《Eternal Soul》Chapter-28


After closing the menu, Grekorio thought about the actual situation and what his entry will change,'Okay so humans entered this war to help the wood elves in their holy mission, but the reason truthly is the fire stone, maybe in fear of the strength that the dark elves will get if they found out about it or simply greed, while the wood elves' reason is to purify the forest, probably something besides that but that is enough, but the real problem is the high elves in what motivated them to enter this war, was it really the shameful state of the wood elves that they couldn't endure seeing, however when the demon lord,me, enter the scene things will change drastically, and the way i arrived here is too suspicious i guess it's not that random the teleport. So the problem is, what motivates the high elves and how i will rule.', Grekorio thought about the answer while looking at the moon, but soon sighed while shaking his head,'I can't see the future, and in-game time is night i should log out a little.'

Before logging out he asked Woody,"What can you tell me about the Black Wind Falcon?"

"They attack only at the night and in ambushes, always in the air, so basically their feathers are black and attack at night, that is the reason of the name."

'It seems that i will have to stay in the game a little more.', Grekorio returned to his thoughts but quickly became bored, he asked Woody,"When we will arrive there?"

"We are already inside the black chicken territory."

"What?! Since when?"

"Few minutes ago."

"But why they didn't attacked us yet?"

"They feel the danger and they have cowardly nature, by the way there a few of them around us now."


"Take me to their leader.", Grekorio said while looking at the sky, he could barely see the silhouettes.


'Okay so how will i fight this time... I need a bow, but i forgot to buy one.', Grekorio looked down at his belt, staring at the throwing knives he decided,'This will do. I just need to use carefully.'

"We arrived, master.", Woody voice got Grekorio out of his thought.

"And it is near?", Grekorio asked while scaning the sorrounding.

"Above us."

Grekorio After hearing Woody's answer thought,'How this guy see them? See... How could i forget something like this.', Grekorio closed his eyes but the vision didn't came to him, he said to Woody,"Hey, why can't i use the vision?"

"Because i need to be inside the symbol."

'Okay so basically the option is Woody outside help in the fight in a direct way, while Woody inside help in a indirect way by giving me that vision.', Grekorio looked at the cloudy sky hiding the moon and could barely see the silhouette from the bird, he then turned to look at the sparse forest around him, few trees and they're not high.

"Woody, it seems that you will have to fight with me. Now Attack it."

Woody grabbed a tree beside them, uprooting it, Woody aimed carefully and throwed the tree at the bird above them, the bird noticed the tree and flapping its wings evaded to the side letting the tree continue its flight. The bird looked down and prepared to dive down but was interrupted when the tree's roots that was flying upwards stretched towards it, but it didn't see a shadow jumping from inside the tree.

The bird evaded to the side again while flapping its wing to make sharp wind blades that cut the roots, but while it was distracted with the roots the shadow approached it while free falling. The bird soon noticed someone sneaking on it and moved away from the shadow falling from the sky. A few roots attacking stopped their attack and moved to where the shadow is falling, the shadow grabbed one of the roots and used it to change the direction of where it's going, the shadow let go of the root and was getting close to the bird.


The clouds moved and the moon appeared lighting the place. The shadow identity, the bird appearance became clear together with what's sorrounding the two of them. The Shadow was Grekorio in his true appearance, the bird appearance could only be described as beatiful, the moonlight reflecting from its glossy black feathers, sharp beak and with 9 meters of lenght 5 of height and 12 of width, and while the bird stared at Grekorio with its green eyes and Grekorio doing the same, they aren't aware that the sorrounding is pure black not allowing to see beyond the black curtain formed by all the Black Wind Falcon watching the fight.

Woody on the ground with one tree in each hand looked up and throwed them. Grekorio looked down at the missiles coming while reaching for throwing knives in his belt, soon after grabbing a few he throwed them while aiming for the bird wings. The bird glared at Grekorio and seeing him throwing something prepared to send a few wind blades but then it noticed something below and closed its wings letting itself fall down.

Seeing the tree missile passing by, it opened its wings again and scanned the sorrounding and not finding Grekorio turned its attention to Woody who's a old rival. Grekorio hid behind a tree that Woody throwed making it possible to escape the bird's vision, Grekorio peeked downwards and could see the titans fighting, Woody using the tree roots and throwed giant pieces of rock that it keep pulling from the ground, and the bird keep on using wind magic while dodging the rocks.

Grekorio looked at the clouds and thought,'When this is going downward?', the tree finally broke through the heavy cloud formation, allowing Grekorio a beatiful view of the moon sorrounded by the stars,'This game don't have a screenshot button?!', while distracted by the his thoughts he didn't notice that the tree started its descend until got fast enough that he had to hug the tree.

Looking down he realize that the situation is a little different, woody is obviously more tired than the bird, its noticeable by the intensity in the attack. Grekorio stood up on the tree and unsheated the sword and saber.

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