《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 8 - Ethan Perius


After Santa left, the six of us went to Mess Hall...

I carried Nate behind me... giving him a piggyback...

Everyone was watching us... but I don't care... since I have a lot of friend that keeps me busy, forgetting that people around us is actually judging us...

So, the 7 of us are Me, Nate, Euclio, Precilla, Roxane, Leon and Serena...

Leon and Serena is not the believer of the Mera Sect...

While Leon is actually the believer of other sect.... Tensei Sect...

Tensei Sect is a believe where the reincarnated person from other world will come to this world and save this world...

Most of Human Race believe in Mera Sect, while Dragon Race believe in Tensei Sect

And I am a reincarnated person... so, am I related to Tensei Sect? But I won't tell anyone except Nathalia...

The one who taught us is Leon... so he has no problem of me with having a red eyes...

Also, while Mera Sect held every Barrier Magic book... Tensei Sect held every Nullification Magic Book...

And unlike Mera Sect, Tensei Sect share their book to the King... since the King hold the absolute order... the church is under the King...

While Perius Kingdom have it different... the church stand by itself, also each nobles... but during the war, we should send troops to the king...

"So... how's your plan for the duel?" Precilla asked...

We are eating our dinner right now...

"Plan? Beat him up until he is traumatize for touching Nate..." I said

"T-That's too much..." Nate said

"That's the least thing I can do..." I said to Nate...

"Make him afraid so he won't find any trouble with you..." Euclio said...

"Yep, that's the plan... I'm gonna be serious this time..." I said

Nate, Euclio, Precilla, and Roxane looks afraid of me now...

"Uhh... what's with the face?" I asked them

"We never seen you this serious..." Euclio said...

D-Did I never been this serious?

But I guess so... they can hurt me... but if they hurt my brother, I will fight back... not fight... I'm gonna beat them up...

I scratched my head...

Then I face Nate...

"You should take a rest..." I said to Nate...

And he looks troubled...

"What? Of course no! I want to see you fight seriously...." Nate said while smiling...

"But... you need rest..." I said...

"Yeah, after the duel..." Nate said

"I think its okay... we will be seating together... if anything happen, we will be there for Nate..." Euclio said

He is truly a good friend!

"Hmmm I think it is okay if all if you are there..." I said

Then a boy come toward our table... he whispered Serena... and

"Thanks..." Serena said to the boy... and the boy left...

All of us are now looking at Serena...

"I received an intel..." Serena said...

I-Intel?! Is she an agent or something?

All of us with our serious expression are listening her...

"Ethan Perius is a swordsman... and he is an Intermediate Tier..." She said...

And all of us let a sigh...

"H-How can you know?" Roxane asked...

"You see... I am in the student council... I have eyes and ears even mouths everywhere..." Serena said with a smile...

"What's your swordsmanship level?" Serena asked me out of a sudden

"I am an Advance Sword Wielder..." I said...

"Then, you have the advantage in swordsmanship and magic..." she said cheerfully...

I nodded...

"But don't let your guard down..." Precilla said...


"Okay... let's just finished our food so that I can prepare myself..." I said

We finished our dinner and I still got 30 minutes before the duel...

The 7 of us went to the duel arena...

And what happened is that we see hundreds of people are ready to watch the duel...

"You sure don't want to lose this duel..." Euclio said worriedly...

"Yeah... but all I know is, I am doing the right thing..." I siad

I see Ethan Perius was there too... sitting on a bench preparing his armor...

"That is a beautiful armor..." Euclio praised Ethan's armor...

"Still... it is useless against me..." I said with quite arrogant way...

"Hey hey... don't underestimating your enemy..." Roxane reminded me...

"Y-Yeah... sorry... you see... I am still mad at him..." I said

I looked at Nate's wound...

He never get any wound until today... even after practicing, Nate never got hurt this badly...

"D-Don't mind me Nisan..." Nate said while smiling...

H-He can even smile...

This boy is too kind... I just wanted to protect my brother... that is my promise I made when I enter this new world... I don't want bad things happen to any of my siblings...

"Ah, let me dress up..." I said and move to the toilet...

I guess everyone is staring at each other confusedly...

"Did you ever seen him using any armor?" Precilla asked Nate...

Nate shook his head...

"He never use any armor... just his casual cloth and his..." before Nate finished his sentence... I came out...

With my pajamas...

"Pajamas..." Nate continues

"A-Are you insane!?" Precilla said...

"What do you mean?" I asked...

"You will piss him off! Which is a good idea!" Euclio said

"I know right!" I said... with a smile...

"Just don't do more stupid things than this..." Precilla said...

"Okay... okay..." I said

"Hey... use this sword..." Euclio give me his sword while winking...

"You sure?" I asked...

"No problem for my mate... just try to make him super pissed off for me... that will be my reward..." Euclio said

I nodded

And when the long needle pointer of the clock at 12... it is 7 PM...

I enter the duel arena... and everyone looked at me with their jaws drop to the floor

Including Ethan Perius... he looked speechless...

I hear laughed behind me...

I looked back and it's Euclio...

He gives me a thumb while laughing... I think he is quite satisfied looking at Ethan's face...

"Hey! I give you another chance to wear your armor" Ethan said...

"Armor? What for? You won't be able to touch me..." I said

And everyone 'Boo' on me...

"That is underestimating!"

"He is truly a demon!"

"Long live man! Defeat the demon!"

"Is an Archduke' son act like that?"

When I heard someone talking about my Dad... I am quite pissed off...

Then I shouted...

"Is a King's son, the prince can freely do anything in this school? Like bullying my brother?" I said loudly...

And everyone went quite...

"You see... I am not underestimating... but, I know my own capabilities..." I said

Ethan looked super pissed off... he even ready to attack me anytime...

A judge come forward... it is not any of my friends... neither his... maybe from the audiences...

"The game is over when one side admit surrender, or can't fight anymore... both of you agree and ready?" he asked both of us... we nodded...

"Then... it startss NOW!" he shouted...


I activated my magic...

'Create Fire...'

'Create Wat...'

Before I finish summoning my magic... he come closer to me... and attack my side...

Wow... he is pretty smart...

Mage should be attacked when they are preparing their magic...

But his move is easily read... I was practicing with Rueger... which is 10x faster...

He is not an Ares Style user... so his attack is a bit messed up... I found an opportunity and I won't let go... I kicked him far enough...

'Create Water...'

'Create Wind..'


He come forward me again...

When he rush forward toward me, he use his big shield, and was about to knock me using the shield to my head... but I crouched and kicked him far enough... and he fell to the floor...

Isn't it too easy? I guess I don't even need a sword...

I throw my sword to the floor... and I see everyone's face pissed off... not only Ethan...

But Ethan's face is unexceptional... and I hear Euclio's laughed behind me... he always be my morale booster

'Create Earth'

'Create Light...'

Now I am ready...

"You see... I won't move now... if you touch me... I give you a win..." I said

The distance between Ethan and I are around 10m

And he can't be more pissed of than he is right now...

He rushed toward me... but...


I pushed him back with the wind I created...

It takes a minute before he could move forward a bit...

"Ah.. you see... that is only 20% of my Wind power..." I said

When he reached closer... I increase the output and bring him to its initial position...

I yawned during the match... and everyone is looking at me with their judging eyes... which is I don't care...

"Give up?" I asked...

Still no answer... but he is trying hard to fight the wind...

I admired his hard work...

"You see... we could be friend... but you choose not to... if you do this to my brother or any of my friend... I could do worse..." I said while he is struggling...

Somewhat in my heart telling me to stop torturing him... I guess I am torturing him too much...

I plan to end this... so I increase the power up to 50%

And he flew and knocked the wall...

I think the wall cracked... but thankfully, he is still conscious...

"T-The winner is Nicolas Maxwell..." the judge said...

No applauds... just a judging eyes.., but Euclio is different...

"Yeahh! That's great!" he shouted

I walked toward my friend...

But before I leave the arena...

"Your father is a great man... he is kind... but I am quite disappointed with his son..." I said loudly...

"Booo!" a person shouted...

And I pointed my hand at him...

"Wanna fight?" I asked... with a smile...

He trembles... and sit back...

I return to my friend...

"Ahh... is that too much?" Leon asked me...

"That is his punishment for picking a fight againts my brother... and any of you..." I said

Leon then looks happy...

It seems that he is happy to be one of us...

"Hey... I think I told you not to do more stupid thing..." Precilla said

"D-Did I do something bad?" I asked...

And Euclio laughed...

"You see.. I am so proud of you Nico... I have no mistake in borrowing you my sword..." he said while laughing...

"You don't even use your sword!" Serena praised me...

"You see... I think he is a Valeon Style user... which is mean, a bad attacker but great defense..." I said...

"H-Hey! Not everyone like that! It's just that he is so bad!" Precilla defended herself... and she forgot that we are still in the duel arena's room... which makes her voice could be heard by the hundreds of people...

And Euclio laughed again...

"Uhh this boy never stop laughing!" Roxane said and hit Euclio's head...

And Euclio shout in pain...

"Hey! What's that for?" he asked...

"To make you stop..." Roxane said...

Everyone laughed...

"Hey! Let's go to the mess hall... I will treat all of you!" Leon said...

"W-What? For real?!" I asked...

I am quite hungry after the fight...

"Yep... but I guess nothing heavy... since we just had our dinner... How about ice cream!" Leon said

"Okay!" we all shouted...

Then all of us went to the Mess Hall... I carried Nate while we are walking...

I was behind the other... so we could talk...

"Thanks... Nisan..." Nate said to me... while he put his head on my shoulder...

"Sorry Nate... that is the least I can do..." I said to him...

"N-No... that is more than enough!" Nate said...

"You see... if anyone finds trouble with you... just challenge it in a duel... it is a fair match, you can hit them whenever you want..." I said and he nodded...

"I should have been there...I should have accompanied you and this won't happened to you..." I said... but no response...

"N-Nate?" I called him but then he snores...

T-This boy...

"Hey... I will be meeting you on the Mess Hall... I'll let Nate sleep first..." I said

"Okay..." Euclio said

I walk toward my room... which took like 2 minutes... unlock the door, and put Nate on my bed...

This Nate sleep like a log... he is not awake when I put him on the bed...

I turned all the light off and locked the door... if something happens, he always can open it from the inside...

I run and met the other in the mess hall... only view people are there...

"Hey Nico! We are here!" Euclio shouted my name...

And everyone now is looking at me...

That boy... knows no shame...

I approached them and Leon give me an ice cream...

"Thankss!" I said happily...

"No problem!" he said...

I sit with them and have a conversation with them...

"Nico! How could you be so strong?" Serena asked in envious way...

"Uhh... you see, Euclio is actually stronger than me..." I said

And Euclio showed a disgusted face...

"What? If you give me the same wind like you did to Ethan, I can't do anything..." Euclio said...

"Yeah! The only way to counter that is either using Barrier Magic, Nullification Magic, or Earth Element..." Leon said...

All of us looked at Leon...

He is pretty smart isn't he...

"Then, Precilla could defeat me... since she knows how to use Barrier Magic..." I said

"W-What? Are you insane? I will run out of mana first before I can touch you..." Precilla said...

"You mean Nico's mana is not normal?" Leon asked...

And both Roxane and Precilla nodded...

"R-Really? I don't notice that..." I said...

"Let me asked something... just how many percent of your power to make Ethan flew?" Precilla asked...

"I guess only half?" I said

And everyone looked surprised...

"You see... that is not normal..." Euclio joined...

"I-Is it?" I asked again and this time everyone nodded...

"I once saw a mage training in my Kingdom... 5 mages were needed to push someone back..." Leon explained...

"And you pushed him using only half of your strength? Just what are you?" Precilla asked me...

"Also, Ethan is fully armored and a Valeon Style user, which is great in defense..." Roxane continued

"Maybe I am a demon..." I said and everyone laughed...

I am happy that no one takes my joke seriously... since I actually doubt myself whether I am human or a real demon...

"You see, you are not a demon... a demon who will fight for his brother after his brother got hurt... that is so human right?" Precilla said and everyone nodded...

"T-Thanks guys... that means a lot to me..." I said...

I believe they are truly are my friends...

"Ah, before it is too late... we got a briefing class tomorrow morning at 8! Let's head back and take a rest..." Roxane said...

"That is true... and Nicolas... can you tell Nate that we will have a meeting before lunch in the student council room?" Serena asked me...

"Sure... no problem..." I said

This time, I'm gonna accompany him until he reached the meeting room...

We all split to two... the boys to the boy's dorm, and the girl to the girl's dorm...

"Hey, Leon... could you do me a favor..." I asked him...

"Umm I will do what I can.." he said

"Can you be Nate's friend... I mean like-"

"Like Nico and I!" Euclio continues my sentence while putting his hand on my shoulder

"Don't worry... we are pretty close... also, I haven't known anyone else besides you guys..." Leon said...

"Just tell me if you have trouble okay?" I said...

"Hey Nico... You are too worrie" Euclio said...

"Am I?" I asked

"Yeah... Nate is strong you know..." Euclio said...

"T-That is true... ah.. please forget what I just said.." I said to Leon...

"D-Don't worry... I actually admired your friendship! I hope I found a friend like you guys..." he said...

"I see... also, Nate can protect you if someone find troubles with you... You see, he is an Expert Spear bearer..." I said

And Leon looked amazed...

"T-That's makes him a good rival!" he said


I looked at Euclio... and he looked at me back...

"And what's your swordsmanship level?" Euclio asked Leon...

"I am an Expert Sword Wielder..." Leon said with a smile...

And both Nate and I looked speechless... the first-year student which has higher tier than the second year student... that is just sad...

"Then both of you makes a good friend!" Euclio said...

And he smiled...

I patted his head and he even smiled more...

I have this feeling when I patted my puppy in my previous world...

Without realizing we arrived at our door...

"What's your room number?" I asked Leon...

"309" he said...

"Mine is 301 and Nate is 302... come to us if you find any trouble..." I said and he nodded...

I unlocked the door and enter my room... and of course... with Eu...

I turn on the room light...

And I just realize that Nate is here...

"Ah... I have to sleep with my brother today..." I said...

"Don't worry... I can sleep on the sofa..." Eu said...

"Hey! You have a room! Why don't you try to use it?" I suggested him

"You see... the room is too big... it is bothering me when I stayed alone in a big room... It's okay... I'll sleep in the living room... like I used to be" Eu said...

I gave up in persuading him to leave my room...

So, I decided to take a bath... and Euclio joined...

After both of us done cleaning ourselves...

We heard a knock on the door...

"Who is that?" I asked Eu whisperingly

"How do I supposed to know?" he answered whisperingly too...

I come toward the door... and another knock heard...

I opened the door and...

"Uhh... you see... I never sleep alone in my life... can I stay here for tonight?" a boy said...

It is Leon...

I let a sigh...

"For tonight? Fine..." I said

His face turned to happy when I accepted...

Then he sees Euclio as well...

"E-Euclio... what are you doing here?" Leon asked Euclio...

"Ah, this is my room as well... welcome!" Eu said with a smile...

"H-Hey! I thought this is your room?" Leon asked me...

"It is my room... but you see, this guy have its own reason and he stayed on my room for the entire year on our first year..." I said

And Euclio showed his smile...

"I-I see..." Leon said...

"Uh... you can sleep with Nate... I will sleep with Euclio in the living room..." I said to him

Since he is Nate's friend, I guess it makes more sense to give him the bedroom... also he is a King's son... the son of Zeon Aerios... king of Dragon Race... I should give him my utmost respect...

"I-If you said so... then I will take it..." he said happily...

I have two long sofas in my living room... so it could fit for Euclio and I...

I set my position to sleep...

"So... we got 2 other new members in this room..." Euclio said happily...

"It's only for today!" I said...

"Awww c'mon... it would be fun if we have more member..." Euclio said

"A-Are you insane? We can't sleep on sofas forever..." I said...

"I can!" Euclio said...

"I can't!" I said and he laughed...

"Let's sleep... we have a class tomorrow morning..." I said...

"Fine... fine..." Euclio said...

And our first day in school ended...

The same like last year... first day started with a duel... I guess that is becoming a tradition...

We then slept like a log... especially Euclio... he traveled from Qiteron Kingdom to this place which takes a lot of time...

And it happens again...

I woke up the first... and the problem is I woke up by myself, without the help of alarm...

I see the clock...

"H-Hey wake up! Everyone wake up!" I shouted from the living room...

"Uhhh what is it Nisan?" Nate asked me while he is opening the bedroom's door...

"It's 10 AM now!!" I shouted...

And Nate just realized that he must attempt the class since we are in school life...

"W-What should we do..." Nate asked in panicked...

"Argh... sleep again..." Euclio said...

"WHAT!?" both Nate and I in unison...

"Hey... the class is over right? Then just check the next schedule..." Euclio asked...

Nate left my room to check his own schedule...

"Our class will be at 3 PM, elemental magic class..." I said

And Nate return to my room... bringing his paper to my room and... stick it next to my schedule...

I looked at Nate and he smiled...

W-What does it even mean?

"I guess we are in the same class..." Leon said from behind us...

"Is it the same schedule with last year's?" Euclio asked me...

"I guess only for the first day..." I said...

"Okay... then wake me up for lunch okay?" Euclio asked me and return to sleep...

"Y-You plan to sleep again?" This time Nate asked the same question like I did last year...

"You see... Euclio come from Qiteron Kingdom... which took almost a week travel... and it tired him... just let him take a rest..." I said to Nate...

Nate nodded...

"How about you Leon?" I asked him... since Dragon continent is further than Qiteron Kingdom...

"I am fine... you see, I travelled by ship... so I could enjoy my travel..." Leon said...

"Uhhh I hope ship can be used underwater..." Euclio said

And we laughed...

We left Euclio so he can take a rest... so we are going to...

"Where are we going?" Nate asked me...

"Let's have breakfast first..." I said and both of them agreed...

We are going to the Mess Hall...

On our way to Mess Hall

Everyone keep looking at us... did I do something bad?

Of course! I just bullied a prince but with a fair duel... so he can't complain...

"Hello!" someone stopped us..

"Serena!" Nate called her...

"Don't forget about the meeting okay Nate..." Serena said...

"W-What meeting?" Nate asked her...

I forgot to tell Nate!!

And Serena stared at me...

I waved my hand while smiling

She let a sigh...

"There will be a student council meeting... and I hope you can participate... it is at 11 AM..." Serena said...

"Ah... sure, I'll be there... on the meeting room right?" Nate asked...

"Yep..." Serena said while nodding...

"Uhh.. can I have a favor..." I asked Serena...

"Hmm, what is it?" Serena asked...

"You see... this boy is a shy boy... but he actually really want to join the student council too..." I said while pushing Leon...

"W-What..." Leon said in panicked

"Sure! We need a lot of people... Then! See you at 11 AM, Nate... Leon..." Serena said and left us...

After she left us, Leon complained

"W-What? I never want to join the student council?!" Leon said to me in quite angry way...

"You see... if I have a class... Euclio will also have a class... and Nate is going on a meeting... what will you do?" I asked him...

"Ughhh fine!" Leon said and he understand what I am trying to say...

He understands quite fast... or maybe he wanted to join as well...

"You see... we will be fine!" Nate said...

"Y-Yeah I know... more importantly, let's eat..." Leon said

We arrived at the mess hall...

I spotted Ethan... eating alone...

T-That is sad...

Now I feel really bad...

"Nisan... let me order a food for you..." Nate said...

"Ah sure..." I said

Nate and Leon left me alone...

I guess I have my own time...

So I decided to...

Come closer toward Ethan, and when he noticed me... he looked scared... but he still acts like nothing...

So, I sit in front of him...

"What?" he asked me... in anger... but also in fear...

Huh... I don't want him to be afraid of me... I just don't want him to bother my brother and friends...

But I guess... his reputation is really drop...

A prince that bully and lose to a demon...

"You see... I am sorry..." I said

And he looked a bit confused...

"For?" he asked...

"Humiliating you..." I answered...

And he stays silent...

I went too far yesterday...

"I never thought you will apologize after I hurt your brother..." Ethan said while smiling...

"You see... it was a 1-1 yesterday... if you search any trouble to my family or my friend... I won't hold back..." I said

And he looks afraid of me again...

"O-Okay... so no more problem okay?" Ethan asked

So... he wants a truce!

"Yep... no problem..." I said

I stand up and about to leave... but...

"W-Where are you going?" he asked me

"Uhh eat?" I said...

"Y-You can sit here if you want..." he said shyly...

"Where are your friends?" I asked him...

He then faced downward but still acting tough...

"No one want to be a friend with a loser prince... and a bully..." Ethan said with flat voice...

I then sit back...

"You see... you think you are the only one having the problem? Everyone.... Almost everyone avoids me because I was born with this stupid eyes..." I said...

He then looked at my eyes...

"But I got good friend... friends where always be there and accept me the way I am... and a family that supports and keep protecting me from danger..." I said...

Then I pointed my hand on him...

"You have to find those kinds of friend if you want to survive in this cruel world... the one that still accept you even you are a loser..." I said...

"That will be your true friend..." I continued

He then faced me...

"You are surprisingly a good guy... unlike what people told me..." Ethan said...

"You see... that's why you should never judge people before you even met and know the person..." I said

"There you are!" Nate shouted after he found me...

"Hey... I never thought you will sit with him..." Leon said in confusion

"D-Don't mind me... I just finished my food..." Ethan said while preparing to leave...

But I hold him...

"You haven't finish your food..." I said

"I-I am full..." Ethan found for an excuse...

"Nope... you should eat your food... there are a lot of hungry person that need food... you shouldn't throw any food..." I said

I learn that from someone last year...

He then sit back...

Nate sit next to Ethan while Leon sit next to me...

"Here you go..." Nate said while giving my food..

"Thanks!" I said...

Then the four of us eat our breakfast...

While eating... Ethan start the conversation...

"Nate..." he called Nate...

"Hmmm?" Nate responded while eating...

"You see... I'm s-"

"No problem..." Nate said and cut his word...

"A-Are you sure?" Ethan asked Nate in surprised...

"Hmmm? Or you prefer me not to forgive you?" Nate asked while smiling

"N-No! That's not what I mean... you see... I have hurt you so bad..." Ethan said while facing down...

"Yeah, but I am okay now... just don't do it again..." Nate said while put his hand on Ethan's shoulder

Oh Nate... you sure has grown...

"Oh my name is Nate... Nate Maxwell... nice to meet you..." Nate said while raise his hand to shake

"Uh ummm my name is Ethan, Ethan Perius... I hope we can be friend..." Ethan said shyly...

"My name is Leon... Leon Aerios! I am Nate's friend!" Leon said...

Ughh I have a feeling that Leon will be Nate's Euclio...

"Ah okay, nice to meet you both!" Ethan said with a smile...

I think he change a bit... Ethan's face is a bit happier now...

"Ah, and this strong guy here is my brother... Nicolas Maxwell..." Nate said with proud...

He then raise his hand... like asking for peace...

I raise my hand to shake his hand...

"Yep... I hope we get along nicely..." I said

And he smiled happily....

"N-Nico?" Roxane came...

"Roxane! Come here! Meet my new friend!" I said loudly to Roxane....

"F-Friend?! You just dueled him yesterday... and you humiliated him that much!" Roxane said...

Ughh did I? I guess I overdid...

Roxane come closer to Ethan... and patted his head...

"Are you okay now? You see... that guy is just protecting his brother... but I guess he overdid and make things worse... I hope you forgive him..." Roxane said to Ethan and pointing her hand on me...

N-Now I look like the bad guy here...

"I-It's okay... some of it are still my mistake..." Ethan said

He is actually pretty good guy... and I didn't do any mistake to approached him...

"Okay! Let me treat you guys some ice cream! I will give two scoop for Ethan as my sorry!" I said

"Okay!!" everyone shouted...

"You sure?" Ethan asked me nervously

"Yeah... for our truce and frienship..." I said...

"If you don't mind..." he said and now he is a happy boy...

Our declaration of friendship is by treating an ice cream... that would works for 11 years old kids...

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