《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 16 - Cure


The next day, when I awake... the boy is waiting for me while standing in front of my bed...

"WOAHHHH" I said in surprised...

"U-Ummm shut up Nico..." a voice next to me...

Ughhh even Euclio is still sleeping...

If there is a fire in this house... I bet Euclio won't wake up...

"Ummm sorry... and thanks for the night... I will repay you soon..." the boy said

"No, I don't even lost any money, so that's fine..." I said

And his face looked relieved...

This boy is a fox! And it is so fluffy... my hand really want to touch the fur...

"Oh by the way... how's your fever?" I asked...

"It's okay now!" he said with a smile...

I have a feeling that he is not...

He is still a bit shaking now...

"You will be coming with me..." I told him...

"Where?" he asked

"Doctor..." I said

And he looked surprised...

"N-No... I am okay now, see I can stand already... also I don't have enough money for that..." he said and suddenly he faced downward...

"Don't worry, we are a party! We should help each other!" I said

"B-But... doctor is very expensive..." the boy said

"That's okay! We will do a high level quest and get more reward!" I said

And he didn't say anything else...

"What's your name?" I asked him

"Rin..." he said

"Okay, so let's prepare yourself and we will go to find a doctor..." I said

I stood up from my bed and prepared to leave the room...

But he just stand there...

"You want me to carry you?" I asked jokingly...

"N-No..." he said while wiping his tears...

"Let's go..." I said and he followed me...

I move downstairs and...

"W-Wow..." I looked amazed...

"Good morning!" the girl greeted me...

"Good morning! You clean all of this?" I asked

And she nodded with a smile...

Wow... I feel bad for not rewarding them...

"How about I treat you breakfast for this..." I said

And both of them looked surprised...

"N-Noo... don't worry, we are not hung-" before Rin finished his sentences..

A voice coming out from the girl's stomach...

"Ummm..." the girl sounds a bit embarrassed

"Let's go..." I invited both of them...

And surprisingly, they are an honest person... I put my bag on the first floor, and there are like 9 golds inside it, they could just take it and run away...

Also, the swords of ours... It costs like 5000 golds each...

But they didn't do it...

I take my bag and my sword...

"Let's go..." I said and both of them nodded...

We left the house and I locked the door...

"By the way, my name is Nicolas... how about yours?" I asked the girl

"Oh, my name is Erin..." the girl said

And I looked at the boy...

"So... Rin and Erin... do you know where to find a good food?" I asked

Rin nodded...

"The adventurer restaurant has the best food with best price!" Rin said

And Erin stared at him...

Then she say

"That's okay, we will follow every restaurant you choose..." Erin said

Hmmm the girl looks much more responsible...

"Erin... are you the older one?" I asked her

And then she looked surprised...

"H-How do you know?" Erin asked...

"Hmmm just my instinct... let's go to the adventurer restaurant..." I said

Then we walk toward the restaurant...

We walk a bit slower... since Rin walked slower than all of us...


"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked...

"N-Noo... I said I am okay..." Rin said...

and we continue walking toward the restaurant, which took more than 10 minutes...

I ordered some food from the menu... and...

"What are you going to order?" I asked both of them...

"W-Whatever you ordered..." Erin said

"Then, make it three..." I said to the waitress...

And the waitress left us...

"Hmmm, so... I will delay the quest... " I said out of a sudden...

"W-What?! But why?" Erin asked...

I let a sigh...

"You see, I want a fit team... which means I will find a doctor to heal Rin's disease... that is my first priority..." I said

And both of them looked speechless...


"No but... this is my decision, I will pay for the doctor fee... and before Rin fully recovered... both of you have to stayed at my house..." I said

Both of them looked at me like they want to cry...

"D-Don't cry!" I said

But then both of them come and hugged me....

"Uaahhhh" Rin cried...

"I-I am not crying!" Erin said while crying...

Everyone in the restaurant looked at us...

But this is so warm... their fur is so soft...

"O-Okay... stop, everyone is looking at us..." I said whisperingly to them...

And they returned to their seats...

Both of them are still wiping their tears...

Then, a girl come to the restaurant...

"Ahh! Nicolas-san good morning!" the receptionist girl said

"Hello! Good morning!" I greeted her

"Wait here okay! Petra-san is waiting for you since 6 AM in front of the guild... I will call her" the receptionist girl said then leave us...

Ummm did I have any appointment?

"What time is it?" I asked

"It was 7 AM when we left the house..." Erin said

Then Petra enter the restaurant...

She looks mad...

"Ummm good morning?" I greeted her in weird face...

"I waited for more than an hour!" she said with loud voice...

"H-Hey... did I have an appointment with you?" I asked...

"No! but with..."

Before she could finished her sentences, she looked at Rin and Erin...

"with them..." Petra said while lowering her voice..

"W-Wait... how can you meet them? I thought you are going to meet them inside the guild..." Petra asked me...

"Ummm you see, last night I see both of them sleep on the lobby of the guild... and I have an empty bedroom in my house... so I invited both of them..." I said

Then Petra looked at both of them...

She then let a sigh...

"So... how about the mission?" Petra asked...

"We will delay it for a little longer..." I said

"T-That's okay, I can hold my pain..." Rin said

I looked at him...

He looked pale...

"No... you are my priority..." I said


"No but..." I cut his word...

And Petra looked troubled...


"I think, there are quite a lot of gold adventurer that able to take over my quest..." I said and cut her words...

She then let a sigh...

"You are kind, to save a boy... but, there are other tens of people that needs your help as well..." Petra said

"How about the other adventurer?" I asked

"Gold Adventurer never take gold quest... since it could risk their lives..." Petra explained...

"So, Gold Adventurer took silver quest?" I asked

She nodded...

I let a sigh...


"Then let Euclio do the job... Erin!" I called Erin a bit loud and she looked surprised...

"Y-Yes?" she said

"After eating your breakfast... can you call Euclio, and both of you go to the Southern Village... to defeat the orc..." I asked Erin...

Erin nodded...

"I-I can-"

"Nope... you are not going anywhere..." I said

And he remain silent...

Rin try not to be a burden...

"All problem clear..." I said to Petra...

She looked a bit surprised...

"Are you sure? Euclio and the girl is enough?" Petra asked...

"Don't worry, Euclio is strong... stronger than me..." I said to Petra...

And the three of them looked surprised, including Rin and Erin...

"Okay then, the guild will provide the carriage so that you can reach the destination as fast as possible..." Petra said

"Okay..." I said

"Thank you..." she said and left...

After she left, the food came...

We eat our breakfast... and I see both Rin and Erin eat the food really fast...

I bet they are so hungry...

After Erin finished her breakfast...

"I will be returning to home and wake Eulcio-sama..." Erin said

"J-Just call him Euclio... and thanks! Asked him to go to the guild for me okay?" I said and she nodded

I give her the key... and she stood up and run to my house...

While I was left with Rin...

"Thanks..." Rin said out of a sudden

"No problem..." I said

After we ate our breakfast... I asked several adventurer about the best doctor in Sera...

They said that the best doctor is in the north of Sera... which took about 5 hours of walk...

I don't have time for that...

Should I ask for Lerrich's help?

No.... I don't want to depends on them...

Seeing my trouble

"Hey... you are a platinum adventurer right?" an adventurer asked me...

"Yes... and what's with that?" I asked

"You can freely borrow a horse or a carriage from the guild..." he said

"A-Are you serious?!" I asked and he nodded...

"T-Thanks for the info dude!" I said and give him a silver coin...

"Wow! That's a lot! No problem man!" the adventurer replied happily..

Both Rin and I enters the guild...

I give my shoulder to Rin so that he can lean on me...

Everyone is staring at us... but I ignored them...

I see this special receptionist table for special person I guess...

But I don't care!

I walked straight to the receptionist... and...

"The nice girl!" I said to the girl receptionist...

"Ummm I have my own name..." she said a bit mad

She is the girl that I met last night... and she told me the story about Erin and Rin...

"Ah sorry..." I apologized...

"My name is Miel... and what can I help you?" asked the red hair with black eyes receptionist to me...

"I need to borrow a carriage..." I said

"Sure... wait..." Miel left the receptionist table

Then she talked to someone... and... she returned to me...

"You can wait in front of the guild... a carriage will be there in a few minutes..." Miel said...

"T-Thanks..." I said

"N-No problem..." she said

And both of us left the receptionist...

"Hey Nico... what are you doing with him?" an adventurer come at me...

He is the adventurer that talks with me last night...

"Ahh, he is my friend..." I said

"H-He is the boy that live in the guild's lobby right?" he asked me...

"Not anymore... he lived with me now..." I said and left them...

And the man looked speechless...

I just don't like the idea that they left people like him...

Personally, I will help every people I can help...

We move to the lobby, and see a carriage has been waiting for us...

That is faster than I thought...

I help Rin enters the carriage, then I join him...

"Where are we going?" the driver asked...

"To the doctor in the North of Sera..." I said and the driver nodded...

It seems that he understand me instantly... does it mean, the doctor is quite popular?

The carriage then move and we are heading to North Sera...

While we are on our way, Rin is sleeping while leaning on me...

I have a feeling that he hold his pain for a long time...

After an hour journey, we finally arrive at the gate of North Sera...

We passed West Sera as well, and the view of the city is the same....

And apparently, we aren't allowed to pass the inner wall... that's why it takes more time...

After traveling a few more minutes, we arrive in front of a house...

"Can you wait here for a while?" I asked, and the driver nodded...

I don't want to walk to get back to the guild...

I arrived at in front of the house...

'Doctor Frans' is written in front of the gate...

Then a man come to both of us...

He was sitting on the terrace of his house

"H-Hey... come in!" the man said

"Doctor Frans?" I asked and he nodded...

"Yes I am..." he said while opening the gate...

He is an Ocean Race... with black eyes...

When I see him, I immediately feel that he is the doctor... or maybe, because of his cloth... he uses a white cloth...

Then he let us in...

He open his door's house and led us to a room...

The house is normal house, like our house in South Sera...

He led us to a bedroom...

"Put him on the bed..." the doctor said...

I carried Rin, and put him on the bed...

Rin then looked at me...

"S-Sorry for troubling you..." Rin said...

I shook my head...

"Can you please leave both of us?" doctor frans asked me to leave...

"Then, I will be waiting for you outside okay?" I said to Rin

And he nodded...

I left the room and left Rin as well...

It took almost an hour until the door to open...

Doctor Frans leave the room and talk to me...

"His lungs is not in a good condition..." Doctor Frans said

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I asked

"It is damaged, maybe from externally, since I see a wound on his chest..." Doctor Frans said

"S-So, can you heal him?" I asked him...

And he looks sad...

"I am sorry, but healing an organ is impossible for every doctor... but a High Elementalist might do...." Doctor Frans said

"Why?" I asked Doctor Frans...

"Why? Of course, Holy Magic Advance Tier... is Healing Magic... but you see, finding a High Elementalist is impo-"

Before he finished his sentence I created a white sphere on my head...

"I-Impossible!!" he looked at me...

"So... do you have any idea on where to find the book of Holy Magic Advance Tier?" I asked doctor frans...

And he give a thought...

"Maybe, you can find it on the East Sera, there is an old shop, selling book of magic..." Doctor Frans said

"T-Then... I will be back!" I said while leave the house...

"W-Wait..." Doctor Frans stopped me...

"Can you take care of him for a while? I will give you some money..." I said

"N-No I don't need money! More importantly, do you have money to buy the book?" Doctor Frans asked me...

"Umm how much will it cost?" I asked him...

"Maybe 10 golds to 20 golds..." Doctor Frans said...

I am surprised now...

I don't know that a book would be so pricey...

"Here..." Doctor Frans said

He gives me several golds...

"W-What?" I looked surprised...

He then smiled...

"I-I will repay this... I promise!" I said and enter the carriage...

"W-Where are we going?" the driver asked in panicked since I jump to the carriage really fast..

"East Sera... the Magic Book shop" I said

The driver understand with what I said and immediately drive toward East Sera...

Doctor Frans lend me 10 golds...

Which mean, right now I have 19 golds... and several silvers...

After a half of hours traveling using the carriage, we arrived...

East Sera... no different with the other three... I think all of the outer Sera looked the same, busy, crowd, loud...

I run straight to the store...

And... when I opened the door...

No one is inside...

I search every corner of the shop, but I found no one...

Until I found this button on a receptionist table...

I pressed it and it make a sound, like an alarm...

Then suddenly, an old woman come...

"Hmmm never see your face around..." the old woman said

"Ummm I am looking for an Advance Holy Magic Book..." I said

"A-Advance?" she asked... and I nodded...

"W-Wait... Holy magic?!" she asked... and I nodded for the second time...

"Uhh wait, I forget where I put it..." she said while thinking...

Ugh... it will take some times...

"Ah, here you go..." she said after taking the book from a big shelf...

I read the book

"Advance Tier Holy Magic..." I read it out loud...

"Yes it is... and it cost for 40 golds..." she said

"40?! That is too expensive..." I said

And she looks uninterested...

"Then, find another shop if you are lucky enough..." she said

She take the book from my hand... and about to return it to the shelf...

"W-Wait..." I said

"What?" she asked... she sounds mad...

"C-Can I pay it later? I will pay it for the half of the price first..." I said

Then she looked at me...

He come closer and hold my head...

"So... you are not a book collector?" she asked me...

I shook my head...

"I want to heal my friend... with this book..." I said

She looked at me with unbelievable face...

"You can use Holy Attribute?" she asked me

I nodded...

'Create... Light...'

And a white spherical light appeared on my head...

She looked surprised now... her mouth is open widely...

And she looked at the book... the book I want to buy

But then she give the book to me...

"Then, try to learn it now..." the old granny said

"W-What?! Why?!" I asked...

"If you can heal my backbone problem, I will give it to you for free..." she said

"F-Free?!" I shouted and take the book from her...

This book has only 1 page... and it cost for 40 golds?!

It is not a book... it is a piece of paper... with cover

I read the entire page...

After I read the entire page... I close the book...

I aim for the old lady, and she panicked at first.... But then she understands...

"Holy Magic... Heal!" I said it...

And a light from above shine upon her...

Her body surrounded by sparkling light which I don't actually understand what happened...

After several seconds... the light is off...

She moved her back and she stretched her hand up...

"I-It works! Yeayy it works!" she said while jumping...

"B-Becareful old woman, you might hurt yourself..." I said

"Ah, don't worry, just leave me and take the book..." she said...

"A-Are you sure?" I asked her...

"Hmmm? Leave before I change my mind!" she said and I nodded...

When I was about to leave...

"Oh, wait!" she stopped me...

"Hmm?" I asked

"Which guild are you from?" she asked me...

"South" I said

"Okay, just to make sure I know where should I go if I have another backbone problem" she said

And I left before she changed her mind...

"B-Back to the doctor..." I said to driver in panicked

And he also panicked and drive the carriage away from the shop...

I put the book inside my bag...

After almost half an hour... we arrived at Doctor Frans's house...

I jumped the gate... the gate is not even higher than me... is it really useful?

Then I knocked the door...

Doctor Frans open the door... and I run toward Rin's room...

I opened the door in panicked and I look at him still laying on the bed...

He looked at me as well...

"W-What happened?" Rin asked in panicked

"I-I found the cure!" I said happily

I aim my hand toward Rin...

"Holy Magic!.... Heal!!" I said it...

And another light shine upon Rin... and a sparkling light shines on him...

"W-Wow..." Rin said

"T-This is!!" Doctor Frans looked at the magic in amazed...

And after several seconds, the light is off...

Rin stood up...

"H-Hey... I feel no more pain!" Rin said while jumping on the bed...

Then, he charge at me and hugged me...

"Thank you! T-Thank you so much!" Rin said to me...

"Hey... we are friends... that what friends do..." I said to him while patting him...

I have this feeling when I pat him... the feeling of patting a puppy...

He looks really happy... he even cried...

After he finished hugging me, both of us talked to Doctor Frans...

"Doctor Frans..." I called him and give him the money back...

And a gold additional for him...

"N-No I don't want any tips... I don't even do anything..." Doctor Frans said...

"No! you did a lot! First, you told me how to cure Rin! Second, you told me where to find the book store! And Third, you are a good man..." I said with a smile...

He then accepted the money...

"Tell me, which guild are you from?" Doctor Frans asked...

"We are from the South Guild..." I said..

He then write it on a note...

"Next time, I will be the one that visiting you..." Doctor Frans said with a smile...

"Oh, you are more than welcome..." I said...

Then we said our farewell, and left North Sera and head back to South Sera...

During our way to Sera...

"I-I feel really healthy... no more pain! I don't even feel any pain!" Rin said happily...

He walk around the carriage and looks really happy...

"Hey calm down! We should wait for Euclio and Erin now in the guild..." I said while smiling

"O-Okay!" Rin said happily...

After an hour, we are back to the guild...

I give a tip to the driver and he looked satisfied with it...

Then we enter the guild...

"You!" a boy approached me...

"E-Euclio!" I said in panicked..

He looks mad... but of course he is...

"Where have you been?!" Euclio asked...

"I was going to the doctor, when you do the quest... oh by the way... how about the quest?" I asked back

"It was a piece of chocolate!" Euclio said proudly


"Y-You mean cake?!" I asked

"Y-Yeah I mean that! Here!" Euclio showed me the reward... 4 golds...

I take it from him... and give a gold to Rin and Erin...

Erin was behind Euclio all the time...

"You have a lot of explanation to do..." Euclio said and sounds mad...

"Y-Yeah, calm down... let me explain during lunch..." I said and all of them nodded...

The four of us eat in the adventurer restaurant... and with my platinum rank, I get 50% discount...

I treated Rin and Erin as well... and this time, they do not reject the offer...

I explained what happened, and about during the night I went to the guild and where I found both of them...

Also about Rin's illness... but I have cured it...

"You cure it?" Euclio asked me...

I nodded... then I showed him a book...

"Advance Tier Holy Book" Euclio read it and he looked surprised...

"S-So... my brother has been cured already?" Erin asked in worried...

"Of course! I can run now!" Rin said proudly...

But Erin still looks worried, he look at me...

"Yes... I have casted a healing magic on him... he should be fine..." I said to her

And Erin looked relieved...

"So, what's your plan after this?" I asked both of them...

Both of them looked confused...

None of them talks...

"Hey, this morning when I saw the room is clean it really makes me feel happy! Why don't we let them stayed in our house and let them beco-" before Euclio finished his words I hit his head...

"Hey, we are not royalty here... and you want them to be our servant?! That is mad!" I said

"Can we become your servant?" Rin asked...

And now I looked speechless...

Is it okay? I don't know whether it is okay or no...

"Deal!" Euclio said representing me...


Before I finished my sentence, I looked at both of their face... and they looked happy...

I guess it is fine...

"Can both of you fight?" I asked

And Euclio hit my head...

"Do not underestimate them... they are strong... at least I know that Erin is strong..." Euclio said

T-They can fight?!

I looked at Erin...

"I am a sword wielder..." she said

"What level?" I asked

"I am an Advance Sword Wielder..." Erin said...

I looked at Rin...

"How about you Rin?" I asked...

"I am a Fighter..." Rin said with low voice...

I don't know what does fighter mean? With what weapon?

"Some of Beastman Race used their fist to fight..." Euclio said to me...

"I-Is that so... is there any tier?" I asked

"Yes... and my rank is Master Fighter..." Rin said

"A-Are you serious?!" I asked...

And he nodded...

M-Master?!? He can be compared to Tousan...

"You see the wound on my chest?" Rin asked me...

I nodded

"I was fighting 20 elite beastman fighter..." Rin said...

Elite Fighter?!

Elite Soldier in Auxem has a level of Expert...

"So... why are you fighting against elite fighter?" Euclio asked...

And Rin faced downward...

"The government... they want our skin..." Erin said

Skin?! You mean they are skinned?

"T-That is cruel! Who did this to you?" I asked

"L-Leo the Lion..." Rin said

Leo? The king of southern beastman...

That is terrible! I should tell my parents about this...

But maybe, not now...

"But, why?" I asked

"They sell it for a high price... that is why he want to annihilate the whole of white wolf tribe..." Rin explained with anger...

"I-I see... so both of you ended up by running away, and you arrived here... in Sera?" I asked

"Yeah..." Rin said

"So, both of you have no place to live?" Euclio asked

Both of them nodded...

"Then, you can stayed in our house without paying the rent... if..." Euclio said while trying to make a surprise...

"If?" I asked... even I am curious...

"If you clean the house daily..." Euclio said

T-That is mean right?

"Deal!" both of them in unison...

"Okay!" Euclio looked happy

Both foxes looked happy as well

Then, all the three of them looked at me...

"What?" I asked

"You agree?" Euclio asked

I let a sigh

"If you agree, I have no reason to refuse..." I said and the three of them looks happy...

We talked more after we eat our lunch

And I just realize that Rin is 14 years old, while Erin is 15...

I thought they are younger, since they are small for the size of beastman race

They are shorter than me...

But, it is actually their own tribes, which is the white wolf tribes has a small body compared to normal Beastman Race

The four of us return to the guild...

I want to unite our party... which mean, from now on, the four of us are in a party...

While we are walking to the receptionist... everyone is staring at us...

And a gold adventurer that I met yesterday come to us...

"Hey... are you going to party with them?" he asked me...

"Yeah, actually, we are going to combine our party..." I said

And he looked speechless...

"You see, they will be only a burden..." the adventurer said...

And Erin looked pissed off...

"No... they are an important person for us..." I said

And the gold adventurer say...

"Hey, you should have combine your party with us..."

"Yeah, they are just a bronze adventurer..." another adventurer said

I ignore them...

I just walk straight ahead...

And they are still confuse with my choice...

"Then, go for a duel... if you win, you will join my party... but if you lose, I don't even want to have a friend that only has a big mouth..." I said

"D-Duel who?" the gold adventurer asked...

Miel is looking us with worried face...

"Choose... the boy or the girl..." I said

Then, there is a moment of silence

But then everyone laughed...

"I choose the boy!" the gold adventurer said while laughing

"You sure?" I asked him

And the gold adventurer nodded...

"As long as you promise to accept us in your party..." the gold adventurer said...

"What's your name?" I asked

"Ligurd..." the gold adventurer said

"Rin... are you ready?" I asked

And he smiled really bright...

"Of course!" Rin said

Ligurd huh... I feel bad for him... I think fighting a Master Level is a whole different level... Even Nate and Leon will lose against him... maybe he is on the same level as Euclio...

"Let's head for the duel room..." I said

And they shout a battle cry

We all walking straight to the duel room... and someone stopped me...

Someone hold my cloth...

I looked back...

"M-Miel?!" I said in surprised...

"Y-You sure about this?" she asked me...

"About letting Rin fight?" I asked

And she nodded...

I put my hand on her shoulder...

And she looked a bit red

"Don't worry, he is cured already..." I said

"I-I see... then I will conduct the duel..." Miel said...

I nodded...

When all of us has seated, I hear some talks...

"Hey... the burden is fighting..."

"Yeah, the winner will join the platinum rank party..."

"Don't you think this is too much different?"

"Hey, I heard that he is sick?"

"He walked even slower than my granny..."

Everyone is mocking at Rin...

Rin... showed them what you can do...

Both Rin and Ligurd stood on the arena...

"So, the rule is no killing, and the winner will be the one that able to disable the other team or knocked them out of the line..." Miel said

Rin and Ligurd nodded...

"3.....2....1..... Go!"

And Rin prepare to punch Ligurd from 10m distance....

"H-He is joking?!" I said it...

And a lot of people laughed at him...

Suddenly, a green shining sphere appeared on his head...

"A-A mage?!" I asked

Rin punches the air and...

Ligurd was pushed back and he hit the wall...

The wind is spreading through the audience as well..

Ligurd is out of the line...

And he passed out...

Everyone looked at him speechlessly...

"T-That is elemental fighter!" Euclio shouted...

Ligurd fall to the ground, and we see the crack on the wall

That is insane!

Even my wall of earth could break...

It is like a wind pressure...

"T-That is awesome!" Euclio shouted...

No... in fact, it is scary...

"UWOOOOAHHHHH!!"Everyone let a battle cry...

"That is insane!"

"No one expected that!"

"He defeated a gold adventurer in one hit!"

"You should see Nico's face! He looks like an idiot when he sees what Rin has done!"

Even someone is talking about me...

That is some insane power... I have no mistake in recruiting him...

I think Euclio could even lose against Rin...

Rin looked at me happily... and he gives me a thumb

I guess I should give him a thumb as well...

"The winner is Rin!" Miel shouted...

And then silence rules the room...

"She is late!" everyone said in unison

And all of us laughed

Rin come to me and hug me...

Everyone is looking at me now...

He hide his face on my chest... while hugging me

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou" Rin said to me...

He is so happy that he cried...

'Awww' everyone look at us like watching a drama...

"N-No problem... then, you should do something for me, for healing you..." I said...

And he faced me...

"A-Anything!" Rin said

"Join my party..." I said

"Sure!!" Rin said in an instant...

And the battle cry was heard...

"Yeah! South Guild is the best!"

"This place is interesting! Maybe we should move to the south guild!"

"Our Platinum Adventurer are the strongest!"

"Hey... he will be our leader one day! And that fluffy boy as well!"

Everyone is now supporting us...

I see Rin is still crying on my chest...

He is so happy...

And with that, we have extra two members...

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