《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 15: The Sloth and The Self Proclaimed Rival
"You sloth!"
"Yes, I am a sloth."
"Tch. I told you to scare her properly!"
"I did my job already.. don't yell at me."
"You..! You're pissing me off!"
"Hm, I see... That's good then."
"Wha-?! You useless demon!"
"It's your fault for summoning me."
"All you did was to laze all day!"
"It's my lifestyle."
"I summoned you! You're supposed to follow my orders."
"Like I want to be ordered... *yawn with childish pranks.."
"Childish..?! Hnng.. Fine! I thought of a better plan this time.. Hehehe..Hehehe..Hahahaha!"
"Hmmm...This girl.... What a pain to deal with.."
"As I was saying... Don't eat all of it!"
"Hmm~ It's so good."
I can't keep up with these two... "Hey, we're saving that for dinner!"
"Mmmff! Nooom!"
'Don't talk when your mouth is full' is what I should be saying.
"What a cheapskate. Be more generous, vermin."
Wait. I'm even lower than a human?
"Shut up. I don't have that much money."
I don't earn my own money..
"Hmm... "
"What is it, Lilith?"
"I sensed something.. Someone's presence.."
"Are you sure? I don't sense anything.."
"What are you two blabbering about?"
"Apparently, she sensed something bad.."
Something bad.... "I'm sure it was just your imagination."
"Hmm, I may have grown a little weaker.. but I'm sure with my senses.."
In size also.
"Ok, Ok.. We need still need to go to school. Let's just continue this later."
"Right.. I almost forgot.."
Almost forgot? You're dressed up in uniform already.
"I'll leave the house to you Lilith."
"Hm, I need to look up some things."
Her face looked very stern..
"Hey...*nom nom Wait for me!"
"Ugh... Why are you eating so much.."
"Your cooking was so good. How can I help it?"
"You won't fool me."
"Eh.. but it's the truth.."
As we arrived in school. I felt something... I don't know what it is, maybe I'm just a little tired...
"Good..morning.. Reina."
"Good morning, Nina... Hm? You look sleepy."
"Hmm? Sleepy? I'm the... same as..always."
Same as always? It's different from what I depicted all the time. A change of personality?
Usually... she would be the one to greet us with more energy every morning.
"Oh, you're here.."
You just noticed?!
"You don't look energetic at all.."
"Haha..haha...... Mmmm..I am..."
Oi, don't sleep while standing. "Wake up."
"Hm? What..*yawn.. happened?"
"Looks like you were half asleep."
"Are you okay, Nina?"
"I'm fine. For some reason, I'm feeling tired today."
Not only you, I think it's the same case with everyone here...
"Hm?! What happened to everyone? They're all sleeping.."
"You were here first, why are you asking us?"
"Uuuu...my memory's kinda fuzzy.. I don't even know how I got here.."
You don't even know how you got here?
"That's weird... maybe because you were half asleep?"
"Might be.. I still feel tired..."
I don't think being half asleep would result to temporary memory loss..
"Class...is........starting. Go back to...your... seats...."
Even the teacher. He doesn't have any energy at all.
What just happened?
It's not that I'm complaining.. I've been longing for this. A quiet one..
..This...this is completely different from the lively class I know.
Reina was tugging at my shirt like she wants to ask something.
"Hey... Something weird is going on here.."
"Yeah. When I'm with you, something weird always happen."
"Hmph... It's not always.. I-I mean, I'm not weird..!"
You just said it yourself....
Hmmm... She's right, I'm getting a bad vibe from this school. Though I can't explain what's going on here..
Everyone looks like a zombie at this point.
The whole discussion makes me want to sleep. I tried my best not to.. I don't want to be called out again.
Everyone stood up and walked out the classroom very slowly.. Not the usual chaotic one. I thought lunch break will liven things up..
"Nina~ Let's eat lunch together. .Hm? Nina?"
She's sleeping with her arm crossed on the table.
"Hmmm? I want to sleep more.. I don't want to go to school..!"
But you are in school already.. "Wake up. It's lunch break."
"Mmmm.. Hnngg... I still feel tired.."
"What did you do last night?"
"I don't know.. I slept early, for sure. My parents won't let me stay up late."
Pft... "Maybe a bad karma for what you've been doing.."
"What..did you say?"
Her glare is way scarier than I thought. It sent chills down my spine.
"Nothing.." I'll just leave for know...
I went out to buy something at the canteen..Huh... Everyone's lining up?
They were lining up properly as they pay for their food..
It's a bit weird but I like it this way.. I'm very thankful.
"I'll head to the courtyard then..."
Ow??? "Um.. I'm very sorry.."
"No, It's fine. I was not walking properly."
There are dark circles under his eyes. Making him look like he hasn't sleep for days.... Hmm? Who is this guy?
"Hmm...you want to ask if I'm new here? I was just passing by."
Not really. I wasn't planning to.
...Passing by? Does this school accept visitors and let them roam around the school by themselves?
Well. I don't want to keep my food waiting. "I'll go ahead then."
"I'll see you later, that's for certain."
Hm...? What did he say? We're going to see each other later..
We both walked on our separate ways. I'm not sure if he's fine though. He was walking sluggishly....
What a weird guy... at least he's kinda normal..
With that in mind. I finished the last bit of my food.
It's almost time.. I should head back now. I'm not even satisfied with the school's lunch. I'll just prepare my food next time...
...I made my way back to the classroom. I had a sudden uneasy feeling..
I felt drowsy... I couldn't walk straight. As if someone injected a sleeping drug to me.
Before that.. Was my food drugged? No no no.. wait... I felt pain at the back of my neck...
I tried to continue but I feel like my body's giving...up--
"He's done for good. Kukuku.. My plan's working."
"Is this necessary?"
"Huh?! Of course it is. Wake him up now."
"Can't you do it by yourself?"
"Stop complaining. I'm not touching him!"
Gnnnnn.... Argh.... What.....
"You're awake..."
It's the dark circles guy...
"What's going.. on?"
"See. We have you captive. I don't know why but this girl here wants you."
Wait... What? Captive? Why am I feeling the hint of déjà vu...
I tried squirming around. Looks like my hands were tied tightly.
"Sorry about that lad, she used Bind on you."
What's happening? "Bind..?"
"A spell that you're currently in. "
Hmm... let me have a quick guess. They're somewhat related to Reina.. She's the only one I know who's affiliated with weirdos.
"Sorry, I was the one that put you to sleep. I had to use a sleeping needle.. It was very hard you know, I need to be very stealthy... Oh..don't worry, I made sure that I didn't hit any of your vitals.."
What are you, a ninja? .. At least It's all clear now..
"Hm~ You're awake now."
A short haired girl stood in front of me. With her sharp eyes looking directly at me. I feel uncomfortable...
"Don't worry... I won't harm you. If you make any suspicious-"
"Ah, no. I have no intentions of escaping or doing anything whatsoever."
"I-Is that so.. How straightforward of you."
I care about my safety after all..
"Hehe~ I will make her suffer... Hehehehe... Hahahahahaha.."
She's grinning so hard.. "Are you a sadist?"
"Yep. She's a sadist."
"Shut up! You useless demon.. Don't just flatly agree with him!"
"Hm, Yes.. I'm a demon. A demon of sloth."
"I see. So you were the cause.. why people here don't have energy to do things."
"That is true... But all I did was to tire them out. I didn't do any harmful things."
This guy... Is he really a demon?
"Now, Everyone's in deep sleep."
So no one can interfere huh...
"..Hey.... Don't ignore me!"
"Hm?" 2x
"You imbecile water flea! You will only talk if I told you so."
Water flea.... Even lower from what Lilith said this morning.. do these people even recognize me as a human?
"Ugh.. I'm going back to sleep then.."
"Argh.. you good-for-nothing demon! I don't care anymore.."
She looks very aggravated by Mr.dark circles over here. She had a rough time huh..
"..Ahem.. erm.. going back... As you can see... I'm using you as a bait."
"The reason is..to lure out the person I despised the most."
"Who might that be?"
"Stop pretending that you don't know her... it's Reina!"
"Why do I have to be the bait?"
"Hmm? Do you really need to ask for the obvious? You're someone who's important to her..."
"Her b-boyfriend..!"
"No. I'm not."
"You won't fool me! Do you think I'll let you go if you rejected your relations to her!?"
Uh... If you're that naïve.. Yes. I hope you will.
"I had you on surveillance for a while now.. you were showing affection to each other!"
... She was watching us 24/7 "What a creep.."
"Huh!? No..! I-I-I'm not that type of person! You got it wrong.."
Why are you so defensive?
"Nevermind that... You were...this lovey dovey.."
"In what way?"
"Do I really have to go im detail? ..You were having an intimate relationship! Like touching hands or something.."
What's up with this girl. She's glowing with purity...
"Also... She frequently goes inside your room...and watch you while you're sleeping.."
I see... Wait what!? She's watching me?!
"A-Anyways..Be grateful. I haven't finished you myself yet."
*sigh Yeah.. Yeah. I'm very grateful. I'm also thankful for the information you gave me..
"Hmph. You could say that I am her rival."
"Did she do anything to you for you to hate her that much?"
"Hm..? O-Of course... there's.... countless of..reasons."
You don't sound confident at all. You sure you're not self-proclaiming?
"It's started since we were kids... I couldn't win against her.."
"I get the point. I don't need to hear and sympathize with your story."
"Wha--..? Like I'd tell you how pitiful...my childhood is... Hmph. We're not even close."
She started sulking...
"Is this your plan? Wait in one secluded room until she gets here?"
"No. I summoned things to tire her out. Once she gets here, I'll beat her and victory's mine.."
She's a crafty one.. no wonder she keeps losing.
"Let me clear up the misunderstanding... We're not in a relationship at all."
"The fact that the two of you are living together.."
"It's--... Ok, yes. We are living together but we are not lovers."
She got me there...
"Hmph. You can't make up excuses anymore?"
But that is the truth...
"She's close.. Hm~"
I feel like I've been here for long time...
I should give her a piece of mind already..
"I'll give her a distasteful spell.."
"Are you fine with this?"
"Winning by this."
"Of course.."
"She's already at disadvantage. All you need to do is make your one move and it's done."
"Is that the victory you're aiming for?"
"You involved a lot of unrelated people.."
"I didn't harm them..."
"But you're being selfish."
"You did all of this, for yourself... for the sake of winning... But winning this kind of thing.. would it really satisfy you?"
Her gaze slowly turned away.. trying to avoid eye contact...
"I think, giving all your best and winning a fair fight... That's the best feeling of victory."
"What do you know?! I can't win.. I'm too weak."
She started crying...
"That's not true.."
"Everyone has a weakness to show."
Even Reina... she can't even win a single game in arcade...
"If you worked hard enough on your strong points, you will surely win next time."
" Sniff Sniff....I see.... "
She wiped the tears off her eyes..
"I.. I'm very sorry. I shouldn't have done this in the first place.. My desire to win, because of my selfishness.. I troubled a lot of people.. *sob.."
She started crying again... I didn't know she was this sensitive..
The rope tied on my hands came off pretty easily.. although, it left some ligature marks..
"Uhm.. thanks.."
"I'm sorry if I troubled you.."
You already did...
"You can leave now. I'll settle things properly.."
"..Well then.."
Just when I was about to open the door...There was a loud rumbling noise outside the door, looks like it's coming down the hallway....
Someone opened the door before I could open it..
"Keey..! Uweh?!"
I was suddenly pushed down by Reina..
"Gah-... Wait..!?"
She was pinning me down on the floor with a relaxed expression on her face..
"..I'm glad.. you're okay.."
Was she worried about me?
"..I'm fine.. Nothing bad happened.."
"W-W-W-What are the two of you doing? That's very indcent..!"
Realizing what position we are in... Our faces suddenly turned red from embarassment
"Uwa-wa-wa-wa... I-I'm sorry..!"
She started making some weird movements while looking away..
"Hmm? C-Claire?! What are you doing here?"
So her name was Claire huh..
"You.. don't have to call me by my name.."
"Eh..? Why?"
"I-I-I-It's because.... I am your greatest rival..!"
Self proclaiming again...
"Hmm? Rival..? Why are you my rival..?"
"It.. doesn't matter!"
She doesn't even acknowledge you as a rival... I feel sorry for this girl.
".. What should I call you then..?"
"Hm?!.... Erm.... I-I.. I don't know!"
"Looks like she hasn't thought of that part yet.. Hehe.."
Reina mumbled to herself, giving off a soft smile...
"..Hmm... I forfeit.."
"..Sorry for the trouble I caused.."
"Everything that happened here.. it was my fault.."
Claire tried to briefly explain to her about what happened. She even spewed out lies to cover up some things she doesn't want her to know..
"Then.. that's it."
"..I see.."
"Y-You're not mad..?"
What, is she expecting for something more..?
"..No, I am... but you didn't harm everyone here.. and that already.. is fine for me."
Well... she's not that bad in the first place..
"Next time, challenge me properly okay? I'll be looking forward to it.."
There was a glint in Claire's eyes as she heard those words..
"..Of course... I am your greatest rival after all!... Ehehe..."
Everyone here in school was sent back properly. They look like zombies, marching their way through their homes.. The spell was lifted already.. Claire said that they will be awaken by tomorrow..
"..I must take my leave.."
"You don't want to stay at our house for a bit?.."
"It's fine.. I've caused too much trouble. I shall take this worthless demon back to its right place."
"..Hmm~ You should visit us sometime."
"..Well then.."
They vanished into thin air..
"That was something..."
Reina fell to her knees. Unable to move... She looks very exhuasted..
"Are you okay?"
"..I can't feel my legs.. must be from mana exhaustion.."
"Is there no way to treat this quickly..?"
"..N-None.. Since I'm unable to move... Give me a piggy-back ride~"
I don't know why but I can sense a lie in her words...
"You know what, it would be much better if I leave you here."
"Don't be like that! Leaving a frail girl like me.. how ungentleman of you."
Hey, I preserve equality here...
"Ugh.. Fine... I'll carry you already."
... While she's resting her face on my back. I carried her until we get home.
"By the way.. I just remembered something."
"Hm? What is it?"
"What were you doing in my room while I'm asleep?"
"..Ku-.. N-Nothing.."
"Should I drop you here?"
"You know! I need to keep an eye on you. Stating my report to your Mom.. T-That's all.."
Even in my sleep?! I feel like she's hiding something more..
"Let's go home already! Lilith must be worried.."
Trying to change the subject?
"Stop moving.. I might lose my balance.. I'm having a hard time to carry you, you know."
"Wha--? I'm not that heavy.. hmph.."
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