《Beach Baby》chapter 12 | clingy




Pretty is how I feel when I see myself in the mirror

Kai and I are currently getting ready to go see Enzo.

I quickly get ready.

I do my make up, hair, put on lipgloss then I get dressed.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish! )

I go to a sleeping Laila on my bed and get her a little dress to match me.

I slowly get her dressed trying not to wake her.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

Her little cardigan is so cute I can't cope.

I pick her up and rest her head on my shoulder and walk into the living room.

Kai changed into what he was wearing yesterday because he has no new clothes because he slept the night.

"You guys look very pretty," Kai says to me and I smile.

"Thank you, so do you," I say and he smile.

"Thank you. Are you ready to go?," he asks me and I nod my head.

"Let me get her pacifier and some diapers to change her," I say and he nods his head.

I make up my baby bag and go to the door.

He opens the door for me and we walk out to my car.

I strap Laila in before I sit in myself.

Kai drives us.

Along the way to Enzo's house Laila wakes up crying.

"Mama," she cries out to me and I feel guilty I can't pick her up.

"I'm here baby," I say to her and look in the backseat.

"Mama," she cried again as she starts to kick her legs.

"I'm sorry," I say to kai and he briefly looks to me.

"I told you not to apologize for things that aren't your fault," he says and I nod.

It doesn't take us long to reach his apartment.

I quickly get out of the car and grab Laila from the back.

She stops crying when I hold her and she fists my dress in her hands squeezing me to her.

"I'm right here baby," I say to her and kiss her on the head.

She stays silent as we walk to the front door.

We ring the doorbell and it takes a while before Enzo answers the door.

He looks lost and anguished.

His eyes have bags, his eyes are red, he looks like he lost weight.

"Hi Enzo, can we come in," I ask him and he opens the door for us to come in.

We walk in and sit on the couch.

"How are you doing?," I ask him and he looks to me.

"L-look at m-m-me a-a-and there, there i-is your a-a-answer," he struggles to say and it breaks my heart.

"How long has it been since you have eaten?," I ask him.

"F-few d-d-days," he says and starts to play with his rings.

I get up and go to pass Laila to Kai but she whines and squeezes into me.

"Okay," I sigh out and hold her again.

I walk into the kitchen and get turkey and salami and pepperoni.

I grab mayonnaise and mustard and cheese.

I grab some lettuce, tomato, and onion.

I get the bread and set it on the table along with a plate.

I make up his sandwich before grabbing some potato chips.

I cut the sandwich in half and put some chips before grabbing a water.

I hold onto Laila with one hand and grab the rest of the stuff with my other before going back into the living room.


I put the food out for him and he grabs it.

"T-thanks," he says and tries to smile at me.

I nod my head and sit down on the couch with Laila with me again as Kai sits to my right.

Laila starts to squirm and push her hands in my dress.

I sigh again knowing I just fed her.

"B-b-baby eat w-with m-m-me," he says and I nod my head.

"She's being extra clingy today," I say with a small laugh as I release one side of my dress.

I pull it down along with my bra and let her latch on the left side.

She starts to drink some milk and puts her little fist inside my dress and start to play with my other breast.

I roll my eyes at her.

"Why is she um doing that with her other hand?," Kai asks me and I turn to him.

"Babies tend to do that while nursing sometimes to feel comfort or because they don't know what to do with their hands," I say and he nods his head.

"What happened?," Kai asks Lorenzo as he eats his sandwich.

"T-taste g-good, Oliver c-can't d-decide," he says to us and I smile at the compliment before getting confused.

"Decide what?," I ask.

"Decide if he likes him or your brother," Kai fills in for him and I nod.

"I'm sorry," I say and Enzo looks at me.

"For what?," Kai asks me.

"If I didn't become friends with you guys then you would have never met Greyson and this wouldn't have happened," I say feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault. You are allowed to make friends," Kai says to me and Enzo nods his head.

"H-he told m-m-me that h-he like me b-but he d-doesn't know if h-h-he likes G-Greyson," he says as he continues to munch on his sandwich.

"If he likes you then he wouldn't need to see if he likes Greyson. I feel like something else is going on," Kai says and I nod my head.

I try to remove Laila off my breast and she whines before smashing her face back.

Can I get a hello?

"Baby please let mommy go," I try to reason with her and she whines.

"Whatever," I say before I start to pat her butt so maybe she will fall asleep.

"Delilah, Nalani, Amelia, and Elias wanted to come over to talk about something is that okay?," I ask look at Lorenzo.

"Okay," he says and finishes his food.

"Come," Lorenzo says and points to me.

I get up and walk over to him.

"Squat," he mumbles and I do while holding onto Laila.

He places a quick kiss on my cheek.

"T-thank you. I-it w-was good," he says and I smile at him before I sit back down.

I slowly unlatch Laila as she's still awake and she lets me.

I pull my dress and bra back on before I string her on my lap to burp her.

"Hi baby," Lorenzo says to her and she stare at him.

"What?," he asks her and her bottom lip starts to wobble.

I pick her up and put her against my chest as I burp her as she lays there.

"Weirdo," Lorenzo mumbles as he glared at Laila.

"She's just a baby she doesn't know," I say as I try not to laugh.

"S-she wants t-t-to fight?," he asks me and I shake my head.


"She's a baby she doesn't know how to fight," I tell him and he shakes his head.

"She w-want to f-f-fight me," he says and continues to glare at her.

"No," I say to him.

"Okay," he says and sits back against the couch.

Not long after the three girls and Elias come inside.

Nalani sits to my right between me and Kai and Amelia sits to my left.

Elias and Delilah sit next to Lorenzo.

"So my family has a beach house," Elias says.

"Okay what about it?," Nalani asks.

"They said since we have a week off of school that we can stay there," Elias says and lays his head on Delilahs shoulder.

"I'm down to go but I have to bring Laila I'm sorry," I say to them.

Having a kid makes me feel guilty for my friends.

"I know you guys want to have fun and stuff but me having a baby might stop that so I won't mind if you don't want me to go," I say to them and they look at me.

"Your going it wouldn't be the same without you," Delilah says.

"Maybe there would be someone there that can get my mind of my teacher," Amelia says and I snap my head to her.

"Your what?," Kai says sounding shocked.

"I think I'm in love with my teacher. She's very hot and if she asks me to I would call her mommy," she says dreamily.

"Are you sane?," Kai asks.

"Yes I am I just happen to know what a hot person looks like and it sure is her," she says and lays her head back of the back of the couch.

"Why are you all crushing on someone?," Nalani asks.

"I'm not," Kai says.

For some reason I feel a sharp twist in my heart at his words.

"I'm serious though. You all have crushes and I genuinely think my crush is me," she says and looks around.

"Why do you think that?," Elias ask.

"I think that if I could reach I would eat myself out because I'm that fine," she says and rolls her eyes.

"I just don't need any bitch in my life but me," she says and I roll my eyes.

Laila lifts her head and looks around at everyone.

She turns to Nalani and stares at her.

Nalani puts her hand out for her and I try to push Laila to her and she whines.

She lays her head on my chest and hugs herself to me.

"I'm sorry she's extra clingy today," I say to Nalani feeling bad.

"It's okay I didn't really want to hold her," she says and I laugh.

"Kai can you pass me Laila's pacifier?," I ask him and he nods before getting it and handing it to me.

I pop it into her mouth and she starts to suck on it.

"So is that a yes do you guys want to go?," Elias asks and everyone nods their head.

"Okay I'm sure we're gonna have fun," he says and smiles before laying his head in Delilah's lap as she plays with his hair.

"Lorenzo, have you ever thought unholy things about your teacher?," Amelia asks him and he looks to her.

"Fuck n-no," he says.

"I forgot your like so whipped for blondie," she says and he clenches his jaw.

"Whatever," he says and turns back to the group.

I sit back and pat Laila's butt as she sucks on her Paci.

"So Kai, where we're you these days?," Nalani asks.

"I was at Auloras house for the night," he says to her and she nods.

"So did you guys fuck?," she says and I flush red.

"No," he said his tone sounding almost disgusted by the idea.

I frown before looking away.

"Don't speak in that tone if you want to keep your teeth," Nalani says to him and he stares at her.

She turns her head to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"What did you guys do?," Delilah asks.

"Went to target and then went to sleep," I say as I rest my head on Nalani's.

"Sounds like fun," Elias says and smiles as he looks up at Delilah.

I'm going to run infront of a moving car.

"It was pretty fun," I say and look to Kai to gouge his reaction.

He just stares at the wall making me frown.

Is he embarrassed of me?

"I just really think that if I could sleep with my teacher then all my problems will vanish," Amelia says and I roll my eyes.

"Your not sleeping with your fucking teacher Amelia. I love you but please shut up," Nalani says and I laugh.

"I'm just saying okay?," she says and I try not to laugh.

"Can someone hold Laila?," I ask them and Nalani puts her hands out.

I slowly remove Laila from me and to Nalani.

She settles before I walk over to the bathroom and grab my phone.



Meet me by the bathroom I need

to talk to you.

Kai K.

I stand by the bathroom door waiting for him to come.

He walks down the hallway and when he spots me he walks up to me.

"What is it you needed to talk about?," he asks me and I stare at him.

"Did I do something wrong?," I ask him as my voice drops.

"Why?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"You sounded embarrassed to be seen with me when they talked about what we did," I say to him and he crosses his arms.

"I wasn't embarrassed to be seen with you," he says.

"It seemed like it," I say annoyed.

"Well I wasn't. Is that all?," he asks me and I nod.

He quickly walks away and I'm left standing there.

I didn't think I did anything wrong.

Did I?

I walk back into the living room to see Laila screaming and crying.

Her limbs flail around as she screams the word 'mama' over and over.

"I'm here baby," I say to her and pick her up before cradling her to me.

She calms down for me.

I sit back on the couch and hold her like a baby as she reaches her chubby little hand and starts caressing my face.

My sweet girl.

"B-baby finally b-b-be quiet," Lorenzo mumbles as he stares at her annoyed.

She looks over at him and stares at him.

A few minutes later she throws up all over his floor.

"She threw up at the sight of you," Kai says and everyone starts laughing but Enzo as he glared at Laila.

All she does is laugh.

"I'm sorry," I say as I clean up the throw up and hold Laila.

"Whatever," Lorenzo says as he lays his head back and closes his eyes.

I frown at that.

Why is everyone getting mad at me?

I keep messing up.

Nalani grabs my hand and sits me down.

"He's not mad at you don't worry you did nothing wrong," she says to me.

"I'm sorry," I say quietly and just stare at him before I look down to the floor.

I didn't mean to make her throw up.


Heres chapter 12!

I feel bad for my baby Aulora she thinks everyone is mad at her.

I'm so tired it's 2 am and I stayed up late so I could write this extra long chapter for y'all so I can post it in the AM so you don't have to wait.

So excited for the beach house trip.

Having beads on the ringer of your phone case makes it so hard to type.

I'm to tired for a gif and a meme but the amount I could use in this chapter is unreal.

Anyways thank you for everything. I love you guys so much hope you enjoyed the chapter! -addyson <33

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