《My Witch-Infested Life!》Chapter 5: Kidnapped



This is a bit conspicuous. We'll travel at the school with the same time, won't they notice it?


"Could you stop following me?"

"What are you saying? This is shortest route to school though.. and I'm not good with directions."

Admit it, you're following me.

"I'll go ahead. I don't want them to see us together. It'll cause problems."

The fact that I'm living alone with a girl.. with the same age. It's definitely wrong.

"Wait. I'll get lost."

I don't care.. you can ask people for directions..

Should I increase the speed of my walk?

I can still hear some footsteps behind me.."Hey."


"Were you not listening?"

(Monotone) "I didn't hear a thing."

I'm sure you did.

"I told you.. right..? Stop following me."

She didn't respond.

I guess I should run now. I quickly sped off to lose her.

So, is she still following me?

I still heard someone behind me as I ran. I'm starting to feel something bad behind me...

"Why are we running?"

"..Stop chasing me! "


Ha....ha... This is far enough.

I think I Iost her already. I don't hear her anymore..

"Where is she?.."

"I'm here."


"How did you get ahead of me? Did you teleport or something?"

"T-Teleport? Impossible...No one can do that kind of thing."

Why do you sound so tense?

I give up.. This girl just keeps on following.


I'm exhausted...

Good thing no one saw us together.

"Oh! It's Reina."

"Ah, Nina."

Sorry... Who?

"Haha. You remembered my name."

"Of course! I have a good memory."

Wait what? That contradicts what you said a while ago.

You full of lies.

"So, you're with Key? Hmm~"

"You know me?"

"What do you mean? She's our classmate."

... Huh.....

The fact that I'm not that sociable. I don't even know their names..

"Hm. So, why are you together? Could it be.. That you're living together?!"

"How d-did you kno--"

"No. We lived in the same street."

"Hahaha. I was kidding."

That was close... "I'll go ahead then. Enjoy your time."

"Ooh~ you're not that bad huh? I thought you were cold as ice."

I am. That's how people see me. Being cold to everyone....


There's still few minutes before homeroom starts..I don't have much to do in this room.

I guess nap will do.



Hmm? What?

"Is Reina here?"

Who are you?

"Why would you ask me? We're not that close."

"Hmmm...Is that so~"

Seriously.. who is this girl?

"Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, I just want to have a friendly chat with her."

Friendly..The way you imply it..I don't think it's friendly at all.

Well, she hasn't done anything wrong. Everyone is nice to her.

"What's your relationship with her?"

"A classmate. That's all."

"That's all, thank you."

She went back to her seat and continue talking with other girls.. That's kinda suspicious.


"So, a tripartite pact was signed by Italy, Germany and Japan. The three countries were called Axis powers."

*Bell rings

"Class is over. Take your break now. We'll continue next session."

I hope I can buy my food before it runs out..

"The two of you! over there."

Again.. Why do I always get targeted?

"Yes?" 2x

"You're in charge with the cleaning today. The new student will be helping you. You got that?"

... With her. Can you please pair me up with someone?


"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to eat my lunch somewhere."

"I thought you always eat your lunch in the classroom."

"It's too noisy."

"Oho~ You sure you don't feel lonely? Hehe."

"No, I'm fine being alone. I'm used to it."

"I'll join you then.."

Why don't you eat your lunch with your friends?


Hm? It's the girl this morning.

"Reina! Let's eat our lunch together."

"Hm? But..."

"Come on, it's fine. I just want to talk to you. I'll introduce you to my friends."


She pulled her away.. I still think that she's up to something bad.


Break is over and she's still not here.

"I'm here..."

"Ms. Reina, you're five minutes late."

"I'm very sorry."

What happened to her? "You ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

She looks very troubled.


So, we're assigned for cleaning cleaning the classroom for today..

She's been quiet for a long time.

Did something happen?

"What happened..?"

"It's nothing. I was just thinking some things."


As I was cleaning my desk... Something fell off.

It was a letter.

I opened the lid and looked inside it.

'I can't say it properly to you. So I'm writing a letter. Please meet me at the back of the school. It's very important.'


Huh. Is this a confession letter? No... The content was a bit serious.

There's no specified time..so I'll finish the cleaning first.


We finished cleaning the classroom. She didn't speak to me.

Actually, she's being distant.

I mean..that's much better right?

"You go first, I need to go somewhere."


She's not asking? This is a first.

I went to the back of the school as what the letter said.

"Do I need to wait here?"

No one is coming though.

This is a waste of time. I should go home...

I felt a sudden hit on my head--


I lost my consciousness...

What happened..? Why is it so dark.

"Our plans failed! What are we supposed to do?"

What are they talking about?

"For some reason, she was able to evade everything."

"Does she use some kind of magic or something?"

I can't move... Wait! I'm tied up.

I can't speak too.. Looks like they cover why mouth with a handkerchief..

"Mm! Mmf!"

"Oh, he's awake now."

Is this kidnapping? Hey.. This is a serious crime..

"Remove his the handkerchief and blindfold."


"It's me. Nice too meet you.."

No. Seriously who are you?

"I heard that you don't even know your classmates..then, my name is Lisa."

Are you stalking us?

"I'm Jane.."


I'm very sorry that I don't know you..but is the introduction really important at this point?

"Where are we?"

"Storage room"


"Why did you kidnap me?"

"Stop with the questions!"

Is she the ringleader?

"It's her fault.. Because of that, we did this kind of thing."

So your last resort is to kidnap me?

"Won't you tell us already.. The relationship between you?"

"I told you. Classmates."

"Don't lie. Jane, show the picture."

Oh, that.

"We just bumped into each other."


Of course I need to lie.

"She's kinda weird you know, she was able to escape the pranks we did on her."

I'm fully aware of that.

"That girl is seriously pissing off..."

She's a good person. She can understand what I feel.

"Dont worry. She'll be here soon, to save you."

Huh. I feel like that is the complete opposite of what supposed to happen here.

"Me? Getting save? I told you.. We don't know each other. So just let me go."

"No. You're still useable."

What. Are you going to kill me after?

"We can't let you escape you know. After all of this mess."

Why are these girls so desperate.

Actually. If you just let me go, things won't get worse.

"You seem very dear to her.. She doesn't want to trouble you. That's why she agreed to our conditions..."

We're busted.

"She texted us. She's going to be here soon."

*sigh... That girl.

"Put back the blindfold and put something in his mouth again."


She lools like she doesn't want to be part of this at all.

"I'm...sorry, I'm totally against this.. We're just supposed to make fun of her..by blackmailing her."

Wait, blackmail? That's still a crime you know..

"It's fine... I understand."

"Hey! What's taking you so long?"

"Eh? Nothing. Just making sure it was tight."

Hm? It was not tight though..

"Yuna, put her on the corner over there where she can't see him."

"Man, you better follow or I'll seriously beat you up."

Scary! She's holding a bat!

"She's almost here. Get ready."


"Haha.. Let's talk this out.. Let him go already."

She came...

"No, I won't!"

"But I did everything you asked for.. You don't need to this kind of thing."

"It wasn't fun at all. Quick! Post that picture already. Let everyone knows."

"Hm? O-Ok.."


"My cellphone! It blew up?!"

Hmm? What's happening..the blindfold is slightly coming off.

"You! How did you do that! So you have tricks up your sleeves huh?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yuna! Bring her down."

"Hey... I don't know how you do your tricks, but It won't hit me."

Wait..is she serious? She's gonna hit her with a bat?!


"What happened! I can't move?!"

She's doing..that...How?

Good! I was able to loosen up everything.

"From this point, I'll erase your memories of what happened.."


"Sleep spell.."

I saw a light emitting from her as she speaks those words..

".. What was that.."

I was lost of words..

She just looked at me and smiled..

Reina suddenly collapsed.

I approached her unconscious body..

I should bring her to the school clinic.. The girls.. They're just sleeping, I'm sure they're fine.


So everything that happened... This mysterious girl.

Just what are you?

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