《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 6: Her Secret


"Hmm, seems like she just lost her consciousness. There's nothing bad. You can stay here and watch her over."

Hm, There's really nothing I can do, I need to take stay with her for awhile.. Till she wakes up.

Oh, she's smiling. Is she dreaming something good?

"..Hehe..cakes..ice cream..candies.."

Still sweets huh?

So, about what happened a while ago..

"Hehe..Hehe..Feed me more.."

Don't drool on the pillows!

"Don't!...This is my cake!"

That's a pillow, not a cake.

It's better if you wake up already.


"Where am I?!"



You don't remember?

"You collapsed on the ground after that thing happened."

"Oooh... I'm not sure what happened."

Is she faking it? I can't really tell.

"Ah, she's awake.. I'll check her now. You can wait outside."


"She's fine, her condition is good now."

"Thank you for checking her."

We can go home now.. I'll make her say everything there.

"Come on, let's go."

"I.. I can't move my legs.."


"I can't move my legs.."

What am I supposed to do?

"Carry her back home."

You just said she was fine..

Did you really check her?

"Hmm~ This is nice. You better take care of her."

Why are you getting excited.

"Fine.. I'll carry you.."


On second thought..

"You're quite heavy. There's a still a long way to go.. I should just drop you here."

"Hey! I'm not that heavy... "

"Don't shake me! Do you really want to be drop off here?"


Since I owe her.. This should do.

"Do it properly..I'm falling off."

Stop complaining. You're really heavy.

There's a park nearby..I can finally sit on the bench.

"I'm taking a break..You can sit on the bench."


*sigh..This is so tiring, why can't she move her legs now? I don't think she was injured that time..I'm more worried about the three girls there.

Maybe I can ask her now..

"About what happened in the storage room..."

"There's an ice cream stand there! Buy me one."

Are you trying to dodge my questions?

"This time only..."

"I want a vanilla one! Also chocolate flavor and straberry..put some sprinkles on it."

You sure have high demands for an ice cream.

"No, vanilla only. Too expensive."

"Give me a special treatment~"

How about... no?


"Here. Eat this before it melts."

"I know! I'm not a kid."

"Let me get to the point. What you did in the storage room--"

"Aww~ Those dogs are so cute.."

She's definitely dodging my questioins.

"I wanna have one.."

"What, a familiar?"

"Yes.. a familiar."

Hm. I did it.

"Familiars huh.."

"No! I mean pets! I want to have a dog as a pet!"

She's denying it.

"You're done? Let's go home. It's getting dark already."

"Hmm, ok.."


*sigh.. We're finally home.

I'm tired...

Now I'll make her say it.

I dropped her on the couch and sat parallel to her.

"So, Tell me what happened."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Stop being denial. You were already caught on the scene.

"Come on. Say it already."


"I repeat... Say it--"

"I'm sorry, I'm very hungry..."

Still trying to escape?

"Ok! I'll make the dinner first."



"Stop enjoying it. That was your last bite."

"I'll do the dishes then..

"Oh? Can you?"


"Say it already."

"Fine! I'll say it already..."

"Tell me, what are you?"

"That is...uhmmm....I-I'm.."

You're what? Stop prolonging it and tell me already.




"So what happened in the storage room.."

"I-It was me... I used spells..but I didn't hurt them.."

"When you collapsed?"

"Mana depletion... I overused my mana today.."

"Then..your legs?"

"I'm still recovering it. It'll take hours for me to have it back again.. "

Hmm.. I actually have a set of questions ready.

"When you acted strange like a child.. Was that a spell too?"

"T-That was a potion.. I was trying to make a potion.. That'll make you young, as requested by your Mom.."

No. That seems dangerous. You better not continue it.

"My Mom knows this?"


Huh. That's what she meant by 'special case'..

"When I got hit by the ball.. That was real right?"

"I used 'heal' on you.."

I see! So that pain was real after all.

"When I get see your room. The books with weird transcripts?"

"You get the picture already!"


"What about the audio book then?"

"That was.... That was a grimoire.."

Oh~ that's amazing. A talking grimoire huh?

"Hmm. I just thought, you could've erased their memories at instant. Why do you need to do all of that?"

If you did that. They won't kidnap me in the first place.

"It's because I don't want to trouble you.."

"No, how will that trouble me if their memories were erased."

"I want to resolve the problems properly.. I don't want to use spells. I wanted to live as a normal person.."

"Hm. Is that so."

"And... It'll scare you away if you found out."

"No. I thought it was cool."


"I'm fine with it."

I mean. I didn't really react that much.

"You said you want to live as a normal person.. How would you explain the teleporting?"


"When you were following me."

"Ah.. No, I was quite confident with my running skills."

Huh. So you're faster than me.

"Plus, if I use teleport.. I'll be teleported in a different place."

That's useless spell..

"It's a relief then."


"You don't need to keep this a secret to me."

She just looked down and nod.

"Your secret is fine with me. I won't tell anyone. I won't force you to anything, so rest assured."

"*sniff...*sniff.. "

"Why are you crying?"

I didn't do anything I swear.

"I-I thought..*sniff.. You're going to kick me out once you found out my secret.."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're a cruel person.."

Do you really want to be kick out now?

"I'm not! Ok?"

"*sniff.. Mm.."

She acts like a child sometimes..

"Don't cry anymore ok?"

I can't really kick you out. My expenses will be cut.

"Stay here if you really want to."


"Of course."

"Hehe.. Thank you."

She looks delighted now.

"You have a warm heart, even though you're a cold person."

"Hey, I'm not that bad.."


"Since you can't move your legs. I'll just give you a blanket. You can sleep on the couch."

"Carry me.. To my room."


"Come on~ you're a nice person. I can feel it."

"Do you want me to carry you outside?"

"Hm. Goodnight! Have a good sleep. Hehe."

She's quite cute..

No.. Argh! Stop it.

"Hm? What is it? Did you change your mind?"


What's happening to me..?

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