《Beach Baby》chapter 9 | hang out




Bored is what I am today.

I'm at my apartment hanging out with Laila as she sits on my lap.

I have an idea.



Just me and Laila here tonight do you want to hangout at my apartment?

Kai Sure, sunshine.

I close my phone and sit with Laila as I wait for him to come.

I pick Laila up and toss her in the air a few times as she giggle.

I hear a knock on my door so I grab Laila and put her on my hip and walk to the door.

I unlock the door and let him in.

"Hey," I say to him as I shut and lock the door.

"Why are you so bored today?," he asks me as he walks to my kitchen.

"No one wanted to hang out with me. Do you want to go to target?," I ask him.

"Sure. Does Greyson live here?," he says and I do a little happy dance that we can go to the store and he smiles.

"Umm no, but he does stay her sometimes if he doesn't want to go home," I say as I bounce Laila on my hip.

I go into the kitchen to grab my keys and walk back to the living room.

I walk out of the house with Kai walking behind me.

"Fair warning, I need to feed her so she will cry on the way there," I say to him.

"That's okay. Did you bring a cover?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"I should be okay without one," I say to him and he nods.

I strap Laila in and then I get in.

I sit in the passenger seat and Kai drives.

As we pull out naturally Laila starts screaming and crying.

"mamama," I hear from the back and I gasp in shock.

"That was her first word," I say out loud as I stare in shock.

"Soon enough she will not stop talking," Kai says to me and I laugh.

"mama, mama, mama, mama," I keep hearing from the backseat as she continues to cry for me.

"I feel bad not being able to feed her right now," I say to Kai as I fiddle with my hands in my lap.

"She'll be okay and she'll forget about it in five minutes," he says and I nod.

She continues to cry until we get there.

I rush out and go to the back door to get her out of her seat.

When she sees me she smiles.

"Mama," she squeals at me and I smile at her before picking her up.

Her outfit:

Baby's outfit:

(Choose whatever you want

I quickly pull down my strap before I let Laila latch on.

I make sure she's hiding everything before walking up to kai.

"You get a cart," I tell him and he nods before walking away and coming back with a cart.

"Also we need to get Starbucks," I say to him.

"You and that strawberry shit," he says and rolls his eyes.

"Don't be like that, you know you enjoyed it when I gave you a sip," I say as we walk to the line.

"Whatever," he says as he rolls his eyes with a smile on his face.

As we wait in line Laila pulls really hard as I hiss in pain.

"What's wrong?," Kai asks me looking concerned.

"She pulled me really hard," I say as I look down at her.


Right as I say that she does it again.

"Stop pulling mommy please," I say to her and she smiles at me.

"She laughs like it's funny," I say as I roll my eyes.

"It is," he says and I frown.

This is gonna be funny.

"Why are you laughing at my pain," I say in a sad voice as I start to tear up.

I love crying on cue.

A tear rolls down my face and his eyes widen.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset," he says as he walks up to me and wipes my tears off my face.

"I can cry on cue. I'm not upset," I say to him and he narrows his eyes at me.

"I was scared I made you upset," he says and I start laughing.

My whole body shakes as I laugh.

Laila doesn't like that as she grunts.

"I need to calm down. Miss bossy pants is getting mad I'm moving," I say to him as we get to the cashier.

"Hi can I get a vente strawberry açaí lemonade refresher with no strawberry add ins?," I ask them and they nod their head.

They quickly make the drink and hand it to me as I take a sip and hand it to kai.

He drinks a sip too.

I know he likes it he's just playing hard to get.

"Where do you want to go first?,' i ask as I unlatch Laila and pull my shirt up.

"The food isle I need Capri suns," he says and I nod.

"Can you burp her my arm is numb?," I ask him and he nods his head.

I hand her over and he starts to burp her.

Right when we get to the isle the Capri suns are in Laila squeals loudly.

"This is why she's my favorite because she understands!," he says happily.

(A/N: Live footage of Kai drinking a Capri sun. Yes, this is his face claim and yes he's so fine to me but if you don't like it then you can choose whatever you want

He grabs two boxes and puts them in the cart as I push it around.

We walk into the chip isle so I can get hot Cheetos.

"Doesn't that make the milk spicy for Laila?," he asks me as I put the hot Cheetos down.

"No it doesn't affect my milk at all," I say to him and he nods his head.

"I did lose some friends because I had a baby and they thought breastfeeding was gross," I say to him and he raises his eyebrows.

"There missing out and it's not gross it's normal but they don't have kids so they wouldn't know," he says as he takes over pushing the cart.

"Where to now?," he asks.

"I need to get cereal because it's one of my favorite foods," I say and he nods.

"Also you can put Laila in the seat if you don't want to hold her," I say and he shakes his head quickly.

"No she's staying with me," he says with a fake pout.

"Mama," she yells and i jump from getting scared.

"Hi, baby," I say to her and she squeals.

"You guys are such a cute family," a woman says and my eyes widen.

"Thank you," Kai says as we walk to the cereal isle.

"Why didn't you correct them," I ask him.

"I didn't feel like it," he shrugs and grabs me Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My fave.


"How did you know that was my favorite?," I ask him as I look up to him.

I'm 5'5. Not that tall.

"I just grabbed one but I also seen this cereal on top of your fridge," he says.

"How tall are you?," I ask him.

"6'2, how tall are you sunshine?," he asks me and I blush at the nickname.

"5'5," I say to him and he nods.

(Here is a visual for those who don't know how tall they are in comparison

"I don't think I'm very short," I say to him and he nods.

"I would say your medium," he says and I laugh.

"What is a medium?," I ask him and he starts laughing.

"Like I personally don't think your short but I don't think your tall either," he says as he sets Laila in the cart.

She babbles random things as she sits.

I turn around and go to get another cereal but before I could I feel a hand entertained our fingers and I'm quickly pulled back into a hard chest.

My back is against his chest.

I look up and see Kai looking down at me as his wraps his arms around my waist keeping me there.

I give him a confusing look before I see why he did that.

A dog and kids are running fast down the aisle and they would have crashed into me if he didn't pull me back.

"Thank you," I say to him and he nods before he slowly releases me.

I miss the warmth...

I quickly grabbed the cereal and throw it in the cart before standing behind Kai.

"Why are they running through the isles is my question," he says to me and I shake my head.

"I don't know but I'm glad you grabbed me before I got hit," I say to him and he laughs.

"It was my pleasure," he says with a smirk and my face heats up.

"I need to get some tampons," I say quietly.

He nods his head and goes to the isle.

We walk into the isle and their are two girls in there and I quickly walk over to what I need to get.

"Oh my gosh, your so cute," one of the girls says and walks up to him.

He just stares at them.

"Can we have your number?," they ask and right when they finish talking Laila starts to cry.

Kai quickly picks her up and she doesn't stop so I grab my box and throw it in the cart.

"Can the baby be quiet I'm trying to talk," one of the girl says and rolls her eyes.

I walk up to Laila and when I get close she stops crying.

"You see I'm with a baby and a girl right?," he asks them and they look over at me and Laila with disgust.

"Yeah we see," they say and rolls their eyes.

"Then what makes you think I'm interested in someone else when I have them with me?," he says to them and they just stare at him.

"Well you could have something better and come with us instead of staying with these people," she says as she looks back at me and Laila with disgust.

"Get away from me before I say something stupid," he says to them and they slowly walk away.

"I hate people," he says as they can still hear.

"I'm sorry," I say to him.

"It's not your fault. If anything I'm sorry they talked to you like that," he says and I nod.

"Don't worry I don't care what they say about me I just don't like the way they talked to Laila," I say to him as I grab Laila from him.

I wrap my arms around her and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"You should care. Don't let people talk to you like that. If you do then I'll be here to defend you," he says as he grabs the cart and I smile.

"I think she's gonna fall asleep," I say to him.

"She looked tired in the cart," he says to me.

"Ohhhh I almost forgot to ask you. But, this is a deal breaker. If you don't like frank ocean and the neighbourhood then we can't be friends," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"I like frank ocean and the neighbourhood don't worry," he says to me and i nod my head.

"Are you ready to check out?," he asks me and I nod my head.

"I'm sorry to ask you this but can you do it I don't want to wake her up," I say to him and he looks at me.

"Don't worry about it you don't have to be sorry and yes I can do it," he says as he smiles at me.

He goes to self checkout and starts scanning.

After a few minutes everything is bagged and he pays even though I told him not to.

We walk out of the store and get to the car.

I strap Laila in and he puts the bags in the trunk.

Then we get into our seats.

He drives back to my apartment and grand the bags as I grab Laila to keep her asleep.

I unlock the door and we get in.

I grab the bassinet from my room and put in the living room and set her down gently.

She stays asleep and I go into the kitchen where Kai is at.

"Do you want to eat cereal?," I ask him and he nods.

I grab the Starbucks and take a sip before handing it to him and he drinks the rest and throws the cup away.

We shared that the whole time in target.

I put everything away except for the cereal.

We both eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I grab two bowls and pour cereal and milk and I go to grab spoon but Kai stops me.

"I use a fork," he says and I turn to him be stare at him.

"It keeps the milk in the bowl from the lines and I only scoop cereal then I can drink the milk at the end," he says to me and I roll my eyes before giving him a fork.

"Okay but I use a spoon don't sue me," I say to him.

He laughs before we sit at the barstools by my counters.

"What is everyone doing today?," I ask him.

"Well it's Saturday so their probably out having fun," he says and I feel guilty.

"I'm sorry I asked you to come. You could have went and had fun with your friends," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'd rather hang out with you and baby sunshine, that's more fun to me then going out," he says to me and I smile at him.

He deserves the cutest man award.

"I've had a question I wanted to ask you," he says to me and I swallow harshly but nod.

"What is it?," I ask him as I continue to eat my cereal.

"What happened with Laila's dad? You said your body count was zero so how did you have her?," he asks and my breath stops in my throat.

"It's quite the story but we have time," I say to him and he nods.

"So it started..."

To be continued...

Here's chapter 9! I decided to make the chapter longer because I love you guys.

Me when I leave you guys on cliffhangers:

I love them together it's killing me.

Thank you so much for 10-12k reads I really appreciate it so much! I'm glad you guys are loving the story as much as I love writing it.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, I love you. -addyson <333

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