《Loving Violet》Chapter 4
Violet’s P.O.V.
I couldn’t help but stare out the car window in child-like wonder as we pulled up to the front of the office. He had his very own parking spot at the front of the building.
"Why don't we get out and you can see the whole building without having to have your face shoved against the glass huh?" Cole leaned over and whispered in my ear, causing my neck to erupt in goosebumps and I could feel the heat creep across my cheeks.
Seriously? I just have to have a ticklish neck and him breathing on it does not help!
"Yes please," I gulped trying to keep my focus.
The building had a mix of elegance and modernization. I have never really been to the upper east side because I have never had an excuse to visit until now. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize that the car was parked and that Cole was powerfully striding around the car to my door.
Before I knew it, there he was pulling open my door and bowing for me, in a weird accent he announced, " After you madam." I just giggled, climbing out of the car and placed a soft kiss on his cheek and then walked towards the building with a skip in my step.
Deciding to be rather cheeky I turned around and called out to his frozen form, "You coming slowpoke, Mhmm?" A smirk graced my lips as he shook himself out of the daze he seemed to be in and jogged to catch up with me.
Never in my life have I ever gotten this type of treatment from a man and the look in his eyes, I can see that he surprised himself with this behavior. I couldn’t help but notice that he had this look a lot today. He would say something or do something, realize what he did and then furrow his eyebrows deep in thought.
We walked into the building and I was very tempted to ask him to slow down because his legs were two times the length of mine and it’s not like he was taking small steps. The ride in the elevator brought us to the top floor, Cole grinned at my child-like excitement as I squealed when I took in the incredible view of the city.
“So, I take that you are loving this tour so far,” he teasingly asked me.
I waved my hand in a way that was dismissing him, “You go do what you need to do. I have to take a look around the office and take this all in.” My eyes were wide as saucers and filled to the brim with amazement.
He shook his head in amusement and chuckled to himself. I also could have sworn that I heard him say something under his breath but I was too entrenched in my own world that I just dismissed it.
I wandered around the office and eventually came to big doors with a silver plaque reading CEO - Wentworth Office. I figured that this is where Cole would be so I pushed open the enormous frosted glass doors. I was greeted with a tastefully done waiting area and a front desk with a woman that mid 30’s with a kind face but professional aura.
“You must be the young lady that Mr. Wentworth said would be wandering in at some time.” I shrugged and smiled sheepishly at the kind lady.
“What can I say, I have always been a city girl and loved everything about it.” I tried to explain my actions but I was met with a knowing smile, so I knew that she was just like me.
“I’m sorry I don’t think I ever caught your name. I’m Violet Harrison”
“Nancy Carter, nice to meet you.” She smiled brightly at me. I wandered over to her massive desk with top of the line Mac desktop and notes neatly organized across the desk. The desk was the typical front office desk, where the first part was higher up and then where the receptionist worked was at a lower level.
I placed my elbow on the surface and rest my chin in my hand, making myself comfortable. “So, Nancy, how long have you worked for Cole?”
I knew that she could tell I was just making small talk and most likely distracting her from her work but she was nice enough to entertain me with answering all my questions. “Well in November I will be coming up on my 5th year working for Mr. Wentworth.”
“Wow. So, you would say that you know him pretty well?” I pressed. I am a very good judge of character but with Cole, there was so much more than meets the eye. I just can’t figure him out, he is like this abstract puzzle that I have looked at from so many angles but still can’t fit the pieces together.
“In very little words, yes, I would say that I know him very well.” Before I would blurt out another question, she beat me to it. “How exactly did you meet Cole?”
“Oh, well I was in my favorite little coffee shop when this solid moving mass got in my way, and me being the clutz that I am, of course, ran into him.” I could tell that Nancy was trying to hide a laugh, but she couldn’t help herself. She threw her head back at my outrageous description of Cole and laughed. “I mean seriously, what in the world does that man eat? He fills up the door frame!”
We were giggling like a bunch of naughty schoolgirls and our heads snapped up in surprise when a deep baritone voice cut through our laughter.
“What exactly do you ladies find so funny?” A smile was teasing his lips as he watched us with caution.
We glanced at each other and started laughing all over again because we just got caught laughing at Cole’s expense.
“If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing, I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming”
The wise words of Taylor Swift’s song blared through the room as my phone rang.
Recognizing the ringtone I immediately knew that it was my best friend Georgie. She never called unless it was something important.
“Uh I’m sorry Cole but I have to take this,” I said hurriedly as I dug through my bag. He just nodded his head as if to say okay.
“Hey Georgie, everything okay?”
“Hi babes, I um...” She broke down sobbing. I knew it was bad. In all the years that I had known Georgie, I had seen her cry all of about five times. Two being when a boyfriend she thought she loved cheated on her, once when her dog died, when I moved overseas for a while and once when I saw her again a few years later. Something had happened to make my Georgie cry.
I softly spoke to Georgie, “Hey. Hey. Hey, it's gonna be okay. I can be over at your house in half an hour. I'll bring lots of ice cream and you can tell me who made you cry.”
“Okay. Thank you. I love you... I’ll see you just now.”I could still hear the soft sniffles through the phone.
“Love you too,” I said as I ended the call. Looking up at Cole he just smiled at me as if he already knew what I was going to say.
“I'm so sorry Cole but I have to go, something is wrong with my best friend and she needs me. Maybe we can have a raincheck for that coffee?”
“It's completely fine. Go be there for your friend,” he smiled at me as his thumb caressed my lower back from where his hand had fallen since he found Nancy and I laughing.
“How about we catch a late lunch and if your friend is up for it why don't you bring her to the club opening. Maybe that will cheer her up,” he suggested.
I hugged him in a thank you, promised to meet him for lunch and then rushed out to the elevator, yelling goodbye to Nancy over my shoulder before the elevator doors opened and I started my descent.
I texted Georgie that I'd be there soon, as I hailed a taxi. I hopped in telling the driver Georgie’s address and asked him to stop at the convenience store on her block. Surprisingly there wasn't any traffic and I arrived much sooner than I thought I would.
Armed with enough Cookies and Cream and Chocolate ice cream to feed an entire army. I took the elevator up to the thirtieth floor and knocked on Georgie's door, only for her to open it in her favorite Victoria Secret pajamas and mascara streaming down her normally perfect cheeks.
“George...” I trailed off, wrapping my arms around her tiny frame, my heartbreaking at my best friend falling apart.
Georgie was someone who never looked anything less than perfect, well at least not to the outside world. I had seen all the not so perfect moments. The type of I'm bloated, covered in the food I've spilled everywhere, unwashed hair and still in pajamas moments. I've been there through everything with her as she has been for me. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen. To see her like this broke my heart, it killed me to see my best friend look so broken.
Eventually, I got all the extra ice cream in the freezer and sat cuddled up on Georgie’s bed, running my fingers through her hair, one of her favorite things when she was upset. As we ate our ice cream in silence, I waited for her to start telling me what had happened to make her so upset…
“I um... so I think I told you about that guy that I met at my conference about a month ago. Well, what I didn't tell you was that we might have had a one night stand. I didn't think anything of it, I mean neither of us ever expected to see each other again but I’m late Vi, I’m never late. I can't be pregnant, I'm not even nearly ready for a kid I just broke up with Everlyn like two months ago. Nevermind the fact that I don't want to have some strangers kid, and I don't have any way of telling him it is his or anything.” She managed to choke out before she broke down sobbing again.
I tried to hide my surprise at the news, I had to be there for my bestie. “It's going to be okay, alright?” I said as I stroked her hair and leaned down to kiss her forehead, “I’m going to go down to the store and buy a test, which you’re going to take and then when everything is fine your going to get some sleep because you're coming out with me tonight.”
“Yeah okay... but please hurry because I’m kind of freaking out,” She sniffed and grabbed a tissue from her bedside table, trying to wipe the mascara from her cheeks.
“Why don’t you go hope in the shower while I go to the store, it might make you feel better?” Georgie nodded her head in agreement and got up making her way to the shower.
The store was rather empty when I got there and I was grateful that I didn't have to wait for a queue. I bought every kind of pregnancy test the store had, deciding to rather be safe than sorry and rushed back to Georgie’s apartment.
As I opened the front door I heard the shower stopped and Georgie called out, “Hey, Vi is that you? Did you get them?”
“Hey, yeah I did,” I walked into her bedroom and handed her the packet full of the tests.
“Guess it's time to face the music huh?” She looked up at me and despite the brave face she was trying to put on I could see the nervousness rolling around like a storm in her eyes.
While Georgie peed on the sticks, she suddenly remembered that I’d been somewhere else rather than my apartment, which was a quick metro ride away. “So where were you this morning?” She questioned raising her one eyebrow slightly, “You certainly weren't at home.” A knowing smirk crossed her face when she saw my cheeks start to heat up. “Was the little good girl Violet with a boy?” She teased as she laid out the final test stick on the basin.
“Maybe,” I blushed and then sighed. There was no point in hiding anything from her, I mean she's my best friend and tells me everything even when sometimes it's way too much detail.
I’m still scared of the stories from what happened in the bathroom with her last fling. So I proceeded to tell her all the details while we waited the required five minutes to check the tests. Five minutes never seemed to last so long, I can only imagine what an eternity they must have felt like to her.
Finally, her alarm on her phone beeped, letting us know that it was time to check the tests. George just looked at me, a look of pure panic strained across her face.
“Do you want me to check them?” She just nodded slightly. I reached over and turned the tests over one by one.
I sighed in relief, “They're all negative!”
Georgie just sighed. But she still didn't look as if she was happy. “Is it bad that I'm a little disappointed that they are negative? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not ready for a baby but some little part of me kind of hoped they were positive.”
“No babes, that's a perfectly normal response.” I said as I embraced her in a massive hug,
“Let's get rid of these, wash our hands and then you’re going to bed and I’ll see you later because we're going clubbing.”
My phone suddenly beeped.
To: Violet
Hope things are okay with your friend. I'll have my driver fetch you for our lunch, just send me the address. I've been delayed at work so I'm just going to meet you at the restaurant.
Oh my word, I almost forgot about my lunch with Cole. I turned to Georgie but she was reading the message over my shoulder.
As I opened my mouth to say something she interrupted me, “You're going to that lunch, with Mr. Tall, handsome and I own a nightclub that you're invited to the opening off.” She said while almost pushing me into the shower while still fully clothed.
“Hurry up and strip girl, you're meeting him soon and we need to get you more presentable. Hand me your phone so I can text him my address.”
Before I knew what was going on, my friend who had just been breaking down, somehow turned the tables, and she was shoving me into an outfit she hauled out of her cupboard. She sat me down at her vanity to do some light makeup and blow dry my hair so it had that effortless wave to it. A knock at the door interrupted her as she was putting on the final coat of mascara.
“Coming,” She yelled out. She turned me around to face the mirror so I could see all of her hard work while she rushed over to open the door.
“Good day, I’m looking for a Ms. Harrison?” the man at the stated.
“That would be me,” I said coming through from Georgie’s bedroom.
I hugged her goodbye, “ Call me if you need anything okay? Don't forget tonight, I'll meet you at either back here or at The LimeLight Nightclub.”
Georgie agreed, told me to have fun and hastily pushed me out the door.
Cole's driver lead me to the car, where he opened the backseat door and gently shut it once I was settled into the car. During the 15 minute ride to the restaurant, I learned that the driver's name was Jackson and that he sweet 6-year-old girl. He was polite and straight to the point type of guy, the type of person I typically get on with really well. I don’t try to beat around the bush, so when I have an opinion people will know exactly where I stand, which is probably why I am studying law.
When there was a lull in the conversation I messaged Georgie just to check up on her before all my attention was focused on Cole. I can typically multitask like a pro but when you are in the presence of Cole… it’s like you can’t help but have your sole focus on him.
To: Georgie
Hope you start feeling better. I'll see you later! I love you!
The car came to a smooth stop in front of an old classical building and there standing in front of it was Cole. He was heartbreakingly handsome and the air got trapped in my throat when my eyes met his intense gaze as Jackson opened the door. I tried to steady my wobbly legs as I walked up to Cole who had his hand behind his back. I couldn’t help but smile at him with curiosity.
“Are you going to show me what’s behind your back or am I going to have to wrestle it from you?” I teased him… kind of. Any girl would be insane if they see how attractive he was.
The shy smile that stretched across his face is what interested me. He took his hand out from behind him, and there in the palm of his hand was the most beautiful intricate snow globe of the city of London.
He took my silence to mean that I didn’t like the present so he hurriedly blurted out, “Well I know you like the city and everything about it so I thought you would like to start collecting snow globes of cities around the world.”
I swear I almost fainted. This was the cutest gift anyone had ever gotten and the fact that he looked so unsure, that he didn't know if I would like the gift or not… it was priceless. I was speechless but somehow I was able to squeak out, “You got this for me?”
I took the snow globe in my hand and studied it. I couldn’t help the wide smile that danced across my face as I studied the snow globe. It was magical, there was a beauty in the way they had captured London and displaced it in the snow globe.
“You look stunning!” his eyes scanned over my body as he rested his hand on my lower back and kissed my cheek. He guided me to the front doors of the restaurant and we didn’t even need to tell them the name of our reservation, just one look at Cole and they lead us to a private cozy corner in the restaurant.
As we were about to be seated Cole’s phone rang rather loudly. He glanced over at me apologetically, “I'm so sorry Violet I have to take this call, it’s work.” He kissed my cheek and quickly accepted the call.
Cole’s P.O.V.
My phone rang loudly interrupting the comfortable silence as Violet and I were walking to our table. “I'm so sorry Violet, I have to take this call, its work.” I kissed her cheek and quickly accepted the call.
“Cameron, what's going on?” I rushed out, I was stressed enough about tonight and he was interrupting my date with Violet. I would have been down there today but I had a ton of work that I needed to do, granted I did get most of it done this morning when Violet was with her friend, but still. Since Cameron was trying to gain experience, I didn’t want to micromanage him, so I allow him to iron out most of the wrinkles that showed up.
“There’s a problem with the stock. Apparently, the order didn't go through and even if I could get the order through, they said they wouldn't be able to get that amount of stock to us on time.”
“Fuck” I hissed. Violet slightly jumped as I swore. “Sorry” I mouthed over at her.
“Yeah I had the same response, I have an idea though, not too sure how you’re going to like it but it might be our only option,” he trailed off. I knew it wasn’t his fault so I tried to keep my anger at bay.
“Well have at it, let me hear this idea.” I already had a few ideas in mind, but as I said, I want him to learn how to manage a club. I want to be his safety net but not a crutch...
“I thought you could get some people together, go around and see if you could buy up the stock we need and then deliver it. I would go myself but I'm running around like crazy. I’m sure you are as well but I thought you'd know who to ask to get someone to go buy it.”
“That's not a bad idea. I've finished up the paperwork I needed to get done so I can go and buy up some stock as well... I'll get Nancy and Mia to help. Give me five minutes and I'll head out.”
I turned to Violet, “There's been an issue down at the club and I need to go out and buy a whole bunch of alcohol. For some reason, the stock hasn’t been delivered and I need to go pick up enough stock for tonight. But I was wondering would you want to come with me?
You can get dressed at the club and I am sure the girls wouldn’t mind lending you an outfit,” I offered. I didn’t want to give her a reason to not spend the rest of the day with me. “Or on our way to the club I can drop you off at your place quickly and you can grab something to wear?”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind at all. If we have time, can we swing by my place to grab an outfit, if not I’ll ask Georgie to grab me something? Plus, I have enjoyed your company...” She said quietly almost like she wasn't quite sure if she wanted me to hear her.
I left some cash on the table in an apology of rushing out quickly and hurriedly made my way with Violet outside. I phoned Mia and Nancy on my way to my car, explaining the situation to them and that they should just charge all the stock to their company cards. I met with my driver, explained the situation to him.
Mia said she’d organized a delivery truck to accompany Violet and I to all the different stores we bought liquor from. Jackson was going to drive to one of the warehouses to grab a truck, follow us around and store all the alcohol we bought in the truck. I gave him the address to the first shop and told him to meet us there.
I grabbed Violet’s hand and lead her to my car. I wish I could have taken a photo of her reaction because it was hilarious. Her mouth was opening and closing like a fish as she took in my midnight black Ferrari 458 Italia. The car sat extremely low so I had to help her into the car. Once I was in the car, the engine started with a throaty growl
Violet fiddled with the radio trying to find a station that she liked but couldn’t seem to settle on anything. I watched her struggle a little bit before I said, “You know this car has Bluetooth so you can just connect your phone…”
“Oh my gosh! I forgot that you can do that! I have really only used the metro to get around.”
I looked at her quizzically, “You really didn’t know you could do that?”
She started to blush a shade of scarlet and stuttered out, “Well… I mean- yes I did know you can connect to a Bluetooth and play music and stuff… but I just forgot I guess…” She could see my body start to shake with silent laughter, “Oh shut up.” She rolled her eyes in mock annoyance.
I changed the sound system to Bluetooth so that she could connect her phone. Once she connected her phone the song ‘Where Would We Be’ by Rozes softly played through the speakers.
She sang quietly along, I could see that she felt self-conscious about it though so I cranked the music up and started half yelling and half-singing incredibly off tune to the song. Her eyes shot to me with shock at just how awful my singing was. We made quick eye contact and grinned at each other and started yelling and singing together.
After we sang a few songs very out of tune, we came to the first liquor store. I slid out of my black Italian leather seats, ran around to the other side of my car to open Violet's door before she could herself. We walked up to the dark green door of the best liquor stores in New York. I casually slung my arm around her shoulders as if I had been doing it for forever and I felt her lean into me slightly. Look who is getting comfortable with me already, I thought quietly to myself.
The lady behind the counter looked at me very weirdly when I asked for all their vodka, brandy, rum, gin and liqueur that they had available in the store. Luckily I had thought ahead to get a truck so that we could store all of the alcohol because it would never fit in my baby.
As we drove around the city trying to acquiring the needed amount of alcohol for the opening weekend, Violet and I were trying to find the song that we could butcher the most with our god awful singing.
There was a lull in the song and it was at that time that Violet’s stomach let out a hungry rumble. She did this adorable giggle and shrugged her shoulders.
My eyes widened in realization, “Oh shit, I totally forgot that we didn’t even have lunch.” I couldn’t believe that I have forgotten to feed her when I asked her out on a lunch date.
"No stre- OH MY GOD!” She screamed out of nowhere.
I swear to God I almost swerved into oncoming traffic, she gave me such a fright!
She clapped her hands with excitement, “I have the perfect place to grab something to eat quickly. Just pull over wherever you can.”
I gave her a quizzical look but didn’t ask questions. I didn’t even have time to open the door for her because she threw herself out of the car and excitedly skipped off to this old run down sandwich shop. She threw the door open and animatedly greeted the guy behind the counters.
I couldn’t help myself but feel jealous of the guy because they obviously knew each other well. I mean he was 40 years older than her but still…
“Vi! I hope you have been staying out of trouble,” he wagged his finger in a parently fashion.
She rolled her eyes and replied sassily, “Course I am Charlie.”
He squinted his eyes in suspicion before he cracked a friendly smile and asked, “The usual?”
“Com’ on Charlie, I never get anything but the special sandwich we created. Which only you can make by the way. Emily tried to make one when you were off sick and she didn’t make it the same!”
I thought it was time to make my presence known, so I fondly threw my arm around her slim shoulder and asked, “So what is this special sandwich we are talking about?”
“Oh no no no. This is a top-secret recipe that only Charlie and I know exactly how to make. If we tell you, we will have to kill you,” she sing-songed. I didn’t want to squish her dreams by telling her I would love to see her try so I just decided to let it slide.
I tried to peek at what Charlie was doing in the back to see what may be on the sandwi- shit! She pinched me!
“No peeking mister! You must trust the process,” she tried to say in the most zen voice possible. This girl, I swear. She was going to be the never-ending mystery that just kept on getting more and more entertaining.
I threw my hands up in surrender, “As you say, ma’am.”
As Charlie handed the wrapped sandwiches over the counter, I reached for my wallet in my back pocket and out of the corner of my eye I saw Violet making small pinching movements with her fingers. Was she seriously trying to threaten me? Deciding that it was too adorable that she thought that it was a threat, I stopped reaching for my wallet.
“Thaaaaank you,” she stubbornly said, rolling her eyes, she handed over the correct amount of cash, tip included, over to Charlie.
“Thank you, Charlie!” She yelled out as we walked out of the store.
“Don’t be such a stranger missy!” Charlie shouted after us.
We sat outside on a bench because I almost had a heart attack when Violet suggested that we eat these sandwiches in my baby. I slowly unwrapped the sandwich and studied it, trying to figure out what exactly was on this special sandwich.
I am not sure how long Violet was watching me look at this sandwich because suddenly the sandwich came flying towards my face and I had no choice but to open up my mouth and take a bite. It was crunchy at first but then there was a bit of sweetness and freshness to it. There was so much flavor exploding in my mouth.
I started to nod my head in approval of the sandwich, mouth disgustingly full of the sandwich. I could see that Violet’s mouth was stuffed to the brim with the sandwich as well, happily munching away.
She turned to me and tried to say, “ ‘ts sur gerd ‘ight!”
This girl managed to keep surprising me at every turn… She's unlike anyone I’ve ever met before...I couldn’t help but shake my head and laugh. As I calmed down enough to speak I asked: “ Sorry didn’t quite catch that love?”
She blushed shyly and looked down at the floor, swallowed and said: “ It’s so good right?”
We quickly finished the rest of our sandwiches before we hopped back into the car and stopped by the final two liquor stores
“That's the last of the stock that I think we need. We are at about 100 bottles for the vodka, rum, brandy, and the different types of liqueur we have about fifty each.” I said to Violet as I helped the workers load the last crate of Vodka and Gin into the delivery truck.
“We should probably head over to the club. I have to check on things, but I thought you can wander around and explore everything before it gets crazy if you'd like?”
She nodded her head and climbed back into my Ferrari.
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❝Your heartbeat is like a lullaby❞ he mumbled𝘚𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵I grabbed the duvet that was tossed at the side of the bed and I put it on top of both of us❝Is it really like a lullaby?❞He nodded ❝A slow lullaby that lulls me to sleep and your chest is soft too❞ he laughs as I hit him at the side of his head••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Penelope Price just wanted to graduate from High School with excellence and honors but her goal is too hard to achieve because she doesn't do well in school or anything academic but she's only good at one thing anyone can do and that is sleeping.A typical girl with a large family that is multilingual and is gifted in playing the piano would meet Cloud.Cloud Marshall, Son of a Billionaire and a Golden Child, who holds many secrets. He has everything but cannot sleep. He just wanted to sleep but his insomnia and reoccurring nightmares would stop him. A guy whose ego is as high as his grades with an alluring face that can attract many people and a stubborn mischievous attitude that Penelope always hate.Cloud and Penelope's relationship is a hard one to answer but it is clear they don't like each other, It would only take a single mistake from Penelope that will make Cloud strike a deal with her.He was smart, she was not;She is asleep while he is awakeHe would tutor Penelope and she would sleep beside him on the same bed becoming his Pillow Buddy😴😴😴#3 Romance#3 Highschool#3 Friends#3 Love#1 Sleep#1 Insomnia#1 Chapter#1 Sisters #1 Cloud[Word Count: 206,800+ words ♡]
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Entangled: Playfully
Entangled Book #2Life is short; it should be full of fun. These are the words of Daniel Adams.Daniel Adams is playful, joyous, and is full of life. Despite being the CEO of the USA's topmost company, he didn't lose his ability to make people laugh. But when someone messes with him; he better get ready for Daniel's wrath. Eloise Nicole; a perfect blend of beauty, elegance, and smartness. She's a celebrity. Not to forget, little arrogance and tough nature to shoo men and haters away doesn't hurt. Right? And this nature of her gave her a tag of an arrogant celebrity. Both are the eye candies of media and obviously, has to keep their other side secret.What happens when they both meet unexpectedly? Let's see how magical, invisible powers of destiny entangles the playful and arrogant with each other. Let's see how destiny makes them unleash their hidden side in front of each other.**I do not allow my work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.**©All rights reserved
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