《Legacy of Ennea》Chapter 9 - Tournament


After I treated all of them ice cream, we have a class on the afternoon...

None of our new friend, the first-year special student, which is Nate, Leon and Ethan can use magic...

But Leon and Nate have a crazy skill in swordsmanship... Even Precilla and Roxane position, as the best swordsmanship is defeated by both of them... Nate using his spear, and Leon using his sword...

Ethan? Is actually just a normal boy, with intermediate tier of swordsman... but lately he trained with Leon and Nate...

The three of them are pretty close now... and we found no trouble...

Nate sleeps on his own room... but not Leon... I know since the beginning that Leon is Nate's Euclio... Leon sticks with Nate everyday...

Nate is different compared to me... he is a popular boy...

I am a popular boy as well... but mostly because people hated me... while Nate... everyone like him...

He is an active student, in the student council, also an attractive boy...

Leon is pretty cool as well... and an active student as well since I registered him as a student council as well... although at first, he was mad at me, but now he is a popular boy... you should thank me more...

And thankfully, they still have time to gather with us, Euclio, Precilla, Roxane and I... so after the classes or a meeting, we usually hanged out together, also we practiced every morning as well with Roxane and Ethan

Nate hasn't known yet about Keito-sensei being our grandfather... I never told him since I still want to be alive...

Until one day

We were eating our lunch together and Keito-sensei sit next to us...

"K-Keito-Sensei!" all of us in unison...

It was only Euclio, Nate and I that time... everyone was buying food...

"Ah, it's nice to meet my other grandson..." Keito-sensei said while patting Nate...

"G-Grandson ?" Nate in confusion...

Then Keito-sensei looked at me...

W-What?! He thought I will tell him?! I don't want to die okay!

"H-He hasn't know..." I said...

And Keito-sensei's smile change to nervous face...

"Ah... maybe you should explain it to him..." He said to me while leaving us...

T-That is so irresponsible!

After he left... Nate looked at me...

"What?" I asked him

"I am the one that should be asking... just what have happened?" Nate asked me...

I look around... and everyone is busy with themselves... so it is safe to tell Nate...

Seeing the situation is clear... Euclio told Nate...

"You see, actually your grandpa is still alive..." Euclio explained...

"W-What? But Tousan said that grandpa has died already..." Nate said...

"Apparently... Keito-sensei is our real grandpa... just don't tell anyone, if you don't want to be killed by him okay..." I say with a smile

And Nate looks afraid...

"O-Okay..." he said

And at that night Keito-sensei come to our room... and as usual, every night everyone gathered in my room... including Precilla, Roxane and Serena...

I hear a door knocked...

Everyone becomes quite...

"Hey... I think everyone is here already..." Leon said whisperingly

I stood up from the sofa... and

I come closer to the door

My heart beats real fast when I was openning the door...

And it was...

"K-Keito sensei!" I shouted...

"Uhhh so all of you are in a party... can I talk with you and Nate?" He asked me

I think he wanted to tell things to Nate...

"Nate... come here, we are going out for a while..." I called him

"Okay!" he shouted...


Both of us went outside with Keito-sensei...

We are walking toward his room...

We passed several building and also training ground

As long as we walk, we see people trained... and also some are still in the mess hall...

We then arrive at building F which is for the Teacher dorm... and we move to the third floor....

And we move to the end of the corridor... and see a door...

You can see a number written on the door... '301' it said...

After he unlocked his door, we come inside...

"Please sit..." Keito-sensei said

And I sit... but Nate looks afraid...

"Don't worry..." I said to Nate...

He nodded and sit by my side...

Keito served the tea like he always did... and open his mask in front of Nate...

And Nate looked surprised...

He then looked at my eyes...

"T-That is the same eyes!" he said with surprised voice...

"Yeah, it is... and he is truly our grandpa..." I said

And Keito-sensei nodded...

"B-But how could Tousan lied?" Nate asked me...

I then tell about the story of Navroth, and the spell she used... the Manipulation... and then he reached a conclusion that we never thought...

"Then why Navroth bother our family? Making grandpa died?" Nate asked me

I looked at Keito and he shooked his head as well...

"You see... we don't know everything yet... but, one thing to know, is that we can't tell this to anyone... so far there are You, Euclio and I that knows about this fact..." I said

"Yes... and I guess, you all should leave, before everyone turned suspicious on you guys and me..." Keito said

We left his room and walk back to my room...

And everybody is still inside my room...

"Hey... where have you been with Keito-sensei?" Leon asked...

"He told us...

"That he has an assignment for us..." I continued Nate's words

"Wow... special assignment from the best teacher! That means that he trusted both of you..." Serena said with amazed...

"Yeah! Both of you should be proud!" Precilla said

"Yep it is... and wait... it's 10 pm already... why are you guys still in here?" I asked

Normally, we just spent our time till 9 PM

"Hmmm we are just worried about both of you..." Roxane said

"Yeah, she said things like 'What if Keito-sensei is actually an assassin? And he probably paid for killing the Maxwells'" Euclio said while winking on me

"N-No... of course no... he give us an assignment, because he is my Tousan's friend!" I said after thinking for some excuses...

I guess that is pretty a good excuse...

"Wow... that is great... then, we will be leaving!" Roxane said and she prepared herself...

"Okay, I will be going as well.." Precilla joined

"Hmmm... I guess I need some rest as well..." Serena said...

"Me too..." Ethan said

After everyone left, it's only the four of us... Euclio, Nate, and Leon....

"Hmmm... You see, Euclio has known about Keito-sensei..." I said while looking at Leon...

"I guess you can tell Leon... since it's been more than 5 months... I trusted him..." I said to Nate...

And he nodded...

Then Nate told everything he knows to Leon... and Leon looks like he didn't believe...

"So... if your Tousan thought that Keito-sensei is dead, why don't Keito-sensei just meet your Tousan and explain this story to him?" Leon asked...

"T-That is..."

"There is a probability that Navroth's spy is among them... since Navroth change the life of Maxwell" Euclio said...


"T-That make sense..." Leon said...

"Have you told Nat-"

"Let's call it a day... I am too tired..." I said to cut Euclio's word

"Heh? What did you want to say Eu?" Nate asked

"Ah... Nothing... maybe next time..." Euclio said

"N-No... I want to know it now!" Nate said

I let a sigh...

"It is bad news..." I said

"It's okay..." Nate said

"It will change your life... and mine as well..." I said...

"Yeah, but I really want to know..." Nate in curiosity...

"But... I can't say it..." I said...

This is really sad... I have been with Nate for ten years... and I treat him as my brother... but knowing that he is actually not my real brother is the saddest thing I've heard...

"You want me to tell him?" Euclio asked me...

"N-No... let me... it must be me..." I said

I take a deep breath...

"This is the worst news that I got from this whole life..." I said

And Nate gulped...

I see him hesitating a bit...

But then he determinate himself...

"I am, not your brother..." I said



The clock is ticking...

Everyone didn't move...

Leon's mouth is widely open...

While Nate didn't move at all...

But then,

Nate hugs me....

"So what?" he said

I hugged him back...

"You are always be my brother... even if we are not blood related..." Nate said

"That is true... I hope nothing will change okay?" I said

And he nodded...

"I can still call you with 'Onisan' right?" Nate asked with a smile...

"Of course! I am happy with that!" I said while still hugging him...

After a while... he released his hug from me...

"Nisan! Can I sleep with you tonight?" He asked me

"O-Of course..." I said...

Now I feel like he is using this chance to sleep with me...

This boy...

"Okay! I will take the pillows!" Leon said

"Wait... let me help you..." Nate said

Both then left my room...

And I take a deep breath....

Euclio laughed...

"What?" I asked...

"Nate has grown..." Euclio said

"Yes he is... When I know that I am not belong to the family, I feel really down..." I said

"Yeah, that's suck... That family is great... like the ideal family... but you are still a Maxwell..." Euclio said

"Yeah, that's true..." I said

We slept together that night...

Uhhh I guess we need two bed in this room...

And after 8 months, the school decided to held a tournament...

"So, it will be a 2v2 battle... and you can team up with anyone... please choose your partner and write it on the paper... I had a box ready in Lobby of building A, submit your name and your partner name inside the paper... the latest is today before 6 PM..." Santa said

We are currently gathered in the Assembly Room...

"Huh... this is troublesome... is it a must?" I asked

"And this is a mandatory..." Santa said while facing me...

Everyone direct their eyes on me...

Ughh?! He can listen my complaint?!

Then Euclio laughed...

After Santa finished talking, we leave the room...

"Eu, wanna be my partner?" I asked him out

"Nope?" he said

"W-What?!" I said with panicked voice

Then he laughed...

"Y-You are joking, right?" I asked him

"Of course! Who else want to paired up with you beside me..." He said...

"W-What?! Then! Let me find my own partner!" I said

I left Euclio

"Hey! If you don't find any, treat me dinner okay?" He said

"Fine! But I will got one...."

After an hour...

Ughh Nate with Leon, while Roxane is going to do it with Precilla...

Ethan also had another friend...

Serena is a popular girl, everyone wanted to be her partner as well...

I returned to my room and...

I see a boy with wicked smile...

I let a sigh...

"Fine... be my partner..." I said

"Of course!" he said

We write our name on a piece of paper and we decided to go to the lobby

We see everyone busy with the tournament thing...

I-Is it really that important?

Some of them even discussing their strategy...

When we arrived at the lobby

We see a box... and we put the paper with our name inside...

"I think, we will win the tournament..." Euclio said

"Yeah, I leave it to you..." I said...

"W-What?! Of course, no! We have to do it together!" Eu said...

The next day, we gather in the assembly room back... and the announcement of the matches... the first year, second year, third year, and fourth year joined the tournament...

"So... we fight against a fourth-year regular class student..." Euclio said

"When?" I asked

"2 days from now..." Eu said

"H-Hey! We are going to fight today!" Roxane said with sparkling eyes...

"Yes! I thought we are going to watch this whole day... that would be boring...." Precilla said

"How about you Nate?" I asked Nate...

"Tomorrow, Against the first-year regular class student..." He said quite dissapointed...

Ugghh if you want, you can take my enemy as well...

We moved to the Duel Arena... and watched the fight...

It is mostly a fight between swordsmanship... but sometimes, there are some people uses witchcraft... and when they fight using magic, it become a really interesting match... like people began to shout...

The next battle... I feel the room is a bit louder...

I know that Roxane and Precilla is going to fight... but fight who?

"Now.. it's Roxane and Precilla against Ethan Perius and Ed!" Santa shouted

"Hey! It's Roxane and Precilla's turn!" Serena said

"Hmmm who is that guy..." Euclio said

Euclio pointed at the boy next to Ethan...

"Ed?" I asked

"Yeah, he is pretty close with that guy... he is some kind of bodyguard from the Royal Palace..." Nate explained...

"Oooo I see..." I said

I looked at Ed...

"He looks familiar..." I said

"Hmmm? You mean his face?" Nate asked...

"Hmmm his face looks like you?" Euclio said in confusion

"T-That is actually true... but not his eyes" Nate said

"Begin!" Santa shouted

And the battle begin...

"I guess the winner has been decided then..." Leon said

"Hmmm?" I asked...

"Yeah, don't you think Precilla and Roxane would be the winner?" Euclio said

"But you see... Ethan is a hardworking boy... he reached advance level in this past few months..." I said

"And so does Precilla and Roxane, they are Advance Tier as well... how about the other guy?" Euclio asked and...

A white spherical light appeared behind Ed...

"He is a mage!?!" we all said in unison

"T-That is Holy Element!" I shouted

And everyone looked amazed...

What surprised me is that he can cast magic without staff nor wand... and it is a voiceless too...

So far, the only person who can do that is... me

I see both Precilla and Roxane looked surprised

But Roxane, without wasting any more time, she moved and attack Ed... when she swung her sword, Ethan block it with his shield...

So... Roxane will be fighting Ethan... both are at the same level, Advance Tier...

Next is Precilla... she moved and tried to attack Ed... but then he use his Holy Magic...


He created a flashbang and make Precilla blind temporarily...

And he moved behind Precilla... it was a high agility he has there... since he moved really fast

Before directing an attack to Precilla, she had recovered first...

After she noticed that Ed was gone, she looked at her back and she use her shield to block the attack launched by Ed...

Then Ed moved back a bit...

Ethan is still against Roxane... he successfully blocked every attack...

"T-This is an intense match for the first round..." Nate said...

"That Ed guy is really amazing..." Euclio said with amazed voice

Ed move forward to attack Precilla...

He then unsheathed his sword...

"He is nisan..." Nate said

"Yep... he is Nico" Euclio said

"No complain here..." Leon said

T-These guy...

He is a mage, but at the same time, a swordsman...

When Precilla swung her sword... he dodged it and give it a counter attack...

Based on my observation, he uses the Maxim Style as well...

Then he make all of us amazed again...

He summons another spherical light... it's the green one...

H-He can use two elements?

I know that I can use 5, but two is considered rare as well...

[WIND] Ed uses...

Ed pushed Precilla back using his wind magic...

But, while pushing Precilla back, Roxane jump and swung her sword in the air toward Ed...

Ed didn't see it coming

But Ethan greatly fulfill his job...

He used his shield to hold Roxane's attack and knock Roxane to Precilla place...

Both of them are now in the same position and about to lose since they almost leave the arena...

But then...

"BARRIER MAGIC!" Precilla used and the wind effect doesn't reached them...

But I sense that Ed has a lot of mana... he doesn't look tired at all...

He then gives more power to his [WIND], what I did to Ethan...

I see a crack on Precilla's barrier...

What can both of them do in this condition...

I guess this is it...

Roxane and Precilla raised their hand and the match is settled...

"Ethan Perius and Ed win!" Santa said deciding the winner...

Everyone gives a big applauds on the match...

I am entertained... and I believe everyone entertained as well...

I see both team handshaked... and Precilla with Roxane left the aren...

After a minute, they join us to watch the next battle...

Both drop their swords and a sigh...

"That is hard!!" Precilla said

"Yeah! But it was fun!" Roxane said while smiling...

No one here expect they would lose on the first round...

"Both of you okay? No wound?" I asked

And both of them nodded their head...

"That was a great battle! You guys did a great job" Euclio praised them with a smile...

"Yeah, it's just our opponent is stronger than us..." Precilla said

That is true... That Ed is strong...

Wind Magic... is a continous magic, which is a bit hard for Barrier Magic to hold... if a [WATER SHOT] or [FIREBALL] were shot rather than [WIND], Barrier Magic could stop them...

"He looks like nisan..." Nate said

Nate keeps saying that words...

And now everyone looked at me...

"Yeah, a mage and a swordsman as well..." Leon continues...

"Hmmm, that is actually true... I get this vibe like I was actually fighting Nico... but he is stronger? Or maybe since he is fighting seriously... Since Nico never fight me seriously..." Precilla said with his suspicious eyes...

"Umm you see, if it is a training, I won't fight seriously okay..." I explained...

"Yeah, don't worry, we get it..." Precilla said while laughing...

"But Ethan definitely improved a lot! He is now on the same level with us..." Roxane said after she fought Ethan...

"Yeah, both of them actually can fight till the final... I guess it will be our enemy!" Euclio said to me...

"Hey! Don't forget about us!" Nate said with annoyed face

"You guys will be facing him soon, right?" I asked Nate and Leon...

Both nodded...

"Yeah, we are on group B and they are on group A... maybe on the quarter final..." Leon said

"Good... then you have times to think about it..." I said

"About?" Nate asked...

"How to fight the Wind Element..." I said

And everyone stay silence...

The problem is still unsolved

We left the Arena since it is getting boring...

It is actually forbidden but we did it with some excuses...

A day has passed and it's Nate and Leon's turn...

But it went too easy...

Actually, everyone was waiting for this match, but difference is too much...

Nate give a heavy swing with his spear and make one guy lost conscious... while the other one just got kick by Leon and out of the arena's line...

"You see... it's not even 10 seconds..." I said to Eu while watching...

"Urgh I think it will be hard facing them..." Euclio said

"You just realized that?!" I said in annoyed voice

And we also enjoy a fight of Karl Klorze... the boy who is so proud of his Dad...

Seeing his fight, I think he is actually pretty good... but he lost against Precilla right?

"Hey Nico..." Precilla called me...

"What?" I asked

"Shouldn't you be worried about your match?" Precilla asked...

"Hmmm why?" I asked

Euclio looks uninterested too...

"You guys are going to fight the fourth-year special class champion you know..." Precilla reminded me...

"Champion?!" I said in panicked...

"Who is it?" Roxane asked...

"Noc Avom and Navael..." Precilla said

"W-What?!?" Both Euclio and I in unison....

"Umm wait... who are they?" I asked

"Ughh I thought you know them..." Euclio said

"Ah, I just think that I have heard those name..." I said

Precilla and Roxane looked speechless...

"B-Both of you sure are hopeless!" Precilla said while hit her own forehead...

"They are the last two years winner..." Roxane explained...

Now both of us looked speechless...

"You remember him? The guy that can use 3 elements is Noc Avom... and the other guy which is the elven race, using a shield and spear is Navael..." Precilla said

Navael... isn't he the guy that admired Tousan really much

"I think I remember him, he is the one that admired my Tousan right?" I asked

And Precilla nodded...

"The freak?" Euclio asked me

I nodded...

"T-That is rude..." Roxane said and pinched both of our cheeks

"Iahm Sohwryy" Both of us in unison

And she released both of us...

"You should practice more..." Precilla looked at us with worried face...

"Okay, okay... we will practice after today's tournament..." I said

"No... we need strategy..." Euclio said with serious face...

And all of us looked at him confusedly...

"Ughh what's with that face? You looks scary..." I said...

"We need to win! That is why we need good strategy..." Euclio said

And all of us looked speechless...

Since when he is able to hold his serious face this long...

"What are the elements Noc Avom able to use?" Euclio asked Precilla...

"Uhh Fire, Wind and Earth..." Precilla said in confused...

"Then, Nico, you will counter everything he summon, if he use Fire, counter it with Water... and use your flashbang to disable them..." Euclio said...

"O-Okay... Okay" I said and calmed him down...

But I can't calm him down...

"Ah, then, he can't use Water magic? So Fire magic will be Noc's weakness..." Euclio said

"T-That is true..." I said

E-Euclio is so excited...

While talking, Nate and Leon come to us...

"Hello..." Nate greeted us...

"Welcome back! Great job you did there!" I praised him... and ignores Euclio

"Ah... it was nothing..." Nate said in quite disappointed voice...

"Next match should be harder... don't worry..." I said while patting his head...

"Nico! Will you use your secret move?" Euclio asked me... and he make me to be the central attention...

"M-Me? Of course! If it is needed..." I said

"Then! I will use it too!" Euclio said with a smile...

And now everyone looked curious...

"What are you guys talking about?" Leon asked...

"So... they have been planning how to defeat their enemies tomorrow..." Precilla said

"They can just beat him to bulp easily..." Nate said

"Nope... they are fighting the last two years champion..." Roxane said...

"T-That's great!!" Both of them in unison...

"Ugh... take my opponent if you want..." I said

"N-No! We should fight them!" Euclio said seriously

I never see Euclio this serious...

"Fine... I will win the match... just tell me later okay why is it you want it so badly..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

"Fighting you is what I really want! Nisan!" Nate said changing the topic...

"R-Really? I think you have won multiple of times..." I said

"But you aren't serious right..." he said with suspicious eyes...

"T-That is quite serious you know..." I said

"And you don't even use your magic..." Nate complain

And I can't even defend myself...

After watching several fights, night comes...

I am currently in my room with Euclio...

"Why do you want to win so badly?" I asked Euclio...

Euclio is laying himself in the sofa...

He let a sigh...

"I just want to prove that you are strong, so that no one ever hurt you or your brother anymore..." Euclio said

Then I looked speechless...

H-He do this for me?!

"N-Not only that... but people have a high expectation already to both of us... I just don't like to let people down..." Euclio said

"T-That is true..." I agreed with Euclio's argument...

"So... you are going to use it?" Euclio asked...

"Yeah, and you will use it too right?" I asked

He nodded...

"Fighting against a spear wielder... what will you do?" I asked him...

"Keep a close range..." Euclio said

"But, he used shield..." I said

"That's why I have two swords..." Euclio said

"He can knock you back anytime he want..." I said

"Don't worry... I uses my instinct during a fight..." Euclio said

"I thought you are the strategy type..." I said

Euclio is actually pretty a well organized boy... he plan everything ahead...

"Yeah, but situation could changes really fast... that is why we need to develop our instinct as well..." Euclio said

"Fine... Let's do this!" I said in quite excited way...

"Okay!" Euclio responded...

We discussed some of the strategy before we went to bed...

The next day...

Both of us do our morning training with Nate, Leon and Roxane as usual...

Nate joined since we usually do our morning exercise as well, when we are still in the mansion

Then we eat our breakfast with Leon and Precilla...

Ethan come to us sometimes... but sometimes he is still practicing...

The things that we don't notice is that he is actually a hard-working boy...

He trained with this boy called Ed... and he is actually pretty good...

After eating our breakfast... we enter the duel arena...

We have to split up with the other, since we are going to fight...

"Do your best!" Nate encourage both of us...

"Yep! We will!" I said

Both of us left them...

And we joined the waiting room...

"Wow... there are pretty a lot of people today..." Euclio said...

"I think there are no difference between today and yesterday..." I said

"There is one difference!" a boy voice heard behind me...

I turn back and see an elven boy...

"Navael..." I said...

"Wow... I am surprised you still remember my name..." Navael said happily...

"What is the difference?" Euclio asked...

"You see... the King is watching..." Navael said

"WHAT?!?" Both of us in unison....

"And it seems they are actually waiting for our battle..." Navael said

T-This is become troublesome...

"Y-You mean King Ethen right?" Euclio asked...

And Navael nodded...

"And it seems your Dad is here as well" Navael said to me...

He looks really... happy... and I believe he will go all out...

"....." I can't say anything...

"Then! Let's do our best!" Euclio said to me and Navael...

"Of course! We will do our best as well..." Navael said

Then he left us...

We waited our turn for around 2 hours... and finally

"Finally! The most waited match of the day! Nicolas Maxwell and Euclio Qiteron.... against Noc Avom and Navael!" Santa shouted...

And the audience become really loud...

"E-Euclio... I feel nervous now..." I said to him

"N-Nico! Stay strong! We have to prove to your Tousan that you have grown!" Euclio said

"T-That is true... but the crowd is too much..." I said

"Ughh!! You are a boy! Let's go!" Euclio said and pulled my hand...

We left the waiting room and enter the arena....

I feel every eyes are on me...

It's a different feeling, usually people are judging me... but this time, they are expecting us...

T-That is worse!!

I set my stance... also I borrowed Leon's sword... since he doesn't mind... also he has the best sword around...

I looked at the audience....

"T-There are a lot!" I said

"Don't looked at them! Just keep focus!" Euclio said

"O-Okay!" I direct my view to the opponents in front of me...

I see Noc Avom... holding his staff...

And Navael with his spear and shield

I nodded to Santa means we are ready..

"The battle begin!!" Santa shouted...

'Create Earth'

I then created a prison... but the process takes too long so both of them are able to evade it... but my plan is not actually to imprisoned them... but to split them to two...

Noc move to the right while Navael move to the left...

I created a wall between both of them which is high enough, so that it can't be climb...

And then I hear the audience cheers at our battle...

"Now!" I shouted to Euclio and he moved forward...

'Create... Wind...'

Whille Euclio move forward and start getting closer to Noc... while I will push Navael out from the line...

I use [WIND] to push Navael back...

But Noc use his Wind Magic as well and pushed Euclio back... but Euclio could use Barrier Magic that will buy us some times..

Last night, we revised the plan... I will push Navael out of the line... then both of us will deal with Noc...

It is a success... so far....

Navael was almost out of the line by my wind... but then... he suddenly move forward slowly... towards me...

"N-Noc is using his wind magic to push Navael as welll!" Euclio shouted... from the other side

"Can you go?" I asked Euclio from the other side

We can't see each other because of the wall I created

"Not with this wind..." Euclio shouted...

"Then... I guess we have to use our second plan..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

Both of us return to our initial position...

While Noc undo my [WALL] so that they could stick together...

I used barrier magic for both of us, to hold the wind while also using my wind magic to stop them from advancing...

I see Noc has summoned a brown spherical light...

He then created a wall to protect both of them from the wind

Creating a [WALL] means...

They can't see us, right?

"I guess I have another plan..." I said to Euclio

I still activate my Wind Magic so they won't undo their wall...

Euclio moved near to Noc's [WALL] and give me a thumb...

I use my earth magic to undo his earth magic...

Now the wall is descending....

When the wall is undone... Euclio immediately launch a sneaky attack toward Noc...

But Navael blocked his attack and pushed Euclio back...

While both of them are fighting... I throw fire toward Noc...

He then uses his wind magic... and now the fire is turning to my direction...

But then I created a wall...

The fires were put out by the wall I created...

I undone my [WALL] and prepare for the next attack...

I then now shot Water Magic on him... so that he has to summoned a wall like I do...

When he summoned the wall... I help Euclio...

"Euclio!" I shouted his name and...

He faced me... and I created a flashbang in front of Navael's face....


"AGHH!!" Navael shouted...

Noc undone his wall and sees his friend disabled...

Euclio was about to attacked him but then blocked by the wall Noc created...

But, with that Noc is defenseless...

Euclio move and change his target to attack Noc...

But Noc summon fire to attack Euclio...

"Euclio!!" I shouted...

I can use water magic... but it will be too late, since I am more than 10 meters away...

But then Euclio's swords turn to blue and extinguish the fire...

I see water flows through his sword... but they are not falling from the sword... like the sword as its central gravity...

I-Is that Elemental Fighter Magic? This is my first time seeing it as well...

After seeing his magic has been nullified... Noc uses other magic... which is Wind Magic... but I draw a barrier in front of Noc's face using my hand... and a barrier appeared in front of Noc's face...

Magic has no effect as long you hide behind it... only physical attack does...

Euclio then swung his sword toward Noc... but...

Euclio was kicked by Navael from behind...

He has recovered....

Then Euclio returned to my side...

The audience is cheering...

"This will be hard..." I said

"I didn't expect it will be this hard..." Euclio said

If we attack the Noc... Navael will protect him...

But if we attack Navael... can Noc defend Navael?

"Let's try to attack Navael together..." I said

And Euclio nodded...

Both of us move forward...

"Look behind!" I said to Eu...


Then I summon another flashbang in front of Noc... so Noc can't help Navael...

Euclio jump up high... and used his blade to attack above Noc's head...

Euclio aim for Noc since he know that Navael will protect Noc...

Navael block the attack using his shield...

I decided to help Euclio in close combat...

But then I push him back by kicking him...

And he was almost out of the line....

"One more time!" I shouted and Euclio nodded...

But when we run toward Navael... and earth magic was summoned...

A wall blocking us...

"Now!" Euclio shouted...


I created a prison for Navael...

And both of us changed our target...

A prison made of earth magic... it blocks every side so that Navael can't help Noc...

While Euclio take care of Noc...

Noc can't undo my prison since he is busy with Euclio...

And now it's 2 v 1

I help Euclio...

I unsheathed my sword... and while Noc parrying Euclio's attack with his staff... he did not noticed me...

When he noticed me, it was a bit late...

I throw his staff using the sword I borrowed from Leon...

And Euclio's sword is beside Noc's neck...

It is finally over...

"I-I give up..." Noc said

"The winner is Nicolas Maxwell and Euclio Qiteron!" Santa announced

And the crowd is cheering us...

All of them stood up from the bench and give us a big applauds...

I am very happy...

I never felt this accepted in my life...

I guess I cried a bit...

I wipe my tears

Euclio surround my shoulder with his arm... while his other hand was raised up to the sky...

The crowd become a lot louder now...

And Noc come towards me...

He extended his hand to me...

I grab his hand and we shake our hands...

"You are strong..." Noc said to me with a smile...

"And so does both of you... I never fight a battle this hard..." I said

And he looked surprised...

"Yeah, me too... it was the best match I have ever fight..." Noc said

He looks happy...

"Ummm... can someone let me out..." A voice from behind a wall...

"Ups..." I forgot to undone the wall after the fight...

I undone the wall and now we can see Navael sitting down on the floor...

Euclio come toward him...and help him stand up...

"Your attack was so powerful!" Navael praised Euclio...

"But still... your defense is impenetrable" Euclio praised Navael...

I then direct my view toward the audience...

I see Leon, Precilla, Roxane, Ethan, Serena and Nate... and one more girl...

"N-Nathalia?" I said it

Then I searched for the other of my family member...

"Hey! Your Tousan is here! So... he just watched us?!" Navael said excitedly

"T-Tousan?!" I asked

Navael pointed his hand and I spotted him

He is talking with Euclio's Dad...

"Your Tousan is here as well..." I said to Euclio...

"Yeah... let's go.." Euclio asked me to join him

I never thought fighting 2v2 is actually a lot more fun than 1v1...

We both left the battle arena and I feel the best battle I ever experienced...

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