《Beach Baby》chapter 11 | nightmare




I woke up to a body squirming against me.

"Please stop," I hear Aulora gasp and my eyes shoot open.

She's breathing heavily and squirming.

I try to shake her awake.

"Sunshine. Please wake up," I mumble to her and she confuses squirming.

"No, please don't," she says.

"Sunshine wake up now," I say as I shake her and her eyes snap open.

"Are you okay?," I ask her and she sits up and hugs her knees to her chest.

"I'm sorry," she says and buries her face in her arms.

"Don't ever apologize for something you have no control over," I say to her and move my hand to rub her back.

Surprisingly she doesn't flinch at me.

"Can you hug me?," she asks and I nod my head.

I sit up against the headboard and grab her hands.

I pull her over and have her straddle my lap.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she wraps hers around my neck.

She buries her face into my neck.

"I'm sorry you had a nightmare," I say to her and she sighs.

"I don't usually have them they just appear when I talk about it," she says and I nod before rubbing her back in slow circles.

"Did I wake Laila?," she asks me.

"No she still passed out," I say to her and she nods her head.

I adjust my position and lay my head on the pillow and lay Aulora straight on top of me.

"I'm crushing you," she says to me and I roll my eyes.

"You couldn't even if you tried," I say to her and she rolls her eyes.

She starts to squirm and move up and I try to grab onto her to stop her from moving or else I would get painful hard from the friction.

I grab onto her ass and give it a firm squeeze before whispering in her ear.

"Stop moving now," I tell her and she sucks in a breath as she whimpers in my ear.

I let go of her ass before smoothing my hand over it.

"You definitely don't need a BBL," I say to her and she laughs.

"If someone was to ask you butt or boobs what would be your answer?," she asks me and I laugh a little.

"I am more of a ass guy but I do both," I say to her and she laughs.

"Since you love butts so much does that mean your gay?," she asks me as she try's not to laugh.

"Um no, I just like your ass," I say to her and she starts to squirm again.

"What did I tell you," I say as I smack her ass over her shorts.

"Not to move," she says breathlessly.

"Do you know why that is?," I ask her and she thinks for a second.

"No," she says and I shake my head.


"So naive," I say to her and she shakes her head.

I keep one hand on her ass slowly rubbing my thumb up and down and one hand on her waist.

If I said that I wasn't hard right now I would be lying.

I'm sure she can feel it...

She sit up still straddling my hips and looks down to me.

I don't think she understands this position because she's a virgin.

"We should have some breakfast I know Laila is gonna wake up soon," she says.

"Mhm," I say not being able to focus on something other then the pressure she's putting on my dick.

She may have had a baby but she's new to all of this and doesn't know how she's affecting me.

"Focus," she says and snaps in front of my face.

"It's really hard to right now," I say to her and she looks at me confused.

"Lemme ask you something," I tell her and she nods.

"Have you ever seen or touched a dick," I asked her and she stares at me.

"Nope. I know like absolutely nothing about the boy anatomy which is surprising considering I'm not technically a virgin so everything is new to me," she says and I nod my head.

So she doesn't understand how she's suffocating me right now as she sits on my dick...

"So you don't know that your sitting on my dick and it's painfully hard," I say to her and she gasps.

"I thought it was your phone or something I'm sorry. Having a older brother that's protective he didn't let me hang out with boys so I don't know anything," she says to me and I nod my head.

"Can I try something?," I ask her and she nods her head.

I grab onto her ass before rolling her hips onto mine.

"That's what it feels like. Can you feel how hard I am?," I ask her and she nods.

"It felt good when you did that," she says and my eyes widen.

"Oh yeah?," I ask her and she nods.

"I don't know why but I liked it," she says to me and I laugh.

"You'll know sooner or later," I say to her and tease her one more time.

I roll her hips onto mine and refrain from groaning as she whimpers quietly.

She smacks her hand onto her mouth and her eyes widen as she blushes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to," she says.

"Don't worry it's normal," I say to her and she gets off of me before I adjust myself in my pants.

I turn over on the bed.

I look into Laila's bassinet and see that she is dead asleep with her mouth open and everything.

So cute.



Embarrassed is what I am after those noises left my mouth.

It felt so good but I didn't mean to make those noises.

They came out against my will.

When he was making me move against him it made me feel so good down there.


I've never experienced that before but I liked it.

I'm embarrassed to look at him so I just get up and quickly walk to the bathroom as he looks at Laila.

I go into the bathroom and use the toilet.

I need a change of underwear...

Now I'm not that stupid I know that happens to me when I get turned on.

I quickly use the toilet and wash my face before walking back into the room.

He is gone now and so is Laila.

I quickly change before walking into the living room and seeing Kai with Laila.

Laila is strapped into her chair on the counter.

"Don't worry baby sunshine, your mommy will come out and give you milk," he says to her and she squeals.

"You can watch me make cereal though," he says and I smile.

He grabs what he needs before going back to Laila.

"Pour the cereal then the milk okay?," he asks her and she stares at him.

"Then you grab a fork and you eat your cereal," he says to her and she blinks at him.

"Don't look at me like that, it's my secret way of eating cereal," he says to her and she screams.

He looks shocked and then she starts laughing.

"It's not funny I could have died," he says and her lip starts to wobble.

"No I was kidding baby sunshine don't cry," he says and he puts her pacifier in her mouth.

This is so entertaining.

Laila looks around and when she spots me she spits out her Paci.

"MAMA," she squeals and starts to kick her arms and legs.

I walk up to her and unstrap her and pick her up.

"Hi my baby," I say to her and she starts to pushes her face against mine and try's to kiss me.

"Thank you for giving mommy a kiss," I say to her and she stares at me.

She then starts to put her hand in my shirt.

She only loves me for milk.

I sit at the table and pull down one strap of my pajamas before letting her latch on.

My breasts aren't overflowing because I fed her throughout the night.

If I didn't then I would be full.

She quickly starts sucking and eating at a fast rate.

"Slow down little girl," I whisper to her and she smiles trying to be innocent.

She does slow down and I look up to see Kai looking at his bowl as he eats.

"You don't have to stare at your bowl you can't see anything," I say to him and he nods.

He looks up and nods his head.

"What are you doing today, I assume you want to go home," I tell him and he shrugs.

"I don't have anything planned so I don't necessarily want to go home," he says and I nod.

"I don't have anything pl-," my sentence gets cut off by the front door opening and closing.

I get scared before I see Greyson walk through the door.

With Oliver.

I stare at them confused.

"Hi," I say to them and they wave.

"What are you doing here kai?," Oliver asks him.

"I could ask the same thing but I am hanging out with Aulora I thought it was obvious," he says as he eats his cereal.

"Oh. Where's your nursing cover did you lose it?," Greyson asks me and I shake my head.

"She's in her own home why does it matter?," Kai asks him.

"Because your here," he says.

"She's just feeding her child if it makes you feel better I haven't and I won't look," he says dismissively.

"Okay I'm just trying to look out for you Lora but me and Olly are going to go study I'll see you guys later," Greyson says as he grabs Oliver's hand and directs them to the guest bedroom.

"Do you want to come with me to check on Enzo today," he asks me and I nod.

"Let me finish up and then I'll get ready.

Laila sucks vigorously as we sit in silence waiting for her to be done.

It's been ten minutes and she's sucked me dry and I'm sure she's full.

I unlatch her and pull my shirt up before getting up.

Laila starts to cry and put her hand back in my shirt.

"Is she still hungry?," he asks me and I look up to him.

"No she just wants the comfort and to use me as a pacifier," I say to him.

She continues to cry and mumble mama as she tries to pull down my shirt.

"Okay baby mommy will let you just this time," I say to her and she confuses to cry.

I pull down my right side of my shirt because that breast is still full and I let her latch.

She instantly stops crying and starts to suck quickly.

"I guess we can sit on the couch and wait for her to be done," I say to him and he nods.

We sit there for a while and Laila bites done onto me and I hiss in pain.

"No biting mommy," I tell her and she doesn't do it again.

Not long after her latch goes slack and I remove her as she falls asleep.

I walk to my room and put her on the bed.

Time to get ready to see Enzo.


Here's chapter 11!


Kai trying to pretend Aulora sitting on him didn't affect him:

I really wasn't supposed to make Greyson like this but idk why I made his character take a turn for the worst.

I was in a silly goofy mood.

Thank you for all the support! I hope you love the chapter, see you next time! -addyson <33

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