《Beach Baby》chapter 10 | truth




Hesitant is how I feel to tell the story.

"Um, could we actually sit on the couch instead?," I ask him and he nods his head.

We quickly get rid of our dishes and walk to the couch.

I sit down next to Laila's bassinet.

He sits to my right but we have a distance inbetween eachother.

"So when I was 17, I was a senior in highschool me and my friends decided to go to a party," I say to him and he nods.

"We got all ready and dressed up to have some fun. We showed up at the party pretty late so most people were drunk or getting there," I say and let out a breath.

"I wanted to get drunk because I didn't know if I was ever going to go to a party again. So I had some drinks and by the end of the night I was drunk off my ass," I say.

"I was friends with this guy named Tyler Sloane. We were friends outside of school because he was older," I continue.

"He was at the party and I decided to meet up with him," I say as my eyes start to water.

"Um, we had more drinks and I started to feel hazy. So he took me upstairs and told me we would just sit in her until I feel better," I say as my lip starts to tremble.

Kai looks emotionless.

"He had started to make weird comments about me and my body. Just weird sexual comments. At this point I felt like I was gonna pass out so I didn't think much of it," I say.

"Then he started getting closer to me and slightly touching me and I didn't like it. At all. The next parts are hazy but the moral of the story is he had raped me," I say as tears start to fall down my face.

"He didn't just rape me. He raped me and recorded it. He kept it on his laptop and phone. I know this because when I went to the doctor they had told me we had to go to court for this," I say to him.

"Um, we went to court and they found that video. Not only was he charged for rape but also being in possession of child pornography as I was 17 and he was 20. He was sentenced to life in prison," I say to him and he still stares at me.

"Two months later I start to not feel good the routine throwing up, tender breasts, sensitive smell. And, I took a test and it was positive," I say as I look over to my baby that's asleep as tears continue to trek down my face.

"I couldn't comes to terms with it. Being raped and then falling pregnant it was to much. But, I didn't know that this baby would become my bestfriend and the reason I'm still here," I say.

"So I kept her I went into labor which was excruciating and then I had my beautiful baby girl with me. That is why I say that I have 'zero bodies' because it wasn't sex if we both didn't consent to it," I say and stare at the floor nervous to what he's gonna say.

Before I can stop myself I add on.

"If you don't want to be friends or see me or Laila anymore I get it. It happened to me before when I lost all my friends. But I won't hate you if you choose too," I say as a new set of tears flow down my face.


I look back down to the floor not wanting to see his reaction.

I hear footsteps before I feel myself being hoisted up by my underarms as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

And I let it go.

I cry for myself and for my baby. I even cry for the fear that I will lose him.

"I'm so sorry," I hear him whisper into my ear before I feel a drop of wetness on my shoulder.

"It's not your fault," I say to him as I hug him tighter to me.

After a while we separate and wipe each other's tears.

He places a kiss on my forehead as we separate.

Right when we separate Laila wakes up.

"Mama," she whispers and I walk over to the bassinet.

I quickly pick her up.

She rests her head on my shoulder as I sit back on the couch.

"So, does hearing that make you change your mind about me?," I ask with insecurity clear in my voice.

"Never, I'm not leaving," he says and I smile a little at him.

"So tell me something about you," I say to him and he smiles.

"What do you want to know?," he asks.

"Hmm, how is your relationship with your parents?," I ask him and he tenses.

"My dad left, and my mom is the best mom ever," he says and I smile.

"One day I will meet her as for your dad he's missing out," I say to him and he smiles.

"So I have been thinking..," I say to him and he turns to me.

"That's never good," he says.

"Rude. Anyways what if I got a BBL?," I ask him and he raises his eyebrows.

"Why?," he asks me and I laugh.

"I could have such a fat ass," I say dramatically.

"You already have one," he says and I blush.

"You just admitted to staring at my ass," I tease.

"It's hard not to," he says and I blush again.

I'm in my tomato era.

"You have a fat ass too," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Why are you looking?," he asks me.

"Well, it's pay back," I say as I pick Laila up and kiss her face all over causing her to laugh.

"Your a great mom," he says and i stop kissing Laila and turn to him.

"Thank you," I say and smile at him.

Laila hears Kai's voice and turns to him.

She reaches her arms out for him.

I quickly stand up before sitting next to him.

I hand her to him and he picks her up and smiles.

"How come you've never had a girlfriend?" I ask him and he turns to me.

"I never wanted one," he says.

"If you couldn't get one just say that. It's okay bud," I say as I tap his leg twice.

When I do that Laila starts crying.

"Why are you crying baby?," I ask her and she quickly stops.

"Do you think she cried because I touched you?," I ask him and he looks back at her before he shrugs.

"Lemme try," he says as he grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers.

I get butterflies from the feeling.

The feeling doesn't last long as Laila starts crying again.

"Okay fine I'm sorry," I say as I let go of him and she stops crying.


We stay silent for a second before I put my hand on his shoulder.

She starts crying again and I remove my hand.

I start laughing so hard at her.

"Okay shhh, you can have him," I say as I wheeze.

Kai is laughing to as Laila quiets down.

"Well don't touch me ever and we'll be fine," I say to Kai and he rolls his eyes.

"That's impossible but good try," he says to me and I laugh at him.

"She's so dramatic and I think she gets it from me," I say to him and he nods.

"She'll be fine if we are abstinent," he says and I roll my eyes at him.

"Just flush her down the toilet," I say to him and he nods before getting up.

"I was kidding," i say to him and he pouts.

"I feel like such a old person. Like how they say, 'we finally have a kid free night'," he says as he sits beck down next to me.

"Are you staying the night it's pretty late?," I ask him and he turns to me.

"I don't want to drive but it's up to you," he says to me.

"You can stay," he says and Laila starts laughing.

"What's funny?," I ask her and she just wraps her arms around Kai's neck ignoring me.

"My own daughter is a traitor. You can take her home with you," I say to him and roll my eyes at her.

"Absolutely not. I don't know how you do it after like ten minutes I'm done and ready to give her back," he says and I laugh.

"Like how do you ever have sex if she's with you all the time," he asks me and my eyes widen.

"I don't," I say to him and he stares at me.

"I forgot you said no one has ever made you finish before but now I know why," he says sadly.

"I don't understand the hype around it," I say to him trying to lighten the mood.

"You'll see one day," he says with a smirk.

"You say this as if anyone would want someone who has a kid," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"If only you knew," he says and stands up.

"Are you ready to get ready for bed it's pretty late," he says and I nod.

"Follow me to my room," I say to him and he nods as we walk to my room.

"So this is my room nothing special," I say and he laughs before setting Laila on the bed.

"The guest bedroom is trashed from Greyson and Laila will freak out if you don't sleep with her so you can sleep in my bed I'll take the floor or the couch," I say to him and he shakes his head.

"Your not sleeping on the floor or the couch your sleeping in your bed," he says to me as he sits on the bed.

"No your sleeping there your the guest," I say.

"Well it's your house," he says.

"Just sleep on here with me I won't touch you," he says to me and I nod my head.

I walk to the bathroom and change into some pajamas.

The pajamas:

(Choose whatever you wish

I get changed and put my hair down. I brush my teeth and wash my face before leaving the bathroom.

"Do you need something to wear?," I ask him.

His eyes scan my body before looking up to my face.

"Sure," he says and I blush.

I go to my dresser and grab some sweatpants.

"Should I be confused why there is men sweatpants in your dresser," he asks me and I laugh.

"Men sweatpants are comfier so I buy them but if you don't mind I'll steal your hoodies and sweatpants," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"You can steal all but one hoodie because it's my favorite," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'll steal that one too don't worry about it," I say and he grabs the pants and walks away.

He comes back in the pants and a black shirt.

Dear god I need holy water.

He looks so hot.

No stop.

"Which side do you want?," I ask him and he looks at me.

"The one by the door because I'm the man," he says and I practically melt.

"Laila needs to be in the middle so she doesn't fall off," I say to him and he nods.

"Wait never mind I'm gonna put her in the bassinet on your side let me go get it," I say to him and he nods.

I'm almost out the door but I turn around to ask a question and I see his eyes flick from my ass to my face.

"Caught you, anyways do you need anything," I ask him.

"Just a water," he says to me and I nod before walking out and grabbing the bassinet and water.

I come back and hand him the water and put the bassinet on his side before putting Laila in it.

She's so spoiled but I love her.

I quickly turn off the lights and climb into the bed as I grab the remote.

I turn the TV on and start playing Nemo.

"I love this movie," I hear Kai say as he gets into the bed.

I stay up and watch the movie as Kai lays there silently.

"I need water but I don't want to get up," I mumble out.

"Open your mouth," I hear him say before he pulls the water infront of my face.

He grabs under my chin as he pours the water into my mouth.

I swallow it and stay silent.

It's been thirty minutes and I hear light snoring come from Kai and i refrain from laughing.

I turn into my side to stop myself from laughing and watch the movie.

I feel a arm snake around my waist and pull my all the way from the edge of the bed to his chest.

He nuzzles his face into my neck and breaths out a sigh of air.

So he's spooning me and I don't know what to do.

"Kai," I whisper to him.

He groans before pulling me tighter.

"Kai," he hums in response.

"Your spooning me," I say to him.

"I know, go back to sleep," he mumbles before pulling me closer and falling back asleep.

Not long after I fall asleep to.

Him holding me brought me more comfort then I ever imagined.


Here's chapter 10!

I love Kai and Aulora so much it's not even funny.

I'm sure most of you guessed what happened to her because I make everything so obvious.

Anyways, they're day together was so fun I had so much fun writing it.

I don't know what tik tok to make lmfao.

Aulora to Kai:

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading I love you! -addyson <333

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