《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 7: The Grimoire is a Kid?


Mmm...*yawn.. I still feel tired.

"You, over there. What's this place?"

W-What..? Who..? Why is there a kid in my room?

"It's..my room.."

"Your room? Why am I in your room?"

"That's what I would like to ask you.."

Who is this kid?

"What's your name, youngster?"


Youngster? No, I am older than you.

"Who are you? Are you lost? Where are your parents?"

"Huh? You speak rude.. Didn't your parents teach you how to respect elders?"

Is this kid alright?

"Hm, let's go to the police and file a report of a missing child."

"Who are you calling a child?"


"What child?! I'm older than you!"

You sure do, with the way you are speaking.

"Hm. I'll forgive you this time. Go make me some tea."


"You're asking why? You are supposed to serve your guest."

Since when did you become a guest?

You just appeared out of nowhere.

Again.. Why is there child in my room?


"Hey.. Wake up!"


Good. She's awake now.

"Why would you cover my nose!"

"In order for you to wake up."

"Hmph.. It's dangerous you know, I might die.."

"Stop exaggerating. I have something to ask you."

"What? You woke me up just to ask something?"

"Yeah, It's important."

"What do you mean...."

"Who is this girl?"

"Hey! Drop me down! Don't touch me.."

"S-Since.. when did you--"

"Yesterday.. "



"Explain, who is this kid?"

"Eh..Hmm.. It's my child.."

"Who's the father?"

"He left us.. That guy is horrible.."

"I didn't know...How horrible."

"It's fine, I'm sorry for keeping it a secret too.. *sniff.."

"That's a lie. Tell me the truth."

"Ahaha.. It's my cousin."

"Stop messing around.. tell me already."

"It's the grimoire.. her name is Lilith.."


"Ha! Now you already know my name, human!"

"How old are you, kid?"

"Wha?! How dare you ask a lady her age?"


"Why are you laughing?!"

"I'm not.. So, why are you...human."

"I took the form of a human once I'm awake."


"A child?"

"Hmph. I don't have.. that much power.."

"Oh~ I see."

"Haha.. It's a good thing you know each other now."

Yeah, the fact that you were at fault here.

"Make us breakfast, human!"

"I can make one Lillith."

"Hmm? I've tasted yours already.. I want to taste something new."

"Is that so?"

No, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to taste your food again.

"Fine, I'll do it."


"Hmm~ Good job, human!"

Thanks? This is normal though.. Why are you crying?

"Hm? Lilith, you are crying?"

"It's been a long time.. since I tasted something 'normal'.."

'Normal' I get it..

"What's that supposed to mean? Was my cooking not good?"

She just ignored her..


"You did well, human. For that I forgive you."

"Hm, I'm glad you liked it."

"Hwah! I said don't touch me, stop patting me on the head."

This kid is cute.

" I-I'm going to kill you."

"Can you?"

"...No.. Next time, I'll make sure of it."

It's still scary.. Coming from a kid.


"Ok, since we don't have classes today. We'll clean the house and do our homework."


What do you mean 'why'.

"Hmm.. I see. This is good, I need to stretch up a bit too."

"Can you? It may be a bit hard for a kid like you."

"Still treating me like a kid huh? I'm quite strong you know."

Oh, Sure...

"You sure do.. Pft..mmmf."

"Hey! Why are you laughing."

"Key, stop teasing her.. Let's start already."

"Fine.. I won't."


"Key, throw out the trash bags outside."


"I'll do it. If it's that simple. I can manage."

"Are you sure?"

She can't do it, I'm telling you.

She gave the trash bags to her..

"Huh? This feel a bit heavy.. Hnnng.."

I thought you were quite strong.

"It's fine. No need to push yourself too hard."

"No.. I can lift... these.."


"Give it to me. I'll do it."

"Hmph. Fine, it was too simple... I'll give it to you."

That's the second time you said 'simple'

"Just help her with the dishes."

"Hmm fine."


"Don't break the plates.."

"Just washing the plates.. What do you take me for, a careless one?"

I can feel it. Yes.

Can she really do it?

I took out these two trash bags outside..


What's that? I heard some noise inside.

"Aaaaah! Nooo.."



I saw... broken plates.. on the floor.

"Who broke these plates..?"

"We're very sorry.."

"Who did this?"

"The two of us..."

Both of you...

"Don't worry, I can fix these plates with my spells."

"Please do. I don't want to spend more money on replacing each of these."

Can they even do this properly?


In the end, I need to scold them to fix every mess they did.

Did we really clean?

"Where's Lilith?"

"She's sleeping soundly on the couch."

She's a kid after all..

"So, we'll start doing our homeworks now."

"Uhm, can I copy yours? It'll be fast if I just copied your answers."

What a cheater..

"No, I won't let you."

"Eeh.. But I don't know how to answer this.. then, just help me with my work."

I guess that's fine.

"Fine Fine.."


"Hmmm.. How about here?"

"Where? I can't see it properly.."


"W-Why are you sitting beside me?v

You can't see it properly right."

Of all times.. Why do I always get nervous around her when it comes to things like this..

"I-I know but you don't need to be that close.."

"What's wrong with being close?"

"Nothing... Let's continue."


"Is this right?"

"No. Change that one."

"I'm tired..."

It's been only twenty minutes.. and you're already tired?

"No, it's still early.."

"Let's have a break then. A quick one!."

Her face gradually got closer..

"Let's have a break..please."

Too cute!

"Why do you look flushed?"

Because of you!

"Could you move a little.. I can't--"

"I won't move. Hm~"

Hm... I can't take this anymore...

"Fine! We're having a break.."

I was forced..

"I'll wake her up."


"We're going to the park."

Wait, how did that become a quick one?


We're here... at the park.

"Human, what am I supposed to do here?"

"You can go to the playground.."

"What's a playground?"

"Something that you will like, for sure."

"Is that a delicious food?"


"No.. That's for entertainment purposes.."

For kids..

"So, Why are in the park?"

"I want to watch the sunset."


"I want to feel peace sometimes, it ease my mind."

"You're acting weird again.."

Huh, wait.. She's been always weird.

She sat on the bench near the tall tree.

"You can sit you know."

"Beside you?"

"I see no problem with that. Why not?"


Craaap! What's with her now?

"I'd like to watch the sunset with someone I like.."

She faced me with a smile on her face as she said those words.




"Reina! How do use this chair..?"

"Hm? That's a swing. Do you want me to teach you?"


"Let's play then."

Hm, Lilith has this glimmer in her eyes.. She really wants to play huh.

About what she said a while ago...she would like to watch the sunset with someone she likes?

Could it be that she's referring to me- No No No.. That's impossible.. Aaah! I don't know anymore..


"Look at that young family, How cute.."

"You're right. It's rare to see a young family like this.."

Are they pertaining to us?

No.. This is not what it looks like! They're misunderstanding this situation..

"What happened? Your face looks flushed again."

"Nothing.. Don't mind me. You're done playing?"

"She feels hungry, we can eat outside. There's a family restaurant nearby.."

"Ok.. We'll outside for today..."


*sigh We're done..

"She's feeling sleepy already, can you carry her back home."

"Hmm.. Ok."

People were whispering behind us...

I can feel that a big misunderstanding is developing..

"Is there something wrong? Do want to switch?"

"I can manage this. Let's just go home.."


"Give Lilith to me. I'll have her sleep in my room."

I'm tired..

"I feel tired.. , good night then."

Again with that smile... I can't think properly. My heart feels strange..

Aah! I'll just finish my homework then I'll go to sleep.


My life changed already... I want to cry right now.

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