《Beach Baby》chapter 8 | drink




Today Nalani, Oliver, Aulora, and I are going to Starbucks to hang out.

I'm happy because I'm so bored.

I'm mainly happy I get to see Laila because I haven't seen her for a few days.

I get into my room to get dressed.

His outfit:

(Choose what you wish

I think I should be sponsored by Nikes.

Anyways I make my way into the kitchen to the fridge.

I grab a Capri Sun and open it before putting the straw into my mouth.

It tastes so good.

I grab another one and walk out the front door into my car.

I get in and continue to sip my Capri Sun.

I connect my phone into the cord to play music and I start to play my favorite singer.

Olivia Rodrigo.

"Jealousy, Jealousy" starts to play and I can't hold myself back.

I know every word.

Not long after I pull up to the Starbucks.

I turn off my music and I grab my extra Capri Sun.

I grab my keys and my phone before making my way inside.

Once I get inside I see everyone sat on a table.

Nalani and Oliver are on one side and Aulora is sitting in her chair with Laila on her lap.

I walk up to the table and sit down in the empty chair.

"Is that a fucking Capri sun?," Nalani asks.

"Yeah," I say and open it before starting to drink it.

"Don't cuss around my baby. Oh my god," Aulora says with a smile on her face.

I turn to look at Laila and she looks at me and smiles.

"Hi gorgeous," I say to her and she laughs before I pick her up from Aulora.

I put her in front of my face and she grabs onto my lips and nose.

I sit here into my lap and turn to everyone.

"She is sixth months old today," Aulora says and smiles at Laila.

"Awww, she's growing so fast," Oliver says and inside eye him.

They're both my friends but Oliver is being a ass.

"What we're you playing in the car?," Nalani asks.

"Olivia rodrigo, why?," I ask her and she bites back a smile.

"No reason," she says and starts to laugh.

"Why are you laughing I love Olivia rodrigo too," Aulora says and I turn to her with wide eyes.

"Finally someone who understands the love I have for the fantastic olivia rodrigo," I say to her with wide eyes.

"I love Olivia," Oliver says.

"And you love to flirt with everyone," I bite back at him and he rolls his eyes.

"I told you this already. I don't like him like that. The person that I like is Lorenzo," he says to me and drinks his drink.


"Are you sure he knows that," I say again and he gets lost deep in thought.

I start to drink my Capri sun and then I feel it being ripped out of my mouth.

I see a small hand.

Laila grabs both sides of it and pulls it into her mouth.

"Sunshine why is your baby stealing my drink?," I ask her and she looks to me.

When she sees Laila her eyes go wide.

"She's not allowed to have that," she says hurriedly.

"She's not getting any of it but she did snatch it out of my mouth," I say to her and she try's hard not to laugh.

"I'm s-sorry," she says as she throws her head back dying of laughter.

I just smile at her because she looks so pretty.

"Okay I'm done," she says as she inhaled a breath of air.

Laila grunts and I look down.

"She's mad she's not getting any," I say to Aulora.

"Oh my god," Aulora says as she starts laughing again.

"It's not that funny," I say to her as I try not to laugh.

"Gimme a minute," she says as she huffs in a bunch of air.

I grab the Capri Sun and wipe it off since she dropped every where.

I drink the rest and put it on the table.

"So, Nalani anyone spark your interest?," Aulora asks her.

"I don't want a man their useless," she says as she drinks her coffee.

"Wow I can't believe you," Oliver says and starts to fake cry.

"I'm talking about people I would date your gay so I'm not talking about you. Kai is practically married to Aulora and is Laila's dad so I'm not talking about him," she says and rolls her eyes.

Me and Aulora just stare at her with wide eyes.

I'm not her dad...

That who sentence didn't make sense to me because I don't act like I'm married and have a kid.

"I'm not," I say to her as I glare at her.

"I know it was just a joke asshole," she says and I roll my eyes.

"And this is why you don't have a boyfriend," I say ti her and she laughs.

"I choose not to have one. I could literally get with your dad," she says and I freeze and tense at the mention of my father.

I grind my teeth together in annoyance.

I turn my gaze down to Laila to ignore the conversation.

"Are you okay?," Aulora asks me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?," I ask her and she shrugs.

"I don't know you got silent when she mention your dad," she says and looks down to Laila.


"Yeah it's nothing important," I say to her and she smiles sympathetically.

"She threw up on herself," Aulora says and huffs.

"I got it," I say and grab a burp blanket from the table and clean her off.

"Should we Invite the rest of our friends?," Aulora asks.

"Sure," Oliver says.

Aulora takes out her phone and starts texting as she sends everyone the location.

"Kai," Aulora says and taps my shoulder.

I ignore her to see what she does.

"Kai," she says as she pokes my shoulder and I turn to her.

"Try this drink," she says and I just grab the drink.

I take a sip. It's pink.

It's so good.

"It's okay, what is it?" I ask her and she looks at me.

"It's a strawberry açaí lemonade refresher, with no strawberry add in because I don't like how they make crumbs," she says.

(A/N: this is actually my order and how I think bc I hate the strawberry crumbs lmfao)

"Oh. It's okay," I say to her and she rolls her eyes.

"Just admit it you like it," she says and I shake my head.

Our conversation is interrupted by Elias, Delilah, Amelia, Lorenzo walking in.

"They pull up chairs to the table.

Lorenzo sits on my left as Aulora is on my right.

"Hi," I say to Lorenzo and he looks at me and looks away.

I turn to Aulora.

"Can you order him one of those things your drinking?," I ask her and she nods.

"How are you Lorenzo?," I ask as I turn to him.

He just shrugs.

I've picked up on the fact that when he's in a depressive state he likes to shut everyone out and not talk at all.

"Here," I say as I take the drink from Aulora and hand it to him.

He turns to me with his eyes wide. Soon after his eyes start to get watery.

He accepts the drink before he turns to his phone.

My phone buzzes so I take it out.



Thank you. I don't want to talk but it means a lot to my that you thought about me and got me a drink.


It's okay I'm sorry you feel that way I just want to help.


There is nothing you can do.


Yeah I know but I hate seeing you this way.


You and me both.

We both shut off our phone and look back at the table.

I hand Laila back to Aulora.

"My legs have gone numb," I say to her and she laughs.

"Thank you for helping with her i really needed a small break," she says to me.

Laila starts to whine again.

She grabs her blanket and puts it over her before undoing her shirt and letting Laila latch on.

I hear the loud sucking again that always makes me smile and laugh.

"Does anyone have the math answers I really don't feel like doing it," Amelia asks us and I stare at them knowing good and god damn well I didn't do that shit.

"Here," Aulora says and hands her the paper.

"I love you," she says and grabs the homework while Aulora just smiles at her.

"So you said you like Olivia Rodrigo?," Nalani asks and the whole table starts to laugh.

"Yeah I do her music is good I don't see the problem," I say to them as I cross my arms.

"There is nothing wrong with it. But, it doesn't seem like something you would like," Amelia says.

"Well I do like her music," I say in a dismissive tone.

Am I not allowed to listen to her?

"She's hot," Amelia says randomly as she looks at me.

"I know that," I say to her and she laughs.

"I think she's very pretty to and I wish I could look like her," Aulora says as she looks down at Laila.

"Your really pretty though," Oliver says.

"Not Olivia Rodrigo pretty," she says as her face turns to being being upset before she quickly masks it with a smile.

"I'm gonna head out and play some guitar before school," I say and everyone says bye to me.

"Tell Laila I said bye," I say to Aulora and she nods.

I walk out of the Starbucks and get into my car.

I open up my phone and finding her contact.



You're more than Olivia Rodrigo pretty.

I shut off my phone not seeing her reply as I drove home.


Here's chapter 8!

My life has been falling apart so I'm sorry these chapter are so ass. I'm trying my best.

The comments you guys give help me but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing good enough.

If no one has told you recently just know your loved and your enough and everything will get better for you.

Anyways, I love Laila and Kai's bond so much they are so cute.

Laila if she drank a lick of Kai's Capri Sun:

Thank you for all the follows and reads on here and tik tok im so grateful for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time. I love you! -addyson <33

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