《Her Strength, His Weakness》• Chapter Nineteen •
It's currently twelve thirty and I'm in the process of getting ready for my date with Archer. I have no idea where we're going, but I'm so excited. I'm way past the point of being nervous around Archer, lately he had felt more like home than I feel with anyone else.
My phone buzzes as a message comes through onto my phone. I pick it up and see that it's from Archer.
Archer: I'm leaving now.
Archer: Also... my mom has asked me to invite you to dinner for after we've finished our date.
Me: Sure, it'll be fun.
See you soon.
Dinner with his family will be nice. Debra is such a sweet lady and she always makes me feel welcome in her home. Plus, I can't get enough of the twins. They are so adorable.
Archer told me to dress casual, but fancy. Whatever that means. Guys speak another kind of language.
I went with a black skirt, black stockings, just above the ankle black boots, a black and white tight fit long sleeve shirt and a scarf. It looked fancy, but casual enough.
I've just got to hope that I'm dressed correctly, given Archer's vague dress code.
I heard Archers car pull up into the drive way, so I grabbed my phone, house keys and bag before I ran downstairs. As I made it to the bottom, the doorbell rang. I walked over to the door and opened it up.
Archer looked me up and down for a second and then lifted his head to meet my gaze. "You look beautiful." He said as he walked in. I was devoured in a big hug and lifted off the floor slightly, making me squeal. He put me down gently and kissed the top of my head.
"Hello to you too." I said through giggles.
He looked really nice himself, but then again he always looks good. He was wearing a plain pair of black jeans, black Palladium's and a white t-shirt. Casual, but fine as hell.
My mom came into the room and greeted Archer. "Hello, Archer. Where are you taking Aurora today?" She asked.
"Hello, Mrs West." He greeted politely. "I'm sorry to tell you, but that's still a secret."
"Archer, how many times must I tell you to call me Victoria." My mom said amused.
"Oh yes, my bad." He laughed it off.
"Okay mom, Archer and I should probably be going." I said. "Bye, love you." I said as I dragged Archer out of my house, before my mom could start another conversation.
"Bye, Victoria." Archer called.
"Bye guys, be careful. Keep her safe Archer."
Archer was laughing beside me when we made it to his car and I laughed with him. We got in and shut the doors. Archer pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.
We were just over halfway through the drive when I finally asked, "So, where are we going?" Not being able to contain my curiosity any further.
He paused for a second and then said, "To the Art Museum." He smiled, proud of himself.
"Oh my word. Really?" I asked excited.
I love art. I've always been an admirer of all things art. My favorite part of all the art movements and periods is the Renaissance period. I took art as one of my subjects at school, because I love learning about the architecture, paintings and work of the crazy artists from the past.
"Yup, Caitlyn said that you've been wanting to go to the museum for the last three years, but never ended up going." He explained.
"She's right. I never found someone who wanted to go with me and I never had the time." i remembered.
"Well you've found someone to go with today." He said smiling. "So, I take it you like the idea?"
"Yes! Archer, this is the best date you could've come up with. Thank you." I said, leaning over to where he was sitting and placing a kiss on his cheek. He smiled happily.
We arrived outside of the museum and pulled into the parking lot. I basically bolted out of the car to get a good and proper look at the exterior. It had a worn, grey coloured exterior, it had at least fifty steps leading up to the entrance, six huge columns starting at the base of the steps and ended at the base of the roof and their was a massive relief sculpture on the front of the roof, depicting one of the early Roman wars.
"This is so exciting." I squealed next to Archer as he came up beside me. He placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer into him.
"I'm glad you're excited." He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Let's go."
"Yes please." I said, moving him forward with me.
After climbing all the stairs we were met with a large set of open faded-black, wooded doors. When we made it through the entrance, I stepped onto a dark marble floor. The walls were painted a warm eggshell colour, which allowed the colour of the paintings to stand out. It was beautiful.
"Wow." I said as I looked up to see Archers reaction, but he was looking down at me. "What?" I said confused.
"You're amazing." He said casually.
"Huh." I let out a small laugh. "Thank you, but why." I asked confused by his remark.
"You just are." He kissed my forehead and removed his arm from my shoulders, placing his hand in mine.
"Where to first Blondie?" He asked.
"There's so much to choose from, I want to see every part of this museum." I looked around and saw a man standing with a large stack of thick tour guide booklets. I pulled Archer along toward the man and stopped in front of him. "Hello sir. Please may I have one if these booklet things." I asked the man.
"Sure, dear. That'll cost you a Twenty." Oh, you pay for those things.
"Um-" I started, but was interrupted by Archer as he handed over a twenty.
"Here." He said politely.
"Have a good day." The man said kindly.
"Thanks, Archer." I said as we walked away.
"Of course, I want you to have a good time."
I smile. I looked down at the booklet and opened it to the first page. The page had all the art periods that were on display in the museum and a map of where they were.
The museum had:
•Prehistoric Art (~40,000–4,000 B.C.)
•Medieval Art (500-1400)
•Renaissance Art (1400-1600)
•Mannerism Art (1527-1580)
•Baroque Art (1600-1750)
•Rococo Art (1699-1780)
•Neoclassicism Art (1750-1850)
And so many more all the way to the contemporary art of today's time.
I quickly flipped through the rest of the pages which had information of all the paintings and influences of each period. I'm definitely in my element here.
"Lets go see the Impressionist Art first." I said excitedly.
"Okay, lets do that." He said chuckling.
I dragged him toward the Impressionists gallery and looked around the room. Wow. There were sculptures perfectly placed in the center of the room and the paintings were hung from the walls, they had little plaques holding their names and the names of the artists who painted them.
We started at the beginning of the paintings that were hung in the wall.
"Oh this is called 'The Water Lily Pond', it was painted by Claude Monet. He was a French painter." I said without looking at the plaque. It was beautifully painted with lovely oil paints, which was smeared perfectly onto the canvas. The cool colors of blues and greens radiated tranquility.
We continued on and came upon another breathtaking painting. "Oh! This is called... Um, oh yes! 'Sunrise' also by Claude Monet."
Archer laughed beside me. "How do you remember all of this?" He asked amused.
"I studied these painting in my art class." I explained. "I like the content, so it sticks with me."
We moved onto the next period gallery, the 'Renaissance'. My favorite period. We went back it time when we chose this period, but it's more about the pleasure of looking around and enjoying the atmosphere. Not following the paintings in chronological order.
We looked at paintings all along the walls of the gallery. There were photographic copies made of the paintings done by Michelangelo in the Sistine chapel, such as 'The School of Athens' and 'The Creation of Adam'. The Creation of Adam is one of my personal favorites.
"How many of these paintings have you studied?" Archer randomly asked me.
I laughed at his question, "I'm not sure how many, but most of the paintings we've looked at I'm able to recognize and name." I said.
"Um, okay. What about that one?" He punted toward a painting on the wall behind us.
"That's 'The Birth of Venus' by Sandro Botticelli." I stated confidently.
He checked the guide that he held in his hand, he needed it more than me. "You're right. Well done."
"Okay, What is that sculpture called." He asked.
"That's called 'The Pieta' by Michelangelo."
"You're a genius, Blondie."
"I just know my art." I said, modest.
He chucked lowly.
We continued through the museum and I educated Archer on the art that we walked past. He listened and commented on everything. He tried, he really tried. It was adorable.
When we were near the end of our mini tour in the history of art, Archer pointed to the 'The Mona Lisa' and said, "I bet you don't know what that one is called." He said joking.
"Oh no, certainty not." I said faking serious, "I've never come across that in my life."
"Damn and here I was thinking you knew them all." He teased.
"Sorry to disappoint you." I said joking.
"You could never disappoint me, Blondie." He said looking at me smirking. I smiled up at him sweetly.
"Aw." I said hugging his side.
We exited the building and made our way toward the car. When we got into the car I looked over at Archer, "Thank you, Archer." I said, "I had so much fun." I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm glad we did this. I like seeing your smart ass walk around knowing everything there is to be known in a place like that." He said joking. "It's cute." I laughed at his comment.
"Time to go have dinner with your family." I said noticing the time, 5:30. We had spent over four hours waking around the museum. It only felt like it had been one.
"She's expecting us at six, so yes we should be going."
"Let's get going then."
"Mommy, when can we have dessert?" Chris asked Debra.
"When you're finished your dinner, Chris." Debra said sternly.
I giggled at Chris.
"I'm done mommy." Espen said proudly and gave a victorious look toward her twin. Ah, sibling rivalry.
"We have to wait for your brother." Debra informed Chris.
When Archer and I arrived at his house, Debra welcomed us into the house of amazing aromas. The table was set and the twins were watching cartoons in the living room. When they heard us come in, they rushed over to where we were standing and gave us both big hugs.
Debra made a roast chicken, pumpkin fritters and a potato bake. It was amazing. If you've never had a proper pumpkin fritter, I'm very sorry.
I enjoyed my meal so much, that I cleared my plate quickly.
Archer, myself, Debra and Espen are waiting for Chris to finish his food, to be able to move onto the next course.
"Aurora, I'm so glad to hear that Archer finally asked you out. I had to drag the information out of him, but I'm glad to hear it."
I let out a light laugh, "Thank you, Debra."
"Wait! Are you Archer's girlfriend now?" Espen asked.
"Yes, Pen. Aurora is my girlfriend now."
"That means that Aurora is my sister." Espen said. "Yay." She got out of her chair and ran around the table to give me a hug. "I finally have a sister!"
I looked awkwardly at Archer who was just smiling at me. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back in his chair.
"I'm done!" Chris said through a mouthful of food. Lovely. What a charming sight.
"Yay! Desert time!" Espen said running into the kitchen with Chris hot on her tail.
"Those two." Debra said chucking.
She picked up the twin's plates and her own. She started to reach for mine and Archer's, but I stopped her, "No, let me get that for you." I said getting up from my seat and taking mine and Archer's plates with me to the kitchen.
"Thank you, dear." Debra walked beside me into the kitchen.
"Espen, Chris. Help me reset the table for dessert." Debra instructed.
"Okay, mommy."
with that, I was left alone to pack the dishwasher, which I obviously did t mind.
When I was done I stood up and wiped off the counter. Archer came from behind me and snaked his arms around waist. He placed his head on my shoulder and dipped his head into the crook of my neck. "Kiss up."
"What?" I said laughing.
"You're a kiss up. To my mom." He explained.
"Am not."
"Mmhm." He kissed the side of my neck and then placed a small kiss on my cheek. "It's cute though." I huffed out a laugh.
"Come get dessert you too." Debra called from the dining room.
"Ugh." Archer groaned.
"Coming." I replied. "Com'on, Moody." I joked, grabbing Archer's hand to lead him to the table.
We walked back into the dining room and sat back down in our seats. "It smells amazing." I complimented.
"Thank you, dear. It's called a 'Chocolate lava cake'."
I did enjoy it, it was amazing. It was a small cake that would release the chocolate hidden inside, when you drew your spoons through its outer layer. It was topped off with a dollop of cream. Amazing.
"How are you feeling about finals coming up?" Debra asked me.
"I'm nervous, but I'm pretty studied up."
"Aurora is a genius ma, she'll have no problem. She's just being modest." Archer said smirking.
"Well, that's good. Your finals are important."
Finals start on Wednesday. I'm nervous as hell for the damn things, but I know that I've studied everything that is required. I'm confident that I know the work, but sometimes the jitters cause me to flop in some areas of the exams.
"We'll be okay." Archer reassured.
"I don't doubt it." Debra said. "But good luck anyway."
"Thank you."
After we finished our dessert Archer and I helped Debra clear up the table. We made some more pleasant conversation and then it was time for Archer to drive me home. I said goodbye to Debra and the twins.
"That was nice." I said to Archer as he drove.
"It was. They can't get enough of you." Archer smiled, looking ahead.
"I can't get enough of them either."
We soon arrived at my house. I looked over at Archer and smiled.
"Thank you so much for today."
"You're welcome, Blondie." I leaned over to kiss his cheek.
I was about to pull away, but Archer stopped me by cupping the side of my face. He planted a soft kiss on my lips, lingering for a while longer. He moved his head away from me slightly, placing his forehead onto mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds longer, but eventually I'd have to go inside.
"Goodnight." I said softly.
"Goodnight, Blondie."
I leaned back and made my way out of the car and I walked slowly away, still dazed from Archer's affect on my sanity.
He always finds a way to improve my mood, to make me dizzy and make my heart race. He has an affect on me that no one else has ever had on me before.
I can honestly say that I'm falling very hard very fast for Archer Smith.
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