《Beach Baby》chapter 3 | coffee




My favorite thing in the world to do is read.

Do I read books? Yes.

Do I read smut? Also yes.

But it's okay because I enjoy doing that and that's no one's business but mine.

I'm currently sitting in Starbucks drinking my strawberry refresher with no add ins.

I have my study notes out and a book and I am to focused on my book.

My baby is asleep in her car seat attached to her stroller.

Her paci is in her mouth and her blanket is over her.

Her outfit:

I decided to wear a dress today because it's hot outside and it's cute.

I continue to drink my drink and read when I see some people sit down next to me.

I look up and see the four boys sitting across from me.

"Hi, Oliver, Elias, Lorenzo, and Kai," I say to them.

"Hi doll face," Oliver says and I laugh.

"What's that nicknames for?," I ask him.

"Your as pretty as a doll," he says to me.

I smile at that.

"What are you reading?," Elias asks me.

"Nothing," I say and flip it over because the cover is a girl in just her underwear and bra.

I turn to Lorenzo and see him looking at my drink with a questioning face.

"It's a strawberry refresher," I say to him and he looks at me.

"Do you want to try it?," I ask him and hand him the drink.

"Okay," he says and take its before he takes a sip of it.

"Wow," he says and I laugh a little bit.

I turn and see that Kai has grabbed into my book and is reading what's it's about.

My faces pales.

"Your into word porn?," he asks with a smile on his face.

"Umm no I didn't even know the book had that," I say hurriedly.

"The cover is a almost naked girl," he says and I blush.

I quickly grab the book and put it into the net of the stroller on the bottom.

The movement of the stroller cause Laila to wake up.

She opens her eyes and looks around as she sucks on her pacifier.

I quickly stand up and unstrap her before she starts to cry.

I sit into my chair and cradle her to my chest as she looks around.

"Lemme," Lorenzo says and makes grabby hands toward Laila.

"Okay," I say.

I hand him the baby and he holds her against his chest and stares at her.


She smiles at him and for the first time I see him smile.

She stretches her arms out and start to touch his face.

He moves her hand and she grabs onto it before trying to suck on it.

"Hungry," he says and passes her to me.

I laugh before pulling out a bottle and shaking it.

"I thought she was breastfed," Kai asks me and I look up at him.

He is very beautiful.

"She is. This dress is just very constricting so I pumped milk and put it in a bottle for her so I don't have to pull my whole dress down," I say to him and he nods.

"Do you want to feed her?," I ask him and he nods.

I hand him Laila and the bottle and he starts to feed her.

"So, Lorenzo you said you would date Oliver. How is that going?," I ask him and Oliver flushes red.

"It's not," he says and I frown.

"Why not?," I ask him.

"Scared," he says and I refrain from saying "aw".

"What about Nalani?," I ask him.

"Want Oliver," he says and I swear my heart is swelling at the cuteness.

"How come you don't talk that many words?." I ask him.

He nods to Kai and I get confused.

"When he was little he had a to go to speech therapy because he stuttered a lot and now he says only a few words so he doesn't stutter," he says and I nod my head.

"How long have you like Oliver?," I ask him quietly so no one hears.

"Highschool," he says.

"Since highschool?," I ask him and he nods his head.

"So four or five years?," I ask him and he nods.

"How are you going to more forward?," I ask him and he smiles a little as he looks to Oliver.

"Date," he says and I smile.

"Sounds good," i say to him and then back and see Kai still feeding Laila.

Oliver and Elias are in a conversation and Lorenzo is looking mad at them.

Someone's jealous.

The table is a four seated table. Elias, Kai and Oliver are squished onto one side and Lorenzo is sitting next to me to my left.

Kai stands up and walks around the table and hands me Laila back and I put her over my shoulder.

I tap her back to make her burp.

"So how's your porn book?," Kai asks me.


"It's great. Very descriptive and nice you should read it some time," I say to him sarcastically.

"What's it called cause I will," he says and I turn red.

"I was kidding," I say to him.

"Well I'm not," he says as he pokes his tongue out to wet his lips.

A shiver runs down my spine when he does that.

I continue to pat Laila's back as she burps while everyone sits there.

"Do you have any siblings?," Elias asks me and I nod.

"Yeah I have a older brother names Greyson. He helps me watch Laila a lot," I say and they nod.

I go to take a drink of my drink and Lorenzo grabs it before me.

"Mine," he says and I laugh.

"Okay, whatever you want," I say to him.

I turn back to the table and see Kai clenching his jaw.

I give him a confused look and he just brushed it off.

"You and Kai," Lorenzo says and I look to him confused.

"You date him," he says and I shake my head.

"We're just friends," I say to him and he shakes his head.

"Not friends," he says and I shake my head.

"Oh my god, we should all totally have a movie night," Oliver says and I nod.

"It would be so fun we can all go to one of our houses and buy snacks and then have a sleepover," he says again.

"We have to do it at my house because I need Laila's things," I say to him and he nods.

"Yeah we can all go to Auloras house and have a movie sleep over," he says excitedly.

"Okay," Lorenzo says and drinks the drink more.

I situate Laila to sit on my lap and she looks to Lorenzo.

"What baby?," he asks her as if she can talk.

It's so funny seeing his personality when he looks like he would be so mean.

"She's just curious," I say to him and he stares at her again.

"Come," he says and puts his hands out for her and I pass her over.

He sits her on his lap and continues to drink my drink.

"Greyson will be there for the movie night is that okay?," I ask them and they nod.

"Is he hot?," Oliver asks me.

Lorenzo looks at Oliver with puppy eyes as Oliver talks about another man.

"He's my brother for one so I don't see him that way and someone else is better then him," I say and move my head to nod towards Lorenzo who looks like a lost puppy.

Oliver looks at him and smiles at him and that makes Lorenzo much happier as he starts to comb Laila's hair out of her face.

"Kai, are you coming to the movie night?," Elias asks him.

"Yeah sure," he says and looks to me for a few seconds before looking away.

I grab onto my book and start to read where I left off.

Where I left off is a smut scene and I can't read this infront of them so I quickly put my book mark and shut my book.

Kai grabs the book and flips to my page.

"Nooooo," I try to warn him but when she opens it his eyes go wide.

He continues to read as his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen.

I flush in embarrassment.

"Did know you were into... that," he says as he puts the book down after he read the whole scene.

"There is a lot you don't know about me," I say as I put my head down.

"Hmm that should change soon," I hear him say and I smile to myself.

"Your baby," Lorenzo says as he holds her away from him by her armpits.

"I'm so sorry," I say to him and take her back.

"Okay," he says to me and I laugh a little.

"Well we have to get going," Elias says and I nod.

They all stand up and grab their things.

"Bye Aulora, bye Laila," they all say to me and I say it back to them.

As their walking away I watch them and see Lorenzo grab Oliver's hand and lace their fingers together.

I smile to myself at their cuteness.

The rest of the day I study with my little baby white a certain brunette floods my mind.


Here's chapter 3!

Thank you so much for almost 800 views on here.

I reached 100k views on my other book so yesterday was a good day!

I love Lorenzo so much.

I'm officially on summer break so I might switch updating every other day to updating every day depending on what I feel like.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!

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