《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 15 - The White Wolves


I woke up at 7 PM...

It is still the day where I arrived in Sera...

"Hey... Euclio... wake up..." I shake his body

"Gimme 5 more minutes..." Euclio said

"No! we need to eat and also register ourselves on the Guild..." I said

And he woke up...

"T-That's true! Let's go!" Euclio said

Ah, so he is okay now...

Before he he slept, he look so pale... I was about to call the doctor...

But now, he seems fit...

"Let's eat first... since the guild is open for 24 hours..." Euclio said

"Sure!" I said

But where to eat? We don't know any restaurant around...

After a walk for 5 minutes, we decided to eat on a restaurant near to the guild...

It is crowded... so I assume that it has a good food...

We enter the restaurant and ordered a food...

And the prices are surprisingly cheap!

"Are you new in this town?" the waitress asked...

"Y-Yeah, we are about to start our life as an adventurer..." I said

She has a pointy ears with yellow eyes... it means that she is an elf...

A high elf... since she has a white skin and also golden hair...

"I see... if you are an adventurer, we will give you discount, depend on your rank..." the elf said

"Wow... that's great!" I said...

I even thing the price is cheap already... a meal is around 80 bronze...

I think this is my first time using bronze...

After both of us order our meal, we talked...

"We have 10 golds... and our meal is 160 bronzes, assume it as 2 silver (200 bronzes), multiply by 3 for breakfast, lunch and dinner... which means it takes 6 silvers a day..." Euclio calculating our expenses...

"Hmmm then we should at least receive 6 silvers a day..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

When the meal come, the elf girl joined us...

"So, what are you planning after this?" she asked me...

"Umm, we are going to register ourselves as adventurer..." I said

"That's good... did any of you have ever killed a monster?" the elf girl asked...

Both of us shook our heads...

We are hopeless aren't we...

Then she laughed...

"What are both of you? Looks like a noble that never touches any monster..." she said while laughing and drinking...

And we fake our laugh...

We are a noble!

And also, this elf is currently speaking to a prince of the strongest kingdom...

If she knows the truth, I will laughed at her surprised face...

"Ah, by the way, do you know how to rank up fast?" Euclio asked in this opportunity

"Hmmm? Of course... when you enter the guild, you take the higher rank quest..." The elf said

"Oh, by the way, my name is Nico..." I said to introduce myself...

"Mine is Petra... how about you boy?" Petra asked Euclio...

"My name is Euclio..." Euclio said

"Hmmm an Ocean Race and Human Race, both of you sure a weird combination..." Petra said

"We are actually pretty good..." Euclio said proudly...

"Oh by the way, what do you mean by taking a higher rank quest?" I asked her...

"Hmmm, when you start as an adventurer, your rank will be bronze... so, try to take a silver rank mission... but if you fail there will be some charge on it..." Petra said...

"That is helpful... thanks..." I said

"No problem! For you, just make sure to eat here more often..." Petra said...


We paid the bill with a gold... and she looked speechless...

But then she returned us 98 silvers and 40 bronzes... and in an instance we had hundreds of coins...

"I think, we should buy a wallet..." Euclio suggest...

"T-That's true..."

Previously, 10 golds is enough in my pocket, but 100 of coins won't be enough...

After we bought a bag, we put our money there...

I am the one that bring the bag...

Then we visit the adventure guild...


"Ummm do you think this is a different guild with the guild we saw this morning?" I asked Euclio and he nodded...

I just remember, that Sera has 4 Adventure Guilds

But we don't mind which to enter, and enter the guild...

And we see the board, and registration counter is on the 3rd floor...

The building has 3 floor... the third floor for registration, the second floor for special quest... and the first floor is the normal quest...

I don't understand what it mean by special quest... but I think we need to do it slowly...

We lined up, since there are some new people as well...

There is only one receptionist here...

Which is why it takes some times...

After ten minutes, it is finally our turn...

I looked at the face of the receptionist and...

I see familiar elven...

"P-Petra!" I recognized her...

"Hey Nico!" she said with a bright smile...

"W-What are you doing here?" Euclio asked in confusion...

"Hm... I have two jobs... a waitress and a receptionist..." she said with a smile...

"So... both of you are going to be a new adventurer right?" Petra asked...

Both of us still in our confuion, but we nodded...

"So, who is the leader of the party?" Petra asked...

I point on Euclio

But Euclio pointed at me as well...

And she looked troubled...

"Nico will be the leader..." Euclio said it...

"Okay Nicolas-kun... please tell me your role..." she said

And I don't have a chance to refuse...


And I looked confused...

"You see, we have Swordsman, Spearman, Support..." she said

And she looked at my sword...

"You are a swordsman right?" she asked me...

I nodded... but...

"I believe there is a Mage role..." Euclio asked...

And Petra looked at Euclio...

She looked at us suspiciously...

"Then, which one of you that can control an element?" Petra asked...

"Him..." Euclio said while putting his arm around my shoulder...

And Petra looked at me...

"Fine..." I said

Let me prove it...

'Create Wind...'

And a green spherical light appears... everyone behind us looked amazed...

Also, Petra...

"W-Wow... it's been a long time since I register a mage..." Petra said...

"Is it the rarest class?" Euclio asked...

"N-No... there are some other classes... like Elemental Fighter... and Elementalist for those who can control the 4 basic elements... which is impossible" Petra said...

T-That is exactly us...

"Then, please register him as Elemental Fighter and me as Elementalist..." I said

And everyone behind me heard what I just said...

"C-Can you prove it?" Petra asked...

"Sure..." both of us in unison...

I activated all of the element I could use, including Holy Elements... while Euclio activated his Elemental Fighter Magic...

I have my 5 spheres above my head... and Euclio has his sword shining blue...

All people in this room become quite... but Petra looks happy...

"Then... Euclio will be an Elemental Fighter... while Nicolas will be a High Elementalist..." Petra said happily...


Everyone in the room are whispering to each other...

"Hey... it is the red eye! Nicolas... so he is Nicolas Maxwell..."

"Nicolas Maxwell is here!"

"Hey the prince of Qiteron Kingdom is here as well..."

Now it will be harder when our disguise has been revealed...

"Umm... so both of you are a noble..." Petra said

Her face changed... and I was about to laugh...

But I could control myself...

"please, treat us like a normal adventurer" I said

And she give it a thought

"Okay... then we will give you a gold rank as your starting rank..." Petra said with a smile...

B-But... I thought we should start from bronze level?

"Gold?!" everyone in unison...

That is a high level right?

"H-Hey I told you to treat us like the other right..." I said and I deactivate my magic...

"Yeah, I judge people from their skill... and from your talent as well... I think both of you deserve a gold rank... or even higher..." Petra said

And Euclio hold my shoulder...

"F-Fine..." I said

"Then, Welcome to the South Adventure Guild.... There are 3 other adventure guild... which is North, West, and East... but you are currently registered as an adventurer from South Sera Adventure Guild, which means you only take a quest and claim your reward here..." Petra said...

And I nodded...

"Both of you are also able to take labyrinth expedition quest..." Petra said

Labyrinth Expedition?

Seeing our confused face, she explained...

"It is when the labyrinth activity is increasing... so we will send an expedition group, consists of adventurer to enter the labyrinth, and kill the some monster boss floor..." she said

Boss floor? I really don't get it... but I really hate to make the line up wait for us... so...

"I see, then we will take some quest for tomorrow..." I said...

"W-Wait... I will be your personal receptionist..." Petra said...

And then another receptionist showed up and take her desk...

"Are you sure?" I asked...

"Of course... I am the head of the adventure guild here..." Petra said while smiling...

And now, it is our turn to be surprised...

"Come... follow me..." she asked us to follow her...

She move downward to the first floor...

And we followed her...

I feel that meeting her is an arrangement...

The two of us are led by her to the quest board...

And everyone's eyes are looking at us...

"So, these board is where you can take normal quest... a quest from bronze level to platinum level..."Petra said...

Both of us nodded...

The adventurer rank from lowest to highest are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond...

And suddenly an old man block our view...

"Ehem... please, there are some adventurer here that are looking for a quest..." Petra said to the old man...

"Hmmm where is it? I don't see any..." he said...

He is a tall man, and we are quite short compared to him...

"Ah... you see, you are blocking us..." Euclio looked a bit annoyed ...

And everyone on the first floor become loud...



"Hmmm duel sound to be a good idea?" the old man said...

"Sure! I'm getting bored!" Euclio said with a smile...

And I feel that the old man is pissed off...

"Hey stop... he is a new adventurer..." Petra said...

"But... rules are rules... he has accepted the challenge..." the old man in heavy armor said...

'YEAH!' Everyone shouted...

Poor old man

"Poor old man..." I said what inside my thought

And he looked mad at me...

"You want a duel too?" the old man asked...

I hate this kind of man, that solve every problem by fight...

"Okay, how about duel to death?" I asked...

And the room become silent...

Even Petra couldn't say anything... but Euclio laughed...

"That is your best joke ever!" Euclio said while still laughing...

"Hey... old man? Are you still looking at a fight?" Euclio asked...

"A-A man won't take back his words..." the old man said with a bit caution now...

"But... if you fight me, you won't be able to fight for your whole life..." Euclio said

And now the room become silent... again...

But I laughed...

"That is your best joke?" I asked while laughing...

But hearing us laughing, the old man looked even more mad...

"Okay! Let's duel!" the old man said...

"Ahem... before you get hurt, I suggest you cancel your duel!" Petra told the old man in armor...

"Huh? You are on their side?" the old man looked annoyed...

"No, I just don't want to see you die!" Petra said...

"W-What? You actually believe them?" the old man asked Petra while laughing...

And the other start to laughed as well...

Should I kill him for real?

"Yep, you will be a dead man, since this boy is an Elemental Fighter and the other one is a High Elementalist..." Petra said...

And now they remain silent...

Ugh, I will just look at the quest board...

Hmmm gold quest is defeating an orc... also ogre... a minotaur...

There are actually quite a lot of myth monsters from my previous world...

I look back at the fight... and...

The man still insist for a duel...

Okay... so there will be a duel...

All of us move to the duel arena outside the adventure guild...

And more people come to watch...

"Hey old man... I will break your leg in one move..." Euclio said...

Wow, he has a lot of confident...

"Huh! You better watch out with your words..." the old man said

"Are you sure your friend is going to be okay?" Petra asked me...

"Of course, actually, I am worried about the old man... but I guess it is time for him to retired right?" I asked her...

And she looked a bit disappointed at me...

Now she knew how toxic I am...

I just hate people like that...

"Make it fast!" I said to Euclio...

"One move..." Euclio said to me...

Euclio prepared his stance, also the old man...

The old man is a swordsman with Valeon Style...

He used only a sword... but, body with heavy armor described him as a Valeon style user...

"No killing please... and no permanent damage allowed..." Petra said seriously to Euclio...

And Euclio looked disappointed...

"Then just knock him fast..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

"Ready.... Go!" Petra start the duel...

Euclio hasn't showed Ocean Protector...

And when the battle start, Euclio immediately rush toward the old man...

The old man prepare his defense position...

If Euclio used his Ocean Protector, I feel pity on his sword...

And it did happened...

When Euclio is near enough, Euclio unsheathed Ocean Protector... it glows blue... which make everyone looked amazed...

And he slash Ocean Protector to the old man's armor... but the old man decided to parry Euclio's attacked... which is a big mistake...

And, in one slash, the old man's sword break....

They blade fly away and Euclio put his other sword below the old man's neck...

"I-I give up..." the old man said...

Everyone that watch the battle did not move an inch....

"Cih... you are lucky the rules saves you..." Euclio said and left...

And Euclio come to me...

"Let's go..." Euclio said

"Okay..." I said in confuse...

We left the duel arena... but then someone stopped us...

"P-Petra-san?" Euclio asked...

"I grant you a Platinum Rank!" Petra said and she looks happy...

And everyone around us looked at us and give an applause...

"Wow! The first day, and they got platinum rank? I bet this is a new record!"

"They are too strong! I believe their words now..."

"That swords is awesome! I wonder how much it cost..."

Everyone gives Euclio praises...

"Let's go..." Euclio said and left the crowd...

I just remember that he hates praise from other...

And we walked toward the board of quest...

Suddenly, a girl and a boy, I guess a beastman race with cloak approached us

"Excuse me... are you interested in making a party?" the girl asked

Euclio and I looked at each other...

"Ummm you see, we are a bronze party and we failed so many quest... we actually need hel-" before the boy finished his words...

A voice coming out from their stomach...

That is sad...

I took 2 silvers out of my bag and give it to them...

I heard a lot of story of fail adventurer... like they are so weak that they can't even fight against easy monster...

If they can't take down the monster, they fail the quest... and if they fail the quest, they have to pay the charge for failing the quest...

I heard the story from Rueger... and Euclio was there as well, when Rueger told the story...

"Come back here tomorrow morning" Euclio said

"Y-You mean, you agree with forming a party with us?!" the boy asked...

Euclio nodded...

I know from the beginning, that Euclio is a kind-hearted boy...

And both faces seems to be really happy...

"T-Thank you! We will be here from 6 AM!" the girl said happily, and she really appreciate it...

And we nodded...

After both of them left...

"Are you sure about making party with unknown people?" I asked Euclio

"Thats okay... it seems that they need us..." Euclio said

If Euclio said so... I guess it is fine...

Then we look for a quest...

"Let's reach Diamond Rank!" Euclio said

"You mean, we choose a diamond rank quest?" I asked him

"Nope! It is better for you to do the gold quest first..." Petra said...

"P-Petra-san..." both of us in unison...

We never feel her presence, she is scary...

"Why gold?" I asked...

And Petra hit her own face with her palm... looks like she is disappointed

"You never kill a monster, and now you are trying to kill a dragon?" Petra said

And both of us were reminded...

That we never experience killing a monster...

"Okay, let's hear Petra-san out..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

"Can you find a perfect quest for us?" I asked her...

"Sure... this one...." She said while taking the paper out of the board...

"Killing the Orc on the southern village..." I read it...

"Southern village?" Euclio asked

"Yes, there is a village on the southern of Sera, outside the outer wall" Petra said...

"Are you sure, it fits for us?" I asked her...

"Yep... it is a simple task for you with great reward..." Petra said

I looked at the reward and...

"4 golds?!?" Euclio and I in unison...

"Yes, you are lucky... you are the first person in history that start adventuring from platinum..." she said happily

I always have this feeling, that it has been arranged...

"But, you are the one that place us on the high rank..." Euclio said curiously

"Of course... since no one ever had taken High Elementalist role since the guild was founded..." Petra said

Petra and Euclio stared at me...

"Ummm how about Elemental Fighter?" I asked

"Oh, we had 2 people in our history..." Petra said

That is quite rare as well, right?

"But they die during fighting the Great War 2" Petra said

Just how long the guild has been established

"So, you mean, we are the only Elemental Fighter and High Elementalist in this guild?" I asked

And Petra nodded...

"Make sure to come back tomorrow..." Petra said

O-Of course... she thought we are going to run?

"Of course we are going to come back..." Euclio said

We left the guild... and we passed the restaurant we just have eaten...

Then after 10 minutes of walking, we arrive at our home...

"Do you see the house next to our house?" Euclio asked

"Hmm? What's with that?" I asked

"It is written that it is for sale..." Euclio said

"What? You want to buy a house? We had one already..." I said

I don't planned to stay here longer...

2 to 3 years at max...

"How about Nate and friends?" Euclio asked...

"We still have 2 other bedrooms..." I said

And he looked surprised

I just remembered, that he was sleeping when I checked the entire house...

He went upstairs and shouted from above...

"Don't you think the bedroom upstairs are bigger?"

"Yeah it is... wanna move upstairs?" I asked

"Sure..." Eu responded..

We sleep at around 12 PM... since we had a lot of things to do

I couldn't sleep peacefully, since I feel like I just woke up...

That nap is making me awake...

So I decided to take a walk

I use my cloth, and open the bedroom door slowly, to make sure I won't wake Euclio...

I also took my sword... just in case...

I leave my house, and I locked thee door from the outside...

Hmm... so, this city can be quite at night...

There are a lot of dark alley in this town...

I feel a bit spooked when I looked at the alley...

Unconsciously, I walked toward the guild... I still see some people from different race coming and leaving the guild

I enter the guild... and some people notice my presence...

I wore the necklace guild, with platinum ornaments on it...

The necklace that Nate and Nathalia gave to me is also with me... but i take the ring and use it for my finger...

Everyone is staring at me...

Why does everyone always stares at me... not in Auxem nor here... everyone is staring at me...

But, since I arrived at Sera, I found no one calling me a demon...

I move to the bar inside the guild... it is next to the lobby...

I ordered a drink...

The drink in this world is alike with my previous world...

There are juices, wine, alcohol, and even soda...

I ordered orange juice.... And I pay 10 bronzes...

This place is so lively... I hear everyone laughing, singing, and fighting...

Huh... this is like a tavern in my RPG video games...

I like the place...

Until someone broke it...

"I hear this guild has a new platinum member!" a man in his twenties shouted...

He used light armor, and a sword on his hip...

Then some people directing the man with light armor to me...

Ughh why should I left my home...

He then stands behind me...

I look back and our eyes are having a contact...

"So, you are the new platinum adventurer?" he asked me..

"Yes... what can I help?" I asked...

"You looked like a kid... but I think you are a kid..." the man said while thinking...

I stood up and faced him...

"If there is nothing you want to say, I am done here..." I said while preparing myself to leave...

I looked at his necklace.. he is a platinum adventurer as well...

"W-Wait... how could you be so cold?" the man asked and looked annoyed

"Cold?" I asked in confusion

I am cold?

"Hey, I just want to speak nicely! As the same Platinum Adventurer..." the man said

I returned to my sit, and he sit in front of me...

"Have you known the privilege of platinum member?" the man said

I don't know his name...

He should have introduce himself first before I do... how impolite...

"my name is Nicolas..." I said while lifting my hand...

He then shake my hand...

"The name is Reyner, I am one of the platinum adventurer in this city..." Reyner said while showing his necklace...

I've seen that...

"So, what are the privilege of Platinum Adventurer?" I asked...

And he give some thought...

"I was planning to attack a labyrinth... so I am thinking of making an expedition..." Reyner said

Then I remembered what Tousan said...

The adventurer might have a Labyrinth Expedition, if the activity is increasing...

"So, the activity is rising?" I asked...

And he nodded...

"But, creating an expedition needs the approval of half of the platinum adventurer..." Reyner continues...

Half... that is pretty hard isn't it?

"Then, how many people have you asked?" I asked him...

"You are the first person I asked... you see, there are only 3 party in this city that has reached Platinum Rank..." Reyner said

Three?! Is it a bit a small number?

"So, if you get my approval, you are able to lead an expedition?" I asked him

"Exactly!" Reyner said...

I don't know about the other platinum party... but it is for the safety of the people in town, right?

But, this is too sketchy... I don't trust him...

"Nope... I will wait for the other platinum party has to say..." I said...

And he looked a bit mad...

I know right, he is trying to scheme something...

"The lives of people is in grave!" Reyner said

"Then, the guild will send a request for Labyrinth Expedition..." I said

Previously, Petra-san told me that the second floor is for the Special Quest, like Labyrinth Expedition...

Is this man trying to use me? So that he will get the authority to make an expedition?

He is a bit tricky... but I won't fall into a trap...

If Euclio with me, he will refuse it at once...

"Then, I will asked for the other platinum party... I hope she can understand about the situation better than you..." Reyner said, then he left me alone...

After he left... some people come to me and asked what happened...

I told them about the Labyrinth Expedition, and told them that Reyner want to create an expedition...

"That guy is awful!" a man said

I see that he has a silver necklace...

"Why?" I asked...

"He only wanted to loot the items inside the labyrinth for himself..." he said...

"Yeah... I heard that there are a lot of casualties on last year expedition..." another man said... and I looked at his necklace... a gold adventurer...

"I see... then refusing is a good choice right?" I asked

And all of them nodded...

"Nicolas-sama?" the man with silver necklace called my name...

"Oh, please call me Nicolas... I am an adventurer now..." I said with a smile

And his face looks relieved...

"I believe in you... so, during the expedition please take care of us well..." the man with silver necklace said

"Ah yes! Since we have a platinum adventurer... you will be our leader if there is a Labyrinth Expedition..." another man come with gold necklace...

"I-I will be the leader?" I asked

And the three of them nodded...

I let a sigh...

"You see... I am quite talented in fighting a person one on one... but I never kill a monster before..." I said

The three of them become quite...

But then the silver necklace guy laughed...

"T-That is a nice joke!" he said...

And the other two started to laughed as well...

Ughh I mean it...

but if I tell the truth, I won't be able to regain their trust...

I almost lose their trust...

So I just joined the laugh...

And then, there are a lot of people coming and talk with me...

It is a really different situation I had in Auxem... It's like talking to the member of Nico Support Organization...

Yeah, I really feel like a social being now...

And at 2 AM...

"I must head back now..." I said to to the other...

"Of course! You need to sleep a lot since you are a kid!" an adventurer said jokingly...

But I am a kid...

"Yeah, that's why I am going... or else someone will take my hair away...." I said jokingly... since he is a bald man...

Everyone laughed...

I left the guild... but,

On my way to leave the guild... I saw both of the boy and the girl that we promised to make a party with...

Both of them are sleeping on the lobby of the guild...

"Hello..." a voice behind my back

I turned myself and see a human girl...

Maybe around my age?

"Yes?" I asked...

Then, she looked nervous...

"I hope you a good luck for today's quest..." she said while blushing...

She has a red hair and she wear the same cloth like Petra...

"A-Are you one of the receptionist?" I asked

"He'emmm...." She said while nodding...

Wow... then, she supposed to know about the boy and the girl I will be partying with...

"Excuse me... can I ask something?" I asked the receptionist girl..

"Uhh, I will do my best to answer your question!" she said shyly...

"Ummm that's okay, I just want to asked about them..." I said while pointing my hand to boy and the girl that are currently sleeping...

She looked at the point I direct and start explaining...

"They are brother and sister... you see, people said that both of their parents are killed... and only both of them survive..." the receptionist girl explained

T-That is sad...

"And?" I asked her to continue...

"The son is hurt... I think he has some disease... so both of them are trying to find money buy becoming an adventurer... but... it didn't work as they expected..." she said in sad face...

"Why?" I asked

"The boy always been a burden... and so they decided to join every party asking for help... but, whenever people join a party with both of them, the mission that they will take always fail... so now, no one wanted to join with their party...." The receptionist said...

That is hard...

First, both of their parents died, and now, the son has suffered an illness... but to find the cure, he must find some money...

I walk toward them

"Please don't cancel your quest with them..." the receptionist sounds worry...

I looked back, and I see the receptionist girl hold my cape...

"No... it is actually the reverse..." I said to her... and the receptionist looked speechless...

I walk toward both siblings...

And I touched the boy's shoulder...

He is a beastman race... and his shoulder is hairy...

When he opened his eye, he looked surprised...

Then he stood up...

"W-What are you doing here?" he asked me...

He is a white-color wolf... his eyes are red... like mine...

The same as the girl...

"Me? I am visiting the guild..." I said...

And the girl woke up

"Ah.. is it 6 already?" she asked with sleepy face...

I laughed a bit...

"N-No, it's 2 in the morning..." I said

And suddenly the boy become imbalance...

When he about to fall I hold him...

Then I carried him...

I planned to bring them to my home...

"Ummm, where are you planning to go?" the receptionist ask me...

"I will bring them to my home... there are still a free room for them to stay..." I said to the receptionist

And I left while carrying the boy, and his sister followed me...

They become adventurer when they can't even fight?! But to find money? That is sad...

"A-Are you sure it is fine?" the girl asked...

"Of course... we will have an adventure tomorrow, that's why we need you to have a nice rest..." I said

Then she remain silent...

I look at the boy I carried... he is so fluffy...

But I see his face is sweating...

This is bad... should I call a doctor?

This is not a time to hesitate...

When I arrived at home, I unlock the door and enter my house with the girl I followed...

I open the bedroom which is on the first floor...

I put the boy on the bed...

"T-Thank you..." the girl said

"No.. it's fine... you should sleep with your brother..." I said

And she nodded...

"Let's talk tomorrow... good night..." I said and turn the room's light off...

I hope the boy could hold a little bit longer...

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