《Eternal Soul》Chapter-29


Grekorio aimed carefully and kicked the tree, putting his arms next to his body to get faster. Mid-air Grekorio started to laugh out loud, this made the bird notice him, but before it could do anything it had to keep dodging Woody's attacks.

Grekorio seeing the target getting closer to him spread out his arms while the weapons he's holding pointing downwards like fangs. The bird glared at Grekorio figure and screeched, preparing to lauch a few wind blades, it sucessed but had to hurriedly dodge a rock coming from below, it looked at the rock and dodge to Grekorio's direction unintentionally.

Grekorio endured the sharp blades, after receiving the damage he opened his eyes and glanced at the giant black silhouette close to him, he strengthened his hold on the weapons while aiming for the wings.

Woody stopped throwing rocks and just stared at the two figures clashing, and the bird's shriek resounded through the area when its wings was perforated by Grekorio's weapons, and it started to fall down and Grekorio went together with it, but when he looked down and realized how high he was, Grekorio shouted,"WOODY GRAB US!"

Woody then stretched out its hand below them. It didn't took long before they landed in its hand, Grekorio quickly checked his HP while reaching for one HP potion on his belt, seeing the critical number on it,1/100, he immeadiatelly downed one potion and grabbed another to do the same.

The bird was in Woody's grasp while its wings still had bloody holes from Grekorio's blade. He checked his hp again and seeing it quickly recovering turned his attention back to the bird, who is being held by the wing , Grekorio scrutinized the bird and nodded while saying,"Passable."

Grekorio standing on Woody hand looked down at the bird and in a commanding tone said,"Do you accept me as your master?"


The same magic circle that appeared when Grekorio asked the same for Woody appeared now above them, in response to Grekorio's question the bird stayed silent, only glaring at Grekorio.

Grekorio waited calmly for its answer, and it soon came. The defiant bird's eyes are slowly replaced by hopelessness when Grekorio approached it with his sword and cutted it.

The magic circle above them shaked and started its descend, soon going throught Grekorio and the bird bodies, then a dark green symbol formed next to the green symbol in his right forearm, the symbol was a tribal bird's head.

"Good boy, for some reason i had the urge to name you birdy, but i will give you a more serious name... how about, Luna. A generic name.", Grekorio nodded with a obvious expression of being satisfied with himself, even though he knows that he sucks at naming anything.

While Grekorio was satisfied with himself a voice suddenly sounded inside his head,"Thanks, master.", it was a woman's voice, Grekorio jumped suprised.

"Wait, so you're not a boy, but a girl.....Luckily i gave you a feminine sounding name......", He spoke staring at Luna and it nodded.

"For some reason it gave me some weird feelings, anyway about your wings, what can i do to make it recover faster?"

"The only way i know is of naturally recovering.", Luna mouth(beak) didn't opened but Grekorio head its voice inside his head again.

"Okay. And what can you do?"

"I can fly, use advanced wind magic and basic black magic and command the Black Wind Falcons that are weakers than me."

"Just like Woody,huh. Good, but what i want to know is what can you do when you are inside the symbol."

Luna didn't answered Grekorio, but transformed in a stream of light and entered the symbol just like Woody did. After all the light motes entered the symbol Luna's voice could be heard,"Master, prepare yourself."


Grekorio closed his eyes and prepared himself for whatever is coming, and it soon came. He began to feel something on his back and opening his eyes, he was suprised at the same that he wasn't suprised by seeing huge wings sprouting from his back.

"So you give me the ability to fly?"


'It's kind of redutant if you stop to think about it, but it's a good trait.', Grekorio tried to move his new accessory, but was meet with failure,' I am too tired to keep on trying this, and Luna to recover naturally so i should take this opportunity and get out this game.'

Grekorio opened the menu, but he first opened his new pet status:


Race-Black Wind Falcon



Title-[One of the four kings]






Magic Power-50



Flight-Lv X

King's authority-Lv X

Wind Magic-Lv V

Dark Magic-Lv I

'Good status, besides agility all others status are lower than mine. This clearly shows how over-powered my status is. Anyway i should just logout.'

Going back to Real World and opening his eyes, gave his the impression like it has been a long time since he had been on the real world, lifting the helmet off his head and putting it on the shelf, Luke went back to his bed and soon fell asleep.

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