《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 10: Explanation


"Haha...pardon my intrusion.."

Pretty late, since you're already inside..

"Your clothes are soaked in water...you should change."

"Who is this sly fox, human?"

"Sly..fox, could it be that you're referring to me..?"

"That's Nina.. Don't start a fight, please."

"I never thought you have 'friends' despite being unsociable.."

"I didn't say anything. She's just a classmate."

"Why is your 'female friend' here, then?"

Female friend.. classifying now?

"Save the questions later.. Use the bathroom over there, I'll give you something to change with."

"Hmm.. Ok."


"Are you sure this will fit?"

"I'm not sure. That's why you need to try it."

"Woah! I didn't know you have girly clothes.."


"What are you saying? Those are not mine!"

"Haha.. I know.. I was kidding~"

And it was not funny.

"Eh..? The clothes are a bit tight.."

"What do you mean?"

"The clothes..doesn't fit.."

Hm, maybe their sizes are different..

"Does she have any sizes?"

"I don't think so.. those were her large ones.."

"L-Large? These clothes?"

"Large. Yes."

"Hmm.. I'll use yours then."



"Her large ones won't fit.. I suppose, yours will do.."

Haaa.. I did offer her to change..

"Fine.. I'll get mine."


"Hmm, This one fits!"

Good to hear.

"Hehe, don't worry.. I'm just borrowing."

Of course you are!

"Heh, I'm done. Does it look good?"


"What's with that disgusted face..?"

It doesn't look good.

"Aren't you happy? You got the chance to have a girl wear your clothes."

"No, why would I.."

"Hmm~ It won't work if it's me huh.."

"What do you mean?"

"You want to see her, wearing your clothes..right~"

"W-What?! Nonsense.."

"Just from that reaction, I can already tell."

"Tell what, d-drop it already."


"Hm, fine. You're blushing already."

"I'm not!"

I was caught off gaurd..

This girl is bad news.. I need to be careful..


"It's time for me to ask some questions."

"About what?"

You sound clueless..

"How did you manage to find this house?"

"Hm... I.. was following you.. on your way home."

Woow... I didn't notice anything.

"Why would you follow me?"

"I was really.. hehe, curious.."

"Hmph. Who's not being careful now, human?"

I know... you don't have to rub it on my face..

"It's my turn to ask questions now!"

She sounds excited by that tone..

"What is it?"

"You lived in the same house, right?"

"Yes.. "

"Hmm.. What's your relationship with her?"

Ah.. How should I put this..

"She... she is.."

"Come on.. what is it?"

"Hmm.. she came from the family my parents knows.. now she's currently living with me."

"Huh... That's it?"

"It's.. complicated."

"So you're not really related by blood?"

"We are not.."


This is good. I manged to dodge the question!

"Who is this kid then?"

"Her.. her sister."

"Me? I'm not--- Hmmm!"

I quickly covered her mouth before she says something horrible.


"That was nothing. Haha.."

Just play along damn it!

Lilith made an eye contact.. Good, now she's cooperating with me.

She removed my hand covering her mouth.

"Hm, Yes.. I am her sister. Despite the appearance, you need to be respectful when talking to your elders."

"Elders? Who?"

"Me, human."


I told you to cooperate, but not like this!

"She's just a delusional kid.. that's all."

"D-Delusional?! What did you say?"


"Uuuu... Why'd you hit me?!"

"Hey, Key! That's bad. Hitting children and all.."

Lilith started crying and hug Nina from the side.


Since when did you become that close?!

"He's a bully...*sniff.."

Nina looked at me with piercing eyes...



"It's not that hard--"


"I..I'm sorry."

"Don't cry now anymore ok?"

"..*sniff.. Ok.."

I bet you're happy now.

"Hm, Reina is sleeping right now right?"

"I guess. You want to check on her?"

"Can I? I may disturb her.."

"It's fine, she wouldn't mind it."


"We're coming in."

She's sleeping soundly..

"How is she?"

"She's fine.. she already took a medicine."

"Is that so, thanks.. my worries are all gone now."


She leaned over the bed.

"Let's go down now."

"You won't talk to her?"

"No, it's fine.. I don't want to disturb her sleep. She's having a good dream."

Dream? It must be food again..


"Then, I'll be taking my leave now."

"Be careful on your way home."

"I know how to defend myself."

Self defense huh..

"Oh, about your clothes.. don't worry, I'll wash it first before I give it back to you."

"Clothes doesn't really bother me that much.."

"Hm~ So, can I keep it?"


"Hahahahaha.. Make sure to take care of her properly."

"That's what I'm doing."

"Hm, I trust you."

"Wait, about what you saw.."

"I won't tell anyone."


"See you in school~"

*sigh.. It's done...

"I can eradictae her if you want."

"No.. Don't."

Do you even have an ounce of power to use?

"You can sleep in my room."

"A sudden change of heart now?"

"No, it's better if you sleep in my room. Since I won't be sleeping there."

"I see, where are you going to sleep then?"

"On the couch.."

"Oh.. don't you dare take chances just because she's sick.."

"I'm not that kind of person."

I need to take care of her the whole night..

Wait, I almost forgot.. the cold compress..


"Hnng..mm.. what are you doing..?"

"I'm putting cold compress. Stay put."

Hmm.."How do you feel now?"

"Um.. not sure.."

"I just wondered.. Can't you use your healing spell?"


What's with that realization now?

"Apparently I can only use 'heal' with wounds.. when it comes to this.. it's not possible."

Not possible huh..

Why do I feel like all your spells are limited to such things.

"You're not going to sleep?"

"I'm fine. I'll sleep later."

"I'm sorry for being a burden now.."

"You've been a burden, since the first time we met."

"Still cruel as ever.. Hahaha.."

"I'm not."

"You're so straightforward.. (mumble) that's what I like about you.."

"Did you say something?"

"Nothing. That was nothing."

I see.. I think you're fine already.

"Go back to sleep now."

"What about you?"

"I'm gonna be downstairs and finish some chores."

"Eh.. I thought you're going to stay for a bit.."

"Why would I?"

"Hmm.. To make sure I fully recover."

"The way you're acting now.. I think you've recovered already."

"Hm? *cough *cough.. What?"

"Stop pretending."

"I'm not! Check my temperature."

"Fine. I'll check it."

It's 36°C....

"You're fine already, look."

"What?...... 36.. Ah.."

"You just need proper rest..*sigh I need to do some things. Sleep now."

She covered herself with the blanket.



I forgot... to tell her about what happened..

Ahhh... I'll just tell her tomorrow..

The fact that she's a witch is still a secret..

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