《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 13: Amusement Park Crisis (2) Haunted House!


I'm tired... Looking for the two won't do us good... "Have you tried calling them?"

"I did... but it looks like her phone was off."

Or she intentionally doesn't want to answer..*sigh. Just where are they...?

"Let's not waste our time looking for them.."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"We don't know their whereabouts.. And I'm sure their enjoying their time now.."

"So I'm suggesting...that we should go home."

"What are you saying? We should have some fun too.."

"If you want to, do it yourself."

"It's my first time here...I want to be accompanied by you.."

"What? I refuse..."


"F-Fine.. I'll make an exception since it's your first time..."

...Why does it need to be specifically me?

She must've been really excited huh.. Her smile was gleeful as ever.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm~ There's a lot..."

As expected...

"The first one you want to go?"

"Haunted House."


You're bad with scary stuff like ghosts and such.. But you're first choice is to go to a Haunted house?!

"Why... Haunted..house.?"

"Hmm? The place looks cute."

The haunted house itself have stuff toys like monsters outside.. Why would you put something cute if you want to scare off people?

"Huh, that's given already.."

What's up with this haunted house..?

"Hey, what do they have inside?"

You went for the haunted house yet you don't even know what it was all about? Well, It is easy to be misleaded if the haunted house looked cuddly and cute..

"You seriously don't have any clue what it is all about?"


Hm.. you'll find out soon..

She looks really excited though... I hate to break it to you but it's not something you will like..


They gave us lamps before we go inside the haunted house.. Are these the only source of light we have inside? This is something new for me, the owner really put this to a next level...


"T-This is...?!"

We're inside... Must be a big shock for her..

"The haunted house."

"But the outside..."

"A way to attract more customers.."

"Oh, I see. Let's leave now shall we?"

Too fast! You're backing out now?

"We already went in... it's a waste if we didn't finish this through.."

"Mm.. Well then..."

Woah, what's this? There's no sign of hesitation coming from her.. Did she manage to face her fears now?


Uh.. What?

"I think you got it wrong, that's the other way around.."

"Hmm? You mean, Ladies Fir--,.. I don't know what you're talking about"

"Hey, it just slipped your tongue.."

"Slip, what? That was nothing.."

I heard it, without a doubt.

"Let's just continue.. Ok?"


In the end.. I still went first. She starts grabbing my shirt from behind..

Ugh...I can't move that much..

"Hey, I can't walk properly..could you.."


"There's nothing scary.. They only have creepy props all around us.."

"I'd rather have those cute monsters as props here!"

Then this place wouldn't be called a hanuted house, would it?


We've been walking for few minutes now... How big is this haunted house?

They only have creepy dolls for display... This haunted house is quite boring..

It got me disappointed all of a sudden..

"Are we there yet?"


"The exit..exit!"

I don't think so, this place is pitch black. We only have these old looking lamps as a source of light.

"Why don't you at least open your eyes for once?"

I don't want to see horrifying things.."

"Im telling you, It's not that scary.."

"Are you s-sure"

"You can't see that much. These lamps given to us were a little bit fainted.."

"Hm? You're right... I can't see a thing.."


Ow.. I think I bumped something..

"What is it?"

"I don't know... "

I lighted the part I bumped to.. ?? "It's just a demon.."


It looks real...


"This guy has two horns sticking out of his head.. It's well made.."

A good looking... statue? I don't know how to describe it.

H-Huh, It's somewhat breathing..? Is the a new mechanism they added..? Improvements could be scary sometimes..

"The way it looks... It looks sleeping.."

"We should leave it already.. demons are bad omen. They tend to be dangerous.. I don't like them."

"You seem to know a lot about them.."

"Not really, I just learned some of it when I was a kid.."

"Hmm, so demons are real?"

"I haven't seen one.. but we, witches.. can summon demonic beings and monsters.."

Hoo~ That's interesting..

"Can we drop this topic and move now?.. I don't want to stay here any longer.."

"Fine..Fine.." Now I'm getting more curios about her...


We're not getting anywhere... This is way too long! There were no turning points either..

"I'm having a bad feeling about this.."

Me too, I feel like like we're stuck here..

"Good thing, we still have these lamps.. but they looked like they're about to die any moment now.."

At times like this..raising a death flag won't do us good.

"Can't you just cast a light magic as a source of light?"

"What if people sees it..?

I'm not sure, but I'm feeling something bad..

"My chest.. feels stuffy right now. I'm having a hard time to breathe.."

"Are you ok? We can sit down for a while.."

"I'm fine.... We need to reach the exit.."

I know but how?


What was that..? "Did you hear something?"

"I heard a creaking sound.."

"Whatever it is... something moved."

"H-Hey.. Don't scare me like that.."

"I'm not. Just calm down..."

It's too dark to see... Our light wouldn't do much...

"Dolls! I saw a dolls lying on the floor.."

I almost forgot... This was a hallway of creepy dolls..

"They're not the one who made the sound right? Right?"

She's getting paranoid now...

"Of course not.."

Hmm... These dolls looked different from before...

"Why are you examining them?"

"Nothing, these dolls feels kinda eerie.."

*thonk *thonk

"Was that footsteps..?"

"Maybe it was just the speakers"

I wonder if they have sound systems here..? I can't really see the whole place..

Man, They really got us good with the atmosphere here.

"We should head for the exit now."

I don't see any signs of the exit..

"L-L-Look.. The dolls are all facing the same way."

Facing? Hm, they're facing us..

A child's laugh echoed through the place..

That's a bit startling...

She started to grab me from the back.

"Hey... I told you already, it was just the sound system.."

Huh... The dolls... They were all smiling...

In situations like this... You only need to get out of this place..quickly!

"Come on. We're getting out."

As we paced our walking.. Something was following us from behind..

This not good! When I said this has gotten boring.. I was wrong! This is too much!

I spoke too soon. I regret saying that...

The footsteps behind us were gradually getting louder..

We're getting chased by creepy looking dolls..!

Aaaaaaah! I'm never going back here!


We finally got out...Haaa.... That was very tiring..

Something weird happened back there... And I don't even want to know what it was..

I really thought we're gonna be stuck in that never-ending hallway..

"I... I hate haunted house... Hey... Can I blow this place up..? Hahahaha...."

"Hold it! Don't... That's a bad idea.."

She's starting to chant her spells now..

"Get a hold of yourself!"


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