《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 18 - June


We arrived at the guild earlier than the schedule we planned... but we found a hundreds of adventurer has gathered...

When the four of us enter the guild, the adventurer immediately make way for us...

I'm used to it back in the mansion... but in the guild? I don't know...

A gold adventurer stopped me and talked with me...

Also Erin and Rin is busy talking with other adventurer... including Euclio...

No one teased Erin or Rin anymore...

Every adventurer has seen Rin and Euclio fight... except Erin and Me...

Maybe several parties have seen Erin fight...

But me... I think they doubt me...

"Hey... that's the leader of the Platinum Party right?"

"Yeah, you see Euclio fight already... he must be stronger than him..."

"Do you know what happened yesterday?"

"You mean in the restaurant?"

"Yes! He has this aura that make us all stop moving..."

"Even Ligurd peed on his pants.."

Nevermind... they don't doubt me at all...

"N-Nicolas-san... we put our lives on your hand..." a bronze and young adventurer said

I guess he is around my age...

"No... let's me make it clear... the first important thing is your own life, the second important thing is your party member... and the third is the mission..." I said

And everyone become quite...

Actually, I talked with the boy only...

But I think I talk a bit louder than I expected...

"That's true..."

"Yeah! He even think about us..."

"Wow, he knows what is the important things really well..."

Even some veteran praised me...

"Nice word!" Euclio said to me while he put his arm around my shoulder...

"Wow, that is a nice start... for someone who said that he never lead an army..." Erin said with a smile...

"I know right, that Nico is a good leader!" Euclio continues...

I just smiled...

And then Petra came... and everyone become quite...

She come to talk with me, but everyone is listening as well...

"You command a total of 40 parties... 8 gold parties, 12 silver parties and 20 bronze parties... and you have been given a camp, outside from the South Sera..." Petra said

"Camp?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Euclio asked as well

I thought it only for a temporary...

"It's a 5 days quest..." Petra said with a smile...

"F-Five days?!" I said quite loud...

And she nodded...

Euclio, Rin and Erin looked speechless as well...

"Oh... you didn't read it?" Petra said while showing the paper to me...

"T-There is no such writing..." I said while searching for the writing...

"It's right he-" she moved her finger

"Oh... I blocked it..." then she chuckled...

T-That is not funny!

"Okay! You should take care of 40 parties... please bring them alive..." Petra said

And everyone let a battle cry

"Let's go!" Rin shouted with his hand punching upward...

And another battle cry heard


Rin fits more compare to me...

I walk outside... and found 20 carriages...

No... not carriage... it's wagon...

"So, please two party in a wagon..." Petra shouted...

And they decided their pair...

"How about us?" Euclio asked

Hmmm I don't know a lot of people... we've just got in here for three days... and now I have to lead the whole adventurer...

"Umm... excuse me... do you want to have a ride with us?" a boy come...

He has the same height as mine... and a sword on his left hip...

Also he is a dragon race... since he has a blonde hair


He is with his four other teammates...

"S-Sure... let's do it..." I said

And he nodded happily

We choose a wagon... but...

"Wait... your wagon is the front one..." Petra stopped us...

We then move to the most front wagon and enter...

The nine of us take a seat inside the wagon...

"My name is Rick... I'm a swordsman..." the Dragon Race boy said, he has green eyes...

They are a bronze party...

"Umm, my name is Lisa" a girl come with blonde hair... she has green eyes... like Rick, it looks like both of them are related...

"And I am a sword-wielder as well..." she said

"My name is Nicolas... I'm a High Elementalist... nice to meet you..." I said with a smile...

And everyone looked at me...

"Umm, you don't need to introduce yourself... we know all of you..." Rick said while smiling...

"R-Really? I think that is impolite to not introduce ourselves..." I said

"I agree... my name is Euclio... an Elemental Fighter..."

"And I'm Rin!" Rin said

We expected him to say more words... but no words coming out from his mouth... he just smiled back at us...

"I am Erin... Rin's sister... I am a sword wielder..."

Erin introduced herself...

"My name is Kai! I am a spear bearer..." Kai said

"And I am May! I am an archer"

May has pointy ears... I believe she is an elf...

"And I am Jay, I am a fighter!" Jay said

He is a beastman race... a fox like animal...

Not like Erin and RIn... I think Erin and Rin is more to wolves... than foxes...

"Nice to meet you guys..." Rick said with smile...

"Yeah! Nice to meet you..." I said

Everyone shakes hand...

"All of you ready?" I asked....

"Ready for?" Rick asked

"Adventure!" Euclio said happily

"Yeah!!" Everyone let a battle cry...

I check the other wagon... and I select a leader from each wagon...

Also... apparently, one of the adventurers tell me that in each wagon, there are two flags...

A red and a green one

"Thanks! I appreciate that!" I said

I told Euclio about that... and he nodded...

It would be useful later... he said

"I will plan about our activity there... for now, everyone wagon has ready?" Euclio asked me.

I nodded...

"Then let's go..." Euclio said to the wagon driver...

Then the driver nodded...

Our wagon moved first, and followed by the other wagons...

I then lay on the floor...

"Hoah... I am tired..." I said

"How long does it take to reach the camp?" Rick asked the driver...

"An hour..." the driver said

And Rick looked at me...

I nodded...

"Then, I will take a rest for an hour..." I said

"Take your time..." May said

"By the way, Euclio is my vice... if you need something asked him...." I said

And the other party nodded...

Euclio is still thinking about the plan...

I hear Rin is talking with the other party... also Euclio sometimes...

Erin don't talk really much...

Then I fall asleep...

I don't hear any chit chat...

The next thing I feel is hot...

It's hot....

I opened my eyes...

The first I see is...

"Rin?!?" I said it quite loud...

And everyone laughed...

He is now my alarm....

"We have arrived..." Rick said from outside the carriage...

"Ugh... I don't feel like sleeping..." I said

"You sleep like a log..." May said...

"Yeah, and I still don't believe that you are still 15... and you led the entire adventurer..." Kai said


H-He knows my age?!

"This boy told us everything..." Lisa said while pointing at Rin

And Rin just smiled...

"Let's get ready! Euclio is waiting in the meeting room..." Rick said

"M-Meeting Room?!" I said in surprised...

"Yeah, he thought the whole plan during our journey..." Rick said with amazed face...

"Hmmm I see..." I said

As expected from Euclio...

Everyone get down from the wagon, and I entered the meeting room...

While I was walking, everyone gives us the way...

And finally, we reached Euclio...

"Ah, you're back!" Euclio said happily...

"T-Thanks for covering me..." I said

"Don't worry, but now it's time for you to speak..." Euclio said

And I nodded...

Euclio explained a little things before I talk so at least I understand a bit...

I looked at everyone, and they are expecting me to speak...

"So, the plan is, we will do a continuous expedition... 24 hours for these five days... but of course, with shift..." I said while reading Euclio's writing...

"There will be 4 groups... which consist of 10 parties..." I said

"The first group will consist of a gold party and my party... the second to the fourth will have two gold party each group..." I said

And they nodded...

"We will take a rotation on the task, there will be 4 tasks that each group will do... first is exploration, second is watch the camp, third is supply and communication... and the last group will take a rest..." I said

They looked amazed with the idea...

It's Euclio's idea...

"Then, for now, please create a group of ten parties..." I said

And now, the room become busy...

It is a giant tent, fits for hundreds of adventurers...

I see Rick's party is on my group...

At least I know someone beside my party in the group...

Finally, after several minutes... they have lined up...

"The gold party please stand on the front..." I said

And the gold party moved to their most front line, which is the closest to me...

"From each group, please select a leader... I suggest the gold party member..." I said

Then, each group has their own discussion...

And they have choose their own leader...

But group 1 leader's will be me...

"Then, for now, group 1, which is my group will start our exploration after this meeting..." I said

Group 1 nodded...

"Group 2 will watch the camp..." I continued

Group 2 nodded...

"Group 3 will be separated in to four team... The team will go to the North Camp, East Camp, and West Camp, if a report about the pegasus found, return immediately to this camp and tell Euclio... and the last team will return to the guild and ask for food supplies... if they don't give any supply, you should hunt for food..." I said

Group 3 nodded...

"And Group 4 will take a rest for now..." I said

Group 4 nodded...

"Remember, the time is 6 hours only, Group 3 should be able to manage the time... going to the North camp is the furthest... so you should think about the time..." I said

And again, group 3 nodded...

This is unsurprisingly well coordinated... and they are quite obedient....

"Then, we will start the group's activity in half an hour..." I said

And everyone nodded...

"You all dismissed..." I said and everyone starts to talk...

When I talked, all of them become really quiet... they are well trained?

"That is so great!" Rick come to me...

"Yeah! I never thought that it will be so planned!" another gold adventurer come to me...

He is the leader of Group B...

"It's Euclio's strategy... he is a really smart kid..." I said to give Euclio the credit...

Several people is still asking to Euclio about the mission...

Anyway, Euclio will stay in this place...

We need someone to make a decision when I am away...

Before the mission start, I have a meeting with the other 3 leader of each group...

"You can create sub group within your group and prepare your mental, since 18 hours of working and 6 hours of rest might be really harsh..." I said and they nodded...

After we have the meeting, my team start the shift, it's now our turn to do exploration...

The next 6 hours

We got nothing

And we rotate our job, now it is our time to defend the camp...

After 6 hours, we got the hardest job... supply and communication...

I go to the north camp, which is the furthest... Erin and Rin goes to the East and the gold party in my group goes to the West...

But we got nothing...

I see the North Camp looked a bit abandon... then I found out that the leader of the North Camp is Reyner...

I met Reyner, and he didn't say a word...

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Rick asked me... after we are far enough from Reyner

Rick's party is with me, and we are assigned together on the North Camp...

"Have you heard about the story of my rage in the adventurer restaurant?"

And he nodded...

"Is it because someone tried to kill you?" Rick asked

"I personally will go angry as well, when I know that my food is poisoned..." Lisa said

"Yep, and that guy is the boss..." I said while pointing Reyner which is going to enter a camp...

"R-Reyner?!" Rick sounds surprised...

And I nodded...

"Ligurd is Reyner's underlings..." I said

"I-I see..." Rick said

I know everything from Petra... she personally tell me and my party...

"Reyner has a really bad reputation as an adventurer..." Jay said

He is punching is paw to his other hand...

"I just don't like that guy... but he is strong..." Jay continues...

"Really? Just what can he do?" I asked...

"He is an Expert Spear Wielder..." Jay said

And everyone looked surprised...

"Y-You guys just knew it?" Jay even looked surprised that his party just notice it as well...

"Y-Yeah, how did you know?" Rick asked him

"That is like a common knowledge here in Sera... but he is no match if he fights against you..." Jay said to me...

"Hmmm but I should take him seriously... since my brother is also the same level as him..." I said

And then everyone looked surprised...

"Y-You have a brother?" May asked...

I nodded...

Then May and Lisa looked happy...

Are they betting on something like that...?

"H-He is a spear wielder too?" Kai asked

I nodded...

"He is an Expert Spear Wielder... and he uses Maxim Style..." I said it...

And everyone looked at me with unbelievable face...

"M-Maxim Style is the hardest..." Rick said

"Really? I am an advance sword wielder with Maxim style as well..." I said

And now they stared at me...

"Y-You are a swordsman?!" Lisa said in surprised...

"You don't know? I think everyone knows already..." I said while showing my sheathed swords...

"Everyone thought that it was just a decoration..." May said

"H-Hey! That is mean!" I said

They laughed...

I mean, decoration?! Bringing a sword just for decoration makes things hard when you fight...

"Just don't tell anybody about this okay? I think it is better to keep it that way... knowing it is just for a decoration..." I said

And they nodded...

"That sword looked so pricey..." Rick said

"I never unsheathed here... in Sera... want be the first to see it?" I asked

And they nodded real hard...

I pull the sword slowly from its scabbard and a glowing red blade is what they see...

"Woahh..." May said

"That is pretty..." Lisa said

"I-Is that a sapphire?" Jay said

"That is cool!" Kai said

"W-Wow you sure are lucky!" Rick said

"Yeah, I am lucky to have a friend like Euclio... he is the one that gives me this..." I said

And I put my sword back...

"E-Euclio gives the sword?!" Rick sounds surprised...

I nodded...

"So... you gave the blue sword to him?" Jay asked

"Yeah... wow you are sharp..." I said to him...

And Jay laughed...

"When Euclio duelled a gold adventurer... I was there..." Jay said

"Yeah! I thought Euclio had no chance... but he stopped his enemy in a move..." Lisa said sounds amazed...

"And that blue sword is really catchy!" Jay said

And everyone nodded...

"And since then, Euclio was called the blue from south..." Rick said

"R-Really?" I asked

I don't even know about that...

"Yeah! And you are the red from the south!" May said

"W-Wow... is that good?" I asked

And they looked at me speechlessly

But then they laughed...

I am seriously asking...

We left the North camp when it was almost the time to change the shift...

It took 2 hours more from the south to the north...

Then when we arrived at the camp...

I talked with Euclio... and he said that there is nothing particular happened...

"Do you want to take a rest? I'll take the job if you want..." I said

"Don't worry about me... I have this girl with me..." Euclio said

And yes... I see this person, but I don't know who she is...

She is a woman maybe on his twenties... with long blonde hair...

"Hi, my name is Jane... I am a gold adventurer... and Euclio and I take a shift..." Jane said

"S-So you are going to take a rest now?" I asked Euclio

Euclio stood up from his chair

"Yeah..." Euclio said

Then, we leave the main camp and goes to our own camp... I see Rin and Erin are sleeping already...

I sleep next to Rin... and Euclio next to me...

After six hours... the guard that defend the camp wake us up...

And this routine keep continues...

Until the fourth day...

"N-Nicolas-san! We received word from the exploring group that they spotted the Pegasus!" a male adventure reported...

I am with Euclio in the main camp since my task is just defending the camp...

"Okay... wake the other up... and we should reinforce the exploring group..." Euclio said

"Yes!" the adventurer said and left...

After the adventurer left...

"Do you have any plan to defeat the Pegasus?" I asked Euclio

And he shook his head...

"Actually, I never thought that we will actually find the pegasus..." Euclio said while smiling...

So... we messed up...

"Just prepare yourself too..." I said to Euclio while leaving the camp...

When I leave the main camp, I see the entire camp become busy...

After 10 minutes, everyone has readied...

We used the wagon to travel and led by the adventurer from group 1...

After halve hour passed... we arrived...

The adventurer from the camp including my party is now walking... since we don't want to wake the Pegasus up...

Based on the report... the Pegasus is resting...

So we approached the site with caution...

After five minutes of walking, we met the exploring group...

The leader of the exploring group come to me...

"So, you just have to walk straight ahead... and after three minutes of walk, you will see the Pegasus is resting..." the leader of the exploring group said...

"Okay, nice job... now I want your group to surround the Pegasus with 10m perimeter... the one that use light armor... so they won't make noise..." I said

And he nodded...

I walked toward the Pegasus resting place... and the other follows behind me...

And it is true... after three minutes of walk, we found the Pegasus...

The Pegasus is not resting...

She is in hurt...

I see an arrow of ballista... stuck on her feet...

Ballista is a siege weapon, has the same principle like bow, but it is a giant bow... and it has a giant arrow as well... it is used during the medieval age war, to break or destroy a gate or tower...

I see her bleeding...

And she looked at me...

The Pegasus looked on my eyes... I looked at her eyes too...

Her eyes are so black...

I raise my hand and everyone stopped advancing...

I come closer to the Pegasus... and she doesn't even move...

Now, I feel really sad, looking at her pain...

"N-Nico?! Are you sure?!" Euclio asked

I was about to pull the arrow from her feet

"Yeah, I feel sad..." I said

Everyone was looking at me speechlessly...

I pull the arrow from her feet... and it takes a lot of effort...

After I pulled the arrow, the Pegasus moan in pain...

The bleeding is worse now...

"A-Any doctor?!" Euclio asked...

And no one answer...

Of course! We are an adventurer...

"Let me do it..." I said to Euclio...

'Create Light...'

I summoned a white spherical light...

Everyone still amazed with my magic...

"Holy Magic.... Heal!" I said

And a light shine upon the Pegasus... and a sparkling light... also... I hear a sound of thunder... this is rare...

I see the wound on her feet is closing...

And she healed...

The hole on her feet is healed...

The Pegasus stood up...

The adventurer raised their guard... we have completely surrounded her...

But something unexpected happened...

This flying horse suddenly bow at me... like she just said thank you to me...

Everyone become speechless including me...

She come close to me... and lick my face...

T-That is dirty!

But it tickles as well..

She keep licking me and I laughed...

"S-Stoppp" I said and she stopped...

Wow... she is surprisingly obedient...

I pet her and a thought of riding her is crossing on my mind...

"C-Can I ride you?" I asked the Pegasus...

And she neighed like a horse...

She let her body down so that I can mount her...

She is two to three times larger than normal horse...

After a minute... I finally success in riding her...

I patted her and she looked happy...

Then I direct my view to Euclio...

He looked at me with his mouth open wide...

Not only him, but everyone...

"Hey! Can I ride her too?" Rin breaks the silence...

"Umm, how about you asked her..." I said to Rin...

And Rin really asked her...

"Can I ride you?" Rin asked

The Pegasus neighed...

And Rin looks happy...

"She said that I can ride her..." Rin said with certainty...

D-Did the Pegasus just talked with Rin?

"W-Wait... you understand what she just said?" I asked Rin

And he nodded...

Is it because of he is a beastman race?!

"It is the specialty of my tribes..." Rin said

He then jumped high and sit in front of me...

Now everyone become more surprised than ever...

W-What should I do...

"M-Mission success!!!" Euclio shouted...

"YEAAHHH!!!!" Everyone let a battle cry...

T-Thanks Euclio...

Euclio wink on me...

Fiuh, I got an understanding friend...

All of us return to the camp...

And I am riding the Pegasus while everyone used the wagon...

Euclio join us and ride on the Pegasus as well...

"And what next?" Euclio asked...

What next?


"Will she be okay with the soldiers?" I asked

I am wondering... or is she going to be killed?

"Don't know... I guess we had to talk with Lerrich Ezate about this..." Euclio said

Yeah, he has the highest power in the city...

We returned to the camp and wait for the group that went to other camp to get back...

After they get back, they look shocked to death...

And apparently, no one actually remember that I am using an Advance Holy Magic... since they still shocked seeing me riding the Pegasus...

"Do you have any name?" I asked the Pegasus...

And she neighed...

"She said that her name is June... since she born in June..." Rin said

"W-Wow... June huh? I born in June too..." I said

And she neighed...

"She said that we are destined to be together" Rin said

Hmmm I don't know how June thinks but I like June...

"I hope we can keep her..." Rin said with sad face...

"Yeah me too... but we have to give her to the soldier first..." I said

We are now going back to the South Guild... and I am still riding June... with Euclio...

Rin is sleeping with Erin in the wagon...

We ride June in front of our wagon...

Rick is sitting next to the driver and we have some chit chat...

"Have you heard the story that someone that tamed the Pegasus is actually descendant of god?" Rick asked me...

"Yeah, is that Tensei Sect believe?" I asked him

And he nodded...

"Are you one of the Tensei Sect?" Euclio asked

"Yeah..." Rick answered...

But Tensei Sect never search troubles... so I think they are okay... compared to Mera Sect...

"At least you are not a Mera Sect member..." I said while letting a sigh

And Rick laughed...

"I would have killed you already..." Rick said jokingly

And I laughed...

After some times... we arrived at the gate...

At first, the gatekeeper surrounded us...

But knowing me, he opened the gate...

"Did the gatekeeper knows me as Nicolas the Adventurer or Nicolas Maxwell?" I asked Euclio...

And he laughed...

"I don't know, both names have grown big already..." Euclio said

We ride June to the Guild...

While we are walking, there are a lot of people are watching us...


"L-Look... it's Nicolas..."

"H-Hey! That is a big horse!"

"That is a Pegasus idiot!"

"H-He tamed a Pegasus?!"

Everyone cheers on me...

"South Sera is safe!"

"We have Nicolas!"

Something like that...

And after some times... we arrived at the Guild...

The crowded and busy Sera open a way for us adventurer to ride our wagons and horses...

I see Petra looked at me with her unbelievable face...

Including Miel and Elly behind her...

But then, suddenly... a man with black armor come to us from inside the guild...

He has a black hair and yellow eyes...

And a spear on his back...

L-Lerrich Ezate?!

"L-Lerrich-dono..." I called him

"Ah Nicolas-dono... Euclio-dono... thank you for helping our city problem... Not only helping our Kingdom... but also our city... we are in debt to you..." Lerrich give a little bow...

We get down from June and give a bow as well...

"Can I ask you something Lerrich-dono?" Euclio asked...

"Of course! Please..." Lerrich said

"What will you do to her?" Euclio asked...

Then he give a thought...

"I still have to think about it..." Lerrich said

Now I am afraid... there might be a chance that he would sell her...

"As you can see... Nicolas can tame the Pegasus... can you allow us to take care of the Pegasus?" Euclio said

Lerrich give another thought... he seems a bit disagree with our demand...

"You don't have to give us the 20 000 golds, and we will be responsible with the Pegasus..." Euclio said

And everyone around us looked surprised...

Including I...

Lerrich thinks really hard now...

Then he gave his final answer...

"Then, I agree..." Lerrich said

Euclio and I give a bump of fist... as usual...

And Rin looks happy as well...

Including June herself...

"But... where are you going to put her?" Lerrich said

And we stopped celebrating...

T-That is a hard question...

"W-We can think about it later..." I said to Lerrich...

And he laughed...

"You think you can solve it later? How about this, I have a suggestion..." Lerrich talked to us...

Euclio and I is focus on what he is going to say next...

"As the change of the reward, I give you the Pegasus and also a house that is still in the South Sera..." Lerrich said

Both of us looked surprised...

"I-Is it okay? We are troubling you a lot lately" Euclio said

"No, no... at least I have to make sure the Pegasus don't go mad again, so I should give a proper place for her as well... what do you think?" Lerrich said

"W-We agree!" Rin said from behind me...

And now everyone looked at Rin...

"Hmmm? Who is he?" Lerrich asked...

"I am Rin..." Rin said

We expect to hear something more from him...

But... he is Rin...

"H-He is our Party Member... and he is also lived with us..." I said

"Hmmm, I see... then is he strong?" Lerrich asked me...

"Y-Yeah he is very strong!" I said

Lerrich give a thought...

"How about if I challenge you to a duel..." Lerrich said to Rin...

Then everyone starts whispering...

"A duel?" Rin asked

"Yes... and if you win, you will get the reward... but don't worry, if you lose... I will still give you the house..." Lerrich said

Ugh... I have this feeling that he is bored with life...

"We accept!" Euclio said without hesitation...

And Rin looked happy as well...

"A week from now... in Seraviel, I will open the match for public..." Lerrich said

"Okay!" Rin looked interested as well...

Everyone that heard our conversation become busy...

They are whispering to each other...

"Then, I will send a carriage to your current house, and then we will help you to move to your new house..." Lerrich said then he leaves...

"T-Thank you so much Lerrich-dono..." I said

"Don't worry... You are the one that makes this city interesting..." Lerrich said with a smile...

D-Did I?

Then he left with a carriage...

I looked at June...

Then I hugged her head and she start to lick on me continuously...

"S-Stoppp Junee!!" I said and everyone around us laughing....

We got June! And also, a house! Just how kind is Lerrich...

I enter the guild to claim my platinum quest reward... which is a hundred golds... that is actually more than enough...

We took a hundred golds... and left...

But before we left, something surprising happened in front of the guild...

The adventurer is waiting for us...

Rin is waiting outside with June when we claim our reward...

They looked at us...

And a single adventurer come forward... a gold adventurer...

"Thank you for making this quest a success" he said

He is the leader one of the group...

"Y-Your welcome... also, thanks for the participation... I'm sorry for my bad leadership... actually this is my first time doing it..." I said

And everyone looked surprised...

"Then, it is surprisingly good!" Rick shouted from the crowd...

"Yeah! We have no casualties! Thanks to your plan!"

"We are glad you become the platinum adventurer of this guild..."

Everyone keeps praising me...

Plan? It is actually Euclio's plan...

"You see, about the strategy, Euclio is the one that give a thought..." I said

And everyone now praised Euclio...

I left Euclio alone with the crowd...

S-Sorry mate...

Euclio then get a lot of praises...

I ride June back to our house with Rin and Erin...

We left the crowd of adventure...

Maybe I should treat them something...

Ah... it's too late... maybe next time...

After several minutes I see Euclio run toward us...

"H-Hey!! Wait!!!" he shouted and we laughed...

Even June neighed...

"June said that Euclio is funny" Rin said

He is!

And that is the end of the Pegasus quest...

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