《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 11: Returning the Favor
I think I have colds now... I must've got it from her yesterday.
I exerted myself too much yesterday... *sigh I'll drink the medicine later, I should be fine.
Hm, today's weather looks fine.. I don't think it's going to rain at all..
"Haaa...I finally caught up to you.."
Caught up? In where?
"Seriously.. Why did you leave me behind.."
"Because you were slow."
"Hm.. That's what girls do.."
Taking a long time in the bathroom and your room?
"I don't want to be late again."
"We still have time though.."
It's better be early than late.. even if we have time, I doubt you'll finish fixing yourself on time also..
"..Thank you for yesterday.. Hmm~"
"Don't thank me. I just need to do it."
"Oh~ I thought you were worried about me.."
"Not a bit. It was just a light fever.."
"Hm,.. you were so forceful and told me to rest. Even though it was just light one."
She got me there..
"You see.. it's for your own good."
"You were worried about me after all.. Hehe."
For some reason I couldn't retort back to what she said..
"Oh.. You two..!"
It's Nina.. waiting at the school's gate.
"Nina.. I miss you!"
She hugged her excitedly.. It's not like you were gone for a long time. It was just one day.
"Are you fine now?"
"Yes.. *sniff I was taken care properly."
"Uhm,.. you know.. I took a p-proper rest.. and all. I did it by myself."
By yourself? I did all the work... Right, I haven't told her yet the situation..
Nina looked at me with confusion. 'You didn't tell her yet?' is what I can tell from her looks.
All I did was to simply look away..
"Come on, let's go inside!"
She's cheerful as ever..
"Ahaha.. You can go ahead, I had some business to take care of with Key.."
"Hm? Ok... Hmmm.... With Key?!"
What's with the long hold up of realization.
"Don't tell me... you two.. are.."
This is getting ugly..
"We're not. That's impossible" 2x
"I see... *sniff.. you.. you've grown up."
Wait, why are you crying?
"Hm? Where?"
"You have finally made a friend.. I never thought it'll be Nina..."
"You're right.. actually I never thought we're going to be friends. It just happened suuddenly."
Don't just start up agreeing with her! "I think you're misunderstanding something.."
Ouch.. she was stepping on my foot..I couldn't finish my sentence..
"What is it? Misunderstanding what?"
"Nothing, Reina.. you can go ahead.. I'll be there in a moment, once I'm done with this guy.."
Seriously stop stepping on my foot..
"Hm, make sure you talk to her properly alright?"
She's still stepping on my foot like it was nothing..
"Don't worry, we'll be over in an instant."
I hope so.
"Why do we need to hide behind a tree..?"
"So no one can see and hear us."
How important is this conversation that it really needs to be that confidential..
"Then, why did you stepped on my foot?"
"I did? I didn't notice at all.. I'm very sorry"
No. I think it was on purpose..
"Why didn't you tell her?!"
"I didn't get any chance to say it.."
It'll be hard to make an approach..
"Fine... just tell her later if you have chances to say it.."
"Woah.. that's weird, coming from you."
You don't need to point it out..
"I'll see you later.. About your clothes.."
"What? You're going to give it back already?"
"You see.. I haven't washed it yet..hehe.."
Don't give it me that faint laugh.
"I'll see you later then."
She's doing it on purpose..
"What did the both of you talk about?"
Should I tell her right now?
"Uhh.. She already knows..."
"Miss Reina!"
Huh. I got cut off..
"I was worried. I mean, we.. In your fan club."
They had a fan club?
"Ahaha... I'm fine. It was just a fever. Nothing serious happened.."
"No! It's our fault..we're supposed to support you all the time."
"Hmm... Thank you..."
"We don't want to suffer like that again!"
"It was just a light fever..."
"We're going to be at your side! Count us as bodyguards."
"Thank you for worrying about me but I need to refuse, I can manage myself pretty well."
Was that a flat-out rejection?
"It's fine!..We understand. We'll respect your decisions!"
They're actually.... crying...?
"She politely rejected us... Even so! We're still going to support her!"
These guys are too persistent. Seriously, what's so admirable about this girl?
"Hey... Is this what humans supposed to be? Do you guys live like this?"
No. Of course not..
The fact that they admire you.. Is not normal at all.
"Pipe down,.. Please go back to your seats....."
No one's listening..
"All of you! Listen!"
"Thank.. you."
The president sure is strict..
"Your homeroom teacher is.. absent for...today so I'll be the one..to.."
"I'll list down the names who are noisy! You will serve after-class detention!"
I get that she wants to enforce rules properly, but I think..the whole class is threatened...
"I'll..be the substitute for today..."
No. I hope they change the teachers already.
She's kinder than our current homeroom teacher.
"Uhmm... So for your next subject... It's going to be a P.E. class.."
Huh... P.E.... Wait, She's our teacher in P.E.
"Please change to your P.E. uniforms already.."
Changing rooms... One of the rooms that I hate...
"Hey guys... Aren't we forgetting something?"
"Yeah.. I think so.."
What? I don't like where this conversation is going...
"Hm.. You mean..."
Just drop it already!
"Boys! Group up! We have a plan."
Wait. They're actually doing it?
"We're about to see a paradise.. Let's work as a team and achieve our dreams!"
Bunch of perverted people... To achieve your dreams?
"We'll also see our goddess.. Reina!"
Somehow.. I got pissed...
Half of the boys joined when they heard her name..
*sigh... It's always like this.. They'll get punish at the end..
"Come on boys! Let's go!"
As they opened the door. The class president and the rest of the girls was standing outside our changing room...
"So you're planning to peek at us while changing?"
". ......"
Why am I getting punished too?!
The president's voice was too scary, the couldn't even respond.
"Uhmm... Thank you for disciplining them.. Please forgive them already."
Wait. Isn't that your job? As a teacher?
"A 'sorry' from them will do."
"Then.. Everyone.."
"We're very sorry for what we've done!"
They haven't done anything at all.. It was planned.. Alright.
"You. Over there!"
"You shameless pervert.. Say sorry!"
"Why would I? I wasn't part of this at all..."
"I see.. Tell me. Was he part of this plan?"
They all answered the same thing..
"You heard them.."
They're pinning me this one?
"Actually, he was the one who planned it.."
There goes the majority...
Hm? Reina?
"Let's drop this already... I think he's not that kind of person to begin with. I believe him..."
"Hm.. I'll let you off the hook once.. If you do this again.."
I'm getting beaten?
"I'll gouge your eyes out.."
That's even worse! That's no punishment for students..!
I don't get it.. Why does she hate boys that much..
"Reina is too kind.. She even defended us..*sniff.."
I'm pretty sure it was just me..
"I know... We should be thankful.."
They're crying... Again.
"Everyone.. Let's make up already.. You know.. We still have the P.E class.."
"Ok, everyone..please have a partner.."
I'll be the left one for sure...
"The exercise that we're going to do is done with pairs..."
Does it really need to be a pair..?
"Everyone, please... start.."
I just sat down at the side and watch them...
"Uhm.. You.. Don't have a partner..?"
"Hm.. Then.. I'll be your partner.."
Uh.. I think, I'm fine already...
"It is my job to teach all of you."
Yes.. I'm fully aware of that..
"Come on.. Let's do the exercise!"
She's really pumped up...
Despite her timid appearance.. She's the one holding our P.E. class... You thought it's going to be those strict people who makes you squat all day... No. She's the complete opposite..
"Ok.. Everyone.. We are done with the warm-up.. What we're going to do next is an agility test..."
People who's part of the track & field club will show off again..
"The first set of people please..."
Huh, I'm part of the first set..
"Go to your.. Lines! Uhmm... We're starting.."
These people beside me is very competitive.. They look so serious.
"On your marks... Set... Go!"
I'll just run at my normal pace..
Huh.. I don't see anyone beside me..
"Woooh. You're winning!"
"He's that fast?"
"I didn't know..."
What are they saying..? I'm not that fast though...
No.. They're just too slow!
They're all behind me.. I didn't want to be at the lead..
Even if I slow down.. I don't think they can catch up to this point..
"First set is done.. Next set please!"
Haaa....All I did was to run normally but I'm already exhausted..
"Good job..!"
"I never expected you to be that fast.."
"I'm not.. They're too slow.. That's all."
"Trying to be humble? Hm? You're the center of the attention now, you know?"
I'll be glad if it was the opposite..
"They were one of the best runners in track & field."
Best.. Runner-- What?!
"Look, it's Reina's turn now.. Can she run that fast?"
Hmm.. She did say she was confident in running..
They started running..
"Woah! She's at the lead.."
How fast.. Is that why she always catch up to me?
"She's amazing in a lot of ways.."
"Your next.. You should prepare already."
"Hmmmf.. I'm always prepared!.."
"I'm quite fast too."
"Oh. Good luck then."
"Hmm~ You're supposed to say 'break a leg' not good luck.."
I don't believe in any of those..
"Oh.. Reina is falling behind..."
Hm? What happened?
"She's not at the lead anymore... What just happened?"
That's what I'd like to know..
"It's my turn now.. Talk to you later."
Why are girls so energetic?
Reina sat beside me.. Looking all exhausted..
She's staring at me intently..
If you have something to tell.. Say it!
"You looked different.. Are you fine?"
"Yes.. Why?"
"You seem kinda off..."
"It's nothing.."
"Hmm..What were you talking about?"
"Talking..about what?"
"You were talking with Nina.."
"Oh... Nothing important.."
"Fine.. It was just about how good you are in running.."
"Is.. That all?"
"Nothing.. Hehe.."
Is there something wrong? She's acting weird all of a sudden..
"Come to think if it..you started talking to someone.."
Ah.. The lie Nina made up.. "Hm.. Yeah."
"I can introduce you to them if you want."
No. Please no..
"Everyone... Line up..!"
"I'll introduce you to my friends later.."
"I don't need to know them."
"Don't be shy."
I hope I can clear up this whole misunderstanding already..
"Well done.. Everyone! Uhmm.. You can have an early lunch break as a reward.."
She's too kind.. I want to cry right now...
Everyone seems excited.. Having an early lunch break.. why wouldn't they..
Actually.. No, this is a bad idea..
I can't bear the noise... I'll just go outsdie..
I started feeling dizzy.. As I walked outside the room..
"Oh.. Key."
Huh... Nina?
"Are you fine? You looked pale.."
Right.. I don't feel well.. I need to go to the school's clinic.. now.
"Do you need help?"
"No.. I just need to go to the clinic.. I'm fine."
"It's quite far from here.. Are you sure?"
"Y-Yeah..*cough.. I can ma...nage..."
"Key...!? What happened?"
"I don't know.. he suddenly collapsed.!!"
"What do you mean?!"
"Where's the school nurse?"
"She'll be here soon.."
"He's burning up?!"
"Haah?! Really?"
I'm facing the ceiling..
What happened..? Hm?! Why am I.. in the clinic...
She instantly hugged me...
I was speechless.. I couldn't say anything..
"I.. I was really worried..stupid.."
Her hug became tight..Wait! I can't breathe!
"..*cough..*cough..What happened..?"
"Hmmph.. You suddenly collapsed... The nurse said you had a fever.."
Now, I remember.. I was with Nina that time..
"What are you doing here? What about the class?"
"The class ended already.. You were asleep.."
I missed it huh..
"By the way.. Where's Nina?"
"Oh, she already left.. She told me to keep an eye on you.."
"Wait.. I almost forgot.. The.."
"It's fine. I already know.. She explained it to me while you were sleeping.."
I see...
"Pushing yourself too hard is bad.. so, don't do it again."
"Yes.." I'm the one getting scolded now?
I didn't know it will result to this.. I felt fine when we were doing P.E...
"Here, drink this medicine. The nurse told me to give it you once you're awake..."
Huh... I don't feel sick anymore... What... happened..? Wait..
"Hey, did you cast a spell on me..?"
"W-What do you mean... Spell? Of course not.."
"For some reason.. My fever has gone down.. I don't feel sick at all.."
"It must've been the medicine!"
Medicine..? I don't think it's that fast..
"D-Didn't I tell you already? I can only use 'heal' on wounds.. Illnesses are not possible.."
Stuttering up and all.. You're clearly lying..
"Uhm...The nurse said you need to drink this medicine she gave me.. After dinner.. and you need a lot of rest... Hmm..What was it again? You're.. 'discharge' now.. That's all."
Discharge..? This only the school clinic, not a hospital!
"Let's go home! Lilith is waiting for us.."
You mean, waiting for something to eat..
"Hehe.. It's my turn to nurse you know.."
"Nurse..? I am already fine."
"No, I won't accept it. You need to rest."
*sigh..."Fine, Fine..."
-- Kukukuku... I summoned you from your deep slumber.. Now! I need you to do something for me..
A witch summoned..me? Hm. I don't have time for a weakling like you..
Wha?! No time..? All you did was to sleep!
Sleeping is much more important than doing your chores for a mere witch...
I am no simple witch! I'll show you how great I am!
You are a loud one for a witch..
Just shut your mouth and listen to me!
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