《Loving Violet》Chapter 5


Cole’s P.O.V.

I hurriedly walked to the other side of the car, getting in quickly so as not to let the cool air from the air conditioner out. Today seemed to be one of the hottest days in a long time. It was supposed to be spring and yet the temperature was reaching up into the 100 degrees.

“Thank you for coming with me today, I had a lot of fun. What was supposed to be a long day of work ended up being a lot more exciting and a lot less stressful than I thought it would be.” I smiled over at Violet as I started the car.

“Thank you for having me. I had fun today too and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.” She smiled shyly back at me.

I reached over and grabbed at her hand kissing it gently, “Of course babe, I'm glad you had fun too.”

Violet blushed, before reaching for the radio to connect her phone again, a beautiful melody started to play. Something completely different from what she played before.

“Why's it so hard to look me in the eye?

Playing with that cross that's on your chain

I know you only ever bite your lip

When it's something you're afraid to say”

Violet hummed along quietly, her whole body swaying ever so slightly. “This is one of my favorite songs,” she said in between bursts of her humming.

“Is this the last time that I lay my eyes upon you?

Is this the last time that I ever watch you leave?

This is the last thing I would ever have done to you

This is the last thing that I thought you'd do to me”

“It's beautiful, I really like it. Who’s it by ?” I asked softly not quite wanting to break her from the little world she seemed to have gone to while listening to it. I had a feeling the song meant a lot more to her than just being a favorite of hers.

“We said that it would last, but how come it's the last time?

I'm tryna hold your hand but feeling like my hand's tied

You said we'd be forever, now you'll never ever be mine (Oh-oh-oh)

You said that it would last, but how come it's the last time?”

“Its this band called The Script, the songs called The Last Time.”

“You've practiced leaving many times before

But I guess you'll get it right today

Leaving that ring I gave you in the drawer

But you're taking every single part of me”

We sat in a peaceful silence, taking in all the lyrics as the song came to an end.

“That was beautiful thank you for playing that for me Violet.”

We were stuck in traffic for over an hour, but pulling up at the club I was met with a surprise I would have never expected.

The street was lined with cars and people were already queuing up at the doors despite us not opening for another two hours. It was amazing, I mean normally the first two hours of opening are pretty dead, people tend to arrive in dribs and drabs but it only really starts to get going id say at about 10 PM, and yet here were people queuing up for the opening.

On the other side of the street was a flock of paparazzi, all seeming to be waiting for something.

“Just keep your head down and don't respond to anything they say okay?”

Violet and I hurriedly got out to the car and made our way to the front of the ever-growing queue. The paparazzi caught sight of us and surrounded us in an ever-growing frenzy. I gently took her hand in mine as I led her past everything and trying to make my way inside with as little drama as possible.


“Cole are you and Sophia broken up?”


“Cole are you cheating on Sophia”

“Is this your new girlfriend?”

“What’s her name?”

“Cole! Cole! Look here!”

“Cole are you and Sophia engaged?” 

I felt Violet stiffen beside me with all the questions being thrown at us. I don't blame her she had only met me and was already dealing with all this drama. Most girls would normally have run for the hills by now, a few would-be gold-diggers but they'd probably be loving the attention from the paparazzi. Violet seemed to want the floor to open up and swallow her whole.

I squeezed her hand, trying to offer a small amount of comfort as I pushed passed everyone and tried to make my way inside, luckily the bouncers had seen my issue and were trying to clear a path for us.

Violet and I both let out a large sigh when we finally got inside. Inside seemed to be just as crazy as outside. People were running all over the place. Cameron was in the middle of it all, standing with a headset and a clipboard, yelling orders out as people rushed past.

I was impressed, though he seemed to be handling everything well and reminded me a lot of myself when I opened my first ever nightclub. I was so scared of it all not going well and the afternoon before we opened was crazy, there was so much to do on the floor and organizing it all was so stressful.

Violet twirled around looking over it all with this look of awe all over her face. “Its beautiful, Cole! I've never seen a club that actually looked really beautiful, especially in the day time when you can see the club and it's not hidden in the darkness.”

Cameron spotted us and made his way over, not without yelling a few things at some people first.

Along with telling the bartenders, “The bar better be so spotless you would willingly lick it, Jimmy! I better be able to see my reflection in the bottles!”

Before turning to the dancers, “If I see you guys stumble you choreography again, I will be seeing you here every day of the week all day until you can do it in your sleep! That means you, Sharron!”

Cameron rolled his eyes before greeting me in a brotherly hug. Before turning to Violet, “And who's this gorgeous girl?” He winked at her...

I couldn't quite figure it out, but there was something there. Some deeper issue that was affecting this girl. She had this smile that could light up the universe but there were minute micro-cracks... The more time I spent with her today, the more I saw them. Something had happened to Violet and it had made her become this shy little girl who was too afraid to say anything and occasionally there were small snippets of the girl that was hiding there underneath, the girl who was sassy and confident and wasn't afraid of the world around her.

I was going to figure out what had happened to this girl that made her feel like she has to hide her true self from the world, which destroyed her confidence in herself.

I don't quite understand why exactly I was so invested in this stranger but I was and I was going to figure out why no matter what.

“Wouldn't you like to know?” Violet scoffed before rolling her eyes. I felt her hesitantly leaning back into me as if seeking comfort. What had happened to this girl that her confidence was so shattered?


I laughed at Cameron's expression, a look of complete and utter surprise sprawled his face. “This is Violet,” turning and smiling at Violet, “ And this Violet is my annoying younger brother.” I lent down and half-whispered in her ear, not caring of Cameron heard, “He's actually proving to be a rather good club manager so far, but we'll see how tonight goes. Don't tell him I said that though.”

“Ayy! I heard that!” Cameron loudly called out causing Violet to break out in a fit of giggles. God, she was beautiful. Get it in check man you're becoming whipped and you haven't known this girl for a full day yet. Slow the hell down. I shook my head trying to clear it of the thoughts of how Violet managed to light up the whole room with her smile and laughter... Okay, seriously, I've been spending way too much time with Sapphire and her sappy romance movies...


“Yeah, sorry I zoned out for a second there.” I sheepishly shrugged my shoulders, “What were you saying?”

Violet quietly giggled again, “I was saying I'm going to go explore a bit if that's okay? Before this place gets too crowded, I'd like to know where I'm going.”

“You don't have to check with me, Vi. Go have fun exploring I'll be here when you are finished.” I kissed her cheek before continuing, “Besides I've got to chat with Cameron about one or two things and then I'm going to make sure that there are no more problems with stock. If you can't find me just come and find Cameron, he’ll help you find me.”

“Okay well have fun with that I guess..” She said before kissing my cheek and running off.

“She is something else though Cole,” Cameron patted my back, “Don't do anything stupid though... Please tell me you're not going to break her heart.” Cameron glared at me, turning around and almost shattering my eardrum, “ Sharron!! Can you not get anything right? I swear I've shown you how to line the bottles up more than I've shown Jimmy. Speaking of, for the love of all things good why on earth are you putting the wines next to the shooters Jimmy?”

Cameron grumbled something under his breath about how he didn't even know how I employed them and if he didn't need the staff for tonight he would fire them.

“Trust me, Cam, she's special I don't know why but there's this feeling with her. There is something that's drawing me to her and I can't quite place it. Someone hurt her, though I can see it, I know I don't really know her all that well yet, but I plan too and I plan to figure out what's hurt her.”

“Careful dude you already sound whipped,” Cameron chuckled at my expense, “ If I didn't know any better I'd say someone kidnapped you and replaced you with this sap.”

“Trust me I've been thinking the same thing.” I chuckled along with him.

“So what is it you needed to talk to me about?” he asked suddenly going back into the business.

“I just wanted to check how everything is going... I know this is something that's a bit out of your comfort zone and you've been doing great so far but it's also the opening of one of my most exclusive and largest clubs so I need to make sure everything is going to be perfect tonight.”

“Everything is going great. Now stop stressing I've got this.” Cameron smiled up at me with that same toothy grin he used to give me when he was a kid.

Violet’s P.O.V

The LimeLight was exquisite. I was on the first floor and I was in awe of everything. “If this was general entry, what was the VIP area going to look like?” I mumbled quietly to myself.

The first floor was where I left Cole talking to Cameron. It was (Another word for amazing). The whole floor was this huge open space with bars lining the sides and a large raised bar in the center of the floor. Surrounding the center bar was these laser lights and smoke machines that made the most amazing effects.

I walked around the first floor a bit before pushing through the large black curtains at the back end of the room and climbing the narrow staircase. When I finally made it up the staircase I gasped in amazement at what I saw.

The second floor was incredible. The main dance floor was in the middle of the room and sunken down slightly so the surrounding floor made a mini wall around it. There were different bars in the corners of the raised floor around the dance floor and the one corner, raised slightly higher was the DJ booth along with all the lighting. The walls were decorated with thousands of led lights all flickering in different patterns giving the room this feeling of it swirling around. After a while, I decided to go check out the third floor, so I climbed up the stairs that were leading away from the dance floor and entered this dark tunnel. As I stepped foot inside however the entire thing lit up with millions of little lights, all forming patterns much like the walls of the second floor.

Only this time instead of just being on the sides it was all around me, I was walking on the lights, it was on the side of me, above my head everywhere. I felt like I was walking through a tube of fireflies. It was honestly magical although admittedly rather a challenge.

The third floor reminded me of something you'd possibly see in Wonderland, except I had no white rabbits to guide me. Instead of one normal floor, there were multiple dance stages. All of them raised at different heights with staircases allowing you to climb onto each one. There were a few bars all scattered around the room on different parts of the different dance stages. Above me however was something spectacular, there was a wooden deck that made a balcony all around the entire room, allowing people to walk around the whole room without having to climb up and down the different stages.

After spending some time exploring and trying to climb onto all the different stages I decided to go to the final floor. The most exclusive VIP top floor. Honestly, It was the one I was most excited about. Expecting to have to climb another staircase as I walked through the doors, I was greatly surprised when I instead found a beautiful glass elevator.

Inside there was a large button that just said, “The Glass Room”. Figuring that that meant the final floor I pressed the button and waited. The view from the elevator was stunning. Looking out I could see the most amazing view of New York City, Since I was getting dark you could see all the lights started to flicker on and It quickly becoming the skyline that it is so famous for. A rather loud ‘Ding’ sound filled the air announcing that I had arrived. slid open and I just gasped. By far this was the most spectacular room that I had seen. The entire floor was glass, lit up by hundreds of sparkling fairy lights underneath the glass. The walls were floor to ceiling windows that perfectly showcased a 360-degree view of the city... and then there was the ceiling, also completely glass but it had large white pieces of fabric draped across and some coming down to the floor. I could only presume that those were the pieces of fabric that the dancers were going to perform with. In amongst the fabric was fairy lights that just made everything so elegant.

The room honestly felt magical to me, you would never expect this to be a nightclub it was so stunning and yet at the same time all you wanted to do was dance.

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