down to see Laila looking at me and smiling.

I smile back down at her and she moves her head to bury it into my shoulder.


"Now she's acting all shy," she says and rolls her eyes.

"She is a lot like me," she says sand grabs all the food.

"So that would mean you like me too if she's like you," I say to her and try to tease her.

She flushed red and quickly walks away to avoid the conversation.

"I brought the snacks," Aulora says.

"Oh my god, I love hot Cheetos," Nalani says.

"The gummy worms are better," Oliver says to them.

"Potato chips," Lorenzo says.

"What movie are we watching?," Delilah asks.

"Whatever you guys want," Aulora says.

Currently Greyson, Elias, and Amelia are laying on the floor.

Nalani, Lorenzo, Oliver, me, Aulora, and Laila are sitting on the couches.

Delilah is sitting on Nalanis lap because she's weird.

I swear I only tolerate Aulora and Laila.

"Let's watch five feet apart it's so good," Aulora says and everyone just nods with her.

Aulora turns on the movie and it starts to play.

I look down to Laila and see she is asleep. There is a little space on the couch between me and Aulora so I put her down on there so my hand doesn't cramp up.

"Thank you," Aulora says with a smile.

"For what?," I ask her genuinely confused.

"For helping me with her all the time," she says and I smile.

"You guys are fun to be around," I say before turning back to the movie.

I see her blush from the corner of my eye as I smirk a little bit.

The movie goes on for a while and I keep hearing sniffling.

I turn and look around the room to see Oliver, Delilah and Aulora crying because of the movie.

"Why are you crying?," I whisper to her.

"It's just so sad they just want to be next to eachother but they have to stay apart," she says and that wakes up Laila.

She starts to cry and kick her legs.

"She's hungry again," Aulora says and I nod my head.

I turn back to the movie to give her privacy.

After a minute I hear loud suckling and it's always so funny to me for no reason.


Kai is currently laughing at Laila because she's a loud eater.

I find it cute that he laughs at simple things.

This movie we're watching is so sad I can't cope.

It's been a while since then and Laila is just using me as a pacifier.

I feel something heavy drop onto my lap and look and see the kai fell asleep and his head is on my lap.


I pull Laila off of me and fix my shirt and take the blanket off of me.

Kai is laying on his side with his head in my lap so I put Laila next to his chest so she can sleep next to him.

For some reason she loves him.

She instantly falls asleep. I start to play with Kai's hair because it's right there.

It's very soft and he has a lot of it.

I scrape my nails on his scalp and he hums in his sleep before shuffling closer.


The movie ends a few minutes later and Kai wakes up when the sound stops.

He looks to Laila and smiles and then he looks to me and I quickly take my hands off his hair.

"I'm sorry," I quickly rush out.

"I didn't tell you to stop," he says and I blush red before putting my hands back into his hair.

He lays his head back down and wraps his arm around Laila.

Not long after he falls asleep again.

I look up and see my brother looking at me questionably.

I just shake my head.

He raises his eyebrow before he turns and looks away.

"Do you guys want to play another movie so the rest of us can fall asleep?," I ask them and they nod.

I hear loud crunching and turn to see Lorenzo crunching on potato chips while 6/10 of us are sleeping.

Oliver is sitting in his lap and he has the chips on Oliver's lap as Oliver sleep and he is so loud.

I refrain from laughing cause other people will wake up.

We play another movie and everyone else falls asleep including me.

Here is chapter 4!

Thank you so much for all the reads and love on tik tok already for this book I really appreciate it!

Some people have asked me when I update and told me to update so I just wanted to say I update every other day but since I'm on summer break I might update quicker.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I love you. - addyson <33

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