《Loving Violet》Chapter 3
Cole’s P.O.V
There was silence as the music came to an end and the last model walked behind the sheer white curtains. I could feel a nervousness prick at the back of my neck, but my thoughts were soon interrupted by the thunderous applause. People rose to a standing ovation as they applauded enthusiastically.
The breath that I hadn’t realized I was holding in, was released in one long, drawn-out, exhale. I looked around and I could see the men nodding their heads in approval and the women excitedly talking to their friends about their favorite pieces.
A sense of relief washed over me, everything had gone smoothly, everyone seemed to love my new line. Thankfully, the smoke machines worked the entire time. I just hoped the rest of the night went off without a hitch because I honestly didn’t know if I had the energy to deal with any more issues. Running on very little sleep does not help my mood, so if someone came to me with a problem, I might just shoot the messenger.
I stood up to walk with my models for the last view of all the designs and take my final bow, as was the custom at the end of a fashion show. I was secretly kind of glad the show was over as it wouldn't be long now ‘till I could go home. To be honest all I felt like doing was going home, collapsing in my bed and sleeping for the next hundred years, unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen for another few hours still.
Even if I could go home and sleep I still had to be up rather early in the morning, despite it being a Saturday, because with the opening happening I still had a lot of work to do and I needed to be there in case there were any issues with the set-ups.
I was lucky enough that I had Cameron to be my floor manager and I didn’t have to be there all day and night on the actual floor. I would be there for the first few nights just to make sure everything went smoothly but I trusted Cameron to run everything, plus I had more than one club that I had to look after so I kind of had to have managers for the different clubs.
Luckily there wasn't much work for me to get done the next day, as most of the work had been for the fashion show and even though today was the official opening, Cameron was handling the majority of the physical things down at the club for tomorrow night. I only needed to come in later in the afternoon to make sure that everything was running smoothly before the club opened.
I walked back up the few stairs to the side of the runway, “Thank you, everyone, for coming, I hope you all enjoyed the show!” I had to pause to wait for the applause to die down, “Now for the real party to begin. If you all follow the two beautiful ladies standing at the back doors, they will lead you downstairs to the after-party and what will be the main dance-floor of our general access area.”
Everyone made their way downstairs bubbling with excitement. The DJ had already started with his set so the music was pumping. Slowly the dance floor started to fill up, everyone getting into the swing of things.
Cameron seemed to have a handle on things so I figured I’d stay another hour or so, greet a few people that I hadn't spoken to yet, and then head home. Tomorrow I would have to be here all night anyway and I needed to get to sleep if I was going to do some work the next day and stay up all night.
Everyone that I spoke to complimented me on my line, some of the men even asking about buying some of the pieces and eagerly anticipating seeing their girlfriends or wives in them. Some other people commented on how amazing the actual club looked and that they loved the live dancers that were dancing, twisting and turning themselves in fabric all around the club. All in all, it seemed like it had been a good night and I had left a long-lasting impression on all my guests...
I was trying to discreetly check my watch to see the amount of time this couple had been talking to me. I internally groaned, 30 minutes had gone by and I could tell a stranger everything about them. Finally, I was able to escape by pulling some poor sap into our conversation, the couple’s attention luckily diverted to the newcomer.
Deciding that it was now or never to slip out undetected, I said goodbye to Cameron and made my way out my door. Cameron was staying behind to make sure that everything ran smoothly until everyone was all partied out and had left. I had to bribe him with a day-and-a-halves pay to stay behind and manage the clean-up as well.
My driver was already outside waiting for me so I could go straight home. The flashes of the cameras would be blinding to someone who wasn’t used to it, but I had become accustomed to the cameras, so I didn’t miss a beat as I made the brief trip to the car.
Arriving home, I stumbled through and barely managing to strip out of my suit. Leaving it strewn out on the floor as I made my way to my bed, I collapsed and before I even knew it I had passed out. The past few weeks of stress all just catching up to me at once.
My eyes opened slowly, and it wasn’t because an alarm was going off. No… It was because I woke up on my own accord and it was pure and utter bliss. I could feel my body fueled with energy, my mind was as clear as day and my thoughts no longer groggy as it had been the night before.
I climbed out of bed and pulled on some joggers that were lying on the chair near my bed. I padded across the floor into my kitchen and grabbed some breakfast before starting my work for the day. I opened the fridge only to discover that it was bare. Martha hadn't yet done the grocery shopping for the week.
I stood in the kitchen weighing my options. I could either just grab a sandwich from the deli near the office, where I had to pick up some paperwork, or I could head to a little coffee shop down the street. In the end, the coffee shop won because I was too lazy to make myself a cup of coffee and a croissant sounded damn good right about then. I pulled on a pair of sneakers and my favorite Under Armor shirt. I patted my joggers’ pockets to double-check for my phone and wallet before I headed out the door.
"You've got to be kidding me," I grumbled out loud as I reached the coffee shop. There was a line going all the way out the door.
“They are never this busy,” I thought to myself. “What on earth is going on this morning that every bloody person in the city wants to come to my tiny hole in the wall to have coffee or breakfast? I mean it's a Saturday morning for heaven's sake! There should not be this many people awake this early. I mean had none of them ever heard of going out on a Friday night and spending Saturday morning curled up in bed, with the blinds drawn, groaning as your whole body ached and you wanted to die from a hangover?”
Not that I was one to talk, but these people were inconveniencing me and it was ruining my relaxing start to my day.
I decided to just bite the bullet and wait in line begrudgingly. What can I say? I might have a slight addiction to caffeine and I honestly don’t think I could get through a day of work without it, at least not when I was so sleep-deprived. Even though I got some sleep last night, I was still exhausted. Plus, I wanted to have that croissant and from the way, my stomach was growling, it was agreeing with enthusiasm…
As I was walking towards the counter, I felt the slightest little bump against me. I looked down and saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen, had run into my chest and bounced off me and was falling backward. I quickly wrapped my arms around her to stop her from hitting the floor.
"Careful there pet, wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?" I asked as I pulled her into an upright position and slightly against my chest. ‘Pet? Since when do I call girls pet? It might have been from all the time I spent with my grandparents in Ireland while I was setting up the new offices there. But even so, I wasn't one to call girls terms of endearment… I usually didn’t even know their names...’
"Oh my word I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and I'm so sorry," she started mumbling as a blush spread across her cheeks and reached as far as her ears.
"Please don’t worry about it... You're so tiny I barely felt anything," I smiled slightly as I felt her relax into me.
"Cole Wentworth and you are?" I asked as I let her go and slowly brushed a strand of hair from her face that must have fallen free from her neat little bun on top of her head when she ran into me.
"Violet Harrison. Thanks again for saving me from falling. I’m sorry I ran into you. Can I maybe buy you a coffee to make it up to you?" She rambled.
She was so tiny she had to strain her neck up to see me. The light caught her blue eyes and made them sparkle like the Caribbean sea.
Okay, what the hell is going on with me? I have never been like this with some random stranger... I’m never this nice.. there's something about this girl though. I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel drawn to her. Like two magnets gravitating towards each other. I've never been one to believe in fate, love at first sight or any of that made up rubbish.
It’s ridiculous, I know but I have most likely watched too many romantic movies with my little sister. She'd been sick and I had to look after her. All she wanted to do was lie with her big brother on his couch and watch some stupid girly movies. With her knowing how to guilt trip me like a pro, that is exactly what I ended up doing all day.
"I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I let you pay, now would I?"
What the hell is wrong with me? I'm never this chivalrous... who kidnapped me and replaced me with this idiot?
"No honestly, I insist, it's the least I can do," she argued as she pulled me up to the counter to order. While I’d been having this strange interaction with Violet, I’d been oblivious to the entire line disappearing and they were free to take our order.
"I'll have a large black coffee with Ethiopian coffee beans and whatever the lady would like," I told the cashier.
Violet gave them her order and just as she was pulling out her card to pay, I was already smoothly sliding my card over to the cashier.
She raised her one eyebrow and huffed with annoyance.
"What was that?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows in question and smirked at the irritated look she was supporting. Something told me she wasn't the quiet, submissive girl I had thought her to be when I first met her.
"I told you I was going to pay," she growled with the cutest little frown dancing across her face.
"You’re cute when you're annoyed, you know that?" I smirked down at her while we walked over to the collection area to wait for our coffees.
"I’m not cute when I’m annoyed! I was trying to do something nice," she grumbled with a pout.
Before she could respond the waitress behind the counter yelled out our names, "Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth."
Violet blushed deeply when the waitress called her my wife. She hurried over and stumbled over her words when she tried to correct them. "I'm n-not his, uh, wife, I've just met him,” she tried to explain while I just smiled.
Violet Wentworth has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Where the hell did that thought come from?? What am I thinking I've just met this girl! Marriage has never even crossed my mind in all my life. I have always thought that I would be a bachelor and then someday have a consistent girlfriend but nothing ever that serious. I have always found that I get bored with a girl in less than a month and move on to the next one. A girl has never been able to keep my attention and yet I can’t help but be infatuated with her.
"Oh I’m sorry I just assumed that you two were together, you look so cute and in love," the waitress apologized as she started to blush.
I decided to step in, "It's no problem, an innocent mistake. No harm, no foul." I waved my hand to brush off her concerns and let my hand fall on Violet’s lower back. I saw the goosebumps spike on the back of her neck when she felt my hand on her skin.
"Let's go sit somewhere, yeah? Or would you rather walk around?" I could tell that she was affected by my touch. I couldn’t wait to see how her body reacted to skin-on-skin contact. It was an effort to stop my spiraling thoughts and focus on the moment.
I had to wrench myself back to reality before I embarrassed myself in front of not only the beautiful woman in my arms but the entire coffee shop with my obvious excitement.
"Do you mind if we just go sit down?" She breathed out. Her cheeks and neck were still glowing a light rose pink.
"Sure thing babe, just let me make a call to tell my assistant that I will be in a bit later. I need to pick up some documents and then I’m all yours." I smiled down at her, a proper smile.
The thought of sitting and getting to know her and spend time with her intrigued me.
Had someone told me I would be willingly sitting with some random girl in a coffee shop and not planning on taking her home for sex as soon as we finished our coffee, I would have laughed in their face. Those who knew my reputation wouldn’t believe that I was trying to spend time with some random girl.
"Oh my gosh, you’re busy. I didn't even think to ask if you had somewhere to be!" She gasped out. "You can go, please don't just sit here just for me, you have somewhere you need to be, I don't want to keep you!" She started shaking her head and trying to push me away.
"Hey, hey, it's perfectly fine. I honestly don't have anything too important to do today, I finished most of it yesterday actually but if you're really worried you can walk with me to the office? I've never really had an outsider come to my office," I confessed as I felt a slight blush start to cross my cheeks.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose..," she blushed and tried to hide behind her hair, "but, um, I’d like to if you’re okay with that." She looked up slightly and flashed me a smile before hiding behind her hair again.
"You’re gorgeous when you blush, please don't hide from me. You never have to hide from me, okay?" I reached down and caressed her cheek. The sassy girl was gone and in her place was that shy, and innocent girl who had run into me. I was experiencing all of these different sides to her and I found myself wondering what type of person she would be next.
"Okay, " Violet whispered and started to raise her head.
"Let me just make a quick phone call to my assistant. Then why don't we sit and drink our coffees before they get cold, then I can take you over to my office if you want?"
"Yeah, I think I'd like that a lot," she shrugged as a smile graced her face.
I led Violet over to a booth in the back corner of the coffee shop. It was at least somewhere quiet and away from all the noise and chaos. The booth had classic red leather seats that were slightly worn from years of people constantly sitting on them, but yet still charming in the small town diner kind of way. Something rare to find in a big city like this, where everything was new, modern and generally lifeless.
It was one of the reasons I loved this place, it had character and charmed me from the day that I found it.
I excused myself from the table and quickly phoned Nancy to explain that I’d be even later than I thought, and I'd be bringing a friend to the office. I just needed to pick up the vital paperwork and have Nancy email the rest of the files later.
As I walked up to the table I’d left her at, some guy was talking to my girl. Wait, my girl? I barely know her, seriously what is going on with me? The closer I got I could hear Violet telling him to back off and leave her alone. That she didn't want to see him anymore and to stop trying to talk to her. Did she know this guy?
I finally reached the table, and pulled the guy back, "Can I help you?" I growled at this idiot who was bothering my girl. Who again, is not my girl. What the fuck? Not the right time for this. Back to the douchebag at hand, "I'm pretty sure she told you to leave her alone and that she didn't want to talk to you." I stated rather aggressively.
"Who the fuck are you?" He tried to shove my hand off of him, not that it made much difference to me, he was about three or four inches shorter than my 6’4” frame. I am sure that this guy could hold his own but with my extensive training in boxing and hours spent in the gym, he didn’t hold a flame to me...
"I’m her boyfriend," I glared at him as if daring him to try to even act on the murderous look in his eyes. I knew I wasn’t her actual boyfriend, well at least not yet, but he didn’t need to know that.
"Bullshit!" he screamed at me and threw the first punch. I easily moved my head to the side, just enough to be out of the path of the punch, not phased in the slightest. I continued to glare at the guy who was now ruining our perfectly good coffee date.
"Jake stop this! I don't want to see you. We’re over and we have been for almost a year, you need to accept this."
She then turned to me with a worried look in her eyes, “Please Cole, let's just leave. I don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
"No one is going to get hurt, don't worry princess," I smiled down at her and then turned back to the douchebag, "I suggest you leave her alone from now on,” I snarled at him.
We left him in the coffee shop and the now very curious, eavesdropping crowd that started to form. My hand dropped to her lower back again, in comfort, and I could feel that she was shaking slightly.
Once we got far enough from the coffee shop, I turned to her, "You okay pet?" I asked as I pulled her in to hug her and try to stop her shaking.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. You don't even know me and you've been so kind to me, I don't know what I can do to repay you." The words she whispered into my chest, I almost didn't hear them but for a moment because her face was pressed into my chest.
"It's my pleasure babe, and you don't have to repay me.”
"I'm sorry I ruined our coffee plans." There she was back to hiding behind her hair again.
"What have I said about hiding from me, doll? And you haven't ruined our coffee plans, we can just pick up some more once we've fetched the paperwork I need to get from my office." I lifted her head and gazed into those beautiful big blue eyes, slowly unwrapping my arms from around her waist and just resting my hand on the arch of her back as I lead her to the car where my driver was waiting for me.
I didn't feel like driving after everything that had happened this morning and I wanted to be able to have my full attention on Violet. I could see she was still kinda shaky and I wanted to be able to comfort her. Trying to comfort her and drive would not be the best combination because of the traffic and reckless drivers gracing our roads.
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