《Eternal Soul》Chapter-30


Luke was waked by someone knocking at the door and pressing the bell, he grudingly got up to answer the door and in the way out his room strumbled on the ramen cup on the ground and random trash he finally got out of his room, turning his head to right, he glared at the door and moved his feet towards it, but whoever was on the other side stopped ringing the bell when he reached the door. Luke then opened the door and scanned the corridor,'A prank this early?', then he looked downwards and noticed a package. Picking it up, he scanned the corridor again and closed the door.

He looked at the mess which he calls his room,'I need to clean this.', he then turned to the kitchen and sat down on a chair, Luke's apartment is just 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom and the kitchen, simple and cheap, that's why and how he purchased it.

Shaking the package and moving his ear next to it,'At least it don't see to be a bomb.', he then took a knife that was on the table and opened it. Sneaking a peek inside he realize that it's just papers, taking it out, he remembers that he was waiting for the contract from Agatha, and the package is that, feeling embarrased he stood up and started to make coffe, and while waiting for it to get ready he started to read the papers.

Putting the stash of papers in front of him, he notice a note above it.

"After reading and signing the papers please come to the company to deliver them to me.



Luke nodded and leaving the note aside, he reached for the first paper, after finishing readind it he moved his eyes to check the coffe status and seeing that all the water was transformed in coffe he got and fullfilled a cup and added a few spoons of sugar, sitting back on the chair and taking a sip, he couldn't help but let out a satisfied sound,"It's good. Now i can focus."

Returning his eyes to the paper, he restarted reading.

3 Hours laters.

Putting the papers back inside the package and using duct tape to close it. He entered his room and walking through the trash on the ground he reached his wardrobe, opening it, he stared at the few clothes and poor state of the wardrobe,'I really need to clean this place.', taking a blue jeans pants and white shirt and the first underwear he laid eyes upon, he turned to the bathroom.


After taking a shower, he checked his wallet to see if anything is missing,'ID, Money, the package, Sunrise company adress and cellphone.', he then closed the door and walked down the stairs, greeting the neighboors on the way he reach the ground floor.

Walking out the building he moved his feet to the bus stop, observing the concrete jungle on the way, he notice that each day that pass by the people dress in ways that get easy to recognize what kind of music they like to hear, what they like talk about, but those kind of people become hard to recognize by themselves, it's easy to understand what kind of 'group' this person 'belong', but it's hard to recognize what exactly is the 'person' and what is the 'group'.

Getting inside the bus while distracted in his monologue,'Ah, stuff like politics is boring, but you can't escape it, and society is the same, and they both go by the name knows as life.... Anyway, the contract has no trap, at least i didn't notice any. I really wonder what i am doing with my life.', shaking his head, he took out the Sunrise adress from his pocket together with his phone, he then opened the GPS app and entered the adress, 'It's close by, next stop i get out the bus and walk a few blocks.'

Luke stood up and approached the door, pressing the button besides the door it didn't let out any sound, looking up he realize that someone already pressed the button to warn the driver that someone want to get out in the next bus stop.

Getting out the bus, he took out his phone and confirmed in which direction is where he needs to go, he started to move while looking at his phone.

Memorinzing the route, he returned his phone back to his pocket and looked at sorrounding, which is made of skyscrapers that the top floors can't be see, he restarted to walk using the GPS' route.

40 minutes later.

Luke stands before a skycraper not much different from the others besides the color, orange, and the symbol, which is the sun in yellow color, in middle of it, he stepped foward with intention to enter, but was stopped by a security man, and the man said,"Sorry, sir. You can't enter."


Luke was irritate at first but then he thought,'No need to get angry, the guy is just doing his job. By the way he called me sir? I look that old?', Luke touched his face and said,"But i have a appointment with someone inside there.", then he tried to enter again.

"You can't enter.", the man said the same and interrupted Luke again.

'Here i am trying to be nice, but this bastard is probably making fun of me.', Luke said in a deep tone,"Okay, then call Agatha Scott, to see if i am saying is a lie or not."

"Hahahahaha.", this time the serious look in the man face was dismantled with his laughter,"Hahaha... Agatha Scott is the vice-president what she would want with someone like you?"

'So this guy is a elitist, even though he's a security agent, he think that he is someone.', Luke remained calm and spoke,"Then try calling her."

The elitist man nodded to the man besides him and the man moved inside, but it didn't took long before the man come back and looked towards the elitist man like one would look towards a corpse or a dying person, with pity.

The man stayed silent and the side, but the elitist man found it strange and asked the man but he kept quiet about it just telling him to wait.

Soon the entrance door opened and a woman appeared together with 2 persons behind her one woman and one man, the woman in the middle was familiar to Luke, with her long black hair and beatiful face which is showing a angry expression.

The elitist man looked at the door and respectfully asked,"Vice-president why are you here?"

Luke and Agatha looked at each other eyes and she gestured for him to follow her while turning around at the same time saying,"You are dismissed."

The elitist realized that it was aimed at him and asked,"What do you mean?"

"From tommorow on, you don't need to come here anymore.", after all her word were heard the door closed.

Inside the building, Luke, Agatha and her two assistants waited for the elevator. While they were waiting Agatha spoke to Luke,"This time it you are wearing clothes, by the way it was not bad."

"Hahaha, you caught me by suprise that time besides couldn't you make clothes for me that time?", the elevator door opened and they entered.

Agatha pressed the top floor and the elavator started to move, she then answered him, "No. And why you are, for lack of better word, so different?"

"If you mean different as in personality, style and such, the answer would be, i am an individual, and i consider myself a little eccentric.". Luke answered with a rare seriousness in his eyes.

"Hahahahaha.", Agatha held her stomach while laughing, "Sorry, i'm not laughing because it's funny, well that too, but because it was an interisting answer, can you elaborate?"

While the two of them are entertained with each other, the two behind was suprised by how Agatha is behaving,"Hey, did you notice how weird is the vice-president today?", the man whispering, asked the woman,"Yeah, she seems to be interested in this guy.", they looked at each other and shaking their heads, they said the same thing together,"it's impossible."

Luke immediately answered her,"Sure! What i mean is that everyone is trying to fit some kind of standard whether unconscious or consciously, probably trying to be someone they aren't or be what others hope them to be, there a lot of this type and probably there people like me, that just want to be themselves, not some kind of standard. I don't know if you understood it."

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