《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 7 - Nate goes to School!


"Hey..." Nathalia called me...

"Hmm?" I responded...

"You see, I lived in Tokyo..." she started the conversation...

It is only both of us... and we just finished our training...

"R-Really? T-That's the same city as I am..." I said in surprised...

"Wow... that's great! We were a happy family... until something really bad happened..." she explained...

I then hugged her...

"D-Don't worry... this is now your life... Just try to abandon your past, and live in this new world... I know it's hard to move on... but you will get used to it..." I said

"B-But... I still have regrets you know!" She said in sad voice...

"A-And so do I! But I promised myself to be a better person here..." I said with full of determination...

"I don't want those things happened again..." I said

"Is it bad?" she asked me...

"Yeah... the worst" I said

"Let's train for some more time..." I invited her...

"Sure... make sure to keep up okay?" she asked me

"Okay!!" I said

We were training, but also we talk about our past...

I am a reincarnated person... and so does Nathalia...

Then someone enters the room...

"Ah... Nicolas-sama... here you are..." Rueger greeted me...

"R-Rueger-san! Why don't you tell me about it?" I asked him

And he looked confused...

"A-About what?" He asked confusedly

"You are being one of the ten strongest person in this world!" I said

And Nathalia's jaw drop to the floor...

"H-How did you know?" he asked me...

H-He didn't have any intention to tell any of us, isn't he?

"I went to the town... and I see this monument..." I said

"Ahh, I see..." he said while smiling...

T-That's annoying...

"What makes strong Rueger-san? Please teach me!" Nathalia asked... and she hug Rueger as well

Rueger carried Nathalia...

"Hmmm... I only use my sword..." Rueger said humbly...

"And what level?" I asked...

He looked nervous and let a sigh...

"You see... I am a God Tier Sword Wielder..." Rueger confessed...

Both of us are now looks like an idiot... our mouths are wide open...

Rueger come to me and waved his hand in front of my eyes... also Nathalia...

"H-Hey both of you okay?" He asked us...

"Y-Yeah..." I said

"H-Huh?" Nathalia looks confused...

"T-Then! Teach us!" I said...

Rueger put Nathalia back to the floor next to me...

"Y-You see... I taught you since you are 6, right?" Rueger reminded me

I-I just wanted to be promoted to the higher tier...

"That's true... then can you teach me how to defeat an Ares Style user..." I said to him

And Rueger explained everything...

He is a good teacher...

"Why Ares Style?" He asked me after answering all of my questions and he give some examples of movement...

I scratch my head... And answer...

"Since Euclio use Ares Style... I never defeated him once in a one on one sword fight!" I said

"I see... then let's move to the dining room... both of you, it's your lunch time..." Rueger said...

A month passed and Rueger grant me the next tier of sword level... I am now an Advance Sword Wielder... the same level as Precilla and Roxane...

Roxane came here like once a week... at first, she wasn't allowed to come here by Rueger...

"T-This the place for the Archduke! Go home!" Rueger said to Roxane...

"B-But..." She tried to defense herself...

"Roxane! You are here! Come in!" I said from Rueger's behind


"A-Are you sure that's okay?" Roxane asked me...

"Of course! You are my friend! Also, Rueger-san's daughter... you can take some time..." I said to Rueger and Roxane...

"T-Then..." Rueger hugged Roxane...

I left them both... Since I know that Rueger missed her so much... he works here 24/7 and only went home for a week in the entire year...

Rueger is a hard-worker... also strong... and follows the rule... but he is a good friend too... Also, a good Dad...

The next meeting, Roxane meet with my Dad... and both of them looks like a friend in a second...

I will never be able to do that...

And... another month has passed...

My relationship with Dad is going well, even I know that he is not my real dad... but his feeling toward me is real... he always treats me like his real son...

He once told me during the holiday...

"You will inherit this house some days... so make sure to be strong!" he said...

He wants me to take over his position one day... and I believe that is a big decision...

Thanks Dad...

And it's finally H-1 before my second year starts...

"You prepared everything?" I asked Nate...

"Yep!" he said

T-That confidence is the thing I didn't have during my H-1 of entering the school...

"That's great! Do you know someone that will enter the same class as yours?

"Hmmm I know Leon Aerios, also Ethan Perius..." He said

A-Aerios?! Perius?!

I dropped my jaw...

"N-Nisan? You okay?" He asked me..

"T-That is heavy!" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, you see, Leon is the prince of Aerios Kingdom... which is the only kingdom of Dragon Race... it's like he is the biggest star of Dragon Race..." I said

"Is it? But he is kind..." Nate said innocently...

"Have you met?" I asked... and he nodded...

"When?" I asked

"When you are in school, there was a feast held in Epius... capital city of Perius Kingdom... and I went there with Tousan..." Nate explained...

"I-I see... then it is good for you..." I said

"Also... Ethan Perius, prince of Perius Kingdom... You see... Perius Kingdom have almost 70% of Human Continent's land... so, he is the star of Human Race as well..." I said

"Wow! That's great! But, Ethan Perius is not really a good guy..." Nate said while thinking...

"Is it? Why?" I asked...

"He always said that you are a bad person... a demon descendant... And I do not agree with him..." Nate said...

Nate defended me? Wow... I am touched...

I patted his head...

"Thanks Nate!" I said

And he looks happy

The next day we have a guest in the early morning...

I was practicing my sword with Nathalia and Rueger... and suddenly the mansion become busy...

"What happened?" Nathalia asked...

After saying that a guard come...

"N-Nicolas-sama, Nathalia-sama... both of you should prepare a good dress... an important guest suddenly came..."

And both of us now looked confused...

"Okay... Thank you" Rueger said

And the guard left us...

"Both of you better prepare yourself..." Rueger said

We both left the practice room and prepare ourselves...

Also, we reminded Nate... Since he practiced with Kasan alone...

After the three of us ready... we move to the dining room...

The guard opened the door... and the face I see is...

"E-Euclio?!" I called him

"Nico!" he called me back...

We all come closer toward the long table...


I see Euclio's dad as well... and also three other nobles, I guess?

Or maybe the bodyguard?

"My name is Nicolas Maxwell... nice to meet you..." I introduced myself

"My name is Nate Maxwell... Thanks for coming..." Nate introduced

"My name is Nathalia Maxwell... Please enjoy our hospitality..." Nathalia introduced

And the three of them, including Feurius Qiteron and Euclio itself looked amazed...

"The three of you sure has a good teamwork..." Feurius praised us...

"Yes, it's cute to see the three of them said that..." a man with black cape and 'justice' written on it said...

"Ah, we forgot to introduce ourselves!" another man with black cape 'power' written on it said...

"My name is Hercule Erebus, the leader of Power faction in Qiteron Kingdom..." he said...

"And my name is Mebus Athen, the leader of Justice faction..." the man with 'justice' written on his cape said

"Hello, I am Abes Terax, the leader of Politic faction in Qiteron Kingdom..." last man said, with 'Politic' written on his cape...

"Okay, everyone! Let's start eating our food... before we are too late for school!" Tousan said

The three of us sit... I sit next to Euclio...

He gives me a high five...

"How is it going?" he asked me

"Hmmm normal..." I said

Everyone is talking... Dad talking to Abes... Mebus talk to Feurius and Hercule is talking to Rueger...

I guess everyone enjoyed their talk...

"You see... I reached Advance level in sword wielding..." Euclio said with pride...

"Oh... I reach that level too..." I said with a smile...

"T-That's cheating! If it stayed like this, I won't beat you..." he said

"But you won every duel... ah, in the next duel! I will win!" I said...

"What's with that optimism?" he asked...

"Oh... I asked Rueger-san to teach me how to defeat an Ares Style user..." I said with evil laughed...

And he jealous a bit....

"T-That's cheating! I want to be trained by him too!" he said

"You can..." Mom intervened...

"C-Can I?!" Euclio asked seriously...

"Of course! The school ceremony this year held after we had our lunch so you have some free time..." Mom said...

And Euclio looks like the happiest man...

Currently, Rueger is talking with Hercule, the man with 'power' written on their cape...

"Hey Eu, why there are three faction in your Kingdom..." I asked...

"Yeah, because we believe that those are the most important things in our life... and they are the balance of our kingdom..." Euclio explained

I give an O face...

After we eat our breakfast, we rest for an hour... I give a tour to Euclio around our mansion...

"You see, this place to be honest is not that big, compared to my place in Qiteron Kingdom..." he said

"Is it?" I asked back

"Yeah, my place is a castle, but this place feels much comfy..." Euclio explained...

Comparing my Dad and his, his Dad is a King.... a King of the biggest kingdom in the world... while my Dad is only an Archduke...

"You should not compare it with me... compare it with Perius's castle..." I said....

"No... this place is much better... I guess next time I will stay in this place!" Euclio said

"No thanks... living with you in the same room for 10 months is enough..." I said

"Hehe, don't worry... it is for safety reason, right?" he said

"Yeah Yeah..." I said...

At first... we sleep together to protect each other from assassins...

But no assassins has ever come... I believe our room number is being kept as secret...

"Nisan... both of you live in the same room?" Nate asked me...

And I carried Nate behind me... I give him a piggyback

"Y-Yeah... you see, last year, he never even touches his room... he always sleeps in my room for the whole ten months!" I said

Nate laughed hearing my complaint...

T-This boy...

"Wanna stay with me Nate? I guess it could fit for 3 people inside the room" Euclio invited Nate...

"S-Sure!" Nate said

"H-Hey! My room!!" I complaint and both of them laughed already...

Oh, this kind of life... it is annoying... but I missed it as well...

After an hour of tour, we move to the practice room... and I see Hercule with Rueger is fighting... and Kasan, Tousan, Feurius, Abes, Mebus and Nathalia were watching...

We joined and watched the duel...

It's almost 10 minutes, and Rueger doesn't play his sword but keep evading every attack...

And I looked at Hercule... I think he is on his limit...

"I-I give up..." Hercule said...

And everyone gives an applauds...

"T-That's great!" Euclio praised Rueger...

"Really? He always fights like that..." Nate said

"Yeah, keep evading until we let our guard down and he strike in a hit..." I said

"That is even greater!" Euclio said with amazed eyes...

Then Tousan talks in loud voice...

"Okay, let the kids train, we move toward the Throne Chamber..." Dad said

Mom waved her hand and we waved our hand back...

Rueger come to us...

"That is a great fight!!" Euclio said to Rueger...

"Thank you, Euclio-sama..." Rueger said while bowing a bit...

"C-Can I duel you Rueger-san?" Euclio asked him out

While Rueger wipe his sweat with a towel

"Ah, you can rest a bit..." Euclio said

"You sure are a good boy... fit for Nicolas-sama's friend..." Rueger said...

Aww... Rueger... stop praising me...

He then sits for some time...

"Who have you just been fighting with??" Nate asked...

"Ah, he is from the Power Faction... Hercule Erebus... a Legend Sword Wielder..." Rueger said...

"I see..." I said

But Nate and Euclio looked dumbfounded...

And Rueger hold his laughed...

"You see... Rueger-san is a God Sword Wielder..." I said

And both of them looks like an idiot now... two mouths were opened really big...

And Rueger stared at me...

Hehe, sorry Rueger-san... it's just I am proud of having you as my teacher

"A God Sword Wielder?! And he is in the tenth position?! How about the higher position?! They must be insane!" Euclio said excitedly...

It is a rare moment to see Euclio this excited...

"Okay, let's train!" Rueger said while standing up...

Euclio fight Rueger... and lost...

Then, the three of us fight against him... 3 vs 1... and we are still losing...

After the three of us trained with Rueger, we have our lunch together again...

We went to school using the carriage and guarded by like hundreds of men, since we guarded a king and an archduke...

When we arrived at school... we see familiar buildings... and familiar faces....

"S-Santa-sensei!" we greeted him

"Ah! Euclio, Nicolas... welcome back... and for Nate, welcome to Auxem School... I hope you enjoy everything we have here..." Santa said

"Thanks!" Nate said with confidence...

The maid from the mansion put our belongings to our own room...

And all of us enter Building A...

"No difference..." I said

"What do you expect?" Euclio asked...

"Maybe like a renovation?" I said

We say our farewell to Mom and Dad also Nathalia... while Euclio just left his Dad without saying anything... isn't it a bit cold?

"You don't say bye to your Tousan?" I asked

"I have, and I am quite bored staying around him in the same carriage for almost a week..." he complained...

"T-That is true..." I said

We entered the Assembly Room, where the opening ceremony will be held...

Also spotted Gina and Lex sitting...

"N-Nate... let me tell you something..." I said while walking...

"What is it?" He asked me...

"Never calls a beastman race with animal name..." Euclio said..

"H-How did you know what I am going to said?!" I asked Euclio

"You see, that things come up on my mind too..." Euclio said while laughing...

And then I see another familiar face...

"Hey!! Nicolas! Euclio!! Here!" a female voice calling our name

We searched for the source and Nate found it first...

"There!" Nate pointed out

I see Precilla and Roxane stand up while waving their hand...

I-It's quite far... but we approached them...

"Hey! Long time no see!" I said to Precilla...

She never come to my house...

"Umm.. I forget to count Nate here... I just save 2 seats for you..." Precilla said...

Hmmm should I find another seat for Nate and I...

"That's okay... nisan can give me a lap..." Nate said...

T-This boy know no shame...

But he looked at me with an innocent smile...

"F-Fine... okay let's sit..." I said

The four of us sit and talk to each other...

I sit between Euclio and Precilla...

Roxane is talking with Euclio... while Precilla talks with Nate...

I feel... like a chair...

Santa give an opening sentence...

"Hey everyone, welcome back to this new school year... there are also some that have this as their last year or even their first year... But then, we must enjoy everything while we could... this life is temporary, so make sure, you learn everything you want, everything you can and always be friend without being discriminating... Remember the rules are only 3.... No fighting... No discrimination... and... Enjoy your time...." he finished his words

And everyone gives him applauds...

The next person going to the stage is Tousan... as usual... as the ruler of the city...

"Good afternoon everyone!" he said with a lot of spirit...

And everyone responded..

"Good afternoon Clement-sama!" they all said in unison...

"Welcome to another new year! Make sure you learn well... In this place, there are a lot of thing you can learn... Magic... Swordsmanship, they have great teacher... but it is all depend on yourself... we have great teacher, but it won't matter if students have no encouragement in study... You all come here... from far way travelling here... also your parents paid for you to enter the school... or maybe some of you pay for yourself... make sure to make them proud... be the new generation that is better than us... our family, house, kingdom, is depend on the next generation!" Tousan said and finished his words....

T-That is a really deep word...

Everyone gives him even a louder applauds...

"NICO! NATE! Make sure to study well okay!!!" Tousan said from the stage while pointing us...

"H-He found us!!" I said...

"Okay!!" Nate said...

H-He knows no shame!!

And I see everyone is talking about us now...

"Another Maxwell? But I guess he is normal..."

"Yeah, only the first son is defected..."

"I believe, the next head of the family will be his second son..."

I heard something like that... but I just ignored them... and actually Tousan said to me that he will make me as his next head of the family...

I could hold my anger but... not Nate...

He stood up and said...

"Hey! You better keep your mouth shut! Or I will smack you!" Nate said loudly to another boy....

"N-Nate!! Calm down!" I said while gripping his shoulder back, forcing him to sit on my lap again...

"B-But Nisan... he just bad mouthed you..." He said

"Nope, they just got jealous!" I said to him...

"Yes, jealous of having a cute brother like you!" Roxane said...

T-Thanks Roxane... that is helpful...

He then sits on my lap again, but I have the feeling that he doesn't accept what I just said...

"But still, thanks Nate..." I said to him...

He sits on me with a grumpy face...

"You can actually beat them up right?" Nate asked...

"Yep, but it will break Tousan's pride..." I said

"What is pride?" He asked me...

T-This boy...

"Pride is how people sees other... like Tousan's pride, people sees him as a great person, great leader... but if people heard news about his son fight againts the weak... do you think Tousan will be happy?" I asked him...

"N-Noo..." Nate said in sad face...

"Yep... That's why don't act before thinking..." I said

And he nodded...

I patted his head and he smiled...

I feel someone watching us...

Precilla, Euclio and Roxane is watching us... their face looked helpless...

"B-Both of you sure are cute..." Precilla said while blushing...

"Nate will be a handsome man one day!" Roxane said also with red face...

"S-Shut up... just focus on what happen next..." I said... and the three of them laughed... including Nate... you know Nate, they were talking about us... why you laughed?!

After the ceremony, we moved to our own room...

Everyone is talking with Tousan... that's why we decided to left him... both of us just waved our hand from a far and he waved his hand back...

"Ah, I still got my old room number..." I said after receiving the keys from the authorities...

"Mine moved!" Euclio said...

"How about yours Nate?" I asked...

"Mine is 302..." Nate said

"Hey, mine is 301... which means we are next to each other..." I said and he looks happy...

I really want him to enjoy the school and get some good friends... but I bet he will be popular soon... with his face, he is super cool! But kind in the same time... which is rare...

When we are walking toward building B

"Nisan... what is Student Council?" Nate asked me...

"Ah, it's a community of student that creates event... what's with that?" I asked...

"You see, there is this girl from the second year, invited me to join..." He said...

"Hmmm, that is a good opportunity for you to find more friends!" I said...

"Then, if you say so, maybe I will join the student council..." Nate said..

He stops walking...

"W-Why are you stop walking?" I asked...

"There will be an instant meeting for student council... I guess I will be joining them..." Nate said while running...

"Fine... come to my room when you finished..." I said

"Okay!!" He shouted...

I let a sigh... this boy has become popular already...

"He is definitely the opposite of you..." Euclio said...

"What do you mean?" I asked a bit offended...

"Ah, you see... I guess everyone will like him, but most people hate you" Euclio said while smiling...

That is helping thanks Euclio... but since it is Euclio, I guess I am used to it...

I arrived at my door... and was trying to unlock the door.. But...

"Euclio... why are you behind me?" I asked...

"Umm? I am waiting for my room to be opened?" He said

You mean MY room

T-This boy never changes...

I opened the door and...

"Euclio... why are you stuff are inside my room..." I asked

"Umm? You mean our room?" He said with a smile...

"Ah, fine... just don't make this house dirty like last year..." I said and he showed a really bright smile...

Euclio is hopeless...

"What are you going to do?" I asked him...

"The same thing what I did last year..." he said and jump to the bed..

"Wake me up when it's time for dinner..." he said...

I let a sigh... but "Okay..." I said

Now... what to do...

Oh, let's check the schedule first...

"Hmmm... so tomorrow, there will be a class of Elemental Magic..." I said mumbling

I want to see Nate's performance...

In this school... I think Nate will be the strongest one... since our teacher for swordsmanship only reach Advance Level... and Nate is an Expert Spear Wielder... But we have this Mysterios Boy, Euclio Qiteron who never shows his real skill in swordsmanship

Hmmm where is Nate by the way... should I checked him out?

And I hear a knocked...

When I opened the door...

I am surprised to dead!

"N-Nate!? What happened?!?" I asked him

He is bleeding on his head... also there is like a burse on his hand and arms...

He then passed out...

"E-Euclio!!" I shouted

I hear Euclio fast footsteps...

"W-What happened?!" Euclio asked after seeing Nate...

"I-I don't know!" I said

"Let's bring him to the nursery room!" Euclio said..

I nodded and give Nate a piggyback...

"I will talk to Santa..." Euclio said while we are running toward the nursery room...

I carried Nate and people start to look at us...

They showed a worried face as well...

When we arrived, the nurse looked at us in panic...

"Put him on the bed!" she commands me... and I do so...

"Please, wait outside..." a nurse said...

"No! I will wait here until he regains his conscious..." I said

"No, just please trust us, Nicolas-sama... we are the nurse from the mansion..." she said...

I looked at her face and I notice her as one of the nurses that help my mom's pregnancy

"F-Fine..." I said

I left the room...

This never happened before...

Who could have done this to him?

I then moved toward the meeting room of the student council...

I breached the door while everyone is in the middle of the meeting...

"N-Nicolas-san... this ro-"

"Who is the girl that invited my brother?" I asked loudly and clear...

Everyone looked shaken... but then a girl raises her hand...

"What have you done to Nate?!" I asked her...

"I invited him, but I think he refuse the offer, since he isn't coming..." she said with afraid tone...

W-What? Just what have happened?!

"So Nate was not here?" I asked and all of them shook their head...

But then a boy raises from his seat...

"Daigo!" I called his name...

"Nicolas... I think I saw him talking with someone..." Daigo said

"With whom?" I asked...

"Ethan Perius..." Daigo said...

"Ethan Perius!" I said again...

Of course!

I immediately left the room...

I return to the nursery room and found Euclio outside...

"D-Did you find anything?" Euclio asked me...

"Ethan Perius!" I said it...

"Yeah... what's wrong with him?" he asked...

"He is the one that doing this to Nate..." I said

"You see... I am going to beat him up..." I said...

"H-Hey! Nico! Calm down!" Euclio hold me from leaving...

"What?" I asked him

"Don't just knocked him... it is not a fair battle..." Euclio said

"And so what he did to Nate!" I said with loud voice...

People around me started to looked at me... but I don't mind them

"Here... go and challenge him in a duel... you see, you will break his reputation as well..." Euclio said

That is a good idea...

"And also, that is a fair match!" Euclio said

"No one will stop you..." He continues...

And my anger has cool down...

Euclio really helps me this time... he knows which one is the best for me...

"Fine! I just need to find him..." I said and move around...

I go to the mess hall and found Precilla and Roxane...

"N-Nico? What happened?!" Precilla asked me seeing me in a hurry

"You see... this guy Ethan Perius beat up Nate!" I said

"W-What?!" both of them in unison...

"If both of you sees him, please tell me..." I said and leave both of them...

I then checked on the training ground...

No one there...

"How about lobby?" a voice of man said...

I looked behind me...

"K-Keito-sensei..." I called him...

"Go!" Keito-sensei said

I nodded and run toward the lobby...

Then I found this crowd...

I checked inside the crowd and see a boy at the center of the attention...

"So... you are Ethan Perius?" I asked him...

"Ah, the famous red eye... Nicolas Maxwell... please, go... I don't want any interaction with a demon..." he said with disgusted eye...

"I challenge you to a duel!" I said loudly...

And everyone is looking at me...

I don't have to give a second thought about who is hurting Nate... there is no other person than him...

Even some of the teacher is here...

Waiting for Ethan's response...

"Fine... after the dinner..." he said...

"7 PM... I hope the son of the king won't run away!" I said that loudly...

If I say it out loud, he won't be able to run... or else, he will break his own reputation...

And now he looked a bit pissed off...

"I won't!" he said

Then... everything is going according to plan...

"Hey! A match between the King's son and the Archduke's son!"

"The demon against the human!"

"Ethan-sama! You are the hope for humanity!"

People start cheering at him...

Just have your fun for now... and you will embarrass for the next 6 years...

After talking to him, I went straight back to the nursery room...

In front of it, I see Euclio, Precilla and Roxane...

"A duel huh?" Roxane asked...

I looked at Euclio...

And he shook his head...

"You see, the news has spread already..." Precilla said

I walk straight toward here and the news has spread? Just how can news spread so fast...

But that is a good thing

"Then, that's great... I am gonna beat him and make a trauma for him..." I said

"You see, Nico could be scary sometimes..." Euclio said...

"Of course! He beat my brother on the very first day? Just what does he want?!" I said

And the door to the nursery room opened...

The nurse I knew come out from the room...

"H-How is Nate?" I asked her..

"He is okay now... but there is someone hurt him, right?" she asked me...

I nodded...

"Go, check your brother..." the nurse said...

"Thanks..." I said and enter the nursery room...

I found Nate with Santa...

"N-Nate!!" I called him and then I hug him...

"A-Are you okay now?" I asked him

"N-Nisan! You are heavy!" he complained and I released the hug...

I see his forehead is being bandaged... also his hand...

"Ethen Perius?" I asked him

And he nodded...

"Why don't you fight back?" I asked him

I know that he could beat him to pulp if he wants...

"You see... I will hurt Tousan's pride..." he said

And now I feel like I am the worst brother in the world...

I taught him not to fight back...

"Your brother is a good boy..." Santa said...

"H-He is..." I said..

I was about to cry... but...

"T-Thank you..." Nate said...

W-Why does he thanked me...

"For worrying me..." Nate said with a smile...

T-This boy!! And I believe my tears has dropped already...

"When will you be able to leave?" I asked him... While wiping my tears

"Maybe before dinner, the nurse said" Nate said...

"Then... you will watch my duel against that Ethan!" I said...

And Nate's and Santa's face showed a surprised reaction...

"Y-You challenged him? I thought we shouldn't fight back..." Nate said

"You see, duel is a fair match... so it is okay to challenge someone... just don't attack him out of a sudden..." I told my brother how to duel...

He needs to defend himself...

And someone came to the room...

It's the girl that invited him to the student council...

"Oh my! What happened to you Nate!" the girl said in surprised...

"Ahh... sorry, I couldn't attempt the meeting..." Nate said...

"T-That's not a problem... there will be a lot of meeting if you want to come!" she said...

I truly misjudged her...

I thought that she is scheming Nate...

"S-Sorry..." I said to her...

"Ehh? What for?" she asked...

"You know... for misjudging you... I thought you scheme Nate..." I said

"Oohh... that's why you come to the meeting room in rage..." she said...

I nodded...

"No problem... I can undestand the situation... if my brother is beaten up like that, I would probably did the same thing..." she said

S-She is so understanding...

"M-My name is Nicolas Maxwell... and I am Nate's brother..." I said

And she chuckled...

"Of course,... everyone knows that! I am Serena, a second-year regular student..." she said

Another boy came...

"Ah, Nate! So here you are! I am looking for you!" a boy said

He has a blonde hair... and quite a neat outfit...

"L-Leon! I was looking for you too..." Nate said

"Are you okay?" he asked...

"Y-Yeah... I guess everything is okay now..." Nate said

"Yep, everything is under Nicolas control..." Santa said...

And the boy looked at me

"F-Forgive my rudeness... I am Leon Aerios...a first-year special class student..." he said and sound nervous...

So... he is the boy that Nate talked about... Nate keep saying that Leon is a good guy... but I guess he is...

"Don't worry, my name is Nicolas Maxwell... a second-year special class student... I hope we get along..." I said while smiling...

"Yes! I will do my best!" he said nervously...

Uhh... do what?

And why he keeps shaking? Did I look scary?

"Ah, and my name is Euclio, Euclio Qiteron... Nicolas's friend!" Euclio introduced himself...

"And I am Precilla... nice to meet both of you! Serena and Leon!" Precilla said

"You can call me Roxane! And I am a third-year regular class student... let's be friend!" Roxane said...

Both of them nodded...

And all of us talked about stupid things... also I talked about Nate and he looks shy...

His shyness makes us laughed...

"Thanks Nate..." I said to him...

"W-What for?" he asked me...

"For defending me all the time..." I said

"N-No problem! We are brother after all.." he said while facing away...

His face turns red!

And everyone laughed...

We talked until it's time for dinner...

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