In Serial

Ashen Reign

8 370 30
Author: Type:Male

In a dark & psychedelic world the tribes of this land tread pace with gods & muses, alive in course of their thoughts. A promising oracle, Azarra, is sworn to a life of seclusion and severe vows of chastity for communion with the fateful powers that marked her. When an upstart warlord imposes on her shrine and forces her to break those oaths, she inverts a sentence of death and disgrace into one of ambition & retribution. Proclaiming her son as the incarnation of their pantheon's progenitor, Drakkon.

Azarra shapes this child, borne of unwanted union, into a tool of vengeance against all who wronged her. Swathing Drakkon in illusion of deification, she casts him as a Living Light to set her foes aflame. The cult they cultivate comes to ordain a new Aeon, a reign of Thunder. But the fiery storm of their imperium falls as rain of ash.

(Fantastical elements inspired from Greco-Roman & Germanic/Viking influences in a fictional setting of war & woe.)

Cover art & design by Lyria Key. Title font/logo by Dark Saturnus

Eventually aiming to release as amazon paperback and kindle e-book. May conjure up a discord and donation link. But for now hoping to generate some interest and entertain as many readers as the work reaches & speaks to.

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