《Beach Baby》chapter 13 | packing




Sad is how I feel seeing Aulora's face after Laila threw up.

She looks upset and I feel bad.

I didn't mean to seem embarrassed by her and rude to her.

I'm just in a mood and didn't mean to take it out on her.

"So when are we going to this beach house?," Nalani asks.

"Monday which is tomorrow and we can stay for how ever long we want," Elias says and she nods her head.

I grab my phone before turning it on.



Can you meet me in Lorenzo's room

in a few minutes?

Sunshine Sure :).

I wait for a few minutes before walking to Lorenzo's room.

I open the door and sit on his bed and wait.

Aulora comes in holding Laila.

She sits down on the bed next to me and adjusts Laila in her lap.

"You looked upset on the couch and I wanted to explain myself," I say to her and she nods.

"I wasn't embarrassed or mad at you I was just in a mood and I took it out on you," I say before continuing.

"I hate being around a lot of people it makes me uncomfortable so I snapped and I'm sorry," I say to her and she looks to me.

"It's okay I understand," she says.

"As for Lorenzo he just talks like that to dismiss a convo I don't think he is mad at you," I say to her and she nods.

"He's been through a lot I don't blame him," she says.

"Can I try to hold baby sunshine?," I ask her.

She nods her head at me.

She moves Laila and passes her to me.

I put her in my lap and she starts to squirm and reach for Aulora.

"I don't know why she wants me so bad," she says and I laugh.

"She loves you," I say and hand her back to Aulora.

Laila starts tugging on her shirt.

"She loves my boobs not me," she says and rolls her eyes.

"Can you turn around so I could get her situated?," she asks me and I nod before turning around.

It takes a few minutes before I hear suckling.

"Okay you can turn back around," she says and I do.

I turn back around and everything is covered good.

"Are you coming to the beach house?," she asks me.

"Only if your going," I say to her and she smiles.

"Yes I'm going and I'm bringing Laila which makes me feel guilty," she says as she looks down to Laila.

"If they can't handle her being there that's their loss not yours," I say to her and she smiles again.

"Do you think I should invite Greyson to go too?," she and and I look at her.

"If you want to I mean I don't see why he should be uninvited," I say to her and she nods as I look down.

I don't necessarily like Greyson.

His actions make Lorenzo upset and I hate when he's upset.

He even fought me and lost because I made a joke.

"I just don't want you guys to fight, it scares me," she says and I look up to her.

Her face morphs into one of melancholy and wretchedness.

The last thing I want to see on her face when she looks at me.

I would do anything in my power to make her happy even if it's at the cost of mine.


"I wouldn't fight him in front of you in Laila. The only reason I did is because he hit me," I say to her and she laughs.

"I saw," she says.

Laila starts to whine.

"You sucked me dry little miss. I'm sorry," she says down to her as she removes her and pulls her dress up.

Laila turns and looks at me with milk dripping down the side of her mouth.

"Wow, must have been good," I say to her and she stares at me before smiling.

Aulora wipes her mouth and starts to burp her.

"How long are you staying at the beach house?," I ask her.

"I think they said we are staying from Monday to Friday," she says.

"And are YOU staying that long?," I ask her emphasizing the you.

"Yes," she says as she continues to pat her back.

"Okay then I'm staying that long too," I say to her and she blushes.

"I need to pack for me and Laila tonight since we are leaving tomorrow. Did you want to come over while I did so you can help with Laila?," she asks me.

"Yeah sure I can pack in the morning," I say to her.

"Okay perfect," she says.

"I'm gonna head home now if you want to come," she says and I nod.

She picks Laila up and walks out the door.

I walk behind her and stare at her ass per usual.

We make it down stairs where everyone is at.

"We're gonna head out now thanks for having us over," Aulora says and I just walk to the door not acknowledging anyone.

She walks out after me and we get into her car.

She straps Laila in and then gets in herself.

I get into the driver seat and drive her and Laila to her apartment.

We get their quickly and Aulora gets Laila out and walks to the front door.

We open the door to see Oliver and Greyson sitting on the couch talking.

"I just don't want to fuck this up," I hear Greyson say and I get confused.

Fuck what up?

They see us and both look up.

Greyson smiles at Aulora holding Laila.

"How is she doing today?," Greyson asks Aulora.

"Clingy and doesn't want anyone but me but besides that she's fine," she says.

"Mom and dad called and wanted to know how she is," Greyson says.

They don't even care to ask how their daughter is only their granddaughter.

"I'm doing okay thanks for asking," Aulora says and walks away to her room.

I walk after her and go into her room to see her putting Laila in the bassinet.

"You okay sunshine?," I ask her and she turns to me and musters a small smile.

"They never ask me how I am it's always about the baby," she says and huffs a annoyed breath out.

I walk up to her and cup her face with both my hands.

"How are you sunshine?," I ask her and she looks up at me.

"I feel better talking to you," she says with a small smile.

I kiss her forehead before sitting on her bed.

"Pack your stuff for the trip and talk I'll listen," I say to her and she nods.

She walks into her closet.

"I need to pack swimsuits but I don't know which one," she says and huffs.

"Having a baby did damage to my body," she says annoyed.


"Shut up your body is perfect," I say to her and she smiles.

"So to get into the the talk you need to listen to where do I begin," she says as she grabs some swimsuits.

"So when I told my parents I was pregnant with Laila I was like three-ish months pregnant," she says as she continues packing.

"They were disappointed in me and told me to get a abortion. I was so fucked in the head at the time so those words were like punches to the gut," she says.

If I could take away all her pain...

"Of course they didn't know that I was raped and it wasn't mine or my babies fault. I didn't tell them until I was about 6 months pregnant," she says as she moves to her dresser to get clothes.

"They we're naturally upset that I didn't tell them and tried to support me but they became overbearing," she says as she grabs some shirts.

I don't think they should be upset she didn't tell them...

"Then I had my beautiful baby. Thank god she looks like me and they became overbearing even more. Always trying to tell me what to do," she says as she finishes her shirts.

"They were worried about me going to college thinking I would neglect my child. They had no faith in me and that can be irritating," she says and opens her pants drawer.

"They call a lot to check on Laila but they never care to ask how I am or to talk to me unless it's about Laila," she says as she grabs pants.

"Their so scared that I will neglect my own child. Like they don't see the love I have for her I would never hurt her," she says as her eyes start to water as she speaks.

I get up from the bed and grab her hands before standing her up.

I wrap my arms around her neck as hers go to my torso. Her body starts to shake as she cries.

I hate hearing her cry.

"Your such a great mother sunshine don't let anyone tell you other wise, okay?" I say to her and I feel her nod her head.

"Your baby is fed, happy, and loves you that's all that matters!," I say as I continue to try to comfort her.

We separate and she wipes her face.

She walks back to her clothes and continues to pack.

I sit back down on the bed.

A few minutes later Laila wakes up and started whining for some attention.

I pick her up and she stops.

She sits in my lap looking towards Aulora as she packs her things.

"You decided to let someone else hold you?," she asks Laila in a teasing tone.

She squeals at that and continues to stare at her.

Laila looks at Aulora with such infatuation and sentiment that it makes you feel so overwhelmed.

This baby really loves her mom.

"So what do "mama" you think "mama" we are gonna "mama" do at the "mama" beach house "mama," Aulora tries to say but Laila cuts her off every two seconds.

"Play some games and go to the beach. Most of us like to stay inside," I say and she nods her head.

"I would like to share a room with someone but with Laila present it might be hard,"she says and I nod.

"It might be best if you just have your own room," I say to her and she nods her head.

"I can nurse in peace," she says and dramatically lays on the floor.

"You can do that any time," I say to her and she sits up quickly.

"No because I'm constantly worried I'm gonna have a nip slip when I'm around people," she says as she rolls her eyes.

"I wouldn't mind but that's just me," I say to her and she laughs.

"Of course you wouldn't your a man," she says and I laugh a little but realize the severity behind her words.

"Mhm," I say as I look to Laila who is blabbing on.

"Did I say something wrong?," Aulora says looking at me with her big doe eyes.

"The sentence you say before of 'of course your would your a man' just rubbed me the wrong way," I say to her and she turns her head to the side in confusion.

"How?, I'm not trying to be mean I just want to understand," she says and I look at her again.

"It seemed like you were implying I would use you for your body," I say to her and she shakes her head.

"No I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry," she says in a rushed tone.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew that I'm not using you," I say to her and she nods.

"I know I don't think that. Once you have a baby people tend to steer clear of you in the department so trust me I know," she says as she laughs nervously.

That aggravates me.

Does she not see how beautiful and perfect she is.

"I didn't mean it that way. You and your body are perfect I wish you could see that," I say to her and she smiles at me.

"Thank you. So now that I packed myself I need to make a bag for miss clingy," she says and glares at Laila.

When she does that Laila starts to reach for her and cry.

"Mamama," she mumbles and tries to get out of my grip.

"Come here baby," she says as she walks up to me and picks up Laila.

She puts her on her hip and walks back into the closet to get baby outfits.

When she sits her dress rides up and I can see right under it.

I turn my head away.

"What?," Aulora asks confused.

"Your blue underwear are on reveal and I'm trying hard not to look so maybe you should fix your dress," I say to her as I stare away.

"Oh my god," she mumbles to herself.

"It's fixed," she says and puts Laila in her lap as she packs her a bag.

"I need to pack so many diapers," she sighs out.

"Well we can just have Laila shit everywhere if that's what you want," I say to her sarcastically.

"It's not really a bad idea," she jokes and i roll my eyes.

"I need to pack so many clothes and even toys because this girl has to much stuff," she says and I roll my eyes again.

"Can you hand me my pump on my nightstand?," she asks me and I nod and grab this weird thing.

"Why do you use it if she feeds on demand," I ask her curiously.

"Sometimes she doesn't want to feed at times in the night and if she doesn't then I am full of milk. If I get to full my boobs start to hurt and leak really badly so I have to get it out," she says and I try to intake all the information.

"Okay, I got it. You just leak through your shirt?," I ask her dumbfounded.

"My bra if I'm wearing one. I leak through my shirt and maybe onto the bed. If I press down on my boob it will squirt milk everywhere. So I need to get it out," she says and I slowly nod my head.

"That's so weird to me," I say shocked.

"Yeah it's quite the experience," she says and laugh.

After a while she finished packing and I drive myself home after eating dinner with her and Laila.

I pack my bag before going to bed.

Beach house here we come.


Here is chapter 13!

I'm so excited to write the beach house it's gonna be so fun.

It's gonna be so funny watching your guys reaction when I do something.

It's not something bad so don't get anxious.

Anyways maybe I'll be adding smut soon I don't really know.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter see you next time! I love you! -addyson <333

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