《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 17 - Emergency


After the duel... Euclio looked interested as well...

I could see it from his face...

"Nico... can I?"

"No..." I said

And he looked sad... while Rin laughed after seeing Euclio's face

"Oh by the way, did any of you see Erin?" I asked

Euclio shook his head...

And someone touch my back...

I turned back and...

"Erin! Where have you been!" I asked...

"I was behind you" she said

Hmmm both of us now feel annoyed...

I didn't feel her presence at all...

"Let's head to the receptionist..." I said and the other three answered...

"Okay!" in unison...

The four of us left the duel arena...

We met the receptionist, which I never seen before...

"Hello, what can I help you?" she asked me...

"Umm we are going to merge party..." I said

And she gave a thought...

"Ah, wait... what's your name?" she asked me...

"Nicolas..." I said...

"Hmmm there are a lot of Nicolas... what's your class?" she asked me...

"Umm High Elementalist..." I said

And she didn't move an inch...

"S-So you are that Nicolas... sorry for not noticing you..." she said while bowing...

"N-No problem... I don't really want to be notice..." I said

She gave me a form...

And I see the maximum limit of a party...

"5 is the maximum party member?" I asked her

And she nodded...

"So... I can still find another member..." I said

"Exactly... please be wise when selecting new member... since you are our only platinum party in this guild... we have a high expectation on you..." she said

"D-Don't worry, we will do our best!" I said with a smile...

And she blushed?

"Oh... my name is Elly..." she said

"Hi Elly..." Rin and Erin in unison...

And Eu and I laughed a bit...

"W-What's wrong?" Erin asked...

"Both of you are truly brother and sister!" I said

And Elly laughed as well...

"Then, we will find another quest for tomorrow..." I said to Elly...

"Let me guide you..." Elly said and left the receptionist table...

"A-Are you sure?" I asked

I see the line up is quite long...

"Don't worry..." she said

And we see other receptionist replaced her already...

This guild works well

The five of us looked at the quest board...

"Hmmm the only gold quest is this one..." Rin pointed on a paper...

Elly took the paper and read it for us...

"Defeat a Hellhound... a red dog with a size of a wolf... appears only at night... reward, 5 golds..." Elly read it for us...

"Hmmm Hellhound? If I'm not mistaken, it is a B rank monster?" I said

And Euclio nodded...

But Erin, Rin and Elly has no idea with what we are talking about

"What are you talking about?" Rin asked me...

"Y-You don't know?" I asked him and he shook his head...

"Both of you should be from Auxem School, right?" Elly asked...

Both of us nodded...

"That is why you know such things... there is a classification of monsters..." Elly said to Rin and Erin...

"And from its strength, agility, and intellectual of the monster, we summarized on how threatening is a monster... yesterday, you fought an Orc... which is a B rank monster... and now, you will against a B rank monster..." Elly explained...

"And the higher it is, the danger it is... the lowest to the highest are D, C, B, A, and S" Euclio added...


I nodded... since I have nothing to explain...

"Then... what are the example of S rank monster?" Rin asked... he sounds interested




"Fire Dragon..."

"Wind Dragon..."


The two of us keep mentioning an S rank monster until I said Colossus...

"Colossus?" Euclio asked...

"Yeah! I read it in a book..." I said

"You mean a 20 meters tall monster, with a really thick armor and a giant sword?" Elly asked

And I nodded...

"I thought it was a legend?" Euclio said...

"People said, that one of the three ancient kingdom has the statue of colossus... and it is believed that it was a living colossus but it was frozen..." I said

"All I know is that Colossus material is the only material that is as strong as adamantine..." Erin said

And everyone become silent...

"I-Is it?!" Euclio asked...

"Yeay let's find a colossus!" Rin said happily

"Are you crazy, colossus are an S rank monster... also no one has ever found it anymore! Maybe they extinct with the dinosaurs!" I said

"Dinosaurs??" all of them asked in unison...

"Ummm nevermind..." I said

"I take the quest!" I said to Elly... to avoid more questions

"Okay, then good luck! We will provided you a carriage..." Elly said

"Thanks!" I said

After we combine our party and take a quest, we take a rest for a bit...

We walk our way back to the house...

It took no longer than ten minutes... since Rin is now cured...

We let Rin and Erin sleep in the bedroom on the first floor...

"Hey, is there any training ground?" I asked Euclio...

"Yeah, the guild has one... but we will make a crowd if we practice there..." Euclio said...

Currently, Erin and Rin is taking a rest...

"Hey Nico..." Euclio called me...

"Hmmm?" I asked

"Next time... when you left house during night... you should ask me to join!" Euclio said

"Umm why?" I asked...

"So I won't missed a lot of things..." Euclio said... with angry face...

"Sure... next time okay..." I said and he nodded

"Oh, by the way... let's take a rest... we have a mission tonight..." Euclio said

"T-That's true... I will take a bath first..." I said

"Let me join..." Euclio said...


Since it is a big bath, I guess I am okay with that...

After we took a bath, we take a rest...

I sleep like a log... since last night I sleep for only 4 hours... or 5...

The next time I awake...

"Hey.. Nico! Wake up!"

"Is he dead?"

"O-Of course not"

"Hey! His eyes are open!"

I see three faces really close to my face...

"WOOAAHHH!" I shouted...

"Hey! Nico! Calm down!" Euclio said

"W-What are you doing?" I asked...

"Wake you up? It is 7 PM already..." Rin said

"I-I see... let's prepare ourselves..." I said

"Okay!" the three of them in unison...

Rin and Erin left...

And Euclio laughed...

"What's wrong?" I asked...

"I know since the beginning, that you are a good leader..." Euclio said...

"Huh... you should have been the leader..." I said

Yeah, Euclio is always been the smartest one...

Both of us prepared our cloth... mine and Euclio's cloth are practically the same... only I have a red patterns, while Euclio has a blue patterns...

Also I have an eagle emblem on my left chest, while Euclio has a Kraken on it...


When we reached downstairs... we took our own swords... and I put it on my left hip, and Euclio put a sword on his right and the other one on his left...

Both Rin and Erin looked at us speechlessly...

"S-So cool!!" Rin said after seeing me...

Then I looked at them staring at us...

"Let's go..." I called them...

And both nodded...

We left the house and head to the adventurer restaurant...

The city is still busy... and a lot of people is staring on us...

"Did we dressed up wrong?" I asked Euclio...

"I-I don't know... I think your Kasan has a nice taste of selecting cloth..." Euclio said...

We walked with two foxes behind us...

N-Not foxes! I mean wolf...

N-Not wolf! They are Rin and Erin... or else I will be smacked by Precilla...

I wonder how is she...

Haven... my worst nightmare...

I planned to eat, then we do our quest... we can't just do our quest with an empty stomach...

When we arrived at the restaurant, everyone is staring at us...

"Hey!" someone approached us...

"Ah Ligurd..." the gold adventurer that challenged Rin...

Ligurd then faced Rin...

"S-Sorry for underestimating you..." Ligurd said...

"Yeah... no problem..." Rin said


He then faced me...

"Your party is full of crazy people..." Ligurd said

"Of course... I can't just choose random person..." I said

And he nodded...

"Ah, how about let me treat the four of you!" Ligurd said...

"That would be great!" I said

And we ordered a food...

When I ordered a food, I found out that the waiter send a code to Ligurd...

What is it all about...

After few minutes... the food arrived...

"W-Wow... it has more sauce then yesterday's meal..." I said

"Of course! I told the waiter to give you something extra" Ligurd said while smiling...

And when I about to eat...

Erin threw my spoon away from me...

When Euclio about to eat, he stopped as well after seeing what Erin did to me...

"Then, how about you taste the food..." Erin said to Ligurd...

"Ummm what do you mean? I have eaten already..." Ligurd said while refusing...

"Don't worry, just a single bite won't make you full" Rin said with his smile...

I looked at Ligurd...

Oh, wait as I remember silver will show everything...

I take a silver coin from my bag, and drop it on my meal...

And the color of the food started to changes...

I looked at Ligurd...

I walked slowly toward him...

'Create Water'

'Create Wind'

'Create Earth'

'Create Fire'

'Create Light'

I have my 5 spheres ready...

Everyone in the restaurant begins trembling...

The other adventurers is on guard while staring at me, like about to attack me in any time...

Rin and Erin can't move as well...

Even I see Ligurd is peeing on his pant...

But someone hold my shoulder...

I look back


"Let's just find another restaurant..." Euclio suggested...


"You see, the food here bores me... let's try to find another type of food..." Euclio said

I looked at Rin and Erin... even both of them looked afraid of me...

A-Am I that scary?!

But I was about to be murdered!

If we don't know Rin or Erin, I will be a dead man by now...

"Rin, Erin, let's find another restaurant..." I said

And both of them nodded...

I left the restaurant and I see Ligurd stand still...

I created a prison for him...

[PRISON] and a wall from every side, front, back, and side.. also above him start to ascend from the ground...

I left him like that...

I hear him shouting inside the wall

"A-Are you sure to let him be like that?" Erin asked me...

I think I should asked advice from my friends...

"What do you guys think?" I asked...

"Forgive him?" Rin said

That is too kind...

"Kill him?" Erin said

That is scary! But he almost killed me... so I am actually thinking about it...

"Nah, let's stop creating troubles... he is afraid of you now already..." Euclio said...

Everyone around me is still not moving... I just don't want to be hate as well...

I let a sigh...

I put down my wall...

And I see Ligurd is crying...

We left them...

"Hey Rin... find a good restaurant for me..." I said to him, to bring lively the atmosphere...

Rin is the most cheerful person in this party... so I think I know how to lighten the mood...

"Ah, how about that place!" Rin pointed out a restaurant...

"Steak food?" Euclio and I in unison

And both of them nodded...

Euclio and I looked at each other...

"Why not?" I said

And both Rin and Erin looked happy...

We open the door to the restaurant and only found this place a quite fancy place...

An elf come to us...

"Hello and Welcome... how many people are with you?" she asked us...

"Four" I said

And the she looked at Erin and Rin...

"Erin! Rin! It's been a long time!" she said with a smile...

"Ah, it's only 2 days..." Rin said

After seeing me and Euclio, she clear her throat

"Okay, please follow me..." the elf said...

We followed her and we sit on a quite cool table...

"What are you going to order?" the elf asked me...

"Ummm what are the specialty of food that you got?" I asked...

"We got beef steak, pork steak, chicken steak..."

"Beef Steak..." I said

"Then I will choose Chicken Steak..." Euclio said

"and you two?" she asked Rin and Erin...

"You know what we will order!" Rin said with a smile...

"Okay! Please wait for around 15 minutes..." she said and leave...

Wow... this place is pretty cool... and the price is actually not that expensive... it cost 5 silvers for a steak, but compared to the adventurer restaurant, it is 10x more expensive...

"So, you know this restaurant?" I asked both of them...

"Yeah! The owner is really kind!" Rin said with a big smile...

I wonder why this boy is so happy...

"They give us food when we have no money..." Erin explained...

"I-I see... that is a good thing that we eat here..." I said

"Also, it is not that expensive..." Euclio said

Erin and Rin looked at Euclio with surprised...

But I agree with him...

"Yep it is not... we can actually make a membership here..." I said jokingly.... but

"Membership?" the three of them in unison...

"N-Nevermind, what I am trying to say is, that we can eat here everyday... since you know the owner, and they don't want their restaurant to have a bad reputation..." I explained...

Rin and Erin looked happy...

"I am very grateful to meet a good person like both of you..." Rin said

"N-No... we are grateful as well, you know without you... Nico and I won't be here now..." Euclio said

Then Euclio pushed my head downward...

"So... thank you for saving us..." Euclio said while bowing... and so do I...

"N-No... we owe you too... you save my brother, and so we have to save you..." Erin said...

"No! I don't like with that thought..." I said

And Euclio, Rin and Erin looked surprised...

"You see, we are now friends... which mean, we should help each other... we share things together, we eat together, and we fight together..." I said

"That is true! I like it..." Rin said with happy face...

"I don't mind..." Erin replied...

"Oh my oh my... look at our leader's words... isn't it cool?!" Euclio sounds happy as well...

"Yeah! He fits to become a leader..." Rin said

"I know right!" Euclio said

And now both of them are best friends...

"But... feeling your aura... that is crazy... I can't even move..." Erin said to me...

"Yes! That was super scary! I thought I pee on my pants!" Rin said

"Hmmm I feel like you did the same thing like Keito-sensei..." Euclio said

T-The scary aura?! I did that?!

"Hey... isn't that cool?!" I said with a smile...

"No! in fact, everyone has readied their sword and prepared to attack you!" Erin reminds me...

"R-Really?" I asked

And the three nodded...

That is making myself in trouble right?

"I hope I won't use it again..." I said

"You hope?" Euclio asked...

"Don't use it again!" Erin forbid me...

"B-But it just happened without my knowledge..." I said

And the three of them remain silence...

The food came afterwards

We eat the food without talking...

It's not that because we have no topic... but the food is delicious...

Price talks...

After we finished our dinner, the elf sit next to me...

"My name is Monica... what's yours?" the elf asked me...

"I am Nicolas... and this is Euclio..." I introduce myself and Euclio...

Euclio waved his hand with a smile on his face...

And she waved back...

"So... these guys are your friends?" Monica asked Rin and Erin...

Rin and Erin nodded...

"Thanks for becoming their friends!" Monica said to me...

Is she their mother or something?

"No problem... we are now helping each other..." Euclio said

"R-Really?" Monica sounds surprised...

"Yeah, just now, before we went to this place, we were about to eat in other restaurant... but the food is poisoned... Rin and Erin stopped us from eating the food..." Euclio said

Rin and Erin looked shyly

"That is awful... who tried to poisoned you?" Monica asked...

"I think some jealous adventurer..." Rin said

"Yeah, he is jealous of Nico..." Erin said

And Monica looked at me... closely...

"Ummm..." I said

"You have a beautiful red eyes..." Monica said...

"T-Thank you..." I said

"Oh! And also! Nico cured me!" Rin said happily...

And Monica looked at me with unbelievable face...

'Create Light...'

I summoned a light...

"H-Holy attribute..." she said with amazed face...

"Yep..." I said

Then she looked at my necklace...

"So! You are the boy people talking about..." Monica said with surprised...

"P-People? Talking about me?!" I asked...

"Yes... they said that the member itself is strong already... which is Euclio right?" she asked Euclio...

"Me? I am not that strong..." Euclio said

"He is extremely strong..." I said...

"N-No I am not..." Euclio said

"I lose on swordsmanship..." I said

"Because you are a mage!" Euclio shouted...

Rin, Erin and Monica laughed hearing our fight...

"Hey, we should be ready for the quest... the carriage will be ready at 9 PM..." Erin reminded us...

"T-That's true..." I said...

I pay the food, which cost 20 silvers

20 silvers is nothing for us, if we got 5 golds each day...

We left the restaurant and head for the guild...

The city is much more quite now... since it is getting late...

After minutes of walk, we arrived in front of the guild...

And I see someone waiting for us...

"Miel?" I called her...

She was running toward me...

"A-Are you okay?" she asked me and she put her forehead to my forehead...

I blushed a bit...

"I-I am fine..." I said with red face...

"I heard someone was trying to poisoned you..." Miel said

"Yeah, it's Ligurd...." Erin said

And Miel nodded...

"Ligurd has been disqualified as adventurer... and his name will be banned for attempting a murder..." Miel said

"How about the waiter of the restaurant?" Euclio asked...

Euclio as sharp as always...

"He has been interrogated, and he said that he was sent by Reyner... but Reyner said that he don't even know him..." Miel said...

"Reyner?" Euclio, Rin and Erin in unison...

"He is a Platinum Adventurer... like us..." I said...

"Hey, you haven't told me about that..." Euclio said...

"I will tell you during our way to the village..." I said

And he nodded...

"Oh, by the way, where is Petra?" I asked...

"She is investigating your case..." Miel said

Wow... she care about me that much?

"I see... then, we will be off..." I said to Miel

"Okay! Make sure to come back! Good luck!" she said

We get in to the carriage... and..

"To the west village..." I said to the driver... and he nodded...

I see Euclio's face... he looks unwell...

Carriage is a bad option...

"Hey Euclio, try to sit next to the driver... maybe it will be better..." I gave him a suggestion... and he nodded...

"What's wrong with him?" Erin asked...

"He got... landsick..." I said

Is it even a word... I know about seasick

He is an Ocean Race... maybe there is such terms...

But Rin and Erin looked confused...

"Euclio is an Ocean Race... he is not used to carriage riding..." I said

And both showed an O faces... mean they understand...

After around two hours... we arrived at the west village... which is out of the village...

We meet with the quest maker... and asked for clue...

It is an old man, and he said that the wolf always hunt their livestock...

So we waited on the tree... near the livestock...

We arrived at 11 PM, and we waited on the tree of almost 2 hours... and nothing showed up...


Erin starting to sniff...

I looked at her and she nodded...

I wave my hand to Euclio which is on the other tree...

Rin is ready already... since he can smell things quite good...

I see a red dog... big enough, like a wolf size... a bit bigger...

And it was waiting for its prey...

'Create Wind....'

'Create Earth...'

'Create Water'

'Create Fire...'

'Create Light'

I activated all of my magic...

Then I aim for the hellhound which is still waiting for its prey to come closer...


I launched my wind attack...

I pushed him down... so he won't be able to move...

"Now!" I shouted...

Euclio, Rin, and Erin jumped from the tree and aimed for its head...

It is an overkill...

We return to the village while bringing the head of the Hellhound...

Rin and Erin took the Hellhound's teeth... all of them...

And they joined us later...

Rin give it to me...

"W-What is that for?" I asked in disgust...

"Hmmm? We can sell this you know!" Rin said to me...

"R-Really? How much it cost?!" I asked...

"I think it was about 5 silvers per tooth..."

And I see that both of them bring tens of teeth...

"I think tomorrow we should go shopping..." I said

And everyone agreed...

After we showed the head of the hellhound to the quest maker, he thanked us...

We return to the carriage and drive back to the South Guild...

Euclio sits with the driver...

And when we enters Sera...

It is so peaceful, the crowd city like Sera could be this peaceful some times...

But when we arrived in front of the guild...

We heard a loud bell ringing above the guild...

"W-What's wrong?" I asked the driver...

"It's an emergency quest" the driver shouted...

"W-Where should I go?" I asked the driver

"Just wait inside the lobby..." he asked us...

"Let's go..." Euclio said and jumped from the driver seat...

"Ughh I am sleepy..." Rin said

"Here..." I said and I carried him on my back

Then he shut his eyes...

H-He is so cute...

We entered the guild... and found everybody is waiting for an announcement...

Then, a soldier stand on the stage and begin to talk...

"We are currently under attacked by a pegasus... it is for an unknown reason, but the pegasus has injured hundreds of the soldiers... so we need every adventurer to help us, for the sake of this city... also, there will be a reward for stopping the mad pegasus... alive or death..." the soldier said

"What is the reward?!" some adventurer asked...

"5000 golds..." the soldier speak

Whispers are everywhere

And everyone is preparing themselves...

"Should we go?" I asked Euclio...

"No... I think this much adventurer is enough..." Euclio said...

Then we decided not to join the quest...

"Actually, that is not enough..." Euclio said...

"H-Huh?" I asked

"W-What do you mean?" Erin asked

We are currently walking to our home...

"I am just too tired... I am talking about the pegasus... the adventurer won't be enough to stop the pegasus..." Euclio said

"What is the rank of pegasus?" Erin asked...

And both of us can't answer...

"No... it is not a monster, but a mythical creature..." I said...

"Pegasus is the emblem of Aerios Kingdom right?" Euclio asked..

And I nodded...

"Based on the myth, those who can tame the Pegasus is a descendant of the god..." I said

"That is also part of Tensei Sect's theory right?" Euclio asked

I nodded...

"Oh, by the way... how do you know that the adventurer won't be enough?" I asked

"Of course... this is the city of military, if the military can't stop the creature... how about adventurer..." Euclio said

That is true...

"Should we helped them?" I asked him

"No..." Euclio said

"Why?" Erin asked with annoyed face...

"You see, if they can't do it today, there might be a chance that the pegasus come back tomorrow... and the reward might be larger..." Euclio said...

"And we take the chance?" I asked

He nodded...

Euclio... as clever as always...

"But what if the pegasus destroyed our house tonight?" Erin asked...

"Umm...you see, Sera is a big town... it would be a really small chance for the pegasus destroyed our house..." Euclio explained...

I guess that make sense...

But I know that Erin don't want anyone to get hurt...

"Erin... let's just take a rest... we just finished our mission, and I don't want to see any of you get hurt..." I said

And she nodded

"If that is the best for us, I guess I should agree..." Erin said

And we arrived at home...

We take a rest until tomorrow morning...

I wake up at 9 AM....

Since I feel a bit hot...

I open my eyes and...

"Rin!!" I shouted...

"Hmmm?" he said while still sleeping on my chest...

T-This wolf...

Oh, I shouldn't call him wolf, it is a bad things to say to a beastman race....

"Last night I am quite sure that I put you in your room..." I said to him with sleepy face...

"Let's go on a mission!" Rin said excitedly...

"Ah... sure... can you wake Euclio up..." I said to Rin...

"Sure!" Rin said and he hugged Euclio chest...

After several seconds...

Euclio opened his eyes...

"Rin?!?" Euclio shouted...

And I laughed really hard...

Is that how Rin wake someone up? That is just too cute...

He used his fur to make the temperature high and then we woke up...

After we prepared ourselves... we walked toward the guild...

"Hmmm does the steak restaurant serve breakfast?" I asked Rin and Erin...

"They do!" Rin said excitedly

While Erin just nodded...

Seeing Erin, reminded me of Ed... like how cold is he...

We walk to the steak restaurant and see Monica is cleaning the table outside the restaurant...

"Monicaaa!" Rin shouted...

"Rin?!" Monica looked surprised...

And she saw us as well...

"Hello everyone! Want to try our breakfast?" she offered us...

"Yeah please for 4 person..." I said

And we sit outside the restaurant this time....

The restaurant is in the middle of a plaza... so it is quite a view to see people passed by

After several minutes, she served us the meal...

It is french fries?!

And also a soup and a bread... also an apple...

Also an orange juice...

And that is a portion for a people...

That is quite a lot isn't it?

We eat it...

"I don't know what is it... but it is delicious!" Euclio complimented the french fries...

"It's a potato right?" I asked Monica which is seating next to me...

She keep staring at me... and that annoyed me...

"Yup! Do you like it?" she asked me

"Y-Yeah it taste good!" I said

And she looks happy...

After all of us eaten the food... we paid...

It cost 2 silvers... for a meal, so it takes 8 silvers for all of us...

I am the one that keeps the money... and I am the one that decided to what to buy...

"Let's claim our reward first on the guild..." I said and the other agreed...

The four of us walk to the guild... which only takes 10 minutes...

Then we found Petra outside the building...

When she saw me, she looked angry...

"Hey! Where have you been?" she asked me...

"Me? Last night we went on a mission... and today we are going to claim the reward..." I said to her...

She then let a sigh...

"Fine... give me the paper..." she asked me...

I took the paper from my bag, which has the signature of the quest maker... and I give it to Petra...

She read it and take 5 golds from her pocket and give it to me...

"Thanks!" I said happily...

And I tried to enter the guild but she hold me...

"Where are you going?" she asked me...

"To the guild?" I said

Even Euclio looked confused as well...

"What for?" Petra asked...

"Find a quest..." I said

And she take a paper out of her pocket and show it to me...

"Lead an army of adventurer to find the pegasus... dead or alive, 20 000 golds?!?" I shout it...

"T-That if we got the pegasus..." Euclio said to Petra...

"Yes, read the next line..." Petra asked me...

"Whether you are found or not found the pegasus, you will be rewarded... 100 golds..." I read

"Requirement... a platinum party..." Euclio read the next sentence...

"Yes... I suggest you prepare your party... and I will gather the adventurer in 2 hours..." Petra said while leaving us...

After Petra left us... I don't have any word to say...

"100 golds whether you found or not found the pegasus... that is a good deal..." Euclio said...

"Yes... but I must lead an army..." I said

"What's the problem with that?" Erin asked...

"I... never done anything like this..." I said

"Then you should try it..." Rin said with smile...

I-I just can't refuse when Rin talks...

"Fine... I'll do it... at least I have the three of you..." I said

And they smiled...

"Let's check the market... maybe we can buy some important items..." Euclio suggests

"Okay!" the three of us in unison

The four of us left the guild and we goes to the market...

And as usual, the city is a real crowd...

"Erin, what is your sword style?" Euclio asked...

"Hmmm, I play defensively... so I am a Valeon Style right?" she asked back to Euclio

And Euclio nodded...

There are a lot of Ares and Valeon style... but no one use Maxim Style besides Nathalia, Ed and I...

"So you use heavy armor?" I asked Erin

"Yeah! You know! No one can defeated her back in the village!" Rin said proudly...

"Rin!" Erin reminded Rin

And Rin shut his mouth...

Euclio and I looked speechless...

When I see Rin fight... I thought he is formidable already... but when Rin said that no one can beat Erin in the village, which mean that Erin is stronger than Rin right?

"Wow... that would be really cool! I know from the beginning that Erin is strong!" Euclio said

"Yep!" Rin said happily

"Don't worry Erin... we won't tell anyone..." I said to Erin...

"Yes, and if you don't want to show it to us, it is fine..." Euclio said

We walk through the market...

"Hey... that is a good armor..." Euclio...

"No! This one is better..." I said

But Erin looked disappointed...

Maybe it is not the right one....

"Hey Erin! How about this one... it looks like your armor back in the village..." Rin said

She take a look on it...

"Yeah, but it cost for 50 golds..." she said

And all of us remain silent...

"How about we buy the cheaper one first, and after the quest, we bought this one..." I said

She agreed...

So we bought a cheaper heavy armor, and another sword for Euclio

Euclio has Ocean Protector already... but his other sword is... not that good...

So, just in case...

After an hour, we decided to return to the guild...

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