《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 14: Amusement Park Crisis (3)


"Here, my treat."

"Seriously, you don't need to treat me.. I have my own money.."

I felt partly responsible since I forced her to continue..

All I did was to distract her with food, to lighthen her up..

Because of the traumatic events she has gone through on that certain place.. It'll take her a long time to recover.

She's really serious about blowing up the whole place, I don't want to be affiliated with a psychotic witch..

I need to choose my words carefully from now own.

"The teacups.. looks fun!"

The what now?

I didn't expect her to be this excited, instantly..

"Look! Its rotating.."

The teacups... I'm not very good with things like that.

"Let's go there!"

"I'm not sure, can we skip this one.."

"No can do. We're going."

She instantly grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the place.. I feel like vomiting right now, just remembering the word 'spinning....'

Actually... I changed my mind..!

...Huh..? She won't let go of my arm.. What's with this inhuman strenght!?..

Her grip tighthened..

"H-Hey... the way you're holding my arm is a bit.."

"Hm? I..can't..hear you~ Oh, look.. we can sit there!"

"I'm not really good with things spinning.."

"We're here already, there's no backing out now.. Heh."

She smiled maliciously.

I see.. a payback for what I did to her on that place.. I was the victim too, you know.


The ride made me very nauseous.. I keep vomiting. Thanks to this girl beside me...

"Why are you glaring at me..."

The ride spins by itself but some idiot thought that it woud be so much fun to add a wheel on the middle of the teacup so the people on it can make it spin faster....

"O-Ok.. I'm very sorry.. I guess it was too much for you.."

I'm starting to feel sick.. "Let's move to another place.. I don't want to remember this horrifying experience."

"Yeah... This place was too much for us.. "

Looks like we have something to agree on.


"What are those booths for?"

Booths..? You mean..

"They have cute bears.. I want one too..."

"You can't just have one. You need to play their games. The stuff toys are rewards for the player."

"I see.. that's how it goes.."

"It's not free. Of course you need to pay for the fee to play the game."

"Hehehe.. We don't really need to pay."

She flashed her one and only ticket at my face.

"I get it, I get it... It's an 'all free' ticket.."

I guess these tickets we had even covers for the games here.

"I'm up for the challenge! I'll claim the very cute prize!"


"What are you going to play?"

"S....Shooting range? Sounds fun. I'll have it."

That's the hardest one as what I can remember.. hitting the target. Well, I did pretty well when I was a kid though.

"It's your first time here.. it would be much better if you go for the easiest one."

"What do you take me for? This is so simple."

"If you say so. Goodluck."


"..*sniff...*sniff... I...can't hit it at all...*sob.."

Why are you crying?

"We can play at other booths come on.. you don't need to get all worked up on that shooting range."

"....But I want to win and get the stuff toy.."

This is not the only booth with stuff toys as a prize, you know...

"Hmph.. One more game!"

Again..? The last one was your ninth game already...

It's not like we've really spent any money here.. except for food.

"Haa... Ok, one more game.."

She is as brightful as before.. How quick...!

"Why are smiling?"

A while ago, you were crying like a child..

"I'm feeling confident. I feel like I can hit targets now.."

Confident? Hit the targets..? I don't believe your words at all.

"....Foreseeing Eye!..."

Her eyes glowed...

"Hmm~ Now I can go for another round, Hm--"

So your last resort is to cheat huh...

"O-Ouch... It hurts.. stop pulling my cheeks.."

"Why are you cheating?"

"Mmm...O-Of course, the game was rigged. I don't have any options.."

No, it was just you who's accuracy is bad. Don't blame the game for not hitting the target.

"I'm sorry..! Please... stop pulling my cheeks.."

"No...more...cheating. Hmm?"

"Chu.... Yes...."

For some reason, I'm not convinced with her heartfelt apology.

"Hmmmph... My face looks reddened.."

"It's your punishment.. for cheating."

"..So unfair.. Hmmmmph!"

You're the one who's unfair here, cheating by the use of spells..

"But I really want to get one...."

"I already told you, go for the easiest one. "

"Fine... I'll check the other games as well."


This is tiring me out... "Hey, can we stop now?"

"N-No... *sniff...hmmph... Why..?!"

She played all games they have here.... but she keeps losing.

All I did was to watch her fail miserably...

There's no helping it. This girl is a lost cause...

"These games are totally rigged!"

Hm, that is right. Most games in amusement park are somewhat rigged.. that's why winning chances are very low.

It's to make us spend more money in these type of games... But she uses a free pass for all the games..

Her chances of winning hit the mark of zero..

"Cheer up. Stop crying over it..."


"I want one......"

She's bawling out of tears... I can't stand watching her in this pitiful state..

"..*sigh... I'll give you one. So stop crying already."

"Hmmm... I'll have you know. Games here are severely hard."

Don't put me at the same page as you. I'm pretty sure I have chances of winning.. I hope so.

... I went back to the shooting range she played a while ago... I told her to wait at the bench by the ferris wheel..

"Going for another round again? Hahaha.."

"Y-Yes..." Seems like he recognized me..

Just holding the toy gun takes me back to my past.. A very nostalgic feeling of my childhood... I honestly don't know if I can still do it.

I just need to put my trust on luck here.. !


"Gah! How?.."

Hmmm? I got the target..?!

"You're unbelievable, son.. You got it on first try."

"Ahaha... Thanks.."

Seriously... How? I can't believe myself..

"I've seen something amazing, I'll give you that."

"I'll take that as a compliment. Haha.."

"With that, you can choose any price here!"

"I see, that bunny over there, please."

"Hmm, well we have a bigger teddy bear here.. It's your choice, Here."

I wonder if she'll like this bunny... Hm.

"Smiling aren't we? Giving that to your cute girlfriend a while ago?"

"G-Girlfriend? No... I think you're getting the wrong idea, mister."

"With that! I'll give you this pair of keychain. For the both of you. Hahaha, make sure to give this to your girlfriend."

He's not listening at all..!

"Uhm, thanks for this.."

The keychain he gave to me was the mascot of the amusement park. It was a cute little bear and bunny..

Well, he's one of the nice people I've met so far...


As I made my way through the ferris wheel, I saw two familiar faces..

"Oh, look.. It's Key!"

"Slow poke for a human.."

Nina and Lilith...

"Fancy meeting you here."

"So~ Did the two have some fun time together?"

I'm not sure.. It was a bit terrible..

"Fun..? I guess."

"Did something bad happened to Reina, human?"

"Haha.. No. Nothing of sort happened."

"Y-Yeah.. nothing of sort."

Getting hit on by the people here.. I would like to forget about it.

"Where were you guys? You're a pain to find in this enormous place.."

"Nevermind that. It's irrelevant."

How's that irrelevant?

"Then, we can go home now right? The sun is setting already."

"Wait! Not yet.. The ferris wheel."

Saving for the last, ey?

"Go with Nina.. I'll stay with--"

"What are you saying? I'll stay here with Lilith."

What? You want me to go with her?

"Stay with me? I didn't know you were into kids.. what a pedo. Heh."

"Hey, I'll ration your food next week."

"I was kidding. Of course."

"Now, Now... Just accompany her inside. Do you have any objections, Reina?"


That was a quick answer....

Nina pushed the both of us inside.

"Hit it!"

"Yes, my lady."

Lady..? What? Does she have some higher status here?

The door instantly closed and the cart started moving.

Wait, this is a good chance to give the prize..

"H-Here... the thing that you want.."

I gave her the bunny I got as a prize from that booth..

"I don't know your preferences about things like these.. I just picked what look cute from there"


"You don't have to say it. If you didn't like it.."

"No, I love this bunny! I feel like I have a familiar now."

That's good to hear..

"I love you.."



Hmmm? What did I just hear...?

"I love you... Mr.bunny."

Ahaha.. Of course it's the bunny..! Stop assuming things, Key!

"Hm? Did something happened?"

"Don't mind me.."

"Look, the sunset..."

"I know, we have the best view here from the top."

"It's beautiful.. I hope we can go here again and watch the sunset. Together.."

"Yeah, why not."

"I'll be waiting for your invite, Hehe~"

I almost forgot.. the pair of keychain the nice mister gave to me..

"There's one more.. an additional prize from that booth."


"It was a pair of keychain... you get to choose what you want."

"The bunny... what a cute little thing"

"I'll have the bear then.."

"Hm.. you say it was a pair of keychain.. Doesn't that... makes us a pair.."

"I-It's not like that.. I... I mean, I don't know."

"W-Why are you blushing?"

"You too..."

"Why is it so hot here.. Haha..."

It's getting kinda awkward...


"Hm? What's with the two of you?"

"Nothing" 2x

"Hoo~ Something must've happened.."

"No, we're fine..totally.."

"Nothing happened."

"Is that so, Let's go home now. You're still making us dinner, human."

Are you not full? All you've been doing was to eat with Nina.

"I'll be looking forward on your cooking later for dinner."

"Hey, how'd it go with Reina?"

"What do you mean..?"

"I planned everything. I'm pretty sure you get what I mean."

"I feel like throwing you somewhere."

"How mean, that's not like you."

"Stop bugging me, nothing happened."

"Hm~ I know, something developed inside you."

There's none..

"Leave me alone."


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