《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 9: The Witch Got Sick


"Hey. Wake up. You'll be late."

She's not responding..


"Did something happen?"

"She won't wake up. She needs the kiss from the prince."

Is that so?

"Ouch, come on... You don't need to hit me. I was just kidding..hmm."

"Tell me, what happened to her?"

"A disease that witches only have. It's inevitable.."

"Huh..you mean fever?"


I knocked on the door to check on her. "I'm coming in."


She's lying on her bed... Her room is a bit mess...

I touched her forehead,..her temperature is quite high..


"Sorry,.. I woke you up.."

"E-Eh? Why are you here? Am I late?"

"Well, yes.."

"Wait..I'll get changed first.."

"No, stay here. It'll get worse if you go to school."


"You're sick.."

"I'm not. Believe me.."

"Here, thermometer. Use it."

"I told you I'm not sick.. no need for that."

"Use it, now."



Hm? 37 degrees...

"No. I told you it'll get worse."

"It's only light..and I'm not that weak.."

"Yeah, Reina.. he's quite worried about you.."

"I'm not.. Don't make it hard for me. Just rest."

It's a pain, taking care of someone..

"I'm leaving now.."

"Hey, human."


"Stop putting up a cold outward appearance.."

"What do you mean.."

"I know that you're worried about her."

"I-I'm not. I'll be late now, just take care of her."

"Pft, you don't need to tell me that."


Looks like it's going to rain later huh.. It's a bit cloudy..

"You spacing out or something?"

Hm?...It's her again..

"What do you want?"

"I just want to ask, where's Reina?"


"She's sick.."

"How did you know that she was sick?"

"I mean,. maybe she's sick. As you can see, she is not here today.."

"Hmm.. I see."

That was close...."Why did you ask?"

"You lived in the same street right..."

"We do, but I don't know anything."

"If you say so.."

Does she know? It feels like she's trying to hint something..

"Get back to your seats! Class is starting.

So, do we have any absents today?"

"Miss, It's only Reina."

"Hm, who can give her the handouts? Anyone who knows where she lives?"

"It's Key! They lived in the same street."

"Oh~ They're neighbors.."

"Is that why Reina is bit close to that guy?"

"Who knows.."

Damn you, Nina!

She smiled at me..

It's not funny!

"Then, print the handouts later and give it to her."


Actually, that's a good idea.. No one needs to know where she lives..huh

I should thank her after all..


The class ended, I feel like we're going to have a suspension tomorrow.. the weather is getting worse.

I printed all of our lessons for today.. I don't even think she'll read all of this.

"So! You're going home?"


That scared me..

"Hahaha, my bad.. I didn't know our cold prince can make those faces.."

I'm human too, you know?

"Cold prince? Is that what they call me?"

"You're pretty popular for other girls, being the quiet and serious type.."

Huh, I didn't even know.

"You're done? I feel bad for pushing you to this. So I decided that I'll be the one to bring those handouts to her. You can tell me where she lives."

I happy that you felt bad, but I change my mind.


"It's fine. There's no need for you to go there. I can give it to her."

"It will trouble you right? I will do it then."

"No, I'm not troubled. I'll do it, since I know where she lives.."

"Hmm? What's this, you really want to visit her house?"

"No. I'm her classmate."

Because it's my house too!

"Hey, I am also her classmate."

I keep refusing her pleadings..

"Fine.. Just greet her for me."

"That will do."


It started raining already.. I need to go home now.

No one is following me right?

I looked behind to make sure if someone is following..

*sigh.. This means I'm safe..

Hmm.. I can cook for her.. I think we have ingredients in our house.. I think a simple rice porridge will do.

"I'm home.."

"Welcome back, human."

"Hm. What happened here?"

"I made here drink a lot of water and rest."

"Oh, good. I'll start making rice porridge now."

"What's that?"

"A food that she can eat.."

"C-Can I also eat that?!"

"You can.. Just wait, for few minutes."

"Ok! I can wait."

Why are you getting hyped?

You're not even sick the sick person here..


*sigh, "I'm done.."

"Hmm?! You're done, sorry I dozed off.."

"Here, bring this--"

"Can I eat this now?"

She's too fixated on the food..

"What? No, bring this to her room and feed her.."


"You'll get your share once you are done.."


"Go, now."



Huh.. that was quick..

"How was it? Did she say something?"

"Hm.. It was delicious."

"You didn't eat it, did you?"

"I-I did not..."

"I won't give you your share then."

"What..?! No.. She said she doesn't have any appetite, it'll be bad if the food gets cold right.."

"Fine, you can have it.."

"Hehe.. If you want, try persuading her."

"What? Feed her?"

"She will like it, for sure.."

Are you scheming something?


"Hey, I'm going in.."

She's sleeping huh..

"Wake up."


"Why are you so shocked.."

"I haven't fixed myself yet..."

"I don't care about appearance. Eat this now before it gets cold."

"I'm not in the mood.."

"Come on. You need something to eat."

"F-Feed.. me.."



"My arms feel weak.. I don't think I can eat this by myself."

Lame excuses..

"Fine. Make sure you'll finish this up."

"Hehe.. Yes."


"Ugh... It taste bland.."

"That's normal. You need to finish this up."

"Hmm...Ok. Aaah mmm..."

"Stop complaining. This is for your own good."

"I..know.. Mm..."

"There, we're done.. I'll go downstairs and get you some cold compress. Just wait."

"Mmm~..I want to eat some sweets."

"No. You're sick.."

I went down to make a cold compress for her..

"We have someone outside.. Some of your acquaintances, human?"

Acquaintances.. Me?

"W-Who is it?"

"She said it was 'Nina'.."


As I checked outside the door..

She was standing there..

"Hehe.. Hi..?"


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