《Eternal Soul》Chapter-27


Staring at the city gate Grekorio was almost drolling when he thought about the rewards. Walking throught with the others soldiers they were easily allowed to pass.

After walking for a few minutes Layla separated from other and walked down another road but not before asking Grekorio if he really can't allow her to go together, which he simply answered a no. On the way when they were walking to the city she tried the same countless times even telling him about her quest, the quest is for her to collect souls in the battle that they had with the wood elves , she said that hoping Grekorio to divulge what his quest (the unique one) was about, that is what Grekorio thought, and he did that saying to her," The quest say to clash with the wood elves and not let the dark elves die.", after hearing that Layla pouted and walked away angrily.

Reaching the HQ, Alexandre said he was going to meet the marshal to report and for Grekorio and the others to go to their tents and rest, Alexandre walked away and the soldiers walked to their tents like ordered, and all soldiers finally safe could mourn the death of their companions.

Grekorio looked around and seeing the depressive faces of the soldiers thought,'This smell like quests but i don't have time for that, the quest is still not completed, why? I will take this opportunity and go to the blacksmith.', Grekorio moved his feet to the city center.

Pushing his way through the always packed streets and a few thiefs groping his waist hoping to gather a few coins, just to walk away disappointed. Finally arriving at the shop he push the door open.

The weapons displayed changed but they look stronger, Grekorio happily walked around analyzing and noticed a few odd ones, so he asked the owner and the answer was,"Those swords are made by a ore called Fire Stone, if i am not wrong, the ore isn't rare and only have more endurance and sharpness when made in a sword."


Grekorio was shocked when he heard that,'Fuck! 'it's not rare around here', in the human kingdom the kings would kill villages to harvest this ore and to keep it a secret, maybe that is the reason of this war. That would be the reason for the human, since only them know the way to 'active' the stone and the reason why the stone became rare was the over use of it for the war between themselves, and at the end of the war all the Fire Stone swords are broken beyond repair, but at the beggining they were just like the dark elves now.', finishing the monologue he turned back to the owner, "Where can i find it?"

"Hey! Don't go risk your life for nothing. The people that go there are people desperate for money and have only this option."

"Tell me.", Grekorio stared intensively at the owner.

"No! I willn't be responsible for someone death.", the blacksmith crossed his arms in front of his chest and snorted.

"Tell me.", Grekorio said the same but his action are different, he took out 15 gold coins and put it on the counter.

The blacksmith expression quickly changed to pleased, and while shamelessly taking the coins said,"The place is dangerous because of the monster around there, they are the golems and the shadow foxes, you might be thinking aren't the golems passive? While that is true, they are also highly agressive to anyone that try to 'hurt' their 'father', meaning if you go there to harvest you have to be prepared for them and the shadow foxes are just there for the meat since the golems don't eat."

'It seems that i will have to beat every king in this mountain to find more.', Grekorio turned around and walked back to the street moving his feet in the army camp direction.


Arriving there, Grekorio searched for Alexandre soon finding him.

"Captain is everything okay?", Grekorio asks while approaching Alexandre.

"Yeah. I was searching for you."

"About the reward?"

"Yes, here your new insignia, this is the money reward, and this ticket allow you to get a few things from the armory.", Alexandre took out a insignia with two silver stars, a pouch and a white ticket.

【Quest Completed】

'FINALLY!', Grekorio screamed inwardly, but he spoke seriously,"Thanks, sir.", he accepted the items and placed them in his inventory.

"Congratulations , now you are first lieutenant."

"And you, sir?", Grekorio asked while looking at Alexandre shoulders.

"Lieutenant Coronel.", Alexandre answered in a proud tone.

"Then sir, thanks again. I will have to go now."

"Okay, see you soon."

Grekorio walked away and soon was outside the city. He scanned his sorrounding, he looked at the city direction and not seeing its walls said,"Woody come out."

The symbol in his forearm shined and slowly a giant silhouette began to take form.

"Master.", after getting out the symbol Woody kneeled on the ground while placing a head next to Grekorio for him to get up.

Grekorio walked up the arm and sat down on its head and said,"Good, now take me to the Black Wind Falcon."

Woody moved his feet and the earth quaked under it. Grekorio look at the sunset and thought,'Now it's fun time.', and he gesturing in front of him opened the menu and pressed at characted tab, and added points to strength and agility.











Magic Power-50




Smithing-Lv VI

Swordmanship-lv VIII


Tracking-Lv III

Stealth-Lv VI

Inspect(Plants)-Lv VIII

-Identify(Plant monster)

'it was short but fun, i don't know why adding points is so fulfilling.'

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