《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 12: Amusement Park Crisis (1)


"What are those tickets?"

"Amusement..park tickets.. I got three of them."

Aah...the tickets she got from a raffle when we did our shopping..

"Did you cheat?"

"Haa.? Why would I cheat? I'm a honest person.."

You are not. Clearly not.

"I'm pretty sure you can increase your luck..."

"I-I don't have that kind of spell."

Oh? I've known you for quite a long time now.. but you still the say the same reason.

"Uhm..If you would like to..."

"Hm..Invite your friends then."

".....Y-Yeah.. My friends. Of course."

I think she's about to say something before that..

"You don't want to?"

"It's my first time going to an amusement park.. So I'm not really sure.."

First time huh...

"It's fine don't worry. Oh, have Lilith with you."

"That's a good idea. She'll like it for sure."

.. Having them two gone..

With this kind of plan...I can enjoy what my life is supposed to be.. Again.

Good one, Key! Heh..I just need to play this through... Hehehehe...

"W-Why are you laughing..?"

"It's nothing.. Don't mind me."

"The way you laugh is a bit disgusting..you know.."

Shut up!...I'm not good at smiling either way...

I should inform Lilith for now...



"A place where you can have fun.."

"Are there food stalls?"

Is food the only thing you have in mind?

"Uh...A lot."

"I'm going...!"

When it comes to food..she's too easy...

"But... I need to pay with your so called currency here..right."

"Of course.. Nothing's free in this world.."

You can get the money from reina.. I mean she's working for my mom. She's earning money for herself...

I only save up money from my monthly allowance... *sigh I should do part time jobs now..


*Knock knock



Why is she here again..?

"Nina, you came!"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Is she the only friend you made this far? "She's the only one available..?"

"Hmm.. I tried calling the others but they were all busy.."

Seriously.. What are the chances

Actually.. It will be bad if they found out where she's living

"Hey, Reina.."



"Next time you call someone.. Just meet up with that person somewhere.. Not in this house.."

"Ah.. You're right.. I'll be careful next time.."

Nina is an exception.. Since she knows our secret already... That we're living together..

"You all have your tickets right? You can go now.."

And I can enjoy my life again....

"Tickets? Oh, I have my own ticket."


"Eh..? There's gonna be a spare one.. This is a waste.."

"Hrmm~ Why not.. give it to Key?"

"Me? No, I don't need it. Just invite someone."

"That'll be too troublesome.."

"Since we're all ready to go.. Just take the ticket!"

"I'm not really fond of amusement parks.. It's too crowdy and noisy.."

"Of course it's like that..."

"You don't have anything to do here..do you? Just accompany us, human!"

What.. No. You guys are a troublesome too..

"Hmm.. This ticket is a waste.. You know.. You can get everything for free with this kind of ticket.."

Wait.. Really?

"Free? What do you mean by that?"

"That means.. I get to eat for free?"

"Yeah. Apparently there's only 10 special tickets for this amusement park. Today is the birthday of the owner.. He's really generous person, you know."

You seem to know a lot... The owner of the park is too generous, to have a special 'free' tickets..that's absurd..

"Come on.. Take it already~"

Nina is very persistent..

I'm not falling for it!

"Nothing bad is gonna happen.. Just take it.."

AAAaaargh! Fine!

"Ah.. He took it.."

"This is why humans are too weak.. Easy to tempt..."

You're one to talk!

"Haha... Everyone.. Let's go already.."

"Yeah. The tickets are only valid for today.."

Today?.. Right, Today's the birthday of the owner...


"Woah... This place is very big..!"

It's not amusing...

"I know right.."

"Do you go here often, Nina?"

"Hmmm... Yeah."

Wait... What?

"Come. I'll lead the way."


This place is really crowded...



"Since it's really crowded.. We should go in pairs and hold hands."

Just what are you trying to propose..?

"You're right. Me and Lilith are not yet familiar with this place..."

"Then, I'll have Lilith with me. You and Reina will pair up!"


Is this one of her plans..?! No.. From the beginning?

"Why am I getting paired with this sly fox here.. I'd rather have Reina with me!"

"It's fine.. We'll find food stalls and taste all of them!"

"Hmph. I'm starting to like this fox."

Look who's tempted now..

"I-I'm paired with you..?"

"What about it? Is there any problem?"

"Not..really.. Hehe.."

Why are you overjoyed..?

"Let's proceed! Let's not wate time just by standing here."

The whole place is crowded already...

"They're too fast.. we're gonna be left behind."


They're already far ahead of us..

"We need to get out of this mob and catch up to them.."

I think, it's dangerous.. She's already doing it!?

"H-Hey.. Wait...!"

I pulled her out of the crowd.. "Seriously.. what are you doing.."


A different face showed up... "Who are you?!"

"That's my line! Why are you holding my arm!?"

I'm pretty sure I got her arm.. How did I....

"Ah.....Yeah... sorry.. I mistook you from someone I was with.."

"Is that all? You can let go of my arm now.., please."

"Uh.. I'm very sorry.." This is why I hate crowded places.. Now I need to look for her!

"Don't go around grabbing someone else's arm."

"...Yes.." I regret going in here..


Now, where should I start..? There's a high percent chance that she's around food stalls too...

I should look for the other two also.. Haaa.....why do I feel like I'm the one babysitting... That's Reina's job to begin with..right?

It's been a long time since I've been here.. Hmm......I almost forgot... I can just call her..!

I already dialed her number..

*sigh I hope she can answer her phone...

"Uhm... Key!?"

What a relief.. She answered it. "Where are you?"

"Hmm... I don't know... but I'm sitting on a bench."

There's a lot of benches here!

"Look around, what can you see? So I can find what area you're in."

"Uhmm.... Found it! It says... rest...resting..area."

Resting area huh.. "Just stay there. I'll go to your location."


--- Beep ---

Good thing she brought her cellphone... I should hurry now.


She's there! Thank goodness...Hmm? There are two guys talking to her..

As far as I can remember... They're not our classmates? Maybe someone she knows..

"Hey Miss... Are you alone?"

Are they....

"Hm? No.. I'm not, I'm waiting for someone.."

"We don't see anyone.. though.. Wanna hang out with us?"

They're definitely hitting on her!

"I-I'm not sure..."

"Come on.. We know that you feel lonely and whoever that guy is probably ditched you already."

"Hnnng... Don't..pull me!"

"Just what are you trying to do?"

"Huuh?! Who is this person?"

"Right. We got here first. Go find your own girl."

I'm getting pissed right now.. I wanna beat up these two..

"Let go of her.."

"What's up with you man! What's your relationship with her?"

"She...She's my girlfriend! If I see your faces again.. I'll kill you.."

I..... I've done it!!!


They left.. Good grief.. Did I scare them?

"I didn't know you can make a scary face..."

She looks kinda terrified...

That's one of the reasons why it's hard to approach me.. Just giving them the looks scares them..

"So, How are you?"

"Eh.. I-I'm fine.."

"Is that so.."

"About me..being your girlfriend.."


"Forget about it... It's just to pretend so they won't hit on you anymore."

"Hmm~ Why are you blushing?"

"Blushing? I-I'm not!"

She's just teasing me...

"Why don't we pretend as a couple?"


"What if someone tried to hit on me again~"

"Just deal with them yourself.."

"Eeh.... So mean..."


"Let's go already."


You still have more to say?


"It'll be hard if I got separated again.."

"You can just hold onto my shirt..."


On second thought... It's hard to walk..."Stop.."

"Hmm? What is i--"

I held her hand and continued walking..

"In this way we wouldn't get separated.."

What am I doing.....


Even though I can't see her face.. I can feel that she's smiling..

I started this on my own... Even thought it's embarassing.. I can't back out now!


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